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Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 12192024/Asildu Accompanies Drakes to Crossing
Asildu Accompanies Drakes to Crossing |
Event Date: 12/19/2024 |
Event Instance: Prime |
It has been 451 years, 133 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Amber Phoenix.
Drakes Approach
Silhouetted against the dawn sky, you notice a large cluster of drakes amassing to the west of Zoluren, hovering above the mountains to the west of the clans. They appear to be slowly making their way toward the Crossing.
[General] Your mind hears Casari thinking, "It looks like drakes are flying toward the Crossing from the west."
[General] Your mind hears Darkewolff thinking, "Zoluren, mind your travels."
[General] Your mind hears Couri thinking, "we need a banner in the courtyard if'n anyone can do that"
[General] Your mind hears Couri thinking, "Courtyard bein attacked need triage"
[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "How funny are you all feeling tonight?"
[General] Your mind hears Casari thinking, "Knock knock."
[General] Your mind hears Couri thinking, "I were feelin quote ebullient"
The drakes crest the walls of the Crossing! The mass of flying bodies darkens the city, blotting out the sunrise, leaving the streets in darkness.
[General] Your mind hears Vakrlyndi thinking, "Excellent usage, five points."
[General] Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "Asildu is by the ne gate crossing"
[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Forming up outside Empath Guild."
Asildu Arrives
[The Crossing, Boar Alley]
This quaint alley connects Magen Road to the south and Firulf Vista to the north. An ornately carved building with an ancient wooden door is set back from the curb. You would hardly stop and give it a second glance, except that the windows on the second story all seem to glow with soft, pulsating hues that cycle through the colors of the spectrum. You also see a white dog and a grizzled old war veteran.
You see Primal Memory Keeper Asildu, Avenger of the Spires, a Herald-marked Scholar resembling no known mortal species.
Asildu has a misshapen crag of a face, twisted with thick vines that cover barely-visible moss-green eyes. His nose is twisted and covered by spindly fibrous roots. A wreath of shoulder-length tangled overgrowth covers his head. His skin is encased in a tangle of twigs, vines, and moss that cling to rough-hewn stone features.
Asildu is of middle-age for a Human.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head in his right hand.
He is wearing a carved jade dragon with gold-inset eyes, a cambrinth dragon charm, a linen tunic layered under a leather vest, a scholar's satchel, some amber linen pants and a pair of distressed leather shoes.
Casari says to Asildu, "Please call them back."
Asildu raises an eyebrow.
The white dog sits down.
Casari says, "There's really no need for innocent people to die."
Asildu says to Casari, "That's what I was saying before, but no one listened."
Casari says, "People listened. Not everyone, but you couldn't expect everyone."
Asildu asks Casari, "I expected more than one percent. Well, maybe it was more like two?"
[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Anyone have a sighting on the drakes? None left at courtyward."
Casari says, "It has to start somewhere. Both sets of gods are behaving improperly, and most people are more familiar with one set than the other."
[General] Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "right outside empaths"
Asildu says to Casari, "This wasn't a matter of familiarity."
Asildu says, "They just didn't want to stop their sorcery."
Casari says, "It's true. Some people were never going to stop, and those people won't stop no matter what proof exists."
Asildu says to Casari, "Yet they convinced others to not stop. They convinced others it was acceptable to murder me."
Asildu says, "They convinced others to take up the disgusting practice."
[General] Your mind hears Teeklah thinking, "Plant at the pond"
Asildu says, "They accused me of atrocities I had no power to enact."
Casari says, "It's difficult for most people to accept that the Immortals might not be doing the right thing, and people want someone to blame when they don't understand."
[General] Your mind hears Leilanie thinking, "Should we gather triage in the Blue Area?"
The pristine drake sweeps its tail along the ground near her talons. A fiery glow begins building.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Casari.
[General] Your mind hears Admoos thinking, "anyone got a group ffightingthese i can join?"
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
Asildu says, "Maybe people should learn to use logic."
Casari nods emphatically.
Asildu asks, "Perhaps a bit of reasoning?"
Asildu says, "Intelligence is a lost art."
Casari says, "Yes. They should. As should the Heralds and the Immortals."
The pristine drake begins to advance on Casari.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Casari.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Casari.
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
Asildu says, "I am what the power has made me. My life belongs to the Heralds."
Casari frowns.
Asildu manages to evade Crobin's bottle of naphtha, leaping nimbly out of the way! With a sudden *POP* the bottle of naphtha shatters harmlessly against the cobble.
Asildu does an impressive display of agility with his stick, moving with an effortless elegance.
Casari says, "I think who you were is still there, and I think you want what's good for everyone as much as I do."
Asildu manages to intervene with his subdermal keratosis to block the hurled bottle of naphtha!
A town guard ambles north.
Crobin leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Trying inexpertly, Crobin thrusts a telothian serrated parazonium at Asildu. Asildu evades, barely twisting out of harm's reach.
Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Crobin!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Crobin's chest!
You catch sight of Crobin as he approaches Asildu from behind with a determined expression. After getting into position, he suddenly strikes, catching Asildu by surprise and landing a solid blow to the back of his skull.
Crobin leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
Moving well, Crobin thrusts a telothian serrated parazonium at Asildu. Asildu attempts to dodge. The parazonium lands a grazing (0/23) strike to his right arm!
Asildu says to Crobin, "Oh, it's you."
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Crobin!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Crobin's left leg!
Asildu says, "I thought I heard a gnat."
Asildu manages to evade Crobin's bottle of naphtha, leaping nimbly out of the way! With a sudden *POP* the bottle of naphtha shatters harmlessly against the cobble.
You catch sight of Crobin as he approaches Asildu from behind with a determined expression. After getting into position, he suddenly strikes, catching Asildu by surprise and landing a solid blow to the back of his skull. Asildu seems stunned by the impact, wincing and shaking him head repeatedly.
The saline lattice around Asildu's right arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Crobin leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Crobin thrusts a telothian serrated parazonium at Asildu. Asildu evades, barely stepping to one side.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Crobin!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Crobin's right leg!
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Crobin.
Crobin leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Crobin thrusts a telothian serrated parazonium at Asildu. Asildu evades, stepping aside in the nick of time.
Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Crobin!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Crobin's right arm!
Crobin slips out of the shadows behind Asildu! Displaying controlled ferocity, he draws back before smoothly slicing Asildu's leg with swift and elegant precision.
Asildu asks Casari, "Do you see what I mean?"
Crobin leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Trying poorly, Crobin thrusts a telothian serrated parazonium at Asildu. Asildu dodges, barely twisting out of harm's reach.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Crobin!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Crobin's right arm!
A town guard walks in, glancing about with a false look of boredom on her face.
Casari frowns.
Crobin leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Trying poorly, Crobin thrusts a telothian serrated parazonium at Asildu. Asildu evades, barely managing to get out of the way.
Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Crobin!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Crobin's right arm!
The pristine drake begins to advance on Casari.
Asildu manages to evade Crobin's bottle of naphtha, leaping nimbly out of the way! With a sudden *POP* the bottle of naphtha shatters harmlessly against the cobble.
Casari asks, "You're at the front of an army of drakes. What do you expect?"
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Casari.
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
Crobin leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
Moving well, Crobin thrusts a telothian serrated parazonium at Asildu. Asildu attempts to dodge. The parazonium lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his back!
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Crobin!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Crobin's left hand!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Crobin!
Crobin's ka'hurst shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his left eye forcing him to blink away frozen tears.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
You catch sight of Crobin as he approaches Asildu from behind with a determined expression. After getting into position, he suddenly strikes, catching Asildu by surprise and landing a solid blow to the back of his skull.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Crobin.
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
Sir Madigan just arrived, leading his group.
You notice as a black dog pads into the area.
The black dog begins to watch the goings on carefully.
Madigan begins to advance on Asildu.
A flaring crimson vessel slowly moves to Warbrolus's side then sits rigidly in space where it stops.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Madigan's axe lands a harmless (0/23) blow to Asildu's chest.
The hurling axe lands at Madigan's feet.
Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!
Illiya waves to Asildu.
Madigan closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Aerilia begins to advance on Asildu.
Dantia touches Warbrolus with a confident grace.
Madigan closes to melee range on Asildu.
Asildu begins chanting in a low tone, the whispered words crackling from his lips. Slowly, he raises his voice, and as he does so you can feel the faint stirrings of warm winds caress your body as a flurry of rapidly melting snowflakes form about him.
The hurling axe lands nearby!
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!
Crobin slips out of the shadows behind Asildu! One hand extends toward a bottle of naphtha as it shatters against Asildu's left hand. With a precise sweep upwards, Crobin swings a telothian serrated parazonium just short of hitting Asildu, sounding out a curious "clink" as the parazonium passes. A resounding "WHOOMPH" follows the adept movements as the naphtha soaking Asildu's left hand suddenly ignites.
Asildu does an impressive display of agility with his stick, a look of determination etched in his features.
Urbaj puts his whip in his war belt.
Urbaj snaps a copper Kronar at Asildu!
Whiff! The copper coin sails cleanly by Asildu and is lost.
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Warbrolus speaks a few words of righteousness in Truffenyi's name.
Suddenly, Warbrolus's voice is amplified tenfold as it echoes off to the distance, punctuated by a loud rallying call!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
Madigan's axe flickers sunny-yellow, lacerating with various sharpened short fragments and lands a harmless (0/23) strike to Asildu's right arm.
The hurling axe lands at Madigan's feet.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
The saline lattice around Asildu's chest rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Asildu briefly spreads his arms outward as his chanting intensifies.
You wince as a black dog barks loudly at a pristine drake.
The pristine drake is enraged by Warbrolus's attack!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that scratches the left elbow.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!
Asildu grows flushed as he segues to the new verse of his song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a vicious strike (13/23) to Avoxies's chest!
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger's upper thorax!
Illiya's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Illiya's left leg!
Illiya does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Sofina is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Sofina's abdomen!
Crobin is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Crobin's abdomen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to Aerilia's right leg!
Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.
Asildu says, "And, here we go."
Madigan deftly slings a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield onto his left arm in one graceful movement.
Madigan draws forth a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt.
Aerilia presses her palm against the vessel, causing crimson light to flare around her.
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Casari sighs.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's back!
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Casari.
Crobin leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
Crobin's parazonium lands a glancing (0/23) blow to Asildu's back.
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Crobin!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Crobin's left arm!
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's abdomen!
Aerilia works carefully at tending her wounded right leg.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Madigan's zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a grazing (0/23) strike to Asildu's chest.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!
You catch sight of Crobin as he approaches Asildu from behind with a determined expression. After getting into position, he suddenly strikes, catching Asildu by surprise and landing a solid blow to the back of his skull.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Crobin.
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that ruptures the artery under the left bicep, severely stunning her.
The Imperial spear lodges itself deeply into the pristine drake!
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Crobin bursts into flames!
Aerilia bursts into flames!
Valynn bursts into flames!
Avoxies bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Urbaj bursts into flames!
Warbrolus bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Sofina bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Crobin is stunned!
Aerilia is stunned!
Valynn is stunned!
Avoxies is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Urbaj is stunned!
Warbrolus is stunned!
Madigan is stunned!
Sofina is stunned!
Casari is stunned!
Valynn shakes off her stun!
Aerilia shakes off her stun!
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Illiya slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Illiya shakes off the stun.
Madigan shakes off his stun!
Dantia tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Dantia shakes off the stun.
Dantia says, "Roll to put out your flames."
The white dog pads off.
Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived.
Warbrolus shakes off his stun!
Danger Wizard Dasheek strolls south.
Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
A stunned Casari slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Casari shakes off the stun.
A stunned Zfora slowly tips over, falling on her face!
A stunned Sofina slowly tips over, falling on her face!
A stunned Urbaj slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Urbaj shakes off the stun.
A stunned Avoxies slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Avoxies shakes off the stun.
A stunned Crobin slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Zfora reveals herself!
Zfora seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Sofina reveals herself!
Sofina seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Urbaj seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Avoxies screams in agony and thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Valynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Aerilia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Crobin reveals himself!
Crobin thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Avoxies rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Illiya stands up.
Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived.
Asildu just appeared.
Madigan falls over.
Casari stands back up.
Madigan rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
[General] Your mind hears Yiel thinking, "Lost you when I got set on fire Madigan. Where 's the group?"
Urbaj stands up.
Crobin rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Zfora rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dasheek joins Madigan's group.
You notice as a white dog pads into the area.
Urbaj lies down.
Valynn tries to pull Dantia to her feet, but cannot.
Aerilia falls over.
The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
A bolt glances off Sofina's ceremonial shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Sofina, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her back.
Dasheek deflects a bolt with his demonscale shield!
Crobin deflects a bolt with his ka'hurst shield!
The veil of ice surrounding Aerilia's face shatters with a loud *CRACK* as it absorbs some of the pristine drake's spell pattern.
A bolt glances off Aerilia's target shield, causing a shower of sparks.
A bolt dances along Aerilia's right leg, leaving a jagged trail of painfully burned skin.
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Casari.
Dantia deflects a bolt with her round sipar!
Sofina leaps to her feet!
Dantia continues to roll around frantically.
Aerilia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Avoxies stands up.
Warbrolus lies down.
Warbrolus rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Urbaj rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Madigan continues to roll around frantically.
Sofina goes east.
Crobin continues to roll around frantically.
Dasheek begins to advance on Asildu.
Illiya lays her hand on Dasheek's arm.
Valynn tries to pull Dantia to her feet, but cannot.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Dantia's back!
Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to Aerilia's right leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Urbaj's back!
An ephemeral light glows about Warbrolus.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Warbrolus's right hand!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Casari's head!
Valynn's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Valynn, but she is unharmed.
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Avoxies presses his palm against the vessel, causing crimson light to flare around him.
Warbrolus looks grim, but his wounds seem better.
Madigan continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Warbrolus continues to roll around frantically.
Crobin continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Urbaj continues to roll around frantically.
Aerilia presses her palm against the vessel, causing crimson light to flare around her.
Dantia stands up.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Crobin.
Zfora reveals herself!
Zfora seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Urbaj seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Avoxies screams in agony and runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Valynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Aerilia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Dasheek begins to focus intently on Asildu.
Aerilia continues to roll around frantically.
Warbrolus continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Illiya begins to focus intently on Asildu.
Dasheek closes to melee range on Asildu.
Crobin rolls around on the ground. Typical.
Madigan stands up.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Crobin!
Crobin's ka'hurst shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his right arm leaving the flesh covered in large purple blisters.
Crobin is lightly stunned!
Avoxies lies down.
Asildu shifts his balance as he manuevers for position, moving in time with his song.
Avoxies rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
Aerilia continues to roll around frantically.
Urbaj continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Warbrolus stands up.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Crobin.
Crobin stands up.
[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Boar Alley fighting Asildu."
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Avoxies continues to roll around frantically.
Urbaj stands up.
Dasheek gestures at Asildu.
A bolt of bluish lightning blazes out of the sky toward Asildu!
The bolt harmlessly dissipates against Asildu's body.
Aerilia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Valynn says, "Fall and roll."
Warbrolus moves into position to cover Aerilia from harm.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Dasheek's chest!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to Aerilia's abdomen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a massive strike (11/23) to Avoxies's head!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Urbaj's left eye!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Dantia's right hand!
Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a massive strike (11/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest!
The pristine drake is severely stunned!
Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!
Illiya gestures at Asildu.
A stream of translucent, golden energy shoots from the palm of Illiya's hand towards Asildu!
The stream of energy snakes around Asildu for a moment before suddenly constricting, splashing into him!
Asildu stops suddenly, as if frozen in place.
He looks like he just might fall over!
Zfora seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Avoxies screams in agony and thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Valynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!
The pristine drake is enraged by Warbrolus's attack!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a powerful strike (10/23) that tears the left leg from the socket when the Imperial spear gets jammed between thigh and hip.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Madigan's zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a grazing (0/23) strike to Asildu's chest.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!
Avoxies presses his palm against the vessel, causing crimson light to flare around him.
[General] Your mind hears Dantia thinking, "Outside Gaethrend's"
Zfora lies down.
Zfora rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Avoxies stands up.
Yiel just arrived.
Dasheek sweeps both hands sharply through the air in Asildu's direction.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
Asildu's body is buffeted by a sudden gale.
Madigan retreats from combat.
Avoxies presses his palm against the vessel.
Yiel joins Madigan's group.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Madigan's zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a brushing (0/23) hit to Asildu's left arm.
Aerilia stands up.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's abdomen!
Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his left hand!
The immaculate drake is enraged by Warbrolus's attack!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right hand.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!
Aerilia's spear lands a harmless (0/23) strike to Asildu's right arm.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.
Warbrolus positions himself to intercept Asildu's strike against Aerilia!
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Aerilia!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Aerilia's chest!
Dasheek gets a flame-bladed zweihander with a blade of firestained agonite from inside his thigh bag.
Avoxies goes north.
You hear a male Prydaen voice say, "Need a it of healing pleaase."
The flames dancing along Aerilia's icy spear suddenly extinguish.
An icy mare's-tail with a megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj for its core streaks diagonally across the air, and its contrail frosts an immaculate drake's scaly chest in passing. The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
Dasheek takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Dasheek's attack against him.
Dasheek makes an agile leap towards Asildu, attacking him with a mighty cleave!
Dasheek's flame-bladed zweihander lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest!
Zfora reveals herself!
Zfora seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Valynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Asildu begins to move again, the anesthetic effect having obviously worn off.
Madigan puts his zweihander in his kirmiko pocket.
Madigan sheathes his massive zweihander.
Zfora stands up.
Warbrolus positions himself to intercept Asildu's strike against Aerilia!
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Aerilia!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Aerilia's neck!
Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.
Deep, resonant tones enter Asildu's voice as he raises it in the chorus of his chant, his voice steady and disciplined.
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Darkgaze!
Darkgaze's crimson barrier flares, only partially absorbing the blow.
Darkgaze is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Darkgaze's left arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Valynn's chest!
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Yiel!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Yiel's neck!
Crobin is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to Crobin's left arm!
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger's exoskeleton!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Illiya, but she is unharmed.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!
Dasheek puts his zweihander in his thigh bag.
Warbrolus points a crooked finger at an immaculate drake and garbles an unintelligible curse.
An immaculate drake becomes enraged by Warbrolus's spell!
The air around Madigan solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, collapsing under the force of the attack in a silent cascade of glassy fragments that vanish before reaching the ground.
Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!
Blowing out a tail of light and vapor, a megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj crashes into an immaculate drake's serpentine neck!
Valynn falls over.
Dasheek gets a rockwood bo staff from inside his thigh bag.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Crobin.
Dasheek sidesteps and adjusts his footing while twirling his staff.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Dasheek's attack against him.
Dasheek angles his twirling staff down upon Asildu.
Dasheek's bo staff lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm!
Warbrolus positions himself to intercept Asildu's strike against Aerilia!
An ephemeral light glows about Warbrolus.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Aerilia!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Aerilia's left hand!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Crobin!
Crobin's ka'hurst shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his left arm coating it in soft rime leaving him shivering and severely frostbitten.
Crobin is stunned!
Dasheek puts his staff in his thigh bag.
Whooshing as it falls, a megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj collides squarely with an immaculate drake's scaly back and bursts into flakes of luminescent ice!
Sothios just arrived.
Dasheek gets a dragonwood standard with a goldweave banner from inside his thigh bag.
Aerilia's icy spear suddenly bursts into flames.
Warbrolus lies down.
The icy spear lands nearby!
Lifeblade Larasa just arrived.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Lifeblade Larasa runs south.
Dasheek takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his neck shatter!
Dasheek unleashes his standard to impale Asildu!
Dasheek's dragonwood standard lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's neck!
Aerilia is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around her left arm shatter!
Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Aerilia!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Aerilia's left arm!
Madigan slides a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield off his left arm, gripping it in one hand.
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Crobin.
Warbrolus stands up.
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj falls as a hammer wreathed in streamers of vapor, crashing upon an immaculate drake's scaly chest and clapping it into oblivion! The impact throws her body aside like a toy drake.
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
The immaculate drake is enraged by Warbrolus's attack!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that scratches the left elbow.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!
Dasheek puts his standard in his thigh bag.
The icy spear lands nearby!
Warbrolus positions himself to intercept Asildu's strike against Aerilia!
An ephemeral light glows about Warbrolus.
Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Aerilia!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Aerilia's left arm!
Darkgaze gestures at Asildu.
Darkgaze and Asildu glare at each other for a moment.
Valynn presses her palm against the vessel.
Aerilia's icy spear suddenly bursts into flames.
An icy mare's-tail with a megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj for its core streaks diagonally across the air, and its contrail frosts an immaculate drake's scaly back in passing.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
Yiel gestures at Asildu.
Yiel flicks his wrist, causing tendrils of shadow to extend from his hand. They quickly coalesce into a flying noose aimed at Asildu!
The noose misses completely!
Valynn rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
Dasheek gets a haralun light spear from inside his encompassing shadows.
Forging Guru Sozinho came through an ancient wooden door.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Urbaj's left arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a massive strike (11/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly back!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Illiya, but she is unharmed.
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Darkgaze!
Darkgaze's crimson barrier flares, only partially absorbing the blow.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Darkgaze's right leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Sothios's right leg!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Dasheek, but he is unharmed.
The saline lattice around Asildu's left arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Crobin falls out of hiding!
Dasheek gets a diamondwood nightstick inlaid with cobalt from inside his encompassing shadows.
Whooshing as it falls, a megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj collides squarely with an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen and bursts into flakes of luminescent ice!
Aerilia works carefully at tending her wounded abdomen.
[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "That annoying little twerp is kicking up a ruckus again?"
Dasheek crouches down and draws his weapons close
Dasheek rushes at Asildu, lashing out with his spear!
Dasheek's errant spear results in nothing more than a sharp cling against Asildu's walking stick.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his head shatter!
Dasheek's attack momentum continues with a second strike from his nightstick!
Dasheek's diamondwood nightstick lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's head!
Sozinho whips his meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Crobin!
Crobin's ka'hurst shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his back leaving the flesh covered in large purple blisters.
Brother Harsh just arrived.
Darkgaze begins to focus intently on Asildu.
Crobin stands up.
Asildu runs around in circles as the flames consume his left hand!
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Crobin.
The air around Dasheek solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and intercepts the attack with a shower of coruscating light.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left hand shatter!
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's left hand!
Madigan says, "Careful on the flares."
Aerilia presses her palm against the vessel.
Harsh joins Madigan's group.
Warbrolus points a crooked finger at Asildu and garbles an unintelligible curse.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over Asildu's walking stick.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over Asildu's subdermal keratosis.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over Asildu's linen robe.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over Asildu's subdermal keratosis.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over Asildu's subdermal keratoses.
Crobin says, "COuld I get some healing please."
Sothios begins to advance on Asildu.
Yiel gestures at Asildu.
Yiel and Asildu glare at each other for a moment.
Small, darkly translucent tendrils scour the ground like the roots of a tree crag.
The air around Dasheek solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and throws off bright waves of light as it resists the attack.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's right arm!
Harsh quietly says, "Oh hi."
Valynn winks at Illiya.
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Sozinho bursts into flames!
Aerilia bursts into flames!
Sothios bursts into flames!
Darkgaze bursts into flames!
Yiel bursts into flames!
Dasheek bursts into flames!
Crobin bursts into flames!
Valynn bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Urbaj bursts into flames!
Warbrolus bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Harsh is stunned!
Sozinho is stunned!
Aerilia is stunned!
Sothios is stunned!
Darkgaze is stunned!
Yiel is stunned!
Dasheek is stunned!
Crobin is stunned!
Valynn is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Urbaj is stunned!
Warbrolus is stunned!
Madigan is stunned!
Casari is stunned!
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
A champion champion drake quickly glances at Valynn.
A pristine drake pauses to sniff the air, then calms visibly.
An immaculate drake pauses to sniff the air, then calms visibly.
A pristine drake pauses to sniff the air, then calms visibly.
An immaculate drake pauses to sniff the air, then calms visibly.
A pristine drake pauses to sniff the air, then calms visibly.
An immaculate drake pauses to sniff the air, then calms visibly.
A pristine drake pauses to sniff the air, then calms visibly.
Warbrolus shakes off his stun!
Valynn shakes off her stun!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Crobin!
Crobin's ka'hurst shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his head snap-freezing it under a thick layer of clear ice. The frigid winds pummel at the frozen flesh until it gives way in a spectacular plume of crystallized blood, ice and bone.
* Crobin is slain before your eyes!
Crobin shakes off the stun.
Madigan shakes off his stun!
Aerilia shakes off her stun!
The guard searches the area with a wary eye.
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Illiya slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Silver and white wisps form a luminescent barrier before Harsh.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Harsh's right leg!
Sofina is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Sofina's left arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's dragonlike snout!
The immaculate drake is stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an awesome strike (12/23) to Aerilia's head!
Aerilia falls down!
Aerilia's in shock and dying!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Sozinho's chest!
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Darkgaze!
Darkgaze's crimson barrier flares, only partially absorbing the blow.
Darkgaze is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Darkgaze's abdomen!
Sozinho visibly churns with an inner rage!
You notice a black dog stand back up.
Dantia tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
A stunned Casari slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Casari shakes off the stun.
A stunned Zfora slowly tips over, falling on her face!
A stunned Urbaj slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Urbaj shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dasheek slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Dasheek shakes off the stun.
A stunned Yiel slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Yiel shakes off the stun.
A stunned Darkgaze slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Darkgaze shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sothios slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Sothios shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sozinho slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Sozinho shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sofina slowly tips over, falling on her face!
A stunned Harsh slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Harsh shakes off the stun.
Zfora reveals herself!
Zfora seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Urbaj seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Dantia reveals herself!
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Illiya reveals herself!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Valynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Yiel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Darkgaze thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Sothios seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Aerilia screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume her chest!
Sozinho seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sofina reveals herself!
Sofina thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume her chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
You wince as a white dog barks loudly at a champion champion drake.
Sozinho joins Madigan's group.
Yiel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left arm, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu stumbles.
Illiya touches the tattoo on her arm and closes her eyes in concentration.
Dasheek stands up.
Darkgaze stands up.
Illiya stands up.
Darkgaze gestures at Asildu.
Three brilliant beams descend from the sky and shrink into a tiny point centered on Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
The beams create an impressive cloud of smoke but do no real damage at all.
Sozinho whips his meteor hammer at a champion champion drake. A champion champion drake deftly sidesteps Sozinho's meteor hammer.
Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Sothios stands up.
Urbaj stands up.
Urbaj lies down.
Sofina stands up.
Sofina goes east.
Dantia says, "Roll."
Urbaj rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Harsh stands up.
Wrath's Herald Zynell just arrived.
Yiel continues to roll around frantically.
Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's chest!
Sothios begins to advance on Asildu.
Dasheek puts his nightstick in his encompassing shadows.
Dantia continues to roll around frantically.
Dasheek puts his spear in his encompassing shadows.
The champion drake closes to melee range on Valynn.
Harsh falls over.
Yiel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Harsh rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Urbaj continues to roll around frantically.
Warbrolus thrusts his palm toward Asildu.
A strange thumping noise comes from Asildu's left arm, which then falls limply to his side.
Sozinho lies down.
Dantia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Zynell's silvery-white glow shines brightly like a holy armor.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Zynell's neck!
Illiya's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Illiya's right arm!
Illiya barely seems to feel the wound, despite the injury.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg!
Sothios is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Sothios's left leg!
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Yiel!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Yiel's neck!
Asildu leaps about as he looks for an opening for his stick!
Sothios closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Sozinho rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Darkgaze runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Aerilia screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume her chest!
Sozinho seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a harmless (0/23) blow to Asildu's chest.
The Imperial spear lands at Warbrolus's feet.
Zfora reveals herself!
Zfora seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Urbaj seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Valynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sothios runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Warbrolus!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Warbrolus's chest!
Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Zynell grabs Crobin's body and drags it south with her.
Harsh continues to roll around frantically.
Sothios closes to melee range on Asildu.
Asildu points at Sothios, ruining his attempt to hide.
Urbaj continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Yiel stands up.
Dantia stands up.
The saline lattice around Asildu's left arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Asildu points at Sothios, ruining his attempt to hide.
Dasheek falls over.
[General] Your mind hears Schimmelpeninck thinking, "dammit"
Sozinho lies down.
Dasheek rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Sozinho continues to roll around frantically.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Warbrolus!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Warbrolus's abdomen!
The champion drake is enraged by Madigan's attack!
Madigan's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left leg.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!
Dantia touches Valynn with a confident grace.
Asildu points at Sothios, ruining his attempt to hide.
Asildu regains some movement in his shield arm.
Harsh continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Zfora cackles!
Asildu points at Sothios, ruining his attempt to hide.
Urbaj stands up.
Dasheek continues to roll around frantically.
Asildu points at Sothios, ruining his attempt to hide.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Madigan.
Sozinho lies down.
Sozinho continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Madigan's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's chest.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!
Darkgaze runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Aerilia screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume her chest!
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Harsh stands up.
Darkgaze gestures at a champion champion drake.
A crackling stream of energy flies at a champion champion drake!
A single ugly blister appears in the dead center of her muscular left leg.
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Sothios reveals himself!
Sothios runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Dasheek continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Zfora reveals herself!
Zfora seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Valynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Yiel gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a champion champion drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a glancing (0/23) strike to her scaly abdomen!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a champion champion drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a glancing (0/23) strike to her serpentine neck!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a champion champion drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a glancing (0/23) strike to her muscular left leg!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a solid hit (4/23) to her muscular right leg!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to her scaly abdomen!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the right arm, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers backward.
Asildu drops his voice to a frosty whisper as he reprises the last tones of the chorus once more.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly back!
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Dantia, but she is unharmed.
A shimmering curtain of silver and white light wavers into view to protect Harsh.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Harsh's head!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to Aerilia's left leg!
* Aerilia is slain before your eyes!
The air around Aerilia shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses.
The dull orange glow fades from Aerilia.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger's upper thorax!
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Sozinho whips his meteor hammer at a champion champion drake. A champion champion drake deftly sidesteps Sozinho's meteor hammer.
Sothios leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Sothios!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sothios's chest!
Sothios is lightly stunned!
Madigan's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's left hand.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Madigan!
The slurry splatters against his pavise shield.
A town guard walks in, glancing about with a false look of boredom on her face.
Dantia touches Urbaj with a confident grace.
Dasheek stands up.
Sothios retreats from combat.
Sothios retreats from combat.
Zfora stands up.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Asildu points at Sothios, ruining his attempt to advance unnoticed.
Harsh gestures at a champion champion drake.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward a champion champion drake!
The champion drake's thick-scaled forearm blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes the champion drake in the scaly chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to her.
A champion champion drake staggers and falls backward.
Sozinho crouches for but a heartbeat, and then leaps with the acrobatic grace of a caracal slapping down a bird in flight. From midair he pounces on a champion champion drake!
Sozinho's foot lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.
Sozinho's foot lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's right leg.
Urbaj gestures.
Bright points with luminous tails arise out of the air above Urbaj, flung in descending arcs.
Darkgaze reveals himself!
Darkgaze frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Darkgaze begins to advance on Asildu.
Dantia touches Valynn with a confident grace.
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Sothios frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Sothios stops advancing on Asildu.
Darkgaze stops advancing on Asildu.
Zfora reveals herself!
Zfora seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Valynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
The light about a champion champion drake explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
Madigan's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!
Darkgaze gestures.
Dark cracks interlace themselves across the ground, snaking in rapid succession until they coalesce into a writhing web of living shadows!
Dantia touches Harsh with a confident grace.
Urbaj puts his pasabas in his war belt.
Urbaj gets an electrified goldfyre band capturing a stormfire topaz within a tension setting from inside his silk backpack.
The immaculate drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
Yiel gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a strong hit (6/23) to her scaly abdomen!
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a heavy strike (7/23) to her scaly back!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a solid hit (4/23) to her muscular right leg!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to her scaly back!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a good strike (3/23) to her muscular right leg!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to her scaly chest!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a good strike (3/23) to her scaly chest!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
Urbaj gets a braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle from inside his war belt.
Urbaj puts his band in his silk backpack.
Valynn appears to be aiming at a champion champion drake with her battle longbow.
Dasheek gets a polished silversteel throwing axe sculpted with the lines of an anguished visage from inside his encompassing shadows.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's chest!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Warbrolus.
Urbaj raises his arm, flicks his arm, and makes a WHUH-PSH sound.
Darkgaze works carefully at tending his wounded chest.
The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to an immaculate drake's dragonlike snout!
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Yiel!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Yiel's left eye!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Madigan, but he is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Valynn's head!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's slitted right eye!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's left arm!
Zfora loosens the straps securing her ka'hurst shield and removes it.
Urbaj moves a braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle to his right hand.
Harsh gestures at a champion champion drake.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward a champion champion drake!
The champion drake's thick-scaled forearm blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes the champion drake in the scaly abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to her.
A champion champion drake staggers and falls backward.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's left arm!
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a champion champion drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion champion drake's muscular left leg.
Dantia touches Aerilia with a confident grace.
Madigan begins to focus intently on Asildu.
Asildu shifts his balance as he manuevers for position, a smirk on his face.
Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's left eye!
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a champion champion drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion champion drake's scaly chest.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Warbrolus!
He manages to get out of the way!
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's right arm!
Madigan's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!
Warbrolus joins Madigan's group.
Illiya lays her hand on Harsh's arm.
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj flies by at a tangent to a champion champion drake, icing her scaly back.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's right leg!
Dantia touches Yiel with a confident grace.
Valynn appears to be aiming at Asildu with her battle longbow.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus walks east.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Dasheek's axe lands a harmless (0/23) strike to Asildu's chest.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's abdomen!
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Urbaj takes a step back and readies his whip behind him.
Urbaj begins to advance on a champion champion drake.
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Sozinho whips his meteor hammer at a champion champion drake. The meteor hammer lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion champion drake's scaly chest.
Asildu points at Sothios, ruining his attempt to advance unnoticed.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's right leg!
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus just arrived.
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj flies by at a tangent to a champion champion drake, icing her serpentine neck.
Darkgaze gestures at Asildu.
A crackling stream of energy flies at Asildu!
Asildu intercepts the stream with his subdermal keratosis!
The searing lights fade from around Asildu.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's left arm!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Harsh.
Warbrolus joins Madigan's group.
Madigan's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!
Yiel gestures.
Yiel's watersilk bag emits a loud *snap*.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a heavy strike (7/23) to her scaly chest!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to her serpentine neck!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to her slitted right eye!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to her scaly chest!
The immaculate drake is stunned!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a massive strike (11/23) to her scaly chest!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to her scaly back!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's abdomen!
Sozinho whips his meteor hammer at a champion champion drake. The meteor hammer lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion champion drake's claw-tipped left wing.
Urbaj moves a braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle to his left hand.
Urbaj gets a tenebrous black ka'hurst pasabas with a shadowleaf-wrapped hilt from inside his war belt.
Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's back!
Sothios retreats from combat.
Sothios retreats from combat.
Urbaj puts his whip in his war belt.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Dasheek's attack against him.
Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
Urbaj closes to pole weapon range on a champion champion drake.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his neck shatter!
Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's neck!
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj flies by at a tangent to a champion champion drake, icing her dragonlike snout.
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.
Madigan rebukes Asildu with his pavise shield.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
Waves of dull golden light emit from the shield which crash over Asildu.
The first wave passes harmlessly over Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left eye shatter!
The second wave passes harmlessly over Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his head shatter!
The third wave passes harmlessly over Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
The fourth wave passes harmlessly over Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
The final wave passes harmlessly over Asildu.
Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.
Sozinho bull-rushes at a champion champion drake. Passing by, he backhands the champion drake to the ground.
The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen!
The arcing electricity along the immaculate drake's tail ceases.
An immaculate drake suddenly looks rather less content with life in general.
The swirling confines of malevolent darkness wane from about an immaculate drake.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger's spindly rear leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to Valynn's back!
* Valynn is slain before your eyes!
The dull orange glow fades from Valynn.
The faint emerald glow surrounding Valynn fades away.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Zfora's abdomen!
Sothios is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Sothios's left arm!
Illiya's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Illiya's head!
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's left arm!
Urbaj closes to melee range on a champion champion drake.
The web of shadows emits a high-pitched whine. Its mad thrashing momentarily resolves into an emerging pattern of straight lines and geometric shapes that threaten to engulf everything in its reach!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Harsh!
Silver and white wisps form a luminescent barrier before Harsh.
Harsh's smokewhorl shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his head leaving the flesh reddened and raw.
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.
Dantia touches Sozinho with a confident grace.
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj flies by at a tangent to a champion champion drake, icing her scaly back.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his neck shatter!
Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's neck!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right leg.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's left leg!
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger flits away.
Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Harsh!
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left hand.
A champion champion drake lands a light hit (1/23) to Sozinho's right arm.
A flaring crimson vessel slowly moves to Warbrolus's side then sits rigidly in space where it stops.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Harsh.
Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's left arm!
Dasheek assesses his combat situation.
Sothios goes south.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
The ray diffuses into an errant flash of light as it strikes his subdermal keratosis.
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.
Madigan's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's left leg.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!
Yiel gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to her scaly chest!
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
An immaculate drake suddenly looks rather less content with life in general.
The swirling confines of malevolent darkness wane from about an immaculate drake.
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a heavy strike (7/23) to her scaly chest!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a heavy strike (7/23) to her muscular left leg!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a strong hit (6/23) to her muscular left leg!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a strong hit (6/23) to his scaly abdomen!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj flies by at a tangent to a champion champion drake, icing her scaly abdomen.
Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's abdomen!
Warbrolus presses his palm against the vessel.
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's head!
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.
Warbrolus presses his palm against the vessel.
Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.
[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "It's the drakes, isn't it"
A town guard ambles north.
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.
Darkgaze gestures at Asildu.
A crackling stream of energy flies at Asildu!
Asildu manages to get out of the way of the stream!
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.
Dantia touches Valynn with a confident grace.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's left arm!
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj flies by at a tangent to a champion champion drake, icing her slitted right eye.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's abdomen!
The saline lattice around Asildu's chest rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Illiya lays her hand on Valynn's arm.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Harsh!
A silver glow blooms around Harsh, laced with strands of white brilliance.
Harsh's smokewhorl shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his abdomen leaving the flesh reddened and raw.
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.
[General] Your mind hears Comfrin thinking, "banner in the courtyard now"
Yiel gestures.
A shaft of intense white light leaps into being in Yiel's left hand and coalesces into a long narrow moonblade of glossy blue-white diamond-hard metal.
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Dasheek's axe lands a harmless (0/23) strike to Asildu's chest.
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.
Sozinho bull-rushes at a champion champion drake, flattening her with a weighty shoulder strike.
The saline lattice around Asildu's left leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's left arm!
Sozinho throws his head back and lets out a high-pitched roar, seemingly filled with battle madness.
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.
Yiel thrusts his blue-white moonblade above his head and closes his eyes.
The blue-white moonblade turns bright as a miniature sun before exploding into a cloud of blue-white slivers!
The slivers drift about for a moment, then begin to orbit his head.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's chest!
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers backward.
Dasheek lowers his shoulders and steadies his weapon.
Dasheek makes an agile leap towards Asildu, attacking him with a mighty cleave!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Dasheek's throwing axe.
Tear Reaper Tambellis just arrived.
Sozinho lowers his head briefly before unleashing a roar hinting at a fatal following.
The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
The swirling confines of malevolent darkness wane from about a pristine drake.
Illiya's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to Illiya's abdomen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Casari's left eye!
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Darkgaze!
Darkgaze's crimson barrier flares, only partially absorbing the blow.
Darkgaze is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Darkgaze's right leg!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Warbrolus, but he is unharmed.
Dantia says, "Casari, stand."
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's chest!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Dasheek's attack against him.
Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's chest!
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Tambellis bursts into flames!
Valynn bursts into flames!
Warbrolus bursts into flames!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Sozinho bursts into flames!
Aerilia bursts into flames!
Darkgaze bursts into flames!
Yiel bursts into flames!
Dasheek bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Urbaj bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Tambellis is stunned!
Valynn is stunned!
Warbrolus is stunned!
Harsh is stunned!
Sozinho is stunned!
Aerilia is stunned!
Darkgaze is stunned!
Yiel is stunned!
Dasheek is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Urbaj is stunned!
Madigan is stunned!
Casari is stunned!
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's left arm!
The champion drake begins to advance on Sozinho.
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Illiya slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Illiya shakes off the stun.
Warbrolus shakes off his stun!
A champion champion drake lands a light hit (1/23) to Sozinho's abdomen.
Dantia tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Dantia shakes off the stun.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Warbrolus.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Yiel.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Casari.
Madigan shakes off his stun!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Urbaj.
Wrath's Herald Zynell just arrived.
The champion drake closes to pole weapon range on Sozinho.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Harsh.
Tambellis hardens her stance and bellows a defiant decry against oppression!
Darkgaze reveals himself!
Darkgaze screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Yiel screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Dasheek screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Casari shakes off the stun.
A stunned Urbaj slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Urbaj shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dasheek slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Dasheek shakes off the stun.
A stunned Yiel slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Yiel shakes off the stun.
A stunned Darkgaze slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Darkgaze shakes off the stun.
Aerilia shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sozinho slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Sozinho shakes off the stun.
A stunned Harsh slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Harsh shakes off the stun.
Valynn shakes off the stun.
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Urbaj seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Illiya leaps to her feet!
Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right hand.
With a wave of Illiya's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier.
Madigan chants in a bass voice:
"You need to make sure and drop and roll or those flames are going to kill you."
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's right leg!
Harsh stands up.
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's neck.
Darkgaze stands up.
Dasheek stands up.
Yiel gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's neck.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Dasheek's axe flickers midnight-blue, erupting with a handful of jagged bladed splinters and lands a brushing (0/23) hit to Asildu's chest.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's chest!
Asildu grows flushed as he segues to the new verse of his song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about him.
Silver and white wisps form a luminescent barrier before Zynell.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Zynell's chest!
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Darkgaze!
Darkgaze's crimson barrier flares, only partially absorbing the blow.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Darkgaze's right eye!
A brilliant argent glow flares against the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Harsh's neck!
Dasheek's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Dantia's left eye!
Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Yiel!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Yiel's left leg!
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Madigan begins to advance on Asildu.
Zynell grabs Valynn's body and drags it south with her.
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Asildu flexes his left arm with a sigh of relief.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Urbaj!
Gossamer light skips across the arch of Urbaj's blue crystal shell.
Urbaj's triangular sipar is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his left leg leaving the flesh reddened and raw.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Dasheek's attack against him.
Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
Dantia continues to roll around frantically.
[General] Your mind hears Vendelt thinking, "he sicced? succ? drakes upon the crossing, yes."
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's chest!
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
The ray diffuses into an errant flash of light as it strikes his subdermal keratosis.
Casari stands back up.
Yiel stands up.
Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Dasheek's back!
Madigan closes to melee range on Asildu.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's walking stick.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's subdermal keratosis.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's linen robe.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's subdermal keratosis.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's subdermal keratoses.
Madigan says, "Come here Asildu."
Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.
Dasheek's axe lands a grazing (0/23) blow to Asildu's chest.
Urbaj leaps to his feet!
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's chest!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Urbaj.
The champion drake growls deeply, like distant thunder rolling across the heavens, but remains trapped within the webs that bind her.
Urbaj retreats from combat.
The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
Madigan's axe shines sunny-yellow, erupting with countless denticulated blade projections and lands an ineffective (0/23) strike to Asildu's right leg.
The hurling axe lands at Madigan's feet.
Urbaj retreats from combat.
A grizzled old war veteran confidently strides into the room.
Stellar Statistician Urbaj strolls east.
Dantia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Dasheek falls over.
The air around Madigan solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and intercepts the attack with a shower of coruscating light.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!
Dasheek rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Tear Reaper Tambellis goes south.
Darkgaze works carefully at tending his wounded right leg.
Darkgaze reveals himself!
Darkgaze frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Yiel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Casari seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The searing lights fade from around Asildu.
Dantia stands up.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the back, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu stumbles.
Dasheek continues to roll around frantically.
Darkgaze falls over.
The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!
Darkgaze rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Dantia touches Warbrolus with a confident grace.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Sozinho bull-rushes at a champion champion drake, flattening her with a weighty shoulder strike.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to Warbrolus's back!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over a champion champion drake, but she is unharmed.
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Darkgaze!
Darkgaze's crimson barrier flares, only partially absorbing the blow.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a massive strike (11/23) to Darkgaze's right leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen!
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest!
Dasheek continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Darkgaze continues to roll around frantically.
Warbrolus looks grim, but his wounds seem better.
Dantia touches Sozinho with a confident grace.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the back, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers backward.
Warbrolus lies down.
Warbrolus rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Illiya lays her hand on Harsh's arm.
Dasheek rolls around on the ground. Typical.
Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.
Dasheek stands up.
Yiel runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
The web of shadows falls deceptively still, only to bloom with a new layer of knotted strands that threaten to engulf everything in its reach!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus continues to roll around frantically.
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Madigan draws forth a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt.
Sozinho begins to advance on Asildu.
The saline lattice around Asildu's chest rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Madigan deftly slings a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield onto his left arm in one graceful movement.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the right leg, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Dantia touches Yiel with a confident grace.
[General] Your mind hears Riton thinking, "Elore, are you around Crossing?"
Darkgaze stands up.
Darkgaze gestures at Asildu.
Darkgaze and Asildu glare at each other for a moment.
You see Primal Memory Keeper Asildu, Avenger of the Spires, a Herald-marked Scholar resembling no known mortal species.
Asildu has a misshapen crag of a face, twisted with thick vines that cover barely-visible moss-green eyes. His nose is twisted and covered by spindly fibrous roots. A wreath of shoulder-length tangled overgrowth covers his head. His skin is encased in a tangle of twigs, vines, and moss that cling to rough-hewn stone features.
Asildu is of middle-age for a Human.
His left hand is on fire.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head in his right hand.
He is wearing a carved jade dragon with gold-inset eyes, a cambrinth dragon charm, a linen tunic layered under a leather vest, a scholar's satchel, some amber linen pants and a pair of distressed leather shoes.
Sozinho sheathes his meteor hammer.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Warbrolus.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's left arm!
Sozinho closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Dasheek's axe lands a brushing (0/23) hit to Asildu's chest.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Warbrolus continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!
Asildu stands up.
Madigan grabs hold of Asildu in a tight grip.
Urbaj gestures at Asildu with a flamboyant upstroke.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to Madigan's abdomen!
Dasheek's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to a pristine drake's scaly back!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Sozinho's left leg!
Sozinho closes to melee range on Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Dasheek's attack against him.
Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
The old war veteran mumbles quietly to himself.
Sozinho gets a tyrium cutlass from inside his marblesilk baldric.
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's abdomen!
Bluntmaster Darkgaze limps south.
Dantia touches Urbaj with a confident grace.
Yiel regards Asildu with an incisive, calculating look.
Glinting lines weave chaotically in midair, growing brighter with each intersection until a net of burning ultramarine bars unfurls and passes through Asildu.
Dasheek gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
Asildu shivers as a layer of frost covers his body!
Yiel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Madigan grunts, unable to budge in Asildu's iron grip.
Warbrolus stands up.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right hand shatter!
Dasheek's axe lands a brushing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right hand.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's abdomen!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Sozinho seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Asildu stands up.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left arm, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Urbaj joins Madigan's group.
Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left hand shatter!
Madigan's zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a harmless (0/23) blow to Asildu's left hand.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!
Warbrolus points a crooked finger at Asildu and garbles an unintelligible curse.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over Asildu's walking stick.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over Asildu's subdermal keratosis.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over Asildu's linen robe.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over Asildu's subdermal keratosis.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over Asildu's subdermal keratoses.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
Sozinho rushes at Asildu, lashing out with his cutlass!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's abdomen!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
Sozinho's attack momentum continues with a second strike from his cutlass!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left leg!
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
Dasheek's axe lands a brushing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right leg.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Dasheek is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's right arm!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Warbrolus!
An ephemeral light glows about Warbrolus.
Warbrolus's damite sipar is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his chest leaving the flesh reddened and raw.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Dasheek's attack against him.
Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Madigan puts his zweihander in his kirmiko pocket.
Madigan sheathes his massive zweihander.
Madigan lowers his shoulders and steadies his weapon.
Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan attempts to cleave through Asildu with his zweihander!
Madigan's massive zweihander lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen!
Warbrolus touches the tattoo on his neck and closes his eyes in concentration.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Dasheek!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Dasheek's back!
Sozinho lowers his shoulders and steadies his weapon.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sozinho's attack against him.
Sozinho dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with a mighty cleave!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen!
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Urbaj bursts into flames!
Warbrolus bursts into flames!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Sozinho bursts into flames!
Aerilia bursts into flames!
Yiel bursts into flames!
Dasheek bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Urbaj is stunned!
Warbrolus is stunned!
Harsh is stunned!
Sozinho is stunned!
Aerilia is stunned!
Yiel is stunned!
Dasheek is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Madigan is stunned!
Casari is stunned!
Dantia tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Dantia shakes off the stun.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Illiya slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Illiya shakes off the stun.
The saline lattice around Asildu's chest rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Asildu stands up.
Madigan shakes off his stun!
Warbrolus shakes off his stun!
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Yiel!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Yiel's back!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over an immaculate drake, but he is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to a champion champion drake's muscular right leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen!
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
The pristine drake swiftly bounds in, energy crackling along his tail.
The veteran drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The veteran drake begins to advance on Dantia.
Dantia says, "Keep rolling, every time."
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Tear Reaper Tambellis just arrived.
A stunned Casari slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Casari shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dasheek slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Dasheek shakes off the stun.
A stunned Yiel slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Yiel shakes off the stun.
Aerilia shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sozinho slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Sozinho shakes off the stun.
A stunned Harsh slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Harsh shakes off the stun.
A stunned Urbaj slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Urbaj shakes off the stun.
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Yiel thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Urbaj seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Yiel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Illiya stands up.
The saline lattice around Asildu's left leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
Madigan sheathes his massive zweihander.
Warbrolus gestures at Asildu.
Madigan draws forth a hefty diamondwood tanbo with blunt indurium tips.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Warbrolus.
The saline lattice around Dasheek's right arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu dodges aside.
Madigan lowers his shoulders and begins to twirl his tanbo.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his neck shatter!
Madigan unleashes his twirling tanbo down upon Asildu!
Madigan's diamondwood tanbo lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's neck!
Urbaj stands up.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a glancing (0/23) blow to Asildu's left arm.
A champion champion drake lands a light hit (1/23) to Sozinho's abdomen.
Madigan sheathes his diamondwood tanbo.
Urbaj lies down.
Madigan draws forth a lifesculpted glaive clutching moonsilver-inlaid stones.
Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's left hand!
Madigan takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Madigan dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with blows meant to impale!
Madigan's lifesculpted glaive lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's chest!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Warbrolus's attack against him.
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!
Harsh stands up.
Urbaj rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Yiel continues to roll around frantically.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Warbrolus!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Warbrolus's chest!
Dasheek stands up.
Dantia continues to roll around frantically.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right eye!
Sozinho is lightly stunned!
Madigan sheathes his lifesculpted glaive.
Madigan draws forth a lifesculpted sledgehammer flourishing with growths of greenery.
Madigan sidesteps and adjusts his footing.
The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
Madigan unleashes his sledgehammer to crash upon Asildu
Madigan's lifesculpted sledgehammer lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's back!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Warbrolus!
The slurry splatters against his damite sipar.
Casari stands back up.
Tambellis briefly spreads her arms outward and begins humming. The volume quickly rises as punctuated rhythms form in the spaces between the tones.
Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Warbrolus!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Warbrolus's right leg!
Dasheek puts his axe in his encompassing shadows.
Madigan sheathes his lifesculpted sledgehammer.
Yiel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
The strong notes of Tambellis's enchante fall from her lips in a light, skipping rhythm that is almost chanted, punctuated by sustained vocalizations at the end of each phrase.
Dantia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Urbaj gestures at Asildu with a flamboyant upstroke.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's left arm!
Madigan draws forth a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers backward.
Deep, resonant tones enter Asildu's voice as he raises it in the chorus of his chant, his voice steady and disciplined.
The air around Tambellis reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Tambellis's chest!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Urbaj's back!
A silver glow blooms around Harsh, laced with strands of white brilliance.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Harsh's left arm!
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Yiel!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to Yiel's abdomen!
Yiel is lightly stunned!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Urbaj.
Madigan falls over.
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Urbaj continues to roll around frantically.
Dasheek gets a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures from inside his encompassing shadows.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a grazing (0/23) strike to Asildu's chest.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Urbaj seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Dasheek gestures at Asildu.
Dantia stands up.
The saline lattice around Asildu's neck rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a grazing (0/23) strike to Asildu's abdomen.
Dantia touches Urbaj with a confident grace.
Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right leg!
Yiel stands up.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left eye, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Warbrolus presses his palm against the vessel.
Sothios just arrived.
Urbaj stands up.
Sozinho puts his cutlass in his marblesilk baldric.
Madigan stands up.
Sozinho puts his cutlass in his marblesilk baldric.
The saline lattice around Asildu's back rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Yiel works carefully at tending his wounded abdomen.
Urbaj lies down.
A champion champion drake lands a light hit (1/23) to Sozinho's right leg.
Yiel works carefully at binding his wounded abdomen, attempting to halt the bruising and discoloration.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Urbaj!
Gossamer light skips across the arch of Urbaj's blue crystal shell.
Urbaj's triangular sipar is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his head leaving the flesh reddened and splotched with yellow and white.
Urbaj continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Asildu stands up.
Madigan shoves futilely at Asildu.
Madigan puts his zweihander in his kirmiko pocket.
Madigan sheathes his massive zweihander.
Sozinho draws forth a tyrium imperial war hammer with an agonite handle.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
The ray diffuses into an errant flash of light as it strikes his subdermal keratosis.
Madigan takes a step back and readies an open palm.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
Madigan unleashes a palm strike!
Madigan's palm lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right arm!
Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's abdomen!
Dantia touches Yiel with a confident grace.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Wrath's Herald Zynell just arrived.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Urbaj.
Madigan falls over.
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Urbaj stands up.
Sozinho bull-rushes at a champion champion drake, colliding with her head-on and knocking her down.
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Zynell grabs Aerilia's body and drags it south with her.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Madigan's left arm!
Zfora is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Zfora's right eye!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
Illiya's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Illiya's right leg!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Warbrolus, but he is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Sozinho's chest!
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!
The saline lattice around Asildu's abdomen rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the right leg, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Madigan stands up.
The champion drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a champion champion drake!
Sozinho deflects a bolt with his diamond-hide shield!
Urbaj deflects a bolt with his triangular sipar!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Warbrolus!
Dasheek's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan!
Zfora deflects a bolt with her ka'hurst shield!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Urbaj!
Gossamer light skips across the arch of Urbaj's blue crystal shell.
Urbaj's triangular sipar is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his right hand leaving the flesh reddened and raw.
Madigan breaks away from Asildu.
Admoos just arrived.
Yiel gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to his scaly back!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to his scaly abdomen!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to his scaly back!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her muscular left leg!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
Zfora goes north.
Sozinho springs to his feet in a sudden burst of vicious strength!
A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an ineffective (0/23) strike to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lands at Warbrolus's feet.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Warbrolus!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Warbrolus's chest!
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the neck, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Dasheek falls over.
Urbaj closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.
The saline lattice around Asildu's right arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Urbaj.
Dantia touches Yiel with a confident grace.
Dasheek rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Madigan shoves Asildu to his knees.
Sozinho takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
Sozinho unleashes his hammer to crash upon Asildu
Sozinho's imperial war hammer lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right arm!
The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a skimming (0/23) strike to Asildu's right leg.
The Imperial spear lands at Warbrolus's feet.
Dantia touches Sozinho with a confident grace.
Urbaj closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Warbrolus!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Warbrolus's abdomen!
Urbaj gestures.
Bright points with luminous tails arise out of the air above Urbaj, flung in descending arcs.
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Sozinho frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right arm!
Tambellis joylessly says, "Unacceptable. things are allowed to attack when I decide."
Madigan draws forth a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt.
Dasheek gestures at Asildu.
Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
Madigan's zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a skimming (0/23) strike to Asildu's left leg.
The air around Madigan solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, buckling and losing much of its mass under the force of the attack.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's abdomen!
Urbaj retreats from combat.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Urbaj!
The curvature of Urbaj's blue crystal shell becomes marred by chinks.
Urbaj's triangular sipar is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his chest leaving the flesh reddened and splotched with yellow and white.
Admoos gestures.
Dark cracks interlace themselves across the ground, snaking in rapid succession until they coalesce into a writhing web of living shadows!
Urbaj retreats from combat.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Madigan's left leg!
Dasheek's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Urbaj's right leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's muscular right leg!
Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Warbrolus's attack against him.
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!
Dasheek stands up.
Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Warbrolus!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Warbrolus's right arm!
Urbaj lies down.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's left leg!
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Admoos bursts into flames!
Tambellis bursts into flames!
Urbaj bursts into flames!
Warbrolus bursts into flames!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Sozinho bursts into flames!
Yiel bursts into flames!
Dasheek bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Admoos is stunned!
Tambellis is stunned!
Urbaj is stunned!
Warbrolus is stunned!
Harsh is stunned!
Sozinho is stunned!
Yiel is stunned!
Dasheek is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Madigan is stunned!
Casari is stunned!
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Yiel.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Sozinho.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Admoos.
Madigan shakes off his stun!
Warbrolus shakes off his stun!
Dantia tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Dantia shakes off the stun.
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Illiya slowly tips over, falling on her face!
The saline lattice around Asildu's right arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Dantia says, "Join on Madigan please for easier heals."
Admoos screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Tambellis screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume her chest!
Sozinho screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Urbaj screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
A stunned Casari slowly tips forward, falling on her face!
Casari shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dasheek slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Dasheek shakes off the stun.
A stunned Yiel slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Yiel shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sozinho slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Sozinho shakes off the stun.
A stunned Harsh slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Harsh shakes off the stun.
Urbaj shakes off the stun.
A stunned Tambellis slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Tambellis shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sothios slowly tips over, falling on his face!
A stunned Admoos slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Admoos shakes off the stun.
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sothios reveals himself!
Sothios frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Yiel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Illiya reveals herself!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Yiel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dasheek stands up.
Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Tambellis rises to a kneeling position.
Urbaj rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Tambellis stands up.
Tambellis hardens her stance and bellows a defiant decry against oppression!
Illiya stands up.
Casari stands back up.
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj flies by at a tangent to an immaculate drake, icing her slitted left eye.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the right eye, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Tambellis joins Madigan's group.
The saline lattice around Asildu's right leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around an immaculate drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around an immaculate drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around a pristine drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around a pristine drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around a pristine drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around a champion champion drake.
Admoos leaps to his feet!
Warbrolus lies down.
Warbrolus rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Asildu stands up.
Illiya lays her hand on Tambellis's arm.
Sothios rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Madigan spins around to face Asildu!
Zfora is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Zfora's left leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen!
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest!
Illiya's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Illiya's left arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
Yiel continues to roll around frantically.
Sozinho stands up.
Admoos joins Madigan's group.
Dantia continues to roll around frantically.
Sozinho crouches for but a heartbeat, and then leaps with the acrobatic grace of a caracal slapping down a bird in flight. From midair he pounces on Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Sozinho's foot lands a grazing (0/23) blow to Asildu's chest.
Asildu ducks under an armored left foot!
Urbaj stands up.
Stellar Statistician Urbaj strolls south.
Harsh stands up.
Warbrolus continues to roll around frantically.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left arm, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Zfora goes north.
Admoos gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to his slitted left eye!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to his scaly chest!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to his muscular left leg!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver impacts harmlessly with his thick-scaled forearm.
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to her serpentine neck!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her dragonlike snout!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to her muscular left leg!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's abdomen!
Sozinho bull-rushes at a champion champion drake and knocks her to the ground.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
Sozinho's hammer flashes mulberry-black, erupting with a diverse selection of lethal short blades and lands a harmless (0/23) blow to Asildu's right leg.
Sothios continues to roll around frantically.
Yiel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Sozinho's chest!
Dantia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sozinho's attack against him.
Sozinho's hammer lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
Sothios continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Sozinho's left hand!
Admoos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Sozinho frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Admoos grins.
Warbrolus continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Madigan.
Madigan falls over.
Yiel stands up.
Madigan rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dasheek gestures at Asildu.
Dantia stands up.
Illiya gets a clear glass charm etched with a floral motif from inside her encompassing shadows.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sozinho's attack against him.
Sozinho's hammer lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Sozinho's left leg!
Asildu stands up.
Warbrolus stands up.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Admoos gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly chest!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to her muscular left leg!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver impacts harmlessly with her thick-scaled forearm.
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver impacts harmlessly with his thick-scaled forearm.
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to his scaly abdomen!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right hand shatter!
Sozinho's hammer lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right hand.
Madigan continues to roll around frantically.
The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Warbrolus's attack against him.
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right arm!
Dantia touches Admoos with a confident grace.
Asildu drops his voice to a frosty whisper as he reprises the last tones of the chorus once more.
The air around Tambellis reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Tambellis, but she is unharmed.
The air around Illiya reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Illiya's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Illiya's back!
The air around Warbrolus reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
An ephemeral light glows about Warbrolus.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to Warbrolus's head!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Madigan, but he is unharmed.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Sozinho's right hand!
Asildu stands up.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the back, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's chest!
Sozinho is lightly stunned!
The saline lattice around Asildu's right leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Sothios stands up.
Casari claps her hands together, as a series of small vortices rise up from the dust around her, as they spiral quickly away.One of the swirling vortices slams into a pristine drake and encompasses him!
One of the swirling vortices slams into a pristine drake and encompasses him!
One of the swirling vortices slams into a pristine drake and encompasses him!
One of the swirling vortices slams into an immaculate drake and encompasses her!
One of the swirling vortices slams into an immaculate drake and encompasses her!
One of the swirling vortices slams into a pristine drake and encompasses her!
Dantia touches Tambellis with a confident grace.
Madigan continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a grazing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lands at Warbrolus's feet.
The air around Warbrolus reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
An ephemeral light glows about Warbrolus.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Warbrolus!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Warbrolus's right leg!
Dantia touches Warbrolus with a confident grace.
Admoos gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to his scaly chest!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to his scaly chest!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to his scaly back!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
She manages to get out of the way!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Madigan!
The air around Madigan reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The air around Madigan solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, collapsing under the force of the attack in a silent cascade of glassy fragments that vanish before reaching the ground.
Madigan's pavise shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his chest leaving the flesh reddened and raw.
The web of shadows slithers across the ground like a boil of featureless, black snakes, threatening to engulf everything in its reach!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Admoos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Sozinho frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
An unearthly scream echoes through the area.
A pristine drake collapses as if dead.
A pristine drake collapses as if dead.
An immaculate drake shakes his head in pain!
An immaculate drake shakes her head in pain!
An immaculate drake shakes his head in pain!
An immaculate drake shakes her head in pain!
Sozinho works carefully at tending his wounded chest.
Asildu stands up.
Sozinho works carefully at binding his wounded chest, attempting to halt the bruising and discoloration.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Madigan stands up.
Sothios leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
Sothios's parazonium lands an ineffective (0/23) strike to Asildu's back.
Admoos nods to Dasheek.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Sothios!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sothios's chest!
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Tambellis juts her chin at Asildu.
Madigan begins to advance on Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
Sozinho's hammer lands a gentle (0/23) hit to Asildu's abdomen.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right leg!
Dantia touches Harsh with a confident grace.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Dasheek.
Sothios leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sothios's attack against him.
Sothios's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Sothios!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sothios's left leg!
A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Warbrolus's attack against him.
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!
Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Warbrolus!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Warbrolus's left leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to Sozinho's abdomen!
The air around Harsh reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Harsh's silvery-white glow shines brightly like a holy armor.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Harsh's abdomen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg!
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the back, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
The saline lattice around Asildu's left arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's Imperial spear.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's walking stick.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's subdermal keratosis.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's linen robe.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's subdermal keratosis.
The black radiance fades from Asildu's subdermal keratoses.
Wrath's Herald Zynell just arrived.
Sozinho frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Madigan closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Asildu stands up.
Wrath's Herald Zynell patters south.
Sothios leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his neck shatter!
Sothios's parazonium lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's neck.
Admoos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sothios!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sothios's back!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Dasheek gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
Not having any room, Madigan stops advancing on Asildu.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
Dasheek's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Dasheek!
The direction of Asildu's spell is twisted and inverted against himself!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his head shatter!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis is pushed away by the blast. He seems to shrug off the blast of electricity.
Madigan gets a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures from inside his traveler's pack.
Madigan points a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures at Asildu.
Bands of opaque iridescence appear around Asildu in a concentric hexad. Each begins to revolve along a different axis, soon collectively fading into a colored blur that obscures him for several moments.
Asildu dances about lightly!
Sothios leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his neck shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sothios's attack against him.
Sothios's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's neck.
The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a gentle (0/23) hit to Asildu's chest.
The Imperial spear lands at Warbrolus's feet.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sothios!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sothios's right hand!
Madigan puts his paperweight in his traveler's pack.
The saline lattice around Asildu's abdomen rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Admoos gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to his scaly chest!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to his scaly chest!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good strike (3/23) to his scaly back!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
With a wave of Illiya's hand, she looks much better.
With a wave of Illiya's hand, she looks much better.
Yiel regards Asildu with an incisive, calculating look.
Glinting lines weave chaotically in midair, growing brighter with each intersection until a net of burning ultramarine bars unfurls and passes through Asildu.
Sothios leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
Sothios's parazonium lands a brushing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right arm.
A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a harmless (0/23) blow to Asildu's left leg.
The Imperial spear lands at Warbrolus's feet.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Sothios!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sothios's right hand!
The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Madigan's zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!
Sozinho puts his hammer in his war belt.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Asildu stands up.
Sozinho gets a haralun dire mace from inside his war belt.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Casari's left leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's slitted right eye!
The immaculate drake is stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen!
The pristine drake is stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen!
The immaculate drake is stunned!
Dasheek's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Sozinho's back!
Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right leg!
Sothios leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
Sothios's parazonium lands a brushing (0/23) hit to Asildu's back.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Sothios!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sothios's chest!
Sothios is lightly stunned!
Warbrolus points a crooked finger at Asildu and garbles an unintelligible curse.
Illiya lays her hand on Tambellis's arm.
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Admoos bursts into flames!
Sothios bursts into flames!
Tambellis bursts into flames!
Warbrolus bursts into flames!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Sozinho bursts into flames!
Yiel bursts into flames!
Dasheek bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Admoos is stunned!
Sothios is stunned!
Tambellis is stunned!
Warbrolus is stunned!
Harsh is stunned!
Sozinho is stunned!
Yiel is stunned!
Dasheek is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Madigan is stunned!
Casari is stunned!
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Warbrolus.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The veteran drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The veteran drake begins to advance on Sozinho.
Madigan shakes off his stun!
The saline lattice around Asildu's head rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Dasheek.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Harsh.
The saline lattice around Asildu's neck rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Warbrolus shakes off his stun!
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Illiya slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Illiya shakes off the stun.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
Dasheek's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Dasheek!
The direction of Asildu's spell is twisted and inverted against himself!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right hand shatter!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis is pushed away by the blast. He seems to shrug off the blast of electricity.
Asildu circles lightly on the balls of his feet, boldly demonstrating his martial prowess.
The saline lattice around Asildu's right arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
The saline lattice around Asildu's left leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Admoos screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Sothios screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Dantia reveals herself!
Dantia screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume her chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Yiel screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Sozinho seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
A stunned Casari slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Casari shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Dantia shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dasheek slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Dasheek shakes off the stun.
A stunned Yiel slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Yiel shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sozinho slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Sozinho shakes off the stun.
A stunned Harsh slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Harsh shakes off the stun.
A stunned Tambellis slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Tambellis shakes off the stun.
A stunned Admoos slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Admoos shakes off the stun.
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Illiya rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Madigan falls over.
Madigan rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Yiel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Admoos leaps to his feet!
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu dodges aside.
Admoos goes south.
Sothios leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Sothios!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sothios's left leg!
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger's lower thorax!
The air around Illiya reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Illiya's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Illiya's left arm!
Illiya does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Warbrolus, but he is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen!
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
An immaculate drake suddenly looks rather less content with life in general.
The swirling vortex of sand surrounding an immaculate drake drifts away.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to a veteran veteran drake's scaly chest!
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Sozinho's right arm!
Sozinho is lightly stunned!
Illiya continues to roll around frantically.
Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Warbrolus works carefully at tending his wounded head.
Harsh stands up.
Tambellis rises to a kneeling position.
Yiel continues to roll around frantically.
Tambellis stands up.
Madigan continues to roll around frantically.
Warbrolus works carefully at tending his wounded neck.
Dasheek stands up.
Warbrolus works carefully at tending his wounded right arm.
The saline lattice around Asildu's right hand rebuilds and reinforces itself.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Sozinho's chest!
Yiel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Warbrolus works carefully at tending his wounded left arm.
Harsh works carefully at tending his wounded neck.
Illiya continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Madigan continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right arm!
Sothios frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sothios stands up.
Sothios retreats from combat.
Tambellis takes a drink of her potion.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the head, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Sothios retreats from combat.
Sothios goes south.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Sozinho's claws lands a gentle (0/23) hit to Asildu's chest.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's neck!
Yiel works carefully at tending his wounded left arm.
Illiya stands up.
Yiel works carefully at tending his wounded right arm.
Yiel stands up.
Sozinho puts his mace in his war belt.
Yiel works carefully at tending his wounded neck.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Yiel works carefully at tending his wounded head.
Madigan stands up.
Dasheek gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
A pristine drake gasps in shock as his body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake collapses to the ground!
Dantia continues to roll around frantically.
Harsh works carefully at tending his wounded right arm.
Sozinho lowers his shoulders and draws back his arm.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sozinho's attack against him.
Sozinho unleashes a palm strike!
Sozinho's palm lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
Sozinho's claw lands a grazing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left leg.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Sozinho's right arm!
Harsh closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Asildu as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Sozinho's claw flashes mountain-grey, lacerating with several short jagged splinters and lands a harmless (0/23) strike to Asildu's left arm.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Sozinho's left arm!
Sozinho runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Madigan gets a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures from inside his traveler's pack.
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sozinho's attack against him.
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Sozinho.
Dasheek falls over.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's chest!
Dasheek rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sozinho's attack against him.
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right arm!
Leviathan Friend Lupdels just arrived.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his neck shatter!
Sozinho's claw lands a glancing (0/23) blow to Asildu's neck.
Dantia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Yiel regards Asildu with an incisive, calculating look.
Glinting lines weave chaotically in midair, growing brighter with each intersection until a net of burning ultramarine bars unfurls and passes through Asildu.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's chest!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Sozinho's claw lands a harmless (0/23) strike to Asildu's left arm.
Dasheek continues to roll around frantically.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Sozinho's left hand!
Sozinho visibly churns with an inner rage!
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu dodges aside.
Tambellis juts her chin at Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sozinho's attack against him.
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
The saline lattice around Asildu's chest rebuilds and reinforces itself.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's chest!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
Sozinho's claw lands an ineffective (0/23) strike to Asildu's right leg.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's left arm!
The air around Harsh reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Silver and white wisps form a luminescent barrier before Harsh.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Harsh's chest!
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Sozinho's chest!
The air around Yiel reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Asildu's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Yiel!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Yiel's back!
Dasheek continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sozinho's attack against him.
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.
Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right arm!
Sozinho is lightly stunned!
Sozinho screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Asildu stands up.
Dantia stands up.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left leg, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Sozinho's claw lands a gentle (0/23) hit to Asildu's chest.
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's left arm!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his head shatter!
Sozinho's claw lands a harmless (0/23) blow to Asildu's head.
Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's chest!
Asildu stands up.
Dasheek stands up.
Harsh works carefully at tending his wounded head.
Eyes blazing with an intense rage, Tambellis unleashes a single, prolonged shout directed at Asildu. A wave of sound lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) on Asildu, driving him across the area with irresistible force!
Unable to keep his balance, Asildu lands in a heap on the ground!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left hand shatter!
Sozinho's claw lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left hand.
Yiel gestures at Asildu.
A soft crackle briefly comes from Yiel's direction.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right leg!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
Sozinho's claw lands a gentle (0/23) hit to Asildu's abdomen.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's left hand!
Asildu stands up.
Harsh closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Asildu as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left hand shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Sozinho's attack against him.
Sozinho's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left hand.
Dantia says, "People are still on fire."
The saline lattice around Asildu's right leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's chest!
The saline lattice around Asildu's right arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Sozinho's chest!
Madigan just left.
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's back.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Urbaj's left arm!
The air around Sozinho reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Sozinho's left arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen!
The pristine drake is severely stunned!
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Sozinho's right arm!
Urbaj gestures.
Bright points with luminous tails arise out of the air above Urbaj, flung in descending arcs.
Dasheek gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
A pristine drake gasps in shock as his body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake collapses to the ground!
Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's left arm!
The saline lattice around Asildu's chest rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus walks east.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu dodges aside.
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Urbaj bursts into flames!
Tambellis bursts into flames!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Sozinho bursts into flames!
Yiel bursts into flames!
Dasheek bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Urbaj is stunned!
Tambellis is stunned!
Harsh is stunned!
Sozinho is stunned!
Yiel is stunned!
Dasheek is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Casari is stunned!
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Illiya slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Illiya shakes off the stun.
The saline lattice around Asildu's abdomen rebuilds and reinforces itself.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Yiel.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Harsh.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus just arrived.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Harsh.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Sozinho.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Sozinho.
The saline lattice around Asildu's left hand rebuilds and reinforces itself.
The veteran drake begins to advance on Yiel.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left arm.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Sozinho.
The pristine drake searches around for a moment.
The pristine drake discovers Dasheek, ruining his hiding place!
The searing lights fade from around Asildu.
A stunne Casari slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Casari shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Dantia shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dasheek slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Dasheek shakes off the stun.
A stunned Yiel slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Yiel shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sozinho slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Sozinho shakes off the stun.
A stunned Harsh slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Harsh shakes off the stun.
A stunned Tambellis slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Tambellis shakes off the stun.
A stunned Zfora slowly tips over, falling on her face!
A stunned Urbaj slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Urbaj shakes off the stun.
A stunned Cined slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Yiel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Zfora reveals herself!
Zfora seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Urbaj thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Cined reveals himself!
Cined seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Yiel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Tambellis hardens her stance and bellows a defiant decry against oppression!
Sozinho gets a tyrium cutlass from inside his marblesilk baldric.
Sozinho gets a tyrium cutlass from inside his marblesilk baldric.
Tambellis rises to a kneeling position.
Tambellis stands up.
Urbaj stands up.
Casari says, "Seems I need healing."
Stellar Statistician Urbaj strolls east.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Zfora's back!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
Harsh's silvery-white glow shines brightly like a holy armor.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Harsh's chest!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Sozinho's abdomen!
Madigan wanders in.
Sozinho stands up.
Casari joins Madigan's group.
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Warbrolus joins Madigan's group.
Harsh stands up.
Cined stands up.
Dasheek rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Sozinho takes a full step back and readies both his weapons.
Sozinho rushes at Asildu, lashing out with his cutlass!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Sozinho's cutlass.
Sozinho's attack momentum continues with a second strike from his cutlass!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Sozinho's cutlass.
Yiel continues to roll around frantically.
Dantia continues to roll around frantically.
Zfora stands up.
Madigan puts his paperweight in his traveler's pack.
Sozinho lowers his shoulders and steadies his weapon.
Sozinho makes an agile leap towards Asildu, attacking him with a mighty cleave!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Sozinho's cutlass.
Sozinho swings his cutlass and follows through with a second attack!
Sozinho's errant cutlass results in nothing more than a sharp cling against Asildu's walking stick.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Madigan.
Madigan begins to advance on Asildu.
Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right arm!
Sozinho is lightly stunned!
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu dodges aside.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!
Dantia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Yiel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
A dark watchsoul watches its surroundings loftily.
Madigan closes to melee range on Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a harmless (0/23) strike to Asildu's chest.
Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's right leg!
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's abdomen!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Cined reveals himself!
Cined seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Dantia stands up.
Yiel stands up.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Madigan!
The slurry splatters against his pavise shield.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's chest!
Yiel gestures at Asildu.
A soft crackle briefly comes from Yiel's direction.
Not having any room, Cined stops advancing on Asildu.
Illiya rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dasheek continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu dodges aside.
Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Sozinho's left arm!
Deep, resonant tones enter Asildu's voice as he raises it in the chorus of his chant, his voice steady and disciplined.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's slitted left eye!
The immaculate drake is stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over a somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes, but it is unharmed.
An ephemeral light glows about Warbrolus.
The air around Warbrolus reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to Warbrolus's right hand!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to a pristine drake's muscular right leg!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Madigan, but he is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to a champion champion drake's scaly chest!
Asildu weaves around the area, boldly demonstrating his martial prowess.
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes lands a solid hit (4/23) that deeply bruises the right bicep.
Casari stands back up.
Wrath's Herald Zynell just arrived.
Illiya continues to roll around frantically.
Asildu spins around to face Madigan!
Wrath's Herald Zynell patters north.
Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Sozinho!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Sozinho's right leg!
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Warbrolus bursts into flames!
Tambellis bursts into flames!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Sozinho bursts into flames!
Yiel bursts into flames!
Dasheek bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Madigan is stunned!
Warbrolus is stunned!
Tambellis is stunned!
Harsh is stunned!
Sozinho is stunned!
Yiel is stunned!
Dasheek is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Casari is stunned!
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The veteran drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The veteran drake begins to advance on Tambellis.
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's left leg.
The saline lattice around Asildu's chest rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
Illiya shakes off the stun.
Sozinho screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Harsh screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Madigan shakes off his stun!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Cined reveals himself!
Cined screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Sozinho grows healthier before your eyes!
Warbrolus shakes off his stun!
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes lands a good strike (3/23) that bruises the chest with a blow to the ribcage.
Dasheek shakes off the stun.
A stunned Yiel slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Yiel shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sozinho slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Sozinho shakes off the stun.
A stunned Harsh slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Harsh shakes off the stun.
A stunned Cined slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Cined shakes off the stun.
Dantia screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume her chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Yiel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sozinho frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
A stunned Casari slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Casari shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Dantia shakes off the stun.
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Cined seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Yiel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dantia says, "Watch your wounds, there isn't enough time to heal in between fire."
Madigan eats a packet of yelith roots.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Warbrolus, but he is unharmed.
Cined is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Cined's back!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to Sozinho's right leg!
Tambellis lies down.
Tambellis rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Illiya stands up.
Sozinho rubs some of his flamestalk potion on himself.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Madigan eats a packet of nemoih roots.
Cined rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus walks east.
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward a pristine drake!
The watchsoul spins in several quicksilver circles around a pristine drake, then transmogrifies into a flame that appears to burn out immediately.
Harsh stands up.
Dasheek stands up.
Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu dodges aside.
Dasheek falls over.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Madigan's zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a gentle (0/23) hit to Asildu's chest.
Yiel continues to roll around frantically.
Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!
Dasheek rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes lands a light hit (1/23) that rips the top layer of skin from the drake's chest and exposes underlying muscle.
Cined fades into view.
Sozinho frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Harsh frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Tambellis rises to a kneeling position.
Sozinho rubs some of his belradi elixir on himself.
Tambellis stands up.
Sozinho stands up.
Illiya falls over.
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Cined thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Illiya rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Cined continues to roll around frantically.
Tambellis lies down.
Dantia continues to roll around frantically.
Tambellis continues to roll around frantically.
Casari stands back up.
Firehawk Casari goes south.
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes disappears in a rupture of sound and color as its song ends.
Yiel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Dasheek continues to roll around frantically.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Sozinho frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Cined thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh screams in agony and runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis rises to a kneeling position.
Cined continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Sozinho takes a full step back and readies both his weapons.
Sozinho rushes at Asildu, lashing out with his cutlass!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Sozinho's cutlass.
Sozinho's attack momentum continues with a second strike from his cutlass!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Sozinho's cutlass.
Tambellis stands up.
Tear Reaper Tambellis goes south.
Illiya continues to roll around frantically.
Yiel stands up.
Dantia says, "Fall back if you have bad enough wounds."
The saline lattice around Asildu's chest rebuilds and reinforces itself.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly back!
Cined is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an awesome strike (12/23) to Cined's left leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to Yiel's left arm!
Yiel is lightly stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg!
Sozinho retreats from combat.
Sozinho retreats from combat.
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Cined bursts into flames!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Sozinho bursts into flames!
Yiel bursts into flames!
Dasheek bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Cined is stunned!
Harsh is stunned!
Sozinho is stunned!
Yiel is stunned!
Dasheek is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Madigan is stunned!
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
Illiya shakes off the stun.
Illiya exudes life and vitality, rutilant sparks dancing around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Yiel.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Harsh.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Dantia.
Madigan shakes off his stun!
The pristine drake begins to advance on Sozinho.
The veteran drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The veteran drake begins to advance on Dantia.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Sozinho.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Yiel.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Dasheek.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Yiel.
Dantia reveals herself!
Dantia screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume her chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Sozinho screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Dasheek screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Dantia.
Dantia shakes off the stun.
Dasheek shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sozinho slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Sozinho shakes off the stun.
A stunned Harsh slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Harsh shakes off the stun.
Cined shakes off the stun.
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Yiel screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Sozinho frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh screams in agony and thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Cined thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tear Reaper Tambellis just arrived.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus just arrived.
Madigan falls over.
Madigan rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dantia says, "We can't keep up with this fire, Madigan."
The veteran drake closes to pole weapon range on Dantia.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Sozinho.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Sozinho.
Warbrolus joins Madigan's group.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Dantia.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Sozinho.
Illiya continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Dasheek rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dantia stands up.
Yiel retreats from combat.
Yiel retreats from combat.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Madigan.
Yiel goes north.
Tambellis joins Madigan's group.
The veteran drake closes to melee range on Dantia.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Sozinho.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Sozinho.
Harsh's silver glow flares.
Attacking well, a pristine drake lashes at Harsh. Harsh badly fails to parry with a hefty war hammer covered in thirteen diamond-sectioned spikes. The barbed tail lands a light hit (1/23) that rips into the skin of the left arm in a strong swipe, lightly stunning him!
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Dasheek.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Harsh.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Dantia.
Sozinho stands up.
Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Dantia's back!
Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg!
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The air around Madigan reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Madigan's right eye!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to a veteran veteran drake's scaly back!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as his lifeforce fades.
The swirling confines of malevolent darkness wane from about a pristine drake.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Warbrolus, but he is unharmed.
Sozinho bull-rushes at a pristine drake and knocks her to the ground.
Sozinho bull-rushes at a pristine drake, colliding with him head-on and knocking him down.
Sozinho bull-rushes at an immaculate drake and knocks him to the ground.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Cined.
Dasheek continues to roll around frantically.
Sozinho retreats from combat.
Cined stands up.
Sozinho retreats from combat.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Sozinho.
Madigan continues to roll around frantically.
Moving as a single sinuous force, Warbrolus hurls a tyrium Imperial spear at a veteran veteran drake. A veteran veteran drake badly fails to block with a thick-scaled forearm. The spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to his right leg!
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the veteran drake!
The veteran drake begins to advance on Dasheek.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Madigan!
Madigan's pavise shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his back leaving the flesh reddened and raw.
Harsh stands up.
A dark watchsoul flickers into view, lading the air with a sacred warmth.
Traveling Doctor Timorias came through an ancient wooden door.
Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.
Harsh begins to advance on Asildu.
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Sozinho screams in agony and runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Harsh screams in agony and runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Harsh.
Sozinho works carefully at tending his wounded neck.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Forging Guru Sozinho moseys east.
Illiya stands up.
Dasheek continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Asildu shifts his balance as he manuevers for position, a smirk on his face.
Dantia joins Madigan's group.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Madigan.
Dantia runs around in circles as the flames consume her chest!
Harsh screams in agony and runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Illiya lays her hand on Tambellis's arm.
Harsh strikes his heel against the ground.
Geysers of fiery silver-grey magma erupt from the ground!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly back, producing a minor burn.
An immaculate drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
An immaculate drake's scaly abdomen is blistered and seared as the rivulet of silver-grey lava rolls over it.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly back, producing a minor burn.
Harsh closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Illiya seems to glow with an inner light, trailing rutilant sparks with every movement.
Driving in like a master combatant, Warbrolus hurls a tyrium Imperial spear at a veteran veteran drake. A veteran veteran drake fails to dodge, only partially avoiding the impact. The spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good hit (2/23) to his right leg!
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the veteran drake!
Madigan continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Harsh closes to melee range on Asildu.
The river of lava forks into smaller rivulets, curling across the ground.
A pristine drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly abdomen, producing a minor burn.
A pristine drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly back, producing a minor burn.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly abdomen, producing a minor burn.
An immaculate drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes an immaculate drake's scaly back, producing a minor burn.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes an immaculate drake's muscular left leg, producing a minor burn.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's muscular left leg, producing a minor burn.
The trickles of silver-grey magma cool, forming ashy cinders which quickly disperse.
Asildu drops his voice to a frosty whisper as he reprises the last tones of the chorus once more.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to a pristine drake's serpentine neck!
The pristine drake is stunned!
Dasheek's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a powerful strike (10/23) to a pristine drake's scaly back!
The pristine drake is dealt a vicious stun!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest!
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
Illiya's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Illiya's right leg!
Illiya does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Harsh shoves futilely at Asildu.
Tambellis begins to advance on Asildu.
Timorias rests his hand on Harsh's arm with a soft smile.
Madigan stands up.
Dasheek stands up.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Dasheek.
The veteran drake sweeps its tail along the ground near his talons. A fiery glow begins building.
The veteran drake begins to advance on Harsh.
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Timorias bursts into flames!
Tambellis bursts into flames!
Warbrolus bursts into flames!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Dasheek bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Timorias is stunned!
Tambellis is stunned!
Warbrolus is stunned!
Harsh is stunned!
Dasheek is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Madigan is stunned!
The pristine drake begins to advance on Warbrolus.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Dantia.
The immaculate drake regains his footing with a strong beat of his wings, smoothly standing on a blast of air!
Dantia screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume her chest!
Harsh screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Harsh!
Silver and white wisps form a luminescent barrier before Harsh.
Harsh's smokewhorl shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his right arm coating it in soft rime leaving him shivering and severely frostbitten.
A dark watchsoul near Harsh flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Illiya slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Illiya shakes off the stun.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Warbrolus.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Madigan shakes off his stun!
Warbrolus shakes off his stun!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Harsh.
A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Dantia shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dasheek slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Dasheek shakes off the stun.
A stunned Harsh slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Harsh shakes off the stun.
A stunned Tambellis slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Tambellis shakes off the stun.
A stunned Timorias slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Timorias shakes off the stun.
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh screams in agony and thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Timorias seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Dasheek gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
An immaculate drake gasps in shock as his body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A veteran veteran drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake collapses to the ground!
Tambellis hardens her stance and bellows a defiant decry against oppression!
Harsh slams his fist against the ground.
Geysers of fiery silver-grey magma erupt from the ground!
A pristine drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
A faint sizzling sound fills the air as the stream of silver-grey magma grazes a pristine drake's muscular right leg.
Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's serpentine neck!
Harsh's silvery-white glow shines brightly like a holy armor.
The admixture of flames and frost lands an awesome strike (12/23) to Harsh's head!
The air around Tambellis reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Tambellis's right hand!
The air around Madigan reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Madigan's left arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's dragonlike snout!
Tambellis leaps to her feet!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Harsh!
Silver and white wisps form a luminescent barrier before Harsh.
Harsh's smokewhorl shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his chest snap-freezing it under a thick layer of clear ice. The frigid winds pummel at the frozen flesh until it gives way in a spectacular plume of crystallized blood, ice and bone.
- Harsh is slain before your eyes!
The brilliant silver glow dissipates from Harsh.
The soft silver glow fades from around Harsh.
The field of silver-blue light dissipates from around Harsh.
Tendrils of ethereal blue light suddenly enwreathe Harsh, fading from view as they race in a swirling pattern down his body, disappearing into the ground.
The powerful divine aura slowly wanes from about Harsh.
The soft white glow fades from around Harsh.
Dantia says, "We need to fall back."
Dantia thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Tambellis lightly touches a crystal-eyed abyssium skull covered in withered enaada.
Rivulets of cold vapor flow outward from the skull, extinguishing its blue crystal and knitting together until a cloudy yellow spectral reaper emerges.
The spectral reaper begins to advance on Asildu.
Moving skillfully, a veteran veteran drake charges wide at Dantia. Dantia barely fails to block with round sipar. The body lands a solid hit (4/23) to her left leg!
The veteran drake closes to melee range on Timorias.
Dantia continues to roll around frantically.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus walks east.
A dark watchsoul flickers away, and the warmth of its presence ebbs.
Timorias stands up.
Illiya continues to roll around frantically.
Madigan says, "Alright, back up."
Wrath's Herald Zynell just arrived.
Madigan says, "Moving North."
A dancing aura of spectral flame begins to waver about Harsh's lifeless body.
The spectral reaper closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Wrath's Herald Zynell patters north.
Dantia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.
Madigan says, "Moving in 5."
Illiya stands up.
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Timorias seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The spectral reaper closes to melee range on Asildu.
Timorias joins Madigan's group.
The faint outline of a spectral bird rises from the flame surrounding Harsh's corpse, spreading its wings wide as it raises its head to the heavens and calls out with a keening cry!
Harsh's body is fully engulfed in a funeral pyre of insatiable, roaring flame!
Madigan says, "Back up."
Moving well, a veteran veteran drake growls lowly and swings at Dantia. Dantia barely fails to block with round sipar. The sharp claw lands a good hit (2/23) to her left arm!
Dasheek stands up.
Dasheek retreats from combat.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Madigan retreats from combat.
Madigan retreats from combat.
Madigan says, "Moving now."
Dasheek retreats from Asildu.
The raging flames continue to consume Harsh's body, charring it badly. The spectral bird silently beats its wings, its gaze affixed on the heavens above.
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The air around Dantia reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
With strength, a veteran veteran drake growls lowly and swings at Dantia. Dantia barely fails to block with round sipar. The sharp claw lands a solid hit (4/23) to her left arm!
Dantia stands up.
Dantia tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a pristine drake!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Timorias.
Sir Madigan goes north, leading his group.
Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes north.
Amid the swirling fervor of the sweltering flame, Harsh shudders once and his eyelids snap open. he fixes his gaze unflinchingly upward, yielding to the feverish fire that devours and nurtures him. his chest rises and falls with renewed, instinctive breath.
The spectral bird stretches out its wings, held aloft in the air by the pyre of flame.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus just arrived.
Danger Wizard Dasheek strolls north.
A cloudy yellow spectral reaper suddenly fades away.
Dantia tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a pristine drake!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus walks east.
Sir Madigan just arrived, leading his group.
Dantia retreats from combat.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Illiya.
Dantia tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a pristine drake!
The immaculate drake tastes the air with his tongue and tilts his head in curiosity.
Dantia runs around in circles as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Danger Wizard Dasheek strolls north.
The air around Timorias reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to Timorias's left leg!
Timorias is severely stunned!
Timorias screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to a pristine drake's scaly back!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
Illiya's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Illiya's abdomen!
Illiya does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's slitted right eye!
The immaculate drake is stunned!
Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Dantia's left arm!
Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
A serene expression crosses Harsh's face as he stands amid the blazing pyre, staring past you, as if seeing something of divine importance in the beyond. The flames continue to dance and swirl about him, but he seems to take comfort in their presence.
Timorias screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus just arrived.
Madigan grabs Dantia's arm and drags her north with him.
Illiya lays her hand on Tambellis's arm.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Tambellis.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Illiya.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus walks south.
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Timorias screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Illiya retreats from combat.
Illiya retreats from combat.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus just arrived.
Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes north.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus walks north.
The dancing aura of spectral flame surrounding Harsh suddenly falls dim as he steps from the circle of ashen ruin. As the pyre dies, the ghostly bird soars into the sky with a joyous keen, leaving a blazing trail of brilliant gold and red flame in its wake.
Timorias stands up.
Brother Harsh hobbles north.
Moving poorly, a cloudy yellow spectral reaper rakes with long spectral talons at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake repulses little of the talon with a razor-sharp talon.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Timorias.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Timorias.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Tambellis.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Tambellis.
Timorias tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from an immaculate drake!
A cloudy yellow spectral reaper rakes with long spectral talons at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake barely blocks with a thick-scaled forearm.
Tambellis juts her chin at a pristine drake.
In a streak between Tambellis and the pristine drake, light diffuses as if passing through frosted glass. A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes lurches into visibility, tatters of pastel colors wrapped around its serpentine length like a second skin. A sublime, sibilant melody fills the area.
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes rises up in a din of chaotic noises, letting loose an ear-shattering shriek directed at a pristine drake. A pristine drake evades, just stepping out of harm's way.
[General] Your mind hears Yiel thinking, "Any healers out there doing triage?"
Tambellis retreats from combat.
Tambellis retreats from combat.
Moving fluidly, a somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes rises up in a din of chaotic noises and swoops down with a deafening whipcrack at a pristine drake. A pristine drake barely fails to block with thick-scaled forearm. The sonic boom lands a good strike (3/23) to her chest!
A cloudy yellow spectral reaper rakes with long spectral talons at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake dodges, barely twisting out of a tight spot.
Moving well, a pristine drake lashes at Timorias. Timorias barely blocks with a lumium target shield with a tempered face. The barbed tail lands a good hit (2/23) that bruises the right hamstring!
Timorias draws forth a quelium mariner's scimitar with a guard fashioned to resemble a tentacle.
Keening, a somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes seethes with wild colors.
Tambellis gestures.
Tapering ribbons of soft yellow extend across the area, pausing to dance in swirls and eddies.
An immaculate drake disengages from Tambellis.
A pristine drake disengages from Tambellis.
A pristine drake disengages from Tambellis.
An immaculate drake disengages from Tambellis.
A pristine drake disengages from Tambellis.
Moving strongly, a somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes rises up in a din of chaotic noises and swoops down with a deafening whipcrack at a pristine drake. A pristine drake attempts to evade. The sonic boom lands a good strike (3/23) that temporarily knocks away her breath with a light blow to the chest, lightly stunning her!
Forging Guru Sozinho just arrived.
Asildu retreats from combat.
Moving in gracefully, a somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes weaves mindbending cacophony into its war chant and swoops down with a deafening whipcrack at a pristine drake. A pristine drake barely fails to block with thick-scaled forearm. The sonic boom lands a good hit (2/23) that bruises the chest with a blow to the ribcage!
Asildu retreats from combat.
Zfora just arrived.
Timorias tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from an immaculate drake!
Sozinho crouches for but a heartbeat, and then leaps with the acrobatic grace of a caracal slapping down a bird in flight. From midair he pounces on a pristine drake!
Sozinho stomps an armored right foot at a pristine drake. The foot lands a strong hit (6/23) that broils off the top layer of skin from her chest and blackens the underlying muscle!
Sozinho stomps an armored left foot at a pristine drake. The foot lands a strong hit (6/23) that burns a sizzling wound as the stomach takes full force of the blow!
Zfora scans the area briefly.
Sozinho rushes at a pristine drake, lashing out with his cutlass!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
The immaculate drake flaps one wing then the other, alternating at irregular intervals and stirring up a disorienting series of air currents!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Zfora.
Timorias tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from an immaculate drake!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Zfora!
The slurry splatters against her ka'hurst shield.
Zfora goes south.
Sozinho begins to advance on a pristine drake.
Avatar of Chadatru Rakkor just arrived.
Tambellis begins to advance on Asildu.
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes rises up in a din of chaotic noises and lets loose an ear-shattering shriek directed at an immaculate drake. The blast of sound lands a good strike (3/23) to his left arm!
Sozinho puts his cutlass in his marblesilk baldric.
Sozinho closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.
Asildu does an impressive display of agility with his stick, boldly demonstrating his martial prowess.
Timorias tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from an immaculate drake!
Rakkor laughs!
The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Rakkor deflects a bolt with his small shield!
Sozinho deflects a bolt with his diamond-hide shield!
Timorias deflects a bolt with his target shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Tambellis!
Sozinho closes to melee range on a pristine drake.
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a pristine drake. The claw lands a good strike (3/23) to his back!
The spectral reaper begins to advance on Asildu.
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a pristine drake. The claw lands a good hit (2/23) to his right arm!
Tambellis closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Rakkor reaches up with open palms and cradles the cerulean orb floating near him, allowing its light to ripple over his body like a rising tide.
A sheet of lustrous silver liquid snaps into being vertically in front of Rakkor, its pristine surface animated with placid ripples and bubbles. He takes a single step through it, emerging to the other side unchanged but with company. As the silvery sheet is dragged along with the incomer, it wraps and defines the vaguely humanoid form of a scraggly watchsoul.
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a pristine drake. The claw lands a good strike (3/23) to his right arm!
Zfora just arrived.
Sozinho bull-rushes at a pristine drake, colliding with him head-on and knocking him down.
Tambellis closes to melee range on Asildu.
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a pristine drake. The claw lands a light hit (1/23) to his left hand!
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a pristine drake. The claw lands a light hit (1/23) to his right hand!
The spectral reaper closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Tambellis hardens her stance and bellows a defiant decry against oppression!
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a pristine drake. The claw lands a good strike (3/23) to his back!
Tambellis draws forth a flame-bladed zweihander with a blade of firestained agonite.
Rakkor begins to advance on Asildu.
Tambellis takes a step back and readies her zweihander behind her.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
Tambellis makes an agile leap towards Asildu, attacking him with a mighty cleave!
Tambellis's flame-bladed zweihander lands a glancing strike to Asildu's left leg!
The spectral reaper closes to melee range on Asildu.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Rakkor.
A scraggly watchsoul watches its surroundings loftily.
Tambellis sheathes her flame-bladed zweihander.
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a pristine drake. The claw lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!
Tambellis draws forth a T'Kashi mirror maul.
Tambellis takes a step back and hefts her maul behind her.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Tambellis dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with crashing blows!
Tambellis's mirror maul lands a glancing strike to Asildu's left arm!
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a pristine drake. The claw lands a good hit (2/23) to his left arm!
Rakkor gestures.
A swirling grey fog surrounds Rakkor.
Tambellis sheathes her mirror maul.
Tambellis draws forth a dragonwood standard with a goldweave banner.
Tambellis sidesteps and adjusts her footing.
Tambellis unleashes her standard to impale Asildu!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Tambellis's dragonwood standard.
Rakkor closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a pristine drake. The claw flares mountain-grey, lacerating with several short jagged splinters and lands a good hit (2/23) to his left leg! The veteran drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Rakkor!
The spectral grey fog shrouding Rakkor churns rapidly!
Rakkor's silver glow flares.
Rakkor's small shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his abdomen leaving the flesh reddened and raw.
Tambellis sheathes her dragonwood standard.
Tambellis draws forth a diamondwood officer's staff carved with vines.
A scraggly watchsoul near Rakkor flies furiously through the air toward Asildu!
The watchsoul passes through Asildu's body with no discernible effect.
Tambellis takes a full step back and plants her feet firmly while twirling her staff.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left hand shatter!
Tambellis unleashes her twirling staff down upon Asildu!
Tambellis's officer's staff lands a glancing strike to Asildu's left hand!
Rakkor closes to melee range on Asildu!
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Tambellis sheathes her officer's staff.
Chilled mist circles in front of Tambellis for a moment and then darts forward! A long spike of jagged ice materializes in the air, coalescing toward Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
The vicious spike lands a glancing strike to Asildu's left arm before shattering into a fine mist!
Timorias rests his hand on Rakkor's arm with a soft smile.
Tambellis takes a step back and readies an open palm.
Tambellis unleashes a palm strike!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Tambellis's palm.
Sozinho sidesteps and adjusts his footing.
The pristine drake is enraged by Sozinho's attack.
Sozinho makes an agile leap towards a pristine drake, attacking it with a mighty cleave!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a solid hit (4/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest!
Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.
The saline lattice around Asildu's left leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Sozinho bull-rushes at a pristine drake, colliding with him head-on and knocking him down.
The brilliant silver glow dissipates from Urbaj.
Sozinho crouches down and draws his weapons close
Sozinho rushes at a pristine drake, lashing out with his cutlass!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing!
Sozinho's attack momentum continues with a second strike from his cutlass!
Sozinho's cutlass lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's serpentine neck!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
Urbaj gestures.
Sozinho gets a tyrium imperial war hammer with an agonite handle from inside his war belt.
Sozinho takes a step back and hefts his hammer behind him.
Sozinho makes an agile leap towards a pristine drake, powering forward in an attempt to crash through him!
Sozinho's imperial war hammer lands a heavy strike (7/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing!
Sozinho puts his hammer in his war belt.
Timorias rests his hand on Sozinho's arm with a soft smile.
Sozinho puts his cutlass in his marblesilk baldric.
The saline lattice around Asildu’s left hand rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Rakkor grins.
Sozinho takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
Sozinho swiftly launches an assault with wide swipes of his pike!
Sozinho's awl pike lands a massive strike (11/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as his lifeforce fades.
Sozinho bends over the drake's corpse briefly.
The saline lattice around Asildu’s left arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him.. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Rakkor!
The spectral grey fog shrouding Rakkor churns rapidly!
He manages to get out of the way!
Asildu smirks.
Rakkor grabs hold of Asildu in a tight grip.
Sozinho turns to face Asildu.
Zfora reveals herself.
The saline lattice around Asildu’s head rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Tambellis retreats from combat.
Tambellis retreats from combat.
Rakkor moves effortlessly around Asildu, dragging him along and pulling him off balance.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Sozinho centers upon his pike, like the eye of a storm, until he becomes a rapidly rotating column of death.
Sozinho's awl pike lands a light hit (1/23) to a veteran veteran drake's muscular left leg!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Sozinho.
Rakkor closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Asildu as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.
Timorias rests his hand on Sozinho's arm with a soft smile.
[General] Your mind hears Dantia thinking, "Regrouping at NE Gate, banner is one to the west."
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Sozinho!
The branded lines of fire on Sozinho burn with a faint red color!
Sozinho's diamond-hide shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his head leaving the flesh reddened and splotched with yellow and white.
Sozinho is lightly stunned!
Rakkor moves in a circle, dragging Asildu stumbling along.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Sozinho.
The saline lattice around Asildu’s left leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Rakkor closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Asildu as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Sozinho!
The branded lines of fire on Sozinho burn with a faint red color!
Sozinho's diamond-hide shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his head leaving the flesh reddened and blistered.
Sozinho draws a kertig awl pike at a veteran veteran drake.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Stellar Statistician Urbaj strolls south.
Rakkor says, "Interesting."
Sozinho works carefully at tending his wounded head.
Sozinho works carefully at binding his wounded head, attempting to halt the bruising and discoloration.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Sozinho.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Sozinho!
The branded lines of fire on Sozinho burn with a faint red color!
Sozinho's diamond-hide shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his back leaving the flesh reddened and blistered.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Sozinho.
Sozinho works carefully at tending his wounded back.
Sozinho works carefully at binding his wounded back, attempting to halt the bruising and discoloration.
Yiel just arrived.
Timorias rests his hand on Sozinho's arm with a soft smile.
A veteran veteran drake lurches forward and slashes at Sozinho.
The spectral reaper retreats from combat.
Tambellis begins to advance on Asildu.
Rakkor flings Asildu around, spinning and throwing him completely off balance.
Sozinho puts his pike in his war belt.
Rakkor puts his scarab in his traveler's backpack.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Sozinho!
The branded lines of fire on Sozinho burn with a faint red color!
Sozinho's diamond-hide shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his back leaving the flesh covered in large purple blisters.
Sozinho is severely stunned!
The spectral reaper begins to advance on Asildu.
Tambellis closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.
Rakkor draws forth a Damaris maul.
Rakkor lowers his shoulders and steadies his weapon.
Rakkor dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with crashing blows!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Rakkor's Damaris maul.
Yiel goes south.
Tambellis closes to melee range on Asildu.
Rakkor's Damaris maul shifts and momentarily becomes a blurry mass of shadows before resolving itself into a Damaris quarterstaff.
Rakkor takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly while twirling his quarterstaff.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
Rakkor dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with twirling blows!
Rakkor's Damaris quarterstaff lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu’s abdomen!
Rakkor's Damaris quarterstaff shifts and momentarily becomes a blurry mass of shadows before resolving itself into a Damaris greatsword.
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Sozinho gets a tyrium cutlass from inside his marblesilk baldric.
The spectral reaper closes to melee range on Asildu.
Rakkor sidesteps and adjusts his footing.
Rakkor dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with a mighty cleave!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Rakkor's Damaris greatsword.
Asildu begins to focus intently on Sozinho.
Timorias rests his hand on Sozinho's arm with a soft smile.
Tambellis draws forth a flame-bladed zweihander with a blade of firestained agonite.
Tambellis takes a step back and readies her zweihander behind her.
Tambellis attempts to cleave through Asildu with her zweihander!
Tambellis's errant zweihander results in nothing more than a sharp cling against Asildu's walking stick.
Rakkor's Damaris greatsword shifts and momentarily becomes a blurry mass of shadows before resolving itself into a Damaris pike.
Rakkor lowers his shoulders and steadies his weapon.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!Rakkor unleashes his pike to impale Asildu!
Rakkor's Damaris pike lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu’s left arm!
Tambellis sheathes her flame-bladed zweihander.
Tambellis draws forth a T'Kashi mirror maul.
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Sozinho!
The branded lines of fire on Sozinho burn with a faint red color!
Sozinho's diamond-hide shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his right arm leaving the flesh reddened and raw.
Tambellis takes a full step back and plants her feet firmly.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
Tambellis unleashes her maul to crash upon Asildu
Tambellis's mirror maul lands a glancing strike to Asildu's right arm!
Rakkor's Damaris pike shifts and momentarily becomes a blurry mass of shadows before resolving itself into a Damaris maul.
Rakkor sheathes his Damaris maul.
Rakkor draws forth a telothian sterak axe with a tempered blade.
Tambellis sheathes her mirror maul.
Rakkor draws forth a lava-formed throwing hammer bearing a fulginode head inset with a molten-core diamond.
Tambellis draws forth a dragonwood standard with a goldweave banner.
Rakkor steps to the side and adjusts his stance.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Rakkor rushes at Asildu, lashing out with his axe!
Rakkor's sterak axe lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu’s chest!
Rakkor's attack momentum continues with a second strike from his hammer!
Asildu deftly sidesteps Rakkor’s throwing hammer.
Asildu shifts his balance as he manuevers for position!
Tambellis takes a full step back and plants her feet firmly.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Tambellis dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with blows meant to impale!
Tambellis's dragonwood standard lands a good hit to Asildu's left arm!
Sozinho draws a tyrium cutlass at a veteran veteran drake. The cutlass lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm!
Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.
Rakkor sheathes his sterak axe.
Tambellis draws forth a diamondwood officer's staff carved with vines.
Sozinho draws a tyrium cutlass at a veteran veteran drake. The cutlass lands a light hit (1/23) to his abdomen!
Rakkor sheathes his throwing hammer.
Tambellis takes a full step back and plants her feet firmly while twirling her staff.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
Tambellis dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with twirling blows!
Tambellis's officer's staff lands a light hit to Asildu's right arm!
Rakkor sidesteps and adjusts his footing.
Rakkor makes an agile leap and thrusts his open palm towards Asildu!
Rakkor's palm lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu’s right arm!
Asildu begins to focus intently on Rakkor. . Sozinho draws a tyrium cutlass at a veteran veteran drake. The cutlass lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm!
Tambellis sheathes her officer's staff.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Rakkor butts his chain-clad forehead at Asildu. Asildu attempts to dodge. The forehead lands a light hit to Asildu's chest.
Rakkor's silver glow flares.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Rakkor!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Rakkor's chest!
Tambellis sidesteps and adjusts her footing.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Tambellis makes an agile leap and thrusts her open palm towards Asildu!
Tambellis's palm lands a light hit to Asildu's left arm!
Sozinho draws a tyrium cutlass at a veteran veteran drake. The cutlass lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm!
The air around Tambellis solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and throws off shimmering light in the wake of the attack.
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes weaves mindbending cacophony into its war chant and swoops down with a deafening whipcrack at Tambellis. The sonic boom lands an ineffective (0/23) strike to her left arm!
Rakkor butts his chain-clad forehead at Asildu. Asildu badly fails to block with a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head. The forehead lands a grazing blow to Asildu's chest.
Rakkor's silver glow flares.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Rakkor!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Rakkor's left hand!
The veteran drake is enraged by Sozinho's attack.
Sozinho draws a tyrium cutlass at a veteran veteran drake. The cutlass lands a light hit (1/23) to his abdomen!
Rakkor loosens the straps securing his small shield and removes it.
Sozinho puts his cutlass in his marblesilk baldric.
The air around Tambellis solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, buckling and losing much of its mass under the force of the attack.
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes redoubles its ethereal song as it undulates and swoops down with a deafening whipcrack at Tambellis. The sonic boom lands a grazing (0/23) strike to her left arm!
Sozinho takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
Sozinho unleashes a palm strike!
Sozinho's palm lands a good strike (3/23) to a veteran veteran drake's scaly back!
Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Rakkor!
He manages to get out of the way!
Sozinho draws forth a watered steel nodachi with lotusweave handle wrapping.
Sozinho takes a step back and readies his nodachi behind him.
Sozinho swiftly attempts to cleave through a veteran veteran drake!
Sozinho's steel nodachi lands a good hit (2/23) to a veteran veteran drake's claw-tipped left wing!
Rakkor butts his chain-clad forehead at Asildu. Asildu evades.
Rakkor's silver glow flares.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Rakkor!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Rakkor's left arm!
Rakkor butts his chain-clad forehead at Asildu. Asildu slaps away little of the forehead with a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head.
The saline lattice around Asildu's left arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Rakkor's silver glow flares.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Rakkor!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Rakkor's left hand!
Asildu says to Rakkor, "Lucky you."
A veteran veteran drake lurches forward and slashes at Timorias. The sharp claw lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg!
Sozinho sheathes his steel nodachi.
Sozinho gets a haralun dire mace from inside his war belt.
Tambellis draws forth a menacing frozen-bone reaper's scythe with a sweeping blade of abyssium.
A scraggly watchsoul near Rakkor flies furiously through the air toward a veteran veteran drake!
The watchsoul passes through a veteran veteran drake's body with no discernible effect.
Sozinho takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
Sozinho makes an agile leap towards a veteran veteran drake, powering forward in an attempt to crash through him!
Sozinho's dire mace lands a good hit (2/23) to a veteran veteran drake's claw-tipped left wing!
The air around Tambellis solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, losing most of its mass under the force of the attack.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Tambellis!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Tambellis's right arm!
A veteran veteran drake growls lowly and swings at Sozinho.
A veteran veteran drake growls lowly and swings at Timorias.
Timorias rests his hand on Sozinho's arm with a soft smile.
The air around Tambellis solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, collapsing under the force of the attack in a silent cascade of glassy fragments that vanish before reaching the ground. A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes rises up in a din of chaotic noises, swooping down with a deafening whipcrack at Tambellis. The sonic boom lands a good strike (3/23) to her back!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right hand shatter!
Tambellis's scythe lands an ineffective strike to Asildu's right hand.
Sozinho bashes a haralun dire mace at a veteran veteran drake. The mace lands a good hit (2/23) to his right leg!
Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Tambellis!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Tambellis's left arm!
Rakkor butts his chain-clad forehead at Asildu. Asildu evades.
Rakkor's silver glow flares.
Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Rakkor!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Rakkor’s chest!
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Tambellis!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Tambellis's chest!
Rakkor grins.
Sozinho bashes a haralun dire mace at a veteran veteran drake. The mace lands a light hit (1/23) to his abdomen!
A somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes redoubles its ethereal song as it undulates, swooping down with a deafening whipcrack at Tambellis. The sonic boom lands a good strike (3/23) to her chest!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Rakkor butts his chain-clad forehead at Asildu. Asildu attempts to evade. The forehead lands a skimming strike to Asildu's left arm.
Tambellis cuts the air with a piercing whistle!
Sozinho bashes a haralun dire mace at a veteran veteran drake. The mace lands a good hit (2/23) to his right arm!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
Rakkor butts his chain-clad forehead at Asildu. Asildu badly fails to block with a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head. The forehead lands a grazing strike to Asildu's abdomen.
Rakkor's silver glow flares.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Rakkor!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Rakkor’s back!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
Rakkor butts his chain-clad forehead at Asildu. Asildu badly fails to parry with a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head. The forehead lands a light hit to Asildu's abdomen.
Rakkor's silver glow flares.
Asildu’s robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Rakkor!
Asildu’s flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Rakkor's left arm!
Sozinho draws a haralun dire mace at a veteran veteran drake.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
Rakkor butts his chain-clad forehead at Asildu. Asildu attempts to evade. The forehead lands a light hit to Asildu's abdomen.
Rakkor's silver glow flares.
Asildu’s robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Rakkor!
Asildu’s flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Rakkor's abdomen!
Sozinho draws a haralun dire mace at a veteran veteran drake. The mace lands a light hit (1/23) to his right leg!
Tambellis leans to the side, then quickly forward, in a parody of a dance.
Rakkor butts his chain-clad forehead at Asildu. Asildu slaps away little of the forehead with a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head.
Rakkor's silver glow flares.
Asildu’s keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Rakkor!
Asildu’s flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Rakkor's left arm!
Sozinho draws a haralun dire mace at a veteran veteran drake. The mace lands a light hit (1/23) to his back!
Rakkor laughs!
The veteran drake is enraged by Sozinho's attack.
Sozinho draws a haralun dire mace at a veteran veteran drake. The mace lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg!
Tambellis shifts her balance as she manuevers for position, showing off her skill with a flourish.
The saline lattice around Asildu's left arm rebuilds and reinforces itself.
Sozinho draws a haralun dire mace at a veteran veteran drake.
Tambellis draws a menacing frozen-bone reaper's scythe with a sweeping blade of abyssium at Asildu.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Tambellis!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Tambellis's abdomen!
Tambellis draws a menacing frozen-bone reaper's scythe with a sweeping blade of abyssium at Asildu.
Sozinho draws a haralun dire mace at a veteran veteran drake.
Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Tambellis!
Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Tambellis's abdomen!
The saline lattice around Asildu's abdomen rebuilds and reinforces itself.
A scraggly watchsoul near Rakkor flies furiously through the air toward a veteran veteran drake!
The watchsoul spins in several quicksilver circles around a veteran veteran drake, then transmogrifies into a flame that appears to burn out immediately.
Sozinho puts his mace in his war belt.
[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Well, it's been fun."
Tambellis sheathes her reaper's scythe.
With a faint sough, a somber midnight-hued lesser naga with fathomless dark eyes slides into thin air as its song ends.
Sozinho takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
Sozinho dashes quickly at a veteran veteran drake, attacking him with a palm strike!
Sozinho's palm lands a good strike (3/23) to a veteran veteran drake's left hind claw!
Tambellis gestures.
Tapering ribbons of soft yellow extend across the area, pausing to dance in swirls and eddies.
A pristine drake disengages from Tambellis.
A pristine drake disengages from Tambellis.
A pristine drake disengages from Tambellis.
The spectral reaper begins to advance on Asildu.
Timorias rests his hand on Sozinho's arm with a soft smile.
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a veteran veteran drake. The claw lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm!
Sozinho bull-rushes at a veteran veteran drake and knocks him to the ground.
The spectral reaper closes to melee range on Asildu.
Sozinho punches his Adamantia steel claw at a veteran veteran drake.
Tambellis draws forth a serrated Imperial spear with a diamondwood haft.
Sozinho gets a tyrium imperial war hammer with an agonite handle from inside his war belt.
Sozinho bashes a tyrium imperial war hammer with an agonite handle at a veteran veteran drake. The hammer flashes mulberry-black, erupting with various sharpened short fragments and lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg!
The rain lessens somewhat to a dull drizzle.
Eyes blazing with an intense rage, Tambellis unleashes a single, prolonged shout directed at Asildu. A wave of sound lands an apocalyptic strike (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) on Asildu, driving him across the area with irresistible force!
Unable to keep his balance, Asildu lands in a heap on the ground!
Sozinho draws a tyrium imperial war hammer with an agonite handle at a veteran veteran drake. The hammer lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
A cloudy yellow spectral reaper lands a harmless strike to Asildu's left arm.
Tambellis's spear lands a good strike to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!
Rakkor closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Asildu as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.
Asildu’s keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Tambellis!
Asildu’s flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Tambellis's right hand!
Sozinho visibly churns with an inner rage!
The veteran drake begins to advance on Timorias.
Sozinho draws a tyrium imperial war hammer with an agonite handle at a veteran veteran drake. The hammer lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!
[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "Okay weirdo"
[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Enjoy the drakes as a gift from the Heralds."
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
A cloudy yellow spectral reaper lands a grazing strike to Asildu's abdomen.
Suddenly, a serrated Imperial spear with a diamondwood haft leaps from Asildu's body and flies toward Tambellis! The spear slides to Tambellis's right hand, reuniting her with her lost belonging.
Tambellis hardens her stance and bellows a defiant decry against oppression!
The veteran drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along his scales as it builds in intensity!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left hand shatter!
Tambellis's spear lands a brushing hit to Asildu's left hand.
The Imperial spear lands at Tambellis's feet.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Tambellis!
Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Tambellis's right arm!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A cloudy yellow spectral reaper lands an ineffective strike to Asildu's chest.
Asildu steps into a shadow and is simply gone!
Invasion Continues
Note: Some overlap in timing with the end of the fight with Asildu.
[The Crossing, Firulf Vista]
The stone town walls seal off the city from the wilds beyond to the north. Still, the scents of damp earth and leaf mold, pine and cedar, and feral creatures drift over the barricade. Directly to the east, within spitting distance, is the Northeast town gate. Through the gap in the wall, you can make out the low rise of the slate hills to the northwest and the lone, aloof tower of the Warrior Mages' Guild to the east. You also see a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, a veteran veteran drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, a floating vessel of flaring crimson light and an immaculate drake.
Lady of the Watch Dantia just arrived.
Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Dantia.
Illiya joins Madigan's group.
Dantia joins Madigan's group.
Dantia waves her hand.
[General] Your mind hears Yiel thinking, "Any healers out there doing triage?"
Dasheek joins Madigan's group.
A flaring crimson vessel slowly moves to Warbrolus's side then sits rigidly in space where it stops.
Casari joins Madigan's group.
Madigan says, "Moving East one more."
Madigan says, "Back up."
Dantia touches Warbrolus with a confident grace.
Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.
Madigan says, "Moving."
Sir Madigan goes east, leading his group.
[The Crossing, Northeast Customs]
Here stands the Northeast Gate, two massive doors of steel-banded ironwood securely attached to the masonry of the town walls. The traffic here is thick with travelers, and the Customs Officers are alert to any sign of trouble. You also see a black dog and a winding trail.
Warbrolus nods.
Lady of the Watch Dantia just arrived.
Dantia joins Madigan's group.
Madigan says, "Alright, rebuff and let's get healed."
Illiya asks, "Was there a banner room?"
Madigan begins to advance on a pristine drake.
Dasheek says, "Ok."
Dantia says, "There just wasn't enough time between stuns of fire to do any actual healing beyond one person."
The pristine drake begins to advance on Warbrolus.
Illiya assesses her combat situation.
Madigan says, "Going to get one."
The pristine drake begins to advance on Dasheek.
You notice Warbrolus attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Madigan closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.
Warbrolus says, "I'll banner another room."
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Warbrolus.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Dasheek.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Dasheek.
Warbrolus says, "One moment."
The pristine drake begins to advance on Dasheek.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Warbrolus.
Madigan closes to melee range on a pristine drake.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Dasheek.
Madigan asks, "Warb, can you try to get a banner to the West?"
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Dasheek.
Warbrolus retreats from combat.
Warbrolus retreats from combat.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus walks west.
Madigan puts his zweihander in his kirmiko pocket.
Madigan sheathes his massive zweihander.
The pristine drake tastes the air with his tongue and tilts his head in curiosity.
The pristine drake tastes the air with his tongue and tilts his head in curiosity.
The pristine drake swiftly bounds west in search of new prey.
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus just arrived.
Warbrolus says, "Done."
Warbrolus says, "West is banner."
Fearless Crobin just arrived.
Madigan says, "Thanks for the calms Casari."
Dasheek asks, "Ugh. More of these?"
Crobin joins Madigan's group.
Casari gives a slight nod.
Warbrolus joins Madigan's group.
Dasheek ducks his head.
Dantia touches Warbrolus with a confident grace.
Dasheek retreats from combat.
Dantia touches Crobin with a confident grace.
Dasheek retreats from combat.
Illiya lays her hand on Crobin's arm.
Dasheek assesses his combat situation.
Illiya assesses her combat situation.
Madigan says, "Alright, Dantia tell me when everyone is healed up."
A shimmering mirror of shadows appears momentarily in the air above, briefly revealing Eleandra's face.
Madigan says, "Let's get group buffs back up."
Dantia says, "Everyone is healed."
Madigan says, "Then we will hit Asildu again."
Crobin grumbles.
Crobin scans the area briefly.
Madigan says, "The banner is the rally point."
Illiya nods.
Dasheek says, "I can't land anything on Asildu."
Crobin says, "He is w, s, w."
Illiya says, "He's hard to debil."
[General] Your mind hears Dantia thinking, "Regrouping at NE Gate, banner is one to the west."
Crobin says, "Me either dash."
Madigan nods to Crobin.
Madigan says, "Just focus on the chest."
Madigan says, "Enough small hits will take him down."
Warbrolus says, "I keep cursing him."
Madigan says, "Great work Warb."
Crobin says, "Me to Warb."
Warbrolus says, "Curse of Zach should help."
Madigan says, "Alright, group buffs. Keep them coming."
Dasheek ponders.
Madigan asks, "Dantia, how are we on heals?"
Madigan draws forth a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt.
Dantia says, "Heals are good, just rebuffing."
Crobin says, "She said we were good."
Brother Harsh just arrived.
Illiya grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.
Yiel just arrived.
Dantia touches Harsh with a confident grace.
Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.
Illiya grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.
Warbrolus gestures.
Yiel joins Madigan's group.
Crobin says, "I will meet you there sir."
Madigan says, "Alright, once we are rebuffed. We hit again...we keep this process until he is down."
Crobin smiles.
Dantia touches Yiel with a confident grace.
Urbaj joins Madigan's group.
Yiel beams at Dantia!
Illiya touches the tattoo on her arm and closes her eyes in concentration.
Dantia touches Urbaj with a confident grace.
Dasheek says, "Let's hope it happens soon. I was tired of this crap four months ago."
Yiel exclaims, "I nearly died out there. Bleeding for head and neck. That fire is intense!"
Yiel asks, "Any counter for that?"
Yiel begins to advance on a pristine drake.
Mage Aerilia just arrived.
Madigan says, "Drop and roll."
Crobin says, "You and me both Dash."
Yiel closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.
Dasheek nods.
Dantia touches Aerilia with a confident grace.
Aerilia joins Madigan's group.
Yiel closes to melee range on a pristine drake.
Urbaj gets a braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle from inside his war belt.
Dantia touches Yiel with a confident grace.
Dantia touches Urbaj with a confident grace.
Warbrolus moves into position to cover Aerilia from harm.
Dantia touches Harsh with a confident grace.
Dantia says, "Heals are good."
Harsh quietly says, "I have to fix my orb. I will find you when im done."
Brother Harsh hobbles west.
Dasheek pats Crobin on the back.
Madigan says, "Alright, we afe moving back in in 60 seconds."
Warbrolus says to Aerilia, "Sorry, the special attack got passed my PROTECT."
Dasheek says, "We'll get 'em."
[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Well, it's been fun."
Dasheek says, "I'm sure."
Aerilia nods to Warbrolus.
Crobin says, "I got more coin."
Aerilia says, "Your vessel kept me going longer than I deserved."
Crobin says, "And more naphtha."
Madigan stretches his arms.
Aerilia grins at Warbrolus.
[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "Okay weirdo"
Emerald Knight Vaddon came through the Northeast Gate.
[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Enjoy the drakes as a gift from the Heralds."
Warbrolus says, "West is a bannered room if you need to recover."
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Warbrolus.
Warbrolus beams at Aerilia!
Dantia touches Vaddon with a confident grace.
Crobin says, "I am going to light this sob on fire."
Dasheek asks, "Um, TM is a no-go, yeah?"
Warbrolus gently slides his palm along the surface of the vessel, causing crimson light to flare around him.
Vaddon smiles at Dantia.
Dantia smiles at Vaddon.
Stalwart Seydin just arrived.
Dasheek grins at Crobin.
[General] Your mind hears Zynell thinking, "they are really cute, many thanks!"
Madigan says, "We need a better place for the banner. The drakes will shred a banner in the open."
Dasheek exclaims, "I'll help with that!"
Yiel puts his effigy in his spider carryall.
Yiel sheathes his thin blade.
Madigan says, "Alright, we are moving back in in 30 seconds."
Dasheek nods.
Yiel draws forth a diacan marauder blade from the ties on his reinforced straps.
Madigan grins.
Vaddon joins Madigan's group.
Warbrolus nods.
Dantia touches Warbrolus with a confident grace.
Stalwart Seydin just arrived.
[General] Your mind hears Rakkor thinking, "He ran as fast as he could from the Avatar of Chadatru."
[General] Your mind hears Anino thinking, "Pristine pushovers."
Seydin joins Madigan's group.
Dasheek ponders.
Madigan says, "Moving."
You follow Madigan west.
[The Crossing, Firulf Vista]
Utter bedlam confronts you as you step out into this street. This is the point where anyone and everyone who passes through the Northeast Gate either leaving town or arriving must cross paths. You quickly conclude this is no spot to stop and admire the scenery of the regions of the Eastern Tier beyond, nor to study the local architecture around you, since the momentum of the crowd carries you along, almost without your realizing it. You also see an immaculate drake that appears rather calm, a stone stairway, a pristine drake that appears rather calm, a ghostly white banner and a pristine drake that appears rather calm.
You follow Madigan south.
[The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]
Oralana Ramble runs along the east wall of town, leading between the Northeast and the Eastern Gates. Somehow, it is relatively calm compared to those roads that lead to the Town Green, Town Hall, the Bank and the other nerve centers of the Crossing. The three towers guarding the temple thrust into the sky to the southwest, their flames a beacon for miles. A bluejay lands on a ledge atop the wall, chasing a pair of mudwrens from their comfy perch into a clump of weeds along the side of the path. You also see a pristine drake that appears rather calm, a ghostly white banner, an immaculate drake that appears rather calm, a pristine drake that appears rather calm, an immaculate drake that appears rather calm, an immaculate drake that appears rather calm, a pristine drake that appears rather calm, a veteran veteran drake that appears rather calm and a veteran veteran drake that appears rather calm.
Madigan assesses his combat situation.
Illiya assesses her combat situation.
Madigan asks, "Any locate on Asildu?"
Dasheek gets a dog talisman from inside his encompassing shadows.
Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus just arrived.
Madigan begins to advance on an immaculate drake.
Aerilia gets a dog talisman from inside her scroll case.
[General] Your mind hears Qij thinking, "More like Asildon't....amirite guys....."
The immaculate drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
Warbrolus joins Madigan's group.
Seydin draws forth a haralun bastard sword.
Dantia touches Warbrolus with a confident grace.
Yiel says, "I'll try."
Seydin turns his sword easily in his hands and ends up with it in position to be used as a heavy edged weapon.
Madigan says, "Thanks."
Aerilia puts her talisman in her scroll case.
Dantia touches Yiel with a confident grace.
The black dog pads off.
Yiel raises his palms skyward, chanting.
Madigan begins to advance on an immaculate drake.
Dasheek gets a distant look on his face.
Dantia touches Seydin with a confident grace.
Yiel says, "One moment."
Aerilia says, "Sending my dog after him too."
Dasheek says, "Danger Dog is looking, too."
Madigan begins to advance on an immaculate drake.
[General] Your mind hears Leayne thinking, "triage is in healerie, blue area, under Empaths"
Madigan puts his zweihander in his kirmiko pocket.
Madigan sheathes his massive zweihander.
Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.
Crobin scans the area briefly.
Bluntmaster Darkgaze just arrived, leading his group.
High Priestess Maraisel just arrived.
Illiya lays her hand on Aerilia's arm.
Maraisel joins Madigan's group.
Illiya lays her hand on Seydin's arm.
Vaddon assesses his combat situation.
Illiya lays her hand on Vaddon's arm.
Rozalynde just arrived.
Madigan says, "Moving."
You follow Madigan west.
[The Crossing, Firulf Vista]
Firulf Vista is a broad thoroughfare leading to the northeastern town gate. Farther to the east, beyond the crenellated tops of the town walls, is the tall, thin spire of the Warrior Mages' Guild, and the dark, swelling hills of the wilderness that lies outside the safety of the confines of civilization.
You follow Madigan west.
[The Crossing, Firulf Vista]
The roads here follow the inner perimeter of the town walls, meeting at a right angle. Sparse, colorful wildflowers have taken root in the crevices where the walls abut here. Several blocks north rises the building that houses the Paladins' Guild. Light glints off its crystal-paned skylight and circular stained-glass windows, surrounding the edifice with an aura of power and purity. You also see a cloud of silver-grey mist, an immaculate drake that is lying down, the Enchanting Society hall with an imposing domed roof and a pristine drake that appears rather calm.
Stalwart Seydin goes east.
[General] Your mind hears Imroth thinking, "Where are the drakes at? I can come help"
Trying weakly, Zynell gouges her claws at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake slaps away little of the claws with a razor-sharp talon.
Weakly, Zynell gouges her claws at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake fends off little of the claws with a razor-sharp talon.
Yiel begins to advance on an immaculate drake.
Zynell gestures at an immaculate drake.
The immaculate drake takes on an ill, brooding appearance.
He drops to his knees before Zynell.
An immaculate drake becomes enraged by Zynell's spell!
Crobin scans the area briefly.
Lupdels retreats from combat.
Yiel says, "Cannot locate Asildu."
Stalwart Seydin just arrived.
Lupdels retreats from combat.
Madigan nods.
Seydin joins Madigan's group.
Yiel closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.
Seydin begins to advance on an immaculate drake.
Warbrolus positions himself to intercept the immaculate drake's strike against Aerilia!
Yiel closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.
Moving with dominating grace, Yiel jabs a diacan marauder blade with a grip wrapped in morgawr leather at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake fails to dodge, avoiding only some of the blow. The blade lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg, lightly stunning him!
Dantia touches Seydin with a confident grace.
Moving with the precision of a mongoose, Yiel slices a diacan marauder blade with a grip wrapped in morgawr leather at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake fails to dodge, only slightly avoiding the blow. The blade lands a good strike (3/23) to his abdomen!
Madigan says, "Well, he got the better of us this round for sure."
Seydin closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.
Vaddon assesses his combat situation.
Dantia nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.
Seydin closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.
Crobin begins to advance on an immaculate drake.
With the precision and elegance of a plunging goshawk, Vaddon throws an oak-hafted legionary's pilum carved with the image of a shrike at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake attempts to evade, leaning wrong and blundering into the blow. The pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) to his right arm!
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Driving in like a master combatant, Seydin slices a haralun bastard sword at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake barely fails to parry with a razor-sharp talon. The sword lands a good hit (2/23) to his chest!
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.
Illiya says, "He's gotten stronger."
Madigan gestures.
Moving with amazing force and guile, Seydin slices a haralun bastard sword at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake completely fails to block with his thick-scaled forearm. The sword lands a hard hit (5/23) that rips skin and exposes bloody cartilage under the left kneecap!
Madigan slides a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield off his left arm, gripping it in one hand.
Crobin closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.
With the precision and elegance of a plunging goshawk, Yiel slices a diacan marauder blade with a grip wrapped in morgawr leather at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake completely fails to block with his thick-scaled forearm. The blade lands a solid hit (4/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest!
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.
Dantia says, "That was far more difficult than previous invasions."
Driving in like a master combatant, Vaddon throws an oak-hafted legionary's pilum carved with the image of a shrike at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake fails to dodge, failing miserably. The pilum lands a hard hit (5/23) that pierces clean through the abdomen and out the back (Shiskabob!)!
The legionary's pilum lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as his lifeforce fades.
The swirling confines of malevolent darkness wane from about an immaculate drake.
Crobin stops advancing.
Seydin sheathes his bastard sword.
Dantia holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
Madigan says, "Very bloody strong."
Yiel begins to advance on a pristine drake.
Seydin begins to advance on a pristine drake.
Driving in like a master combatant, Vaddon throws an oak-hafted legionary's pilum carved with the image of a shrike at a pristine drake. A pristine drake badly fails to block with a thick-scaled forearm. The pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) to her right hand!
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Crobin begins to advance on a pristine drake.
Illiya nods at Dantia, obviously agreeing with her views.
Casari's voice grows softer as a slightly lyrical quality enters her singing, enhanced by a repeating theme in the melody.
Aerilia nods.
The pristine drake is enraged by Vaddon's attack!
Driving in with exacting precision, Vaddon throws an oak-hafted legionary's pilum carved with the image of a shrike at a pristine drake. A pristine drake badly fails to block with a thick-scaled forearm. The pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) to her left leg!
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Driving in like the overwhelming force of a hurricane, Madigan hurls a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage at a pristine drake. A pristine drake fails to evade, taking the full blow. The axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to her left hand!
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!
Seydin closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.
Yiel closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.
Crobin closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.
Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived.
Moving with the precision of a mongoose, Vaddon throws an oak-hafted legionary's pilum carved with the image of a shrike at a pristine drake. A pristine drake badly fails to block with a thick-scaled forearm. The pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) that barely breaks the skin of her right leg!
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
Seydin closes to melee range on a pristine drake.
Yiel closes to melee range on a pristine drake.
Crobin closes to melee range on a pristine drake.
Dasheek joins Madigan's group.
Moving with the precision of a mongoose, Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at a pristine drake. A pristine drake fails to parry with a razor-sharp talon. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to her chest!
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.
Driving in like the overwhelming force of a hurricane, Madigan hurls a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage at a pristine drake. A pristine drake completely fails to block with her thick-scaled forearm. The axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that painfully mashes several toes of the left foot!
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!
Moving as a single sinuous force, Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at a pristine drake. A pristine drake fails to evade, only slightly avoiding the blow. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side!
Brother Harsh just arrived.
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.
Warbrolus hurls a tyrium Imperial spear at a pristine drake. The spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an overwhelming strike (19/23) (Oooh, the next generation of drakes are going to feel that!) that rips the entire left arm from its socket!
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Leviathan Friend Lupdels saunters east.
Harsh joins Madigan's group.
Madigan says, "Moving."
Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.
You follow Madigan east.
[The Crossing, Firulf Vista]
Firulf Vista is a broad thoroughfare leading to the northeastern town gate. Farther to the east, beyond the crenellated tops of the town walls, is the tall, thin spire of the Warrior Mages' Guild, and the dark, swelling hills of the wilderness that lies outside the safety of the confines of civilization. You also see a pyroclastic ash cloud, a wire-haired terrier puppy, a tiny amber tabby kitten with large golden-flecked amber eyes, a pudgy grey and white kitten, a hulking polar bear with ultramarine eyes and a grizzled old war veteran.
Dasheek moves over to guard Illiya.
You follow Madigan south.
[The Crossing, Via Mandroga]
This narrow alley leads between the northern angle of the town wall and the Arena. The backdoor to the Healing Hospital and to the Empaths' Guild is here, and burlap bags filled with soiled gauze, empty vials and the remains of herbs and potions litter the gutter. A few bold mice nibble at the heaps of debris. You also see an embroidery needle.
You follow Madigan south.
[The Crossing, Magen Road]
Not far off you spot the town walls, which meet at a right angle in this northeast corner of town. This road is kept busy by the traffic to and from the popular haunts crowded into this sector - the Barbarians' Guild, the Champions' Arena, the Empaths' Guild, Martyr Saedelthorp's Healing Hospital, and the convivial Gaethrend's Court Inn. In addition, the Paladins' Guild farther north, and the gate leading out of town to the Warrior Mages' Guild and the wilds all are accessed through this street. You also see an immaculate drake that appears rather calm.
Seydin's hammer lands a hard hit (5/23) that buckles the left knee for a moment with a painful frontal blow.
The throwing hammer lands at Seydin's feet.
Yiel begins to advance on an immaculate drake.
Yiel sheathes his marauder blade and ties it to his reinforced straps.
Seydin closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.
Dasheek gestures.
A veil of ice forms around Dasheek.
Seydin's hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right leg.
The throwing hammer lands at Seydin's feet.
Seydin closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.
Vaddon's pilum lands a hard hit (5/23) that lightly bruises the drake's side with an attack which fails to pierce the skin.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Yiel draws forth a steel throwing hammer from the ties on his steel-plated bandolier.
Urbaj molds a massive red dart from shimmering light and flings it at an immaculate drake!
The dart glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The tip of the crystalline dart skims along the immaculate drake's serpentine neck in a glancing (0/23) strike that barely leaves a scratch.
The immaculate drake is stunned!
Illiya lays her hand on Lushk's arm.
Yiel closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.
Madigan asks, "Did Valynn end up in the sea again?"
Madigan grins.
Yiel's hammer lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right hand.
The throwing hammer lands at Yiel's feet.
From seemingly nowhere, a fractured bone wasp swirling within a dense fog buzzes Crobin's head from behind and starts darting around.
The immaculate drake shakes her head in frustration, trying to regain her senses!
Yiel closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.
Aerilia's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) that cools skin and chills bone with a frost-covered blow to the right leg.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.
Seydin's knuckle lands a good hit (2/23) that pokes a nasty hole in the drake's neck.
Vaddon's pilum lands a strong hit (6/23) that punctures deeply into one side of the drake's stomach and out the other.
The legionary's pilum lodges itself deeply into the immaculate drake!
Warbrolus chuckles.
Yiel's hammer lands a good strike (3/23) that slams the sternum into the heart with a sickening *Crack!*.
The throwing hammer lands at Yiel's feet.
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Crobin chuckles.
Lushk gestures.
Tapering ribbons of soft yellow extend across the area, pausing to dance in swirls and eddies.
Madigan says, "Moving."
Crobin scans the area briefly.
Harsh quietly says, "Buffing where i was in hiding."
Casari's voice, though barely above a whisper, grows in intensity as she continues to perform her enchante.
You follow Madigan west.
[The Crossing, Magen Road]
The whitewashed building before you is stark and functional. A sign mounted on it is hand painted and carved with cunning skill. White-robed figures and all manner of injured and infirm people stream in and out of a double door, leaving thin trails of blood on the spotless pavement. You also see the heraldic company, a wide arch, a stone urn and an ilmenite runestone.
You notice as a black dog pads into the area.
Casari points at the heraldic company.
Casari says, "Hundreds of them."
Dantia chuckles at Madigan.
Madigan scans the area briefly.
Aerilia says, "Joy."
Dasheek nods to Harsh.
Avatar of Chadatru Rakkor just arrived.
Rakkor grins.
A scraggly watchsoul flickers into view, lading the air with a sacred warmth.
Dantia smiles at Rakkor.
Rakkor snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.
Madigan says, "E, E and North are some...but looks like folks have those handled."
Casari says, "Have to start somewhere."
Illiya lays her hand on Rakkor's arm.
Casari charges towards the heraldic company!
Casari plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists her.
A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Yiel.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Seydin.
The pristine drake rears up, her throat expanding dramatically as she unfurls her wings! Thrusting her snout at Yiel and beating the air violently, the pristine drake blasts him with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
Yiel squares against the powerful currents, leaning into his ceremonial shield!
The pristine drake begins to advance on Maraisel.
Urbaj gestures.
Bright points with luminous tails arise out of the air above Urbaj, flung in descending arcs.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Seydin.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Vaddon.
Rollach assesses his combat situation.
Rakkor says, "I had Asildu tackled and restrained upon the ground."
Seydin begins to advance on a pristine drake.
Dantia says, "Oh here we go."
Harsh gestures at a pristine drake.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward a pristine drake!
The pristine drake's thick-scaled forearm blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes the pristine drake in the scaly abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to her.
A pristine drake staggers and falls backward.
Rakkor grumbles.
Dantia chuckles.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Yiel.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Rollach.
Rollach begins to advance on a pristine drake.
You notice Lushk slip into a hiding place.
The pristine drake discovers Lushk, ruining her hiding place!
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Seydin.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Vaddon.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Dasheek.
Urbaj gets a tenebrous black ka'hurst pasabas with a shadowleaf-wrapped hilt from inside his war belt.
Madigan exclaims, " are a ton of them!"
Vaddon assesses his combat situation.
Aerilia's spear lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right leg.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.
Urbaj moves a braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle to his left hand.
Urbaj moves a tenebrous black ka'hurst pasabas with a shadowleaf-wrapped hilt to his right hand.
Madigan grins.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Urbaj.
Vaddon's pilum lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right hand.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Urbaj begins to advance on a pristine drake.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Vaddon.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Seydin.
The pristine drake stops Seydin from advancing any farther.
Rakkor says, "And then he vanished."
Yiel sheathes his throwing hammer and ties it to his steel-plated bandolier.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Yiel.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Maraisel.
Harsh gestures at a pristine drake.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward a pristine drake!
The pristine drake's thick-scaled forearm blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes the pristine drake in the scaly chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to her.
Harsh gestures at a pristine drake.
The pristine drake takes on an ill, brooding appearance.
Seydin begins to advance on a pristine drake.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Urbaj.
The pristine drake stops Urbaj from advancing any farther.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Seydin.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Yiel.
Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes a pristine drake!
Anino's blade lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's head, lightly stunning her.
Madigan begins to advance on a pristine drake.
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj flies by at a tangent to a pristine drake, icing her dragonlike snout.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
An icy mare's-tail with a megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj for its core streaks diagonally across the air, and its contrail frosts an immaculate drake's muscular left leg in passing.
Wound Thief Lushk slinks south.
Rollach closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Maraisel.
Seydin gets a haralun bastard sword from inside his war belt.
Illiya asks, "Vanished how?"
Rollach retreats from combat.
Harsh gestures at an immaculate drake.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward an immaculate drake!
The immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes the immaculate drake in the serpentine neck, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to her.
An immaculate drake staggers and falls backward.
Vaddon throws an oak-hafted legionary's pilum carved with the image of a shrike at a pristine drake. The pilum lands a strong hit (6/23) that tears a small piece of skin from the left calf!
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Urbaj jabs a tenebrous black ka'hurst pasabas with a shadowleaf-wrapped hilt at a pristine drake. The pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to her chest!
Aerilia throws a glistening white icy spear at a pristine drake. The spear lands a light hit (1/23) that painfully numbs the toes of the left foot!
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.
An icy mare's-tail with a megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj for its core streaks diagonally across the air, and its contrail frosts a pristine drake's scaly abdomen in passing.
An icy mare's-tail with a megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj for its core streaks diagonally across the air, and its contrail frosts a pristine drake's scaly back in passing.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
Botanist Rollach stumbles south.
Wound Thief Lushk just arrived.
Madigan closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.
Vaddon throws an oak-hafted legionary's pilum carved with the image of a shrike at a pristine drake. The pilum lands a hard hit (5/23) that lightly pierces the left forearm!
The legionary's pilum lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!
Seydin feints a haralun bastard sword at a pristine drake. The sword lands a light hit (1/23) to her chest!
Urbaj jabs a tenebrous black ka'hurst pasabas with a shadowleaf-wrapped hilt at a pristine drake. The pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to her chest!
Leviathan Friend Lupdels just arrived.
Blowing out a tail of light and vapor, a megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj crashes into a pristine drake's muscular right leg!
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj grazes a pristine drake's scaly back and tumbles past her.
Madigan closes to melee range on a pristine drake.
Dantia holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.
Yiel asks, "Do spells work on these?"
The light about a pristine drake explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
Vaddon's pilum lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that tears the left leg from the socket when the legionary's pilum gets jammed between thigh and hip.
That would have stuck if there was anything left to stick to!
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Seydin's sword lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.
A sound not unlike distant thunder escapes the immaculate drake as she slumbers.
Urbaj's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest.
Madigan's axe lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that cleaves the right arm from the shoulder.
The hurling axe lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj falls as a hammer wreathed in streamers of vapor, crashing upon a pristine drake's scaly back and clapping it into oblivion! The impact throws her body aside like a toy drake.
The arcing electricity along the pristine drake's tail ceases.
The contrail of a vaporous aggregate with a vivid white heart etches a line across the air. The megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj hits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen at an angle and breaks down.
You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.
You hear the voice of Sofina say, "Theres a company of 500 at the courtyard too."
Madigan's axe lands an annihilating strike (21/23) (Urrem'tier would be proud!) that tears flesh and cartilage as the right leg is ripped clean below the knee (Better order that peg leg!).
The hurling axe lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!
Fearless Crobin just arrived, leading his group.
Dantia touches Rakkor with a confident grace.
You notice a black dog sniff at a pristine drake.
Harsh quietly says, "Some."
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's serpentine neck.
Dasheek gets a polished silversteel throwing axe sculpted with the lines of an anguished visage from inside his encompassing shadows.
Crobin joins Madigan's group.
The immaculate drake is enraged by Vaddon's attack!
Vaddon's pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's back.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Dasheek's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left leg.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen.
The pristine drake searches around for a moment.
The pristine drake discovers Valynn, ruining her hiding place!
The light about an immaculate drake explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a solid hit (4/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) that rips through muscle and organs, cutting the foe cleanly in half.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Rakkor joins Madigan's group.
Valynn goes south.
Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.
Admoos joins Madigan's group.
Seydin's sword lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's head.
Admoos nods.
Rakkor strikes his heel against the ground.
Geysers of fiery silver-grey magma erupt from the ground!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
A pristine drake's scaly abdomen is blistered and seared as the rivulet of silver-grey lava rolls over it.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
The light about a pristine drake explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly back, producing a minor burn.
The light about a pristine drake flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
Blackened embers and flakes of ash swirl away from a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it is incinerated by the silver-grey lava, leaving behind naught but a smoking ruin.
The arcing electricity along the pristine drake's tail ceases.
A pristine drake suddenly looks rather less content with life in general.
Rakkor bends over the drake's corpse briefly.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The stream of liquid silver-grey fire washes over an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen, badly charring it.
The immaculate drake is severely stunned!
The light about an immaculate drake blooms into a radiant flare!
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
An immaculate drake's muscular left leg is swallowed by a whirlpool of lava, soon lost in the silver-grey inferno that flares up to incinerate it.
The immaculate drake is severely stunned!
Crobin begins to advance on an immaculate drake.
Aerilia's spear lands a good hit (2/23) that imprints the drake's sternum with frostbite in the shape of the icy spear.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.
Dantia holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
A pristine drake wakes up.
Vaddon's pilum lands a heavy strike (7/23) that rips off a nice chunk of flesh from the neck.
The legionary's pilum lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!
The pristine drake is enraged by Yiel's attack.
Yiel's moonblade cuts a blazing arc across its path and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.
Madigan says, "Gads. A whole company in the Courtyard."
Madigan's axe lands a cataclysmic strike (22/23) (Shock waves ripple outward!) that shatters the right elbow into grinding splinters.
The hurling axe lodges itself deeply into the pristine drake!
Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that just barely penetrates the skin to nick the stomach ('Tis but a scratch!).
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Rakkor yawns expansively.
Seydin's sword lands a good strike (3/23) that wounds her deeply across the upper left arm.
Admoos grins.
Crobin scans the area briefly.
Rakkor says, "Madigan, provoke the Company."
Dantia holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
Admoos exclaims, "Here we go!"
Rakkor strikes his heel against the ground.
Geysers of fiery silver-grey magma erupt from the ground!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
Blackened embers and flakes of ash swirl away from a pristine drake's scaly back as it is incinerated by the silver-grey lava, leaving behind naught but a smoking ruin.
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
A pristine drake suddenly looks rather less content with life in general.
Rakkor bends over the drake's corpse briefly.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly abdomen, producing a minor burn.
Harc gets a polished agonite chain blade from inside his weapon harness.
Illiya nods to Dasheek.
Admoos gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
An ilmenite runestone jumps into the air and zips toward a pristine drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her muscular left leg!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward a pristine drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly back!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward a pristine drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her dragonlike snout!
Madigan's axe lands a devastating hit (17/23) that amputates the left arm and a good deal of the shoulder in a crippling blow, dealing her a vicious stun.
The hurling axe lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!
Aerilia's spear lands a good strike (3/23) that temporarily knocks away the drake's breath with a numbing blow to the chest.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.
Dasheek's axe lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that bites deeply into the side of the neck.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Madigan grins.
Admoos grins.
Illiya lays her hand on Harc's arm.
Fearless Crobin saunters south.
Illiya lays her hand on Admoos's arm.
Madigan says, "Dantia does enjoy when we do that too often."
Admoos waves to Madigan.
Rakkor strikes his heel against the ground.
Geysers of fiery silver-grey magma erupt from the ground!
Admoos waves to Madigan.
Madigan assesses his combat situation.
Dantia grins.
Admoos babbles incoherently.
Admoos asks, "Ah all gone?"
Madigan says, "Alright, let's go tackle this unit in the Courtyard."
Casari charges towards the heraldic company!
Casari plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists her.
Madigan says, "Moving."
Dantia points at the heraldic company.
Illiya lays her hand on Aerilia's arm.
Admoos nods.
Yiel nods.
Fearless Crobin just arrived.
Madigan says, "Or, here."
The pristine drake begins to advance on Admoos.
Madigan and his group charge towards the heraldic company!
Since you are in Madigan's group, you follow him in his charge!
Madigan plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
Rakkor has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Dantia has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Crobin joins Madigan's group.
Seydin points at the heraldic company.
Warbrolus asks, "Think a moosehead might make them go away?"
Vaddon's pilum lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Maraisel gestures at an immaculate drake.
Several globes of ethereal blue-white light surge outward from Maraisel’s hand in rapid succession, hurtling toward an immaculate drake.
An immaculate drake is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
The first globe glances off of the immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The immaculate drake grunts in surprise as the first blue-white globe smacks into her scaly chest.
The second globe glances off of the immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The immaculate drake grunts in surprise as the second blue-white globe smacks into her scaly abdomen.
The third globe glances off of the immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The immaculate drake flinches reflexively as the third radiant blue-white globe grazes her muscular right leg.
The final globe glances off of the immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The immaculate drake grunts in surprise as the final blue-white globe smacks into her scaly back.
Casari claps her hands together, as a series of small vortices rise up from the dust around her, as they spiral quickly away.
One of the swirling vortices slams into an immaculate drake and encompasses her!
One of the swirling vortices slams into an immaculate drake and encompasses her!
One of the swirling vortices slams into a pristine drake and encompasses her!
One of the swirling vortices slams into a pristine drake and encompasses her!
The remaining vortices lose their cohesion and fall apart as they extend away from Casari.
Crobin begins to advance on an immaculate drake.
Dantia says to Admoos, "No, there is a company here. We have to break them off into smaller groups to fight."
Aerilia's spear lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.
Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a solid hit (4/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg.
Rakkor says, "More, Madigan. More."
Dantia holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
Admoos closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.
Admoos gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
An ilmenite runestone jumps into the air and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a good strike (3/23) to her scaly back!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a solid hit (4/23) to her slitted left eye!
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a hard hit (5/23) to her muscular left leg!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly chest!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her dragonlike snout!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
Harsh gestures at a pristine drake.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward a pristine drake!
The pristine drake's thick-scaled forearm blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes the pristine drake in the scaly chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to her.
Admoos closes to melee range on a pristine drake.
Admoos exclaims, "Ah got it!"
Vaddon's pilum lands a strong hit (6/23) that pierces the bones of the upper arm and gets temporarily stuck (Wipe the marrow off!).
The legionary's pilum lodges itself deeply into the immaculate drake!
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that pierces through the shoulder of the right arm and forces it and the arm to separate in a painful bloody display, dealing her a vicious stun.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!
Dantia touches Warbrolus with a confident grace.
Admoos's iltesh lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's head.
Madigan's axe lands a demolishing hit (15/23) that amputates the left arm and a good deal of the shoulder in a crippling blow.
The hurling axe lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!
Madigan and his group charge towards the heraldic company!
Since you are in Madigan's group, you follow him in his charge!
Madigan plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
Warbrolus has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Yiel has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Dantia has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Casari has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Dantia touches Warbrolus with a confident grace.
Dasheek gently kisses Illiya on the cheek.
Rakkor says, "Still more! Lead the charge, Paladin."
Casari's enchante slows, fading slightly as the final words of the chorus slip from her lips. She stirs enough for a brief refrain, though without the conviction her voice earlier held.
Illiya lays her hand on Admoos's arm.
Rakkor strikes his heel against the ground.
Geysers of fiery silver-grey magma erupt from the ground!
The light about an immaculate drake flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
Blackened embers and flakes of ash swirl away from an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it is incinerated by the silver-grey lava, leaving behind naught but a smoking ruin.
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
An immaculate drake suddenly looks rather less content with life in general.
Rakkor bends over the drake's corpse briefly.
A violent halo of white light contracts around a pristine drake!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly abdomen, producing a minor burn.
The heraldic company marches into the area!
Crobin says, "STABBING TIME."
Madigan says, "Nice and steady."
Valynn just arrived.
Madigan and his group charge towards the heraldic company!
Since you are in Madigan's group, you follow him in his charge!
Madigan plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
Admoos has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Harsh has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Dasheek has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Maraisel has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Urbaj has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Illiya has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Vaddon.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Seydin.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Seydin.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Yiel.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Valynn.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Crobin.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Maraisel.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Seydin.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Admoos.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Seydin.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj flies by at a tangent to an immaculate drake, icing her scaly chest.
A megalithic crystal statue of Stellar Statistician Urbaj flies by at a tangent to an immaculate drake, icing her scaly chest.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Warbrolus.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Admoos.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Yiel.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.
The immaculate drake begins to advance on Valynn.
Casari gestures.
Energy explodes from Casari, forming concentric rings of tangible sound that sweep through the area like the fading ripples in a pond.
Aerilia waves to Valynn.
Dantia touches Warbrolus with a confident grace.
Crobin begins to advance on a pristine drake.
Admoos begins to focus intently around himself.
Madigan's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that painfully mashes the right arm.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!
Dasheek's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left leg.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Sir Imroth just arrived.
Admoos gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
An ilmenite runestone jumps into the air and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly back!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly chest!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly chest!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a good hit (2/23) to her scaly abdomen!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her muscular left leg!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her serpentine neck!
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that spills bile upon the ground as the Imperial spear drills a hole straight through the drake's spleen.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!
Vaddon's pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) that lightly bruises the drake's side with an attack which fails to pierce the skin, lightly stunning her.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.
Dantia touches Imroth with a confident grace.
Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.
Yiel gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly back!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly chest!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her serpentine neck!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her muscular left leg!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a good strike (3/23) to her scaly chest!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee crimson sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The crimson sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The crimson sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her muscular left leg!
The crimson sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
Seydin's sword lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.
Imroth says, "I could use some healing if there is an available empath."
Madigan's axe lands a spine-rattling strike (16/23) that amputates the left arm and a good deal of the shoulder in a crippling blow.
The hurling axe lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Illiya lays her hand on Imroth's arm.
Tear Reaper Tambellis just arrived.
Casari says, "Same."
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that turns the quadricep to mush and crushes the femur in a mighty strike across the left leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the pristine drake!
Illiya says, "Call out if you need healing."
Dantia touches Casari with a confident grace.
Tambellis joins Madigan's group.
Illiya lays her hand on Tambellis's arm.
Admoos grins.
Rakkor pokes Madigan in the ribs.
Admoos babbles incoherently.
Dantia touches Dolf with a confident grace.
Dantia touches Crobin with a confident grace.
Vaddon's pilum lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Tambellis gestures.
Tapering ribbons of soft yellow extend across the area, pausing to dance in swirls and eddies.
Madigan and his group charge towards the heraldic company!
Since you are in Madigan's group, you follow him in his charge!
Madigan plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
Admoos has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Rakkor has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Harsh has been wounded in the attack by the fierce resistance of the enemy!
Madigan's axe flickers sunny-yellow, lacerating with countless denticulated blade projections and lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!
Rakkor charges towards the heraldic company!
Rakkor plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
Valynn joins Madigan's group.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that scratches the right forearm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!
Forest Sprite Lileath just arrived.
Vaddon's pilum lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's back.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Casari gestures.
Energy explodes from Casari, forming concentric rings of tangible sound that sweep through the area like the fading ripples in a pond.
Urbaj begins to advance on a pristine drake.
Dantia touches Rakkor with a confident grace.
The pristine drake is enraged by Warbrolus's attack!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that rips the drake's right leg off at the knee with a dead-center blow to the kneecap.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!
Rakkor charges towards the heraldic company!
Rakkor plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
Admoos gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a powerful strike (10/23) to her serpentine neck!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
A pristine drake suddenly looks rather less content with life in general.
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
Admoos bends over the drake's corpse briefly.
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her dragonlike snout!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to her scaly back!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good hit (2/23) to her scaly chest!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her serpentine neck!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her muscular right leg!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward a pristine drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly abdomen!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
Lileath joins Madigan's group.
Vaddon's pilum lands a hard hit (5/23) that lightly bruises the drake's side with an attack which fails to pierce the skin.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Dasheek's axe lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that crushes the pelvis with a loud snap.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Rakkor charges towards the heraldic company!
Rakkor plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
Dasheek's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right arm.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Vaddon's pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's chest.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Admoos gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
An ilmenite runestone jumps into the air and zips toward a pristine drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly back!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward a pristine drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a glancing (0/23) strike to her muscular right leg!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward a pristine drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her slitted left eye!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scaly abdomen!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly chest!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to her scaly back!
Madigan's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that cleaves off the tips of several of the drake's fingers.
The hurling axe lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that nicks the neck with a light scratch, lightly stunning her.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!
Dasheek's axe shines midnight-blue, lacerating with countless denticulated blade projections and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that shatters the right elbow into grinding splinters.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Lileath closes to melee range on a pristine drake.
Yiel gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
An ilmenite runestone jumps into the air and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a good hit (2/23) to her scaly abdomen!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a good strike (3/23) to her scaly chest!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a good strike (3/23) to her scaly chest!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward a pristine drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a good hit (2/23) to her slitted left eye!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward a pristine drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The ilmenite runestone lands a light hit (1/23) to her scaly abdomen!
An ilmenite runestone circles back in midair and zips toward a pristine drake!
The ilmenite runestone is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a powerful strike (10/23) that spurts blood everywhere as the Imperial spear is inserted and then withdrawn from the right hamstring.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!
Rakkor charges towards the heraldic company!
Rakkor plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.
Lileath's estoc lands a good strike (3/23) that doubles the drake's right leg over backwards with a direct hit to the right knee.
Vaddon's pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) that scratches the right forearm.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that punctures deeply into the right bicep, severing a small artery.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the pristine drake!
Urbaj puts his standard in his war belt.
Rakkor strikes his heel against the ground.
Geysers of fiery silver-grey magma erupt from the ground!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The stream of liquid silver-grey fire washes over a pristine drake's scaly back, badly charring it.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes an immaculate drake's muscular left leg, producing a minor burn.
Blackened embers and flakes of ash swirl away from a pristine drake's scaly back as it is incinerated by the silver-grey lava, leaving behind naught but a smoking ruin.
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Rakkor charges towards the heraldic company!
Rakkor plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
Rakkor charges towards the heraldic company!
Rakkor plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
Dantia says, "Join on Madigan if you aren't already."
Lileath begins to advance on a pristine drake.
Madigan says, "Keep your group buffs up and your individual buffs up."
Yiel says, "I htink Fou is reviatlizing them."
Urbaj's hammer lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right leg.
The throwing hammer lands at Urbaj's feet.
Aerilia's spear lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's right leg.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.
Rakkor strikes his heel against the ground.
Geysers of fiery silver-grey magma erupt from the ground!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
Blackened embers and flakes of ash swirl away from a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it is incinerated by the silver-grey lava, leaving behind naught but a smoking ruin.
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
A pristine drake suddenly looks rather less content with life in general.
Rakkor bends over the drake's corpse briefly.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
An immaculate drake's scaly back hisses and smokes as it is liberally spattered by the bubbling stream of silver-grey lava.
The immaculate drake is enraged by Warbrolus's attack!
Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that lightly pierces the left forearm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!
Admoos gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scaly back!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a good strike (3/23) to her muscular right leg!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
A wee blue-white sliver suddenly swings from orbiting around his head and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The blue-white sliver is partially blocked as it glances off her thick-scaled forearm.
The blue-white sliver lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to her scaly back!
The blue-white sliver explodes into even tinier multicolored fragments and vanishes!
Dasheek's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that wounds her deeply across the upper left arm.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.
Vaddon's pilum lands a strong hit (6/23) that tears the left leg from the socket when the legionary's pilum gets jammed between thigh and hip.
That would have stuck if there was anything left to stick to!
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an awesome strike (12/23) that cleaves the foe clean through from collarbone to hips.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Madigan says, "Try not to spam engage the Company."
Casari says, "Two companies."
Admoos charges towards the heraldic company!
Admoos plows headlong into the heraldic company, but their strong formation resists him.
From the skies to the west, a cluster of five drakes swoops low, exhaling gouts of fire to scorch everything in the area. The ground itself roils with flame!
Utbrach bursts into flames!
Lileath bursts into flames!
Tambellis bursts into flames!
Imroth bursts into flames!
Dolf bursts into flames!
Crobin bursts into flames!
Admoos bursts into flames!
Rakkor bursts into flames!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Dasheek bursts into flames!
Aerilia bursts into flames!
Seydin bursts into flames!
Maraisel bursts into flames!
Warbrolus bursts into flames!
Vaddon bursts into flames!
Urbaj bursts into flames!
Yiel bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Utbrach is stunned!
Lileath is stunned!
Tambellis is stunned!
Imroth is stunned!
Dolf is stunned!
Crobin is stunned!
Admoos is stunned!
Rakkor is stunned!
Harsh is stunned!
Dasheek is stunned!
Aerilia is stunned!
Seydin is stunned!
Maraisel is stunned!
Warbrolus is stunned!
Vaddon is stunned!
Urbaj is stunned!
Yiel is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Casari is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Madigan is stunned!
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Yiel.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
Illiya tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor.
A stunned Illiya slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Illiya shakes off the stun.
Seydin shakes off his stun!
Yiel teeters and nearly falls over.
A stunned Madigan slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Madigan shakes off the stun.
A stunned Casari slowly tips over, falling on her face!
A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
A stunned Yiel slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Yiel shakes off the stun.
A stunned Urbaj slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Urbaj shakes off the stun.
A stunned Vaddon slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Vaddon shakes off the stun.
A stunned Warbrolus slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Warbrolus shakes off the stun.
A stunned Maraisel slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Maraisel shakes off the stun.
A stunned Aerilia slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Aerilia shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dasheek slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Dasheek shakes off the stun.
A stunned Harsh slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Harsh shakes off the stun.
A stunned Rakkor slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Rakkor shakes off the stun.
A stunned Admoos slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Admoos shakes off the stun.
A stunned Crobin slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Crobin shakes off the stun.
A stunned Dolf slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Dolf shakes off the stun.
A stunned Valynn slowly tips over, falling on her face!
A stunned Tambellis slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Tambellis shakes off the stun.
A stunned Lileath slowly tips over, falling on her face!
A stunned Utbrach slowly tips over, falling on his face!
Utbrach shakes off the stun.
A stunned Sofina slowly tips over, falling on her face!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Illiya seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Casari reveals herself!
Casari seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dantia reveals herself!
Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Yiel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Urbaj seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Vaddon seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Warbrolus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Seydin seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Aerilia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Dasheek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Rakkor seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Admoos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Crobin seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Dolf seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Valynn reveals herself!
Valynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Imroth reveals himself!
Imroth seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Lileath reveals herself!
Lileath seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Utbrach seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Sofina reveals herself!
Sofina seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Crobin twitches slightly.
Aerilia twitches slightly.
Illiya stands up.
Utbrach slides his left arm through the straps on his war shield and flexes.
Urbaj stands up.
Utbrach puts his hammer in his haversack.
Seydin works carefully at tending his wounded left arm.
Utbrach stands up.
Yiel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Seydin works carefully at tending his wounded right arm.
Crobin rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Seydin works carefully at tending his wounded neck.
Aerilia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Seydin works carefully at tending his wounded head.
Tambellis leaps to her feet!
Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Lileath rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
Dasheek stands up.
Vaddon stands up.
Madigan rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Imroth falls over.
Urbaj lies down.
Valynn rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
Harsh rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
The immaculate drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
Imroth rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Warbrolus stands up.
Admoos leaps to his feet!
Urbaj rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dolf stands up.
Yiel continues to roll around frantically.
Admoos goes west.
Crobin continues to roll around frantically.
Aerilia continues to roll around frantically.
Sofina rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dantia continues to roll around frantically.
Rakkor rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dasheek falls over.
Casari rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Dasheek rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
Madigan continues to roll around frantically.
(Heavy combat continued with a great deal of drakes, being set on fire, rolling, and many deaths. The invasion and combat went on for over 90 minutes after Asildu's departure. No additional information was learned regarding Asildu, the Heralds, the Immortals, or Wild Magic. Log truncated here due length and the fact that the rest of the log was only combat.)