Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 12142024/Asildu Speaks Outside Kaerna

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Asildu Speaks Outside Kaerna
Event Date: 10/14/2024
Event Instance: Prime

Log in Progress - Not yet complete


It has been 451 years, 112 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 3rd month of Lirisa the Archer in the year of the Amber Phoenix.

Zoluren Community Forum

[Red Meeting Room]
Dark red paint covers the low walls of the meeting room, and tasteful red roses grow in stone pots in one corner. Several rows of high-backed benches are arranged in the center of the room, each finely carved from cedar. A small table against one wall holds a few refreshments. You also see a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold with several things on it, an anointed inquisitor's torch with a bamboo handle, a speaker's podium and a red door.
Also here: Fearless Crobin, Firehawk Casari, Picnic Basketcase Allye who is haloed by ethereal lotus and gladiolus blooms dancing in a gentle breeze, Doom's Whisper Moza, Berimax, Sir Imroth, Master Healer Eskerith, Pack Brother Ghust who is sitting, Melwasul who is sitting, Tialia who is sitting, Keylara who is sitting, Bioalchemist Kerennya who is sitting, Shadow Priest Gragnel, Beautician Vekara, Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers, Valynn, Ruea, Brother Harsh who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Favored Mauxi who is sitting, Sofina, Riktus who is sitting and Strawberry Nurse Illiya.

Casari waves to Ayrell.

Berimax gets a stein of Drawg from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Crobin hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Ayrell waves to Casari.

Illiya beams at Crobin!

Crobin shakes Imroth's hand.

Berimax takes a sip of his Drawg and closes his eyes while a look of pure bliss traverses his face.

Ayrell smiles.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Crobin hugs Valynn, getting a smile in return.

Allye says to Ghust, "Have to focus on the treats in between the negative spaces."

Ghust waves to Crobin.

Crobin hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Allye hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Crobin waves to Ghust.

Allye beams at Crobin!

Crobin smiles at Ayrell.

Valynn hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Valynn with a warm smile.

Berimax smiles.

Allye waves to Ayrell.

Crobin hugs Kerennya, getting a smile in return.

Ayrell waves to Allye.

Crobin shakes Gragnel's hand.

Ayrell smiles at Crobin.

Sofina smirks.

Illiya hugs Ayrell, getting a smile in return.

Gragnel pats Crobin on the back.

Valynn smiles at Ayrell.

Tialia gets some honey-drizzled pokeke'pahamin from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Shaylynne gets a mottled grey ceramic bottle of coffee from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Shaylynne takes a sip of her coffee.

Ayrell hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Ayrell smiles at Valynn.

Valynn hugs Ayrell gingerly, trying not to hurt her.

Imroth snaps to attention and hails Crobin with a crisp hand salute.

Tialia gets a chilled cup of fresh vela'tohr nectar from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Crobin just hugged Ruea.

Ayrell hugs Valynn, getting a smile in return.

Ghust gets an amber bottle of Snake Bite scotch from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Tialia takes a bite of some honey-drizzled pokeke'pahamin and chews carefully on it.

Ghust nods.

Riktus puts his dagger in his leather backsheath.

Riktus gets a buttery fluted cookie with delicately crispy edges from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Riktus takes a bite of the cookie.

Ghust takes a sip of his scotch.

Tialia takes a bite of some honey-drizzled pokeke'pahamin and chews carefully on it.

Riktus takes a bite of the cookie.

Ruea smiles.

Tialia takes a sip of her nectar.

Gragnel says, "I will say, the line-up today is pretty immaculate already."

Illiya says, "We'll give the stragglers a couple of roisaen and get started in just a moment."

Gragnel casually observes the area.

Ruea leans on Ayrell.

Ayrell smiles at Ruea.

Tialia takes a sip of her nectar.

Illiya asks Gragnel, "The food you mean?"

Tialia takes a sip of her nectar.

Valynn quietly says to Ayrell, "It's nice to see you."

Field Medic Darkewolff's group came through a red door.

Tialia takes a sip of her nectar.

Vashner's group came through a red door.

Gragnel says to Illiya, "Totally."

Ayrell smiles at Valynn.

Berimax gets a buttery fluted cookie with delicately crispy edges from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Ghust guzzles down some of his scotch and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Echosong nods to Vashner.

Berimax takes a bite of the cookie.

Ghust guzzles down some of his scotch and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Illiya lets out a hearty cheer for Darkewolff!

Ayrell softly says to Valynn, "It is nice to see you, too."

Ghust guzzles down some of his scotch and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Darkewolff nods politely to Illiya.

Berimax takes a sip of his Drawg.

Darkewolff smiles.

Valynn nods graciously at Moza, giving him a polite smile.

Eskerith offers Darkewolff a light blue bolus.

Druid Zyros came through a red door.

Crobin shakes Darkewolff's hand.

Moza grins at Crobin.

Darkewolff smiles at Eskerith.

Darkewolff accepts Eskerith's blue bolus.

Crobin nods to Moza.

Darkewolff shakes Eskerith's hand.

Crobin waves to Eskerith.

Darkewolff puts his bolus in his encompassing shadows.

Eskerith waves to Crobin.

Darkewolff shakes Crobin's hand.

Eskerith nods to Darkewolff.

Keylara gets a crested mug of steaming hot chocolate blended with tiny marshmallows from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Berimax takes a bite of the cookie.

Darkewolff appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Illiya waves to Zyros.

Zyros waves to Illiya.

Harsh takes a seat near Mauxi.

Klausette smiles at Darkewolff.

Berimax takes a sip of his Drawg.

Keylara gets a marshmallow sandwich stuffed with dark chocolate and peanut butter from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Mauxi makes a rumbling noise of contentment in Harsh's direction.

Illiya exclaims, "Alright let's get started!"

Gragnel puts his water in his leather longcoat.

Imroth lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

Darkewolff smiles at Klausette.

Illiya clears her throat.

Keylara takes a bite of a marshmallow sandwich stuffed with dark chocolate and peanut butter and chews carefully on it.

Illiya says, "Welcome everyone, and welcome to the Zoluren Community Forum! It is such a pleasure to see so many of you here today, coming together as one united community."

Shaylynne takes a sip of her coffee.

Gragnel gets a pitted iron comb from inside his leather longcoat.

Vashner removes a shalswar bladder waterskin from his belt.

Gragnel runs his iron comb through his hair.

Illiya says, "Whether you're a longtime Zolurenite or a concerned citizen interested in the future of our province, your presence here today speaks to the strength and resilience of the people who make up our great community."

Gragnel runs his iron comb through his hair.

Vashner tips up his waterskin and begins chugging down his spring wheat beer!

Gragnel idly picks at a pitted iron comb.

Kerennya takes a bite of a red-frosted cookie and chews carefully on it.

Gragnel puts his comb in his leather longcoat.

Crobin smiles at Klausette.

Illiya says, "As we gather here today, I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of community. It s not just about the place we live, it's about the people, the connections we build, and the way we support one another."

Klausette waves to Crobin.

Darkewolff nods politely.

Kerennya gets a cup of black tea infused with raspberries from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Crobin waves to Klausette.

Berimax takes a bite of the cookie.

Illiya says, "Our strength lies in our shared experiences, our diverse voices, and our collective effort to create a better future for all of us."

Klausette offers Darkewolff a polished kapok wand topped with a dusk spinel starfish.

Gragnel nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Darkewolff smiles at Gragnel.

Darkewolff accepts Klausette's kapok wand.

Unicorn Enthusiast Chanepheous came through a red door.

Illiya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Gragnel pats Darkewolff on the back.

Illiya waves to Chanepheous.

Lady of the Watch Dantia came through a red door.

Darkewolff smiles at Klausette.

Chanepheous waves to Illiya.

Berimax takes a sip of his Drawg and closes his eyes while a look of pure bliss traverses his face.

Dantia's charm steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!

Illiya says, "Before we continue, I'd like to express our gratitude to Allye and the White Gladiolus Society for their generous support and for providing today s catering. We are so lucky to have them as part of our Zoluren community."

Dantia touches Valynn with a confident grace.

Illiya waves to Dantia.

Kerennya takes a sip of her tea.

Dantia smiles at Illiya.

Valynn nods graciously at Dantia, giving her a polite smile.

Imroth lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Allye's ears perk up happily.

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Klausette smiles at Darkewolff.

Berimax applauds.

Gragnel exclaims, "Hear! Hear!"

Tale Singer Katriwen came through a red door.

Crobin just hugged Dantia.

Allye grins.

Harsh applauds enthusiastically and flips a copper Kronar in Allye's direction. She snatches it nimbly from the air!

Gragnel applauds.

Valynn grins at Dantia.

Illiya lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Allye laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Sir Madigan came through a red door.

Forest Sprite Lileath came through a red door.

Dantia touches Harsh with a confident grace.

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Crobin waves to Madigan.

Imroth snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.

Illiya waves to Madigan.

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Harsh stands up.

Harsh just hugged Dantia.

Madigan gently kisses Dantia on the cheek.

Moza takes a seat.

Harsh renders Madigan an awkward salute, nearly poking his eye out with his thumb.

Dantia smiles at Harsh.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Dantia!

Illiya exclaims to Allye, "And speaking of the White Gladiolus Society, Allye, I know you have some exciting plans on the horizon. We'd love to hear more about what WGS has planned, so please, tell us what's coming up next!"

Harsh takes a seat near Mauxi.

Darkewolff puts his wand in a deep brown leather thigh bag with dangling hawk feathers.

Crobin just hugged Harsh.

Valynn nods graciously at Madigan, giving him a polite smile.

Dantia joins Madigan's group.

Allye beams!

Madigan smiles at Valynn.

Harsh hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Harsh with a warm smile.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Crobin with a crisp hand salute.

Ruea smiles at Dantia.

Keylara takes a sip of her chocolate.

Valynn grins at Madigan.

Knight of Meraud Tirost came through a red door.

Dantia smiles at Ruea.

Berimax takes a sip of his Drawg.

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Dantia touches Ruea with a confident grace.

Illiya smiles at Tirost, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Berimax takes a bite of the cookie.

Valynn grins at Tirost.

Madigan smiles at Ruea.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Tirost with a crisp hand salute.

Allye says, "Hello, everyone! The White Gladiolus Society is gearing up for our upcoming Chris' Mass gala and raffle."

Ruea says to Dantia, "Thank you darling."

Mountain Lord Ezerak came through a red door.

Ruea smiles at Madigan.

Crobin shakes Ezerak's hand.

Valynn grins at Allye.

Tirost says to Dantia, "Thanks, Dantia."

Dantia quietly says to Ruea, "It's my pleasure."

Ezerak shakes Crobin's hand.

Darkewolff smiles at Allye.

Berimax licks his sticky fingers.

Berimax takes a bite of the cookie.

Dantia nods to Tirost.

Ezerak shakes Madigan's hand.

Allye says, "The prize list is shaping up to be very exciting, with a great mix of rare, limited, and valuable items you could win."

Ezerak waves to Dantia.

Kerennya waves to Tirost.

Tirost hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Tirost waves to Kerennya.

Ezerak hugs Ayrell, who wraps her arounds around Ezerak with a warm smile.

Illiya hugs Tirost, getting a smile in return.

Imroth clears his throat.

Ezerak waves to Casari.

Ayrell hugs Ezerak, who wraps his arms around Ayrell with a warm smile.

Allye says, "Thank you so much to all of you who went out of your way to donate items."

Tirost snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.

Casari waves to Ezerak.

Ayrell smiles at Dantia.

Allye's ears perk up happily.

Dantia hugs Ayrell, getting a smile in return.

Dantia touches Ayrell with a confident grace.

Ayrell hugs Dantia.

Ayrell smiles at Dantia.

Tirost smiles at Valynn.

Allye says, "We're in the process of finalizing the list now, and will soon begin accepting entries. Keep an eye on the bulletins and an ear to the gweth for more information on how to enter, when that's open."

Valynn grins at Tirost.

Tirost smiles at Madigan.

Dantia traces the brand on her neck.

Illiya nods to Allye.

Tirost nods to Madigan.

Allye says, "The winners will be announced at the gala! Your presence at the gala isn't required to win, but we do hope you'll join us for fine company, food, and some festive merriment."

Tialia stands up.

Sothios came through a red door.

Allye says, "The dress theme is formalwear in wintry colors: blue, white, and silver. Not mandatory by any means, but it's always fun to see everyone's take on the theme."

Illiya smiles at Sothios, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Tialia went through a red door.

Allye grins.

Crobin hugs Sothios, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Valynn ponders.

Allye exclaims, "Hope you'll all participate in the raffle and join us for the party!"

Keylara stands up.

Keylara went through a red door.

Sothios smiles at Illiya.

Berimax gets a bottle of Idon's Wench whiskey from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Sothios hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Sothios with a warm smile.

Allye says, "And if anyone has any questions about the White Gladiolus Society, or wishes to join our group, please reach out to me anytime."

Illiya nods to Allye.

Ghust ponders.

Ayrell nods to Dantia.

Gragnel pats Sothios on the back.

Allye exclaims to Illiya, "All done!"

Ghust stands up.

Allye grins at Illiya.

Sothios nods to Gragnel.

Ghust bows.

Wild Card Elore came through a red door.

Sofina gives Elore a good pinch!

Crobin waves to Elore.

Ghust quietly says, "Sorry ah must take mah leave."

Ghust waves.

Pack Brother Ghust went through a red door.

Elore winks at Sothios.

Sothios smiles at Elore.

Elore wraps her arms around Sofina, giving Sofina a great big bear hug!

Kerennya takes a bite of a red-frosted cookie and chews carefully on it.

Mevera Redthorne & Admiral Komiro Chelochi Arrive

Mevera Redthorne steps inside, led by Admiral Komiro Chelochi.

Elore snaps to attention and hails Crobin with a crisp hand salute.

Kerennya blinks.

Shaylynne blinks.

Harsh blinks.

Illiya curtsies gracefully to Mevera.

Ezerak whispers something to Ayrell

Elore grins ear-to-ear.

You see Socialite Mevera Redthorne, a Human Bard.
Mevera has an oval face, piercing ale-brown eyes and a classical nose. Her black hair is long and wavy. She has tanned skin and an athletic figure.
She is very tall for a Human.
She appears to be young.
She is in good shape.

She is holding some coarse gloves in her right hand.
She is wearing a leviathan-hunting harpoon with a barbed tip, an oilcloth mariner's backpack with a clasp shaped to resemble an anchor, a woolen naval longcoat with golden epaulets, a steel shield painted with the crest of House Redthorne, some mariner's gloves, a heavy signet ring, a calf-length skirt, some steelsilk leggings and some oilcloth sailor's boots with a thick sole.

Mevera says to Illiya, "I apologize for being late. I needed assistance finding this place. Zoluren is very far from familiar to me, but I wanted to express both my gratitude for your work and my sincere apology that my donation was disrupted."

Mauxi angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Berimax glances thirstily at Lileath.

Ayrell nods to Ezerak.

Allye smiles at Komiro.

Moza raises an eyebrow in Mevera's direction.

Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.

Elore gives a slight nod.

Ezerak nods politely to Mevera.

Dantia adjusts her Therengian rose into place.

Sothios laughs at Elore.

Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.

Komiro nods politely to Mevera.

Kerennya takes a sip of her tea.

Klausette smiles at Darkewolff.

Klausette nods.

Moza stands up.

Illiya says to Mevera, "Milady, it is an honor to have you in attendance."

Ezerak whispers something to Ayrell.

Mevera says, "The pleasure, of course, is mine."

Mevera smiles at Illiya.

Mathematician Avrenka came through a red door.

Allye smiles at Mevera.

Kerennya waves to Avrenka.

Avrenka waves.

Echosong whispers something to Vashner.

Kerennya takes a bite of a red-frosted cookie and chews carefully on it.

Kerennya finishes off her red-frosted cookie.

Valynn gives a gracious nod.

Crobin waves to Mevera.

Ayrell shakes her head at Ezerak.

Crobin waves to Avrenka.

Vashner nods to Echosong.

Illiya says, "I was just about to touch on the world events that transpired the other day."

Madigan gets a razor from inside his traveler's pack.

Madigan carefully shaves off his stubble.

Darkewolff smiles at Klausette.

Madigan carefully shaves off his stubble.

Madigan puts his razor in his traveler's pack.

Valynn nods graciously at Mevera, giving her a polite smile.

Madigan adjusts his half plate.

Madigan grunts at Dantia.

Zyros says, "Oooh."

Illiya says, "As usual, I will briefly recap some recent world events."

Dantia whispers something to Ruea.

Illiya says, "Overall, things have been mostly quiet and peaceful during the Hollow Eve season. It was a time when we could enjoy the festivities and spend time with friends and loved ones, reflecting on the seemingly optimistic wild magic situation and looking forward to the future."

Kerennya nods graciously at Mevera, giving her a polite smile.

Mevera says, "I hoped you would. That is, of course, why I selected this particular attendant. That, and his dashing looks."

Vashner leans forward.

Mevera winks at Komiro.

Illiya says, "However, there was one unfortunate incident that marred what would otherwise have been a serene festival."

High Priestess Maraisel came through a red door.

Komiro does not seem particularly pleased by the wink.

Gragnel raises an eyebrow.

Illiya says, "As some of you may have heard, a brief but troubling attack occurred when the pirate Srinoja, notorious for her ruthless tactics, intercepted a galleon."

You see Admiral Komiro Chelochi of the Zoluren Navy, a Human.
Komiro's face is superimposed by faint bluish smoke that flows into ever-changing apparitions.
Komiro has a proud yet hardened warrior's face with heavy jowls, silver-flecked amber eyes and a freckled nose. His snow-white-streaked dark brown hair is short and curly. He has deeply tanned skin and a stocky build.
He is tall for a Human.
He appears to be middle-aged.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a well tailored shirt of crystal blue shadesatin secured with ivory buttons, a double-breasted officer's greatcoat accented with a row of medals, a faceted crystal mariner's bracer inset with a star map, some resplendent crystal carapace gloves, a pair of steel blue steelsilk trousers cut to a sharp fit and a pair of black punka leather boots polished to a high gleam.

Dantia grumbles.

Tirost frowns.

Kerennya takes a sip of her tea.

Illiya says, "This ship, as those of you who heard our gweth exchange know, was sent with a generous donation of gold from Mevera Redthorne to support Berries & Ink. The galleon was intercepted near Andreshlew by Srinoja's crew, and despite the best efforts of adventurers to mount a defense, the pirates were able to seize the entire shipment of gold."

Madigan gets a steaming mug of camp coffee from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Echosong ponders.

Valynn folds her arms across her chest.

Crobin stretches his arms.

Sothios snickers.

Katriwen gazes at Illiya.

Sothios leans on Elore.

Dantia gets a parchment map highlighting known points of Srinoja activity from inside a rugged pink backpack.

Darkewolff shakes his head.

Dantia rummages about her person, looking for something.

Dantia gets a feather quill from inside a rugged pink backpack.

Moza observes Komiro with fascination.

Avrenka says, "Those scallywags."

Berimax takes a sip of his whiskey.

Ayrell softly says, "Pardon me."

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Casari waves to Ayrell.

Lady of Elamiri Ayrell went through a red door.

Moza draws forth a dragonwood-hafted throwing axe featuring a crescent indurium blade.

Tirost gets a burnished silversteel tankard crowned with laurel leaves from inside his sling bag.

Tirost flips open the lid on his silversteel tankard.

Illiya asks Mevera, "Have you heard any further news about Srinoja?"

(Dantia makes a few notes on her parchment map highlighting known points of Srinoja activity with her feather quill.)

Valynn stands near a blossoming red rose.

Kerennya takes a sip of her tea.

Crobin smirks to himself.

Echosong nods to Vashner.

Dantia whispers something to Madigan.

Elore grins mischievously at Sofina.

Madigan grunts at Dantia.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Moza gets a bottle of Raging Mammoth golden malt liquor capped by a creamy foam from inside his liquor locker.

Dantia nods to Madigan.

Mevera says, "I have not, though I have been visiting the Crystal City lately. I will, of course, defer to the good Admiral."

Komiro nods to Mevera.

Moza sheathes his throwing axe.

Gragnel jumps back a few feet and lands on his rump, looking dazed!

Valynn gazes at Komiro.

Sofina grins at Elore.

Casari says, "Second best city in Kermoria."

Dantia puts her quill in a shimmering eddy of blush-pink light swirling within a silver enclosure.

Moza moves a bottle of Raging Mammoth golden malt liquor capped by a creamy foam to his right hand.

Crobin flicks one ear back as though listening for something.

Sothios smiles at Valynn.

Dantia puts her map in a shimmering eddy of blush-pink light swirling within a silver enclosure.

Darkewolff smiles at Gragnel.

Valynn grins at Sothios.

Illiya says to Casari, "Well, we all have our preferences."

Ezerak peers quizzically at Casari.

Illiya smiles at Komiro, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Gragnel takes a sip of his Brew.

Komiro says, "Crews have standing instructions to use all force to down the airship at all costs."

Tirost raises his tankard, drinking deeply from the Dwarven ale inside.

Sothios hugs Valynn, getting a smile in return.

Ezerak asks Casari, "What's the first?"

Dantia nods at Komiro, obviously agreeing with his views.

Madigan praises Komiro.

Komiro says, "No further sightings at this time, though."

Ezerak says, "Oh."

Casari says to Ezerak, "Elamiri, but have you tried finding a decent house there? The market is insane."

Crobin asks, "Sounds fun?"

Ezerak frowns, shaking his head with an expression of exasperation before resting his face in the palm of his hand.

Dantia quietly says, "Good. Any hesitation and she'll slip through our fingers yet again."

Illiya nods to Komiro.

Sothios nods to Valynn.

Moza takes a sip of his liquor.

Sothios snickers.

Melwasul takes a sip of her water.

Illiya says, "Srinoja is a slippery one for sure, and she's able to intercept many means of communication."

Valynn grins at Sothios.

Ezerak says to Casari, "I forget that it's part of Kermoria sometimes, since it stands above the rest so."

Dantia nods in agreement.

Casari grins at Ezerak.

Berimax takes a sip of his whiskey.

Zyros gets a bottle of Idon's Wench whiskey from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Zyros nods to Berimax.

Illiya says to Mevera, "I hope sincerely that the gold can be recovered, but it may be in vain."

Zyros takes a sip of his whiskey.

Avrenka asks, "Any chance she'd bury her treasure somewhere for us to find?"

Tirost raises his tankard, drinking deeply from the Dwarven ale inside.

Ezerak says to Illiya, "Likely already squandered, knowing those sort."

Crobin says, "Finding gold is fine...but plats are more fun."

Shaylynne smirks.

Illiya looks at Ezerak and sighs.

Mevera says to Avrenka, "That would be a fine question for her crew, though I'd imagine it's already spent."

Katriwen grins at Avrenka.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Dantia chuckles at Mevera.

Moza says to Ezerak, "I would not so quickly dismiss a pirate's purpose in absconding with gold."

Moza winks at Ezerak.

Ezerak nods at Mevera, obviously agreeing with her views.

Madigan asks, "I thought her eye was popping out of her head last time we saw her? Isn't she half necromancer at this point or at least half risen?"

Dantia says, "I would guess it's all spent on booze by now."

Crobin says, "There are many uses for gold after all."

Madigan raises an eyebrow in Dantia's direction.

Klausette nods to Darkewolff.

Darkewolff forces Klausette out of his group.

Field Medic Darkewolff went through a red door.

Avrenka says, "Do undead even drink ale."

Allye gets a cup of black tea infused with raspberries from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Moza asks Avrenka, "Undead?"

Mevera says to Madigan, "I'm not certain which half is which, but all of her's a nuisance I would prefer to have swatted."

Casari says, "The last I saw her was when she was doing the Khoheke impression."

Dantia says to Madigan, "I haven't heard from anyone giving her description in some time, but yes, for a while there she had quite the... eye issues."

Shaylynne says to Dantia, "At least that cheap flammable rum she likes."

Katriwen gets a petite bottle of gooseberry mead from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Madigan says to Mevera, "Just so m'lady and well said."

Dantia nods to Shaylynne.

Crobin asks, "Now we are swatting people?"

Crobin chuckles.

Madigan grins at Mevera.

Moza takes a sip of his liquor.

Illiya says, "The defending adventurers on Andreshlew did not actually see Srinoja that day, she merely sent her thugs to attack the island."

Berimax takes a sip of his whiskey.

Dantia says, "Yes well, she is known to be a chicken."

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Dantia.

Dantia adjusts her Therengian rose into place.

Imroth chuckles.

Shaylynne takes a sip of her coffee.

Allye takes a sip of her tea.

Crobin says, "Thanks Dantia now I am hungry."

Tirost quietly says to Komiro, "If you ever find where they make port, I'd like to offer my help in subduing them."

Komiro says to Dantia, "A gnome, technically."

Bloodthirsty Heartsfyre came through a red door.

Valynn says to Dantia, "A loud chicken...begawk."

Dantia chuckles at Komiro.

Dantia grins at Valynn.

Crobin hugs Heartsfyre, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Vashner begins chortling at Echosong.

Madigan grins at Valynn.

Heartsfyre hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Heartsfyre with a warm smile.

Kerennya takes a sip of her tea.

Illiya says to Mevera, "We hope that it has not soured your taste for our arts or the mainland in general."

Illiya smiles at Heartsfyre, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Heartsfyre hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Dantia says, "Suffice to say that Srinoja remains engage-on-sight for many of us."

Dantia nods.

Illiya nods at Dantia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Field Medic Darkewolff came through a red door.

Tirost nods to Dantia.

Crobin says, "You are already engaged Dantia."

Crobin says, "Tsk tsk."

Tirost chuckles.

Dantia chuckles.

Shaylynne chortles softly at some secret joke.

Illiya gives Crobin a playful poke in the ribs.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Crobin makes a grunting noise.

Crobin sticks his tongue out at Illiya.

Berimax takes a sip of his whiskey.

Mauxi flicks one ear back as though listening for something.

Illiya says, "At any rate, it was a difficult loss and serves as a reminder that we must remain vigilant. We cannot let our guard down, even in times of peace."

Sofina studies the faces around her.

Komiro nods to Illiya.

Komiro says, "Well said."

Illiya says, "Which brings us to our next topic of discussion, the Zoluren defense force."

Crobin's ears relax for a moment in obvious enjoyment.

Heartsfyre shifts her weight.

Illiya says, "For too long has Zoluren been without an organized group of defenders."

Echosong gets a steaming mug of camp coffee from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Tirost rests his hand on a leather belt.

Illiya says, "The town guards can only do so much."

Casari says, "Present military representatives excluded, probably."

Echosong takes a sip of her coffee.

Illiya says, "Well, they are not of Zoluren I suppose."

Echosong moves a steaming mug of camp coffee to her left hand.

Maraisel joins Ezerak's group.

Dantia gets a glass of red wine from inside her silveress case.

Sothios nods to Elore.

Ezerak winks at Maraisel.

Illiya says, "We do appreciate the assistance of other provinces in times of need, but we should have our own group to defend ourselves as well."

Katriwen takes a sip of her mead.

Madigan nods to Illiya.

Allye nods to Illiya.

Imroth nods in agreement.

Crobin nods.

Dantia nods.

Illiya says, "As we've seen in recent months, the challenges we face are becoming more pressing. The kidnappings, the dangers of wild magic, and even the wayward attacks of pirates serve as a stark reminder that we cannot afford to wait until the situation worsens."

Komiro says, “Please excuse me. I have other commitments to attend to.”

Tirost raises his tankard, drinking deeply from the Dwarven ale inside.

Berimax takes a sip of his whiskey.

Crobin waves to Komiro.

Illiya curtsies gracefully to Komiro.

Komiro just went through a red door.

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Allye smiles.

Kerennya nods.

Moza gasps and chokes as his face takes on a bright reddish hue!

You hear a voice say, "Oh no. That's my guide. I should follow before I get myself lost."

Melwasul smiles at Darkewolff.

Darkewolff smiles at Melwasul.

Vashner gets a steaming mug of camp coffee from atop a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.

Vashner takes a sip of his coffee.

Mauxi flicks one ear back as though listening for something.

Madigan searches around for a moment.

Mevera grumbles.

Elore clears her throat.

Mevera says, "Oh no. That's my guide. I should follow before I get myself lost."

Elore leans back.

Asildu Summons Adventurers to Kaerna

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "The time is nigh!"

Shaylynne raises an eyebrow.

Echosong takes a sip of her coffee.

Tirost frowns.

Dantia gazes upward.

Tirost flips the lid on his silversteel tankard closed.

[General] Your mind hears Kerennya thinking, "For what, Asildu?"

Tirost puts his tankard in his sling bag.

Tirost joins Madigan's group.

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Why hello there."

Crobin asks, "I am sure others can make sure you get to where you need?"

Ezerak gazes upward.

Mauxi lyrically says, "That's not concerning at all..."

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Your hubris and addiction to sorcery will no longer be tolerated. No longer is the path to redemption open for you to tread. The Heralds do not suffer fools, and that is exactly what you've all proven yourselves to be."

Valynn gives a gracious nod.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Dantia firmly asks Madigan, "Is that the voice of that Asildu I have been told about?"

Casari sighs.

Echosong ponders.

Crobin joins Madigan's group.

Heartsfyre says, "I almost want to answer that question. But I will refrain."

Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.

Mevera runs outward in quite an undignified manner, following the Admiral.

Allye appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Echosong asks, "Who's that guy?"

Illiya clears her throat.

[General] Your mind hears Crobin thinking, "Oh good...hes back"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Fools."

[General] Your mind hears Cythra thinking, "so weird, I thought the time was approaching sunrise"

Imroth chortles softly at some secret joke.

Madigan says to Dantia, "Yes. You will want to kill him dear."

Echosong rubs her head.

Mauxi flicks her ears back in obvious annoyance.

Madigan smiles warmly.

A tear runs down Crobin's face.

Berimax takes a sip of his whiskey.

Sothios looks at Elore and shrugs.

Imroth draws forth a sungold-inlaid Imperial spear with a gleaming split-blade tip.

Valynn sighs.

Dantia nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "These are the final days of the world as you know it. The final days of your LIVES."

Avrenka asks, "Do we need to prepare for drakes?"

Darkewolff nods to Klausette.

Madigan asks, "Let's get a familiar out on the bugger if someone doesn't mind?"

Klausette nods.

Mauxi lyrically says, "I'd say yes."

Mauxi nods to Avrenka.

Klausette gently kisses Darkewolff on the cheek.

Dantia asks, "Do we have a locate on Asildu's whereabouts?"

Klausette went through a red door.

Illiya says, "Oh goodness."

[General] Your mind hears Cythra thinking, "prolly just as well"

Echosong ponders.

Avrenka says, "Locating."

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

Anino says, "Spooky."

Allye rubs her head.

Avrenka says, "Cannot Locate."

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "For those who wish to know of their fate, you are welcome to find me outside Kaerna's southern gate. I will tell you all of the end you've brought upon yourselves."

Madigan nods to Avrenka.

[General] Your mind hears Keirran thinking, "Bloody hell, he's back"

Madigan says, "I am going to post up outside the empath's guild."

Dantia says to Madigan, "Kaerna's Southern Gate."

[General] Your mind hears Myrable thinking, "what the what?"

[General] Your mind hears Crobin thinking, "I am sure Cythra has had a very good life?"

Ruea says, "I don't know that I would have chosen this outfit for the last day of my life, but we'll see how it goes."

Elore says, "Don't gotta locate, sounds like he wants to be found."

Imroth says, "There we go."

Elore nods.

Vashner ponders.

Avrenka says, "Kaerna south gate."

Madigan says, "Moving."

Avrenka joins Madigan's group.

Illiya says, "Let's go see what this person wants then I guess."

Tirost says, "Outside Kaerna's Southern Gate."

Imroth joins Madigan's group.

Dantia puts her wine in her silveress case.

Firehawk Casari went through a red door.

Ruea joins Madigan's group.

Sir Madigan's group went through a red door.

[General] Your mind hears Cythra thinking, "I did until he showed up"

Shaylynne says to Illiya, "I guess things just got worse.."

Illiya puts her tea in her encompassing shadows.

Mountain Lord Ezerak's group went through a red door.

Firehawk Casari goes out.


Arriving at Kaerna's South Gate

[Northern Trade Road, Kaerna Village Outskirts]
The grasslands shimmer slightly, the gentle hand of the wind running its fingers through the plant life. Here and there colorful wildflowers dare to peep their heads up through the endless browns and greens of the plains. Dominating the gentle sighing of the grass can be heard the bustling sounds of the tiny village of Kaerna, surrounded by a wooden town wall which masks the village's graceless sprawl against the northern horizon. You also see the heraldic unit, a storm-grey cat with gold-flecked crystal blue eyes, a town gate, a weather-beaten sign and an abandoned militia shack.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Knight of Meraud Tirost who is surrounded by seven circling blades of ice, Lady of the Watch Dantia, Fearless Crobin, Mathematician Avrenka, Sir Imroth, Ruea, Sir Madigan, Firehawk Casari and Breath of the Heralds Asildu.
Obvious paths: southwest.

Avrenka says, "Stay your hands."

Madigan slides a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield off his left arm, gripping it in one hand.

Asildu casually observes the area.

Crobin says, "Mad's."

Crobin says, "Lets see what may be said."

Ezerak asks Casari to join his group, but Casari declines.

Avrenka says to Asildu, "You look ... different from when I last saw you, sir."

The heraldic unit, ill-organized due to their losses, repositions into a reinforced unit.

Dantia squints at Asildu.

Casari joins Ezerak's group.

Imroth says to Asildu, "Looking pretty earthy these days."

Asildu says, "I'm aware you all suffer an alarming lack of patience, but you'll have to practice it. To avoid repeating myself for the one hundred and first time, I will wait to speak of the end until more have arrived so they can spread the word as well."

Imroth nods.

[General] Your mind hears Cythra thinking, "is funny, the Heralds play the stupid games but we win the stupid prizes"

The storm-grey cat sits down.

Crobin smiles.

Crobin says, "But you seem you enjoy your voice."

Ezerak gazes at Asildu.

Dantia says to Asildu, "I have been told that you are a representative of the Heralds, the ones who held myself and several companions of mine hostage."

Asildu observes Dantia with fascination.

Imroth says, "I discourage violence until after he speaks."

Crobin nods to Imroth.

Asildu seems to be waiting for something.

A Heraldic commander issues forth a fierce war cry! Within moments, every soldier of the the heraldic unit echoes him. The unsettling cry lingers in the air.

Dantia frowns.

Druid Zyros came through a town gate.

Brother Harsh came through a town gate.

Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor just arrived.

Harsh joins Madigan's group.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived, leading her group.

Baelor scratches his head.

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

Echosong says to Vashner, "Meetings are always good for free coffee."

Bloodthirsty Heartsfyre just arrived.

Crobin chuckles at Echosong.

Echosong observes Asildu with fascination.

Heartsfyre joins Illiya's group.

Riverlynn came through a town gate.

Echosong looks over Asildu very closely.

Vashner takes a sip of his coffee.

Imroth looks over Asildu very closely.

Bioalchemist Kerennya just arrived.

Dantia seems to be waiting for something.

Gragnel says, "Oh, what have we here? What a weird thing to come across as we're out for a nice jog."

Gragnel leans forward.

Gragnel raises an eyebrow.

Tirost grins at Madigan.

Echosong whispers something to Vashner.

Illiya gazes at Asildu.

Allye says to Gragnel, "How unexpected, truly."

Asildu says, "I'm impressed this many of you came. Admittedly, I've had my doubts about whether any of you were even capable of following simple directions. You all seem to think yourselves so invincible."

Valynn just arrived.

Madigan grunts at Tirost.

Zfora reveals herself.

Tirost traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Madigan grunts at Crobin.

Zyros takes a sip of his whiskey.

Katriwen nods to Gragnel.

Imroth smiles at Zfora.

Crobin shrugs.

Asildu says, "I look forward to laughing at your corpses when you learn that you're not."

Zfora fixes Imroth with a serene, lofty stare.

You hear someone sigh.

Casari says to Asildu, "Asildu, if there's anything left of you in there, please remember who you are."

Valynn joins Madigan's group.

Gragnel blinks.

Ezerak says to Asildu, "It is not too late to turn back, you know."

Asildu gazes off into the distance.

Wrath's Herald Zynell's group came through a town gate.

Asildu bitterly says, "You know it didn't have to be this way. When I came to this city, my desire was to help those in need. To beseech adventurers to change their sorcerous ways to protect those weaker than us from the fate your reckless use of magic brought upon them. I thought I could save lives, but you... you labeled me an enemy without even knowing me. You called me a liar simply because you didn't like the words I spoke."

Ezerak says to Asildu, "Remember who you are, before they did...that to you."

Vashner takes a sip of his coffee.

Crobin says, "It is true...even the young lady who had been with you started to help us."

Doom's Whisper Moza goes southwest.

Allye gazes at Asildu.

Kerennya scratches Tirost's storm-grey cat.

Gragnel says to Asildu, "My... corpse? I don't think I get one of those since Damaris has counted me among is favored."

Gragnel folds his arms across his chest.

Asildu disgustedly says, "You didn't want to stop using your sorcery. You didn't want to be cured of your addiction. In your minds, it was worth the peasants dying so you could maintain your power. You believed you knew more than anyone else. That you knew more than me. That you were better than me. You felt it acceptable to plot *murder* of a fellow adventurer - to murder *me* - for no other reason than disdaining the message I brought."

Vashner takes a sip of his coffee.

Echosong takes a sip of her coffee.

Gragnel stands near Zynell.

Dantia folds her arms across her chest.

Vashner takes a sip of his coffee.

Asildu haughtily says, "Well, I'm here to tell you, there's no saving you now. You all doubted the Heralds. You doubted their power. Their strength. Their willingness to go to the greatest of lengths to protect this world from the taint your hubris has brought upon it. Your quest for power, regardless of what it might cost those around you."

[General] Your mind hears Comfrin thinking, "well that didn't work"

Echosong ponders.

Allye's pupils dilate slightly.

Vashner furrows his brow.

Asildu says, "You didn't believe me then. You demanded proof I, a mere mortal, couldn't give at the time. But I can provide it now. The Heralds have granted me the power to show you. And that is exactly what I've come here to do."

Imroth joins Madigan's group.

Zyros takes a sip of his whiskey.

Casari looks at Asildu and sighs.

Gragnel says to Asildu, "Also, I got Zynell on my side. If you didn't already know, she's very skilled at ressurection. Corpses are no issue to her if she doesn't want them to be."

Allye frowns at Asildu.

Asildu smirks.

Asildu exclaims, "Behold but a sample of their power!"

Asildu slams his staff into the ground and the land begins to shake!

Moza comes out of hiding.

The ground shudders, and several cracks wind outward from Asildu!

Dantia glances at Madigan.

Avrenka says, "Uh oh."

With a sudden cross-body move, Ezerak draws his glaes pasabas and throwing axe from his belt.

The road splits and a spire of flowing stone and vine tear upward, carrying Asildu along with it!

Ruea sighs.

Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor drifts southwest.

Echosong ponders.

Katriwen gasps!

Madigan gazes up at the sky.

Crobin says, "Well."

Valynn frowns.

Crobin says, "Look at that."

Harsh blinks.

Madigan calmly says, "Interesting trick there."

Illiya blinks.

Shaylynne went through a tall spire made of flowing stone and vines.

Casari yells, "Okay, but now we can't hear you."

Echosong ponders.

Ruea examines a tall spire made of flowing stone and vines.

Picnic Basketcase Allye went through a tall spire made of flowing stone and vines.

Fearless Crobin went through a tall spire made of flowing stone and vines.

Mountain Lord Ezerak's group went through a tall spire made of flowing stone and vines.

Atop the Spire

[Vinestone Tower, Pinnacle]
A wide circular platform composed of bizarre writhing vines and flowing stone, the height of the tower affords an impressive view of the Segoltha bay to the southeast and the Greater Fist to the northwest. The Crossing sprawls directly south, with the outlying clans also visible through the sprawling forests. Far above, the direct gaze of the three Heralds ominously bears down upon you, as they watch the spire with looks of abject disgust and fury. You also see a downward staircase.
Also here: Firehawk Casari, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Fearless Crobin, Picnic Basketcase Allye who is haloed by ethereal lotus and gladiolus blooms dancing in a gentle breeze, Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers and Breath of the Heralds Asildu.
Obvious exits: up.

Allye frowns.

Mathematician Avrenka came through a downward staircase.

Picnic Basketcase Allye just arrived.

Doom's Whisper Moza goes up.

Druid Zyros came through a downward staircase.

Sir Imroth came through a downward staircase.

Doom's Whisper Moza just arrived.

Mountain Lord Ezerak's group went through a downward staircase.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya's group went through a tall spire made of flowing stone and vines.

Sir Madigan's group went through a tall spire made of flowing stone and vines.

Druid Zyros just arrived.

Kerennya says, "Hrmm."

Sir Madigan's group went through a downward staircase.

Ezerak says, "Strange."

Avrenka stares intently into a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Avrenka says, "Focus the cloud."

Sir Madigan's group came through a downward staircase.

Bioalchemist Kerennya went through a downward staircase.

Allye examines a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Sir Imroth just arrived.

Sofina stares intently into a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Avrenka shrugs.

Echosong says, "I can see my home from here."

Avrenka says, "Nothing."

Eskerith stares intently into a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Ezerak examines a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor came through a downward staircase.

Katriwen stares intently into a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Echosong gets a steaming mug of camp coffee from inside her soldier's rucksack.

Wrath's Herald Zynell's group came through a downward staircase.

Echosong takes a sip of her coffee.

Lileath stares intently into a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Gragnel joins Zynell's group.

Madigan taps a downward staircase.

Dantia says, "There was an UP here, but I can't see it now with the mists."

Baelor says, "Fancy."

Fearless Crobin just arrived.

Crobin joins Madigan's group.

Gragnel stands near Zynell.

Bioalchemist Kerennya came through a downward staircase.

Moza comes out of hiding.

Doom's Whisper Moza went through a downward staircase.

Crobin says, "Nothing up there."

Tirost examines a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Madigan nods to Crobin.

Doom's Whisper Moza came through a downward staircase.

Vashner says, "Feel out of my depth..."

Shaylynne glances outside a moment.

Asildu laughs!

Vashner says, "You know.. due to the altitude."

Echosong grins at Vashner.

Imroth glances at Asildu.

Asildu asks, "Do you see? Do you see how easily they could destroy you, if they chose?"

Illiya grins at Vashner, her dimples flashing into view.

Dantia gazes at Asildu.

Vashner clears his throat.

Katriwen says, "Holy mana? Huh."

Illiya stares intently into a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Tirost sweeps his hand through the cloud of mist, causing it to flare with a mercurial silver-grey glow.

Allye frowns at Asildu.

Crobin asks, "They made a tree?"

Valynn glances at Asildu.

Illiya examines a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Katriwen stares intently into a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Tirost stares intently into a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Gragnel gazes upward.

Ruea says, "I see they can redecorate on a whim."

Ezerak grins at Ruea, his dimples flashing into view.

Gragnel lightly touches his panther pin as he says a quick prayer.

Asildu says, "Many of you will inevitably feel their wrath, but they've made it clear to me that this doesn't have to be the end of everything. A short window remains during which the Heralds might choose to spare some of you, should you show some intelligence and cease your sorcerous ways."

Dantia laughs!

Moza comes out of hiding.

Moza looks over at Asildu and yawns.

Eskerith ponders.

Crobin says, "Aww."

Sofina reveals herself.

Asildu says, "But the choice is ultimately yours - throw in with those who will be purged, or prove yourself free of filth and worthy of their consideration."

Eskerith hums to himself.

Madigan deftly slings a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield onto his left arm in one graceful movement.

Riverlynn went through a downward staircase.

Echosong asks, "How do we prove that?"

Riverlynn came through a downward staircase.

Echosong peers quizzically at Asildu.

Heartsfyre makes a grunting noise.

Imroth says, "They don't seem quite as powerful as you say. The Heralds seem to be losing."

Echosong says, "You're awefuly judgey already."

Asildu derisively says, "You think your Immortals are all powerful, but you're mistaken. There is a reason your Immortals have bowed before the Heralds for so long. For eons, even the Immortals understood the hierarchy. They understood their place. Yet, you persist in believing these... delusions of grandeur you've formulated in your heads."

Vashner says, "Pinky promise."

Vashner nods to Echosong.

Zyros nods to Imroth.

Moza gets a deadly meteor hammer featuring sparkling unicorn weights of polished uthamar from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Echosong giggles at Vashner.

Baelor says, "Ill take a pass that would be nice. I just came for drinks."

Zyros asks, "Is this a last ditch recruiting drive?"

Sothios glances at Imroth.

Riverlynn smirks at Baelor.

Baelor smiles at Riverlynn.

Crobin says, "Asildu, your devotion is showing."

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.

You hear the voice of Sofina say, "Well. I can agree with the dislike of the Immortals."

Allye gets a small glass of frosty white alderberry martini from inside a leather-covered libations trunk secured with polished silver buckles.

Asildu says, "It gives you comfort to think your Immortals are all powerful and will protect you. It gives you the confidence to continue making the same mistakes you've been making for years, justifying your actions by claiming the Immortals support you. As if that gives you the right to destroy this world. A world you know absolutely nothing about. You think you do, but you don't."

Allye offers Baelor a small glass of frosty white alderberry martini.

Baelor accepts Allye's alderberry martini.

Kerennya touches Baelor with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Casari says to Asildu, "The Immortals are probably making a mistake, but so are the Heralds. The Heralds might lose yet, and I can only imagine what the consequences will be."

Baelor exclaims, "See this girl knows how to do gatherings!"

Moza looks over at Asildu and yawns.

Baelor praises Allye.

Lileath stares intently into a cloud of silver-grey mist.

Madigan slides a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield off his left arm, gripping it in one hand.

Asildu says, "Personally, I'd say you should be grateful. Thankful that the Heralds allowed you an opportunity to change your ways and save yourselves. To save the world. But you threw it in their faces. You threw it *my* face. You blamed *me* for the repercussions the world suffered because of *your* actions, as if I had any power to do those things."

Dantia makes a grunting noise.

Kerennya snorts derisively.

Squire Eskila came through a downward staircase.

Asildu contemptuously says, "I tried to warn you. I even tried to fight the rage I felt flooding me as the Heralds began to lose their patience with you. But NONE of you CARED. You just kept poking. You just kept threatening. You just kept talking as if you had the power to overthrow the Heralds yourselves. As if -I- was the weak one for speaking of the danger you were in - that the world was in - because of your actions."

Echosong gets a glass of drowning man's dream from inside her soldier's rucksack.

Ruea nods.

Echosong takes a sip of her dream.

Gragnel folds his arms across his chest.

Allye gazes at Asildu.

Baelor says, "Hold on I care."

Dantia says, "I don't care if you side with the Immortals, but if you side with the Heralds in these upcoming times, you'll also need to rekon with me. And I would suspect Miskton, Ayrell, Navesi and Mazrian, too."

Asildu says, "So, let me tell you about the prize you've won for your hubris."

Harsh quietly says, "I been blamin Crobin this whole time, so you're wrong pal."

Dantia fixes Asildu with a frank, even stare.

Casari says, "It sounds like you were simply as blind and deaf as the Heralds. I'm sad for you, Asildu."

Baelor takes a sip of his martini.

Crobin says, "It is alright Harsh."

Dantia nods to Moza.

Crobin says, "Be shoulders."

Asildu darkly says, "Death."

Zyros laughs at Harsh.

Madigan calmly says, "Lots of talk from someone that folds like a cheap tabard."

Moza asks Asildu, "A long pontification from you?"

Moza raises an eyebrow in Asildu's direction.

Illiya glances outside a moment.

Dantia gestures at Moza.

Far above, the three Heralds scowl!

Gragnel says to Asildu, "You speak blasphemy and nonsense."

Allye says to Asildu, "Miraena would not want you to give in to this. She knew that this isn't you, she told us."

Imroth says, "I don't believe the Heralds care about you either, Asildu."

Crobin says, "Aww."

Baelor says, "Uh oh."

Ezerak glances outside a moment.

The platform shakes ominously! You sense the warding magics begin to fail!

Crobin says, "They are looking at us."

Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor went through a downward staircase.

Casari slowly empties her lungs.

The platform shakes roughly, and the far above the three Heralds glare down at you!

Dantia wobbles, looking a bit faint.

(Crobin lifts his tail in the face of the Heralds)

Harsh quietly says, "Ooo."

Asildu slams his staff into the ground, and the floor ripples and flows like water! You lose your footing!

Moza puts his branch in his grey pack.

Kerennya yells, "Who cares about you, Heralds!"

Gragnel leaps to his feet!
Tirost stands up.
Zyros leaps to his feet!
Zynell gazes upward.
Sothios stands up.
Shaylynne stands up.
Ezerak stands up.
Eskila sits up.
Valynn rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
Madigan stands up.
Dantia stands up.
Crobin stands up.
Avrenka stands up.
Moza stands up.

Dantia exclaims, "Stand!"

Katriwen stands up.
Eskila stands up.

Harsh quietly says, "Shoddy craftsmanship here."

Melwasul stands up.
Zynell stands up.
Kerennya stands up.
Imroth stands up.
Illiya stands up.
Vashner stands up.

Lileath rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Echosong leaps to her feet!
Harsh stands up.
Allye stands up.
Casari stands up.

The Fight Begins

The hurling axe hits a wall and falls to the floor!

The air around Madigan solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and intercepts the attack with a shower of coruscating light.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Madigan's left arm!

Ruea stands up.

Casari gestures at Asildu.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Asildu!
Asildu barely manages to stay on his feet.

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

Riverlynn leaps to her feet!

Echosong guzzles down some of her dream and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.

Moza begins to advance on Asildu.

Madigan begins to advance on Asildu.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

Ruea says, "Oh goodness."

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!

[General] Your mind hears Riktus thinking, "oh no"

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Anino!

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Madigan draws himself to full height, rallying his comrades with righteous confidence as he charges into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky!

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Imroth's right leg!

Crobin says, "I think the Heralds are just fan boys."

Casari gestures at Asildu.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Asildu!
Asildu slips and falls forward, slamming his face on the ice.

Eskerith tries to stand and fails.

Heartsfyre leaps to her feet!

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

Riverlynn gets a light kertig throwing axe slathered with bright pink glitter from inside her duffel bag.

Tirost loosens the straps securing his small shield and removes it.

Ezerak begins to advance on Asildu.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

In the blink of an eye, Valynn disappears into her surroundings.

Moza closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.

Echosong moves a glass of drowning man's dream to her left hand.

Madigan closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.

The throwing axe hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Zyros gets a haralun allarh with a tempered blade from inside his weapon harness.

The Imperial spear hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Asildu’s robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Riverlynn!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Riverlynn's chest!

Moza closes to melee range on Asildu.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas blazes red, striking out with a torrential stream of flames and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Tirost begins to advance on Asildu.

Illiya lays her hand on Moza's arm.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his back and echoes in its confines!

Tirost inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right hand shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Some of the fiery breath breaks against his subdermal keratosis.
The incendiary spittle singes his right hand.

Dantia begins to advance on Asildu.

Madigan closes to melee range on Asildu.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Asildu’s keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Ezerak's left leg!

Echosong assesses her combat situation.

Crobin begins to advance on Asildu.

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
Zyros's allarh lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.
The allarh lands at Zyros's feet.

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Anino's attack against him.
Anino's dao lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu’s robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Zyros!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Zyros's left eye!

Asildu gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Tirost closes to melee range on Asildu.

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his neck shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas ignites red, striking out with a deadly flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's neck.

Asildu stands up.

Not having any room, Dantia stops advancing on Asildu.

Not having any room, Crobin stops advancing on Asildu.

Illiya lays her hand on Imroth's arm.

You notice a soft silver glow fade from a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage that Asildu is carrying.

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas flashes red, striking out with an angry flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.

Riverlynn puts her axe in her duffel bag.

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's chest!

Casari grows flushed as she segues to the new verse of her song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about her.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right eye!

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

You catch sight of Anino as he approaches Asildu from behind with a determined expression. After getting into position, he suddenly strikes, catching Asildu by surprise and landing a solid blow to the back of his skull.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Asildu’s robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Zyros!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Zyros's chest!

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his right leg!

Dantia holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
Asildu wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Tirost gets a twisted frozen-bone wand ensnaring a faceted Syrin's heart from inside his sling bag.

Asildu yawns and stretches, coming out of his sleep.

Tirost points a twisted frozen-bone wand ensnaring a faceted Syrin's heart at Asildu.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Asildu.
Nothing happens.

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his head shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's head.

The saline lattice around Asildu's abdomen rebuilds and reinforces itself.

Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Casari gestures at Asildu.

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's neck!

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Anino's attack against him.
Anino's dao lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.

Kerennya touches Riverlynn with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Kerennya exhales slowly as corresponding wounds bloom on her flesh.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Zyros!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting strike to Zyros's right leg!

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's right leg!

Asildu begins chanting in a low tone, the whispered words crackling from his lips. Slowly, he raises his voice, and as he does so you can feel the faint stirrings of warm winds caress your body as a flurry of rapidly melting snowflakes form about him.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Ezerak raises his weapons before him and prepares to strike.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak rushes at Asildu, lashing out with his pasabas!

Ezerak's glaes pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's attack momentum continues with a second strike from his axe!

Ezerak's throwing axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back!

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left eye!

Shaylynne springs towards Asildu, with the speed of a tiger. Shaylynne angles herself to knock him to the ground!
Asildu steps out of the way, remaining on his feet!

Anino bounds from his hiding place and stands looking about blankly.

The saline lattice around Asildu's right hand rebuilds and reinforces itself.

Asildu stands up.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left hand shatter!
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left hand.

Imroth gestures at Asildu.
A brilliant stream of pure white light jumps toward Asildu from Imroth, which warps into a spiraling force as it slams into him!
Asildu shrugs off the strike.
The light silently explodes.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his right leg!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his head shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's head.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the right leg, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

Tirost gets a twisted frozen-bone wand ensnaring a faceted Syrin's heart from inside his watersilk bag.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's chest!

Tirost points a twisted frozen-bone wand ensnaring a faceted Syrin's heart at Asildu.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Asildu.
Nothing happens.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Gragnel gets a ceremonial prayer tome embedded with a trio of night diamonds from inside his leather longcoat.

Valynn reveals herself.
Valynn gestures at Asildu.
Small globes of blue and orange light appear and dart upward like fireflies.
Creating an ominous shadow, a large cracked rock falls from above!

The wounds afflicting Madigan gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Dantia's flesh.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Dantia holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
Asildu wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Asildu yawns and stretches, coming out of his sleep.

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Moza appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Lileath assesses her combat situation.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Ezerak's right hand!

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Casari performs a daring series of flips, a look of determination etched in her features.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left arm!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's chest!

The prayer tome hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu briefly spreads his arms outward as his chanting intensifies.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his abdomen shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Gragnel!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting strike to Gragnel's right leg!

Illiya waves her hand.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Avrenka asks, "Is it too late to uh ... parlay?" Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's abdomen!

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Zyros begins to advance on Asildu.

Asildu grows flushed as he segues to the new verse of his song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Eskila's left leg!
Valynn's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Valynn, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Avrenka's back!
Avrenka is lightly stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Gragnel's right arm!
Gragnel is lightly stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Dantia, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to Kerennya's left leg!
Kerennya does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.

Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's right arm!

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Dark golden light shoots from Eskila to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Zyros gets a Dwarven greataxe with an intricately-engraved tyrium double-bladed head from inside his weapon harness.

Eskila wearily says, "I don't know whats going on..."

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's chest!

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his left leg leaving the flesh reddened and raw.

Moza looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu stands up.

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!

Dantia says, "No parlay."

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's right arm!

Moza appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's head!

Dantia holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
Asildu wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Not having any room, Zyros stops advancing on Asildu.

The saline lattice around Asildu's right leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.

Asildu yawns and stretches, coming out of his sleep.

Zyros puts his allarh in his weapon harness.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Avrenka works carefully at tending his wounded back.

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left arm!

Asildu stands up.

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Imroth's left hand!

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Dark golden light shoots from Imroth to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

Anino leaps from hiding, dao stabbing the empty air.

Avrenka works carefully at binding his wounded back, attempting to halt the bruising and discoloration.

Gragnel gets a stained leather targe painted with a fierce rat from inside his bag.

Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor came through a downward staircase.

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Ezerak hangs his throwing axe from his belt.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Gragnel slides his left arm through the straps on his leather targe and flexes.

Tirost sheathes his Damaris rapier.

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's right leg!

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Ezerak loosens the straps securing his small shield and removes it.

Melwasul says, "I think the parlay usually has to come before the punching."

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right hand shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his right hand and echoes in its confines!

Tirost gestures at Asildu.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Asildu!
Asildu slips and falls backward, slamming his head on the ice.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's abdomen!

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Moza appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and the wounds disappear.

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a harmless (0/23) blow to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's chest!

Asildu gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Shaylynne gestures at Asildu.
A thousand tiny spiders crawl out of their hiding places and begin crawling toward Asildu, but he manages to stay away from them until they lose interest.

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Asildu stands up.

The elemental maelstrom crashes over Illiya, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Eskila's chest!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Riverlynn's abdomen!
Riverlynn is lightly stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Shaylynne, but she is unharmed.

Dark golden light shoots from Eskila to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's abdomen!

Eskerith lays his hand on Gragnel's arm.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost slides his left arm through the straps on his small shield and flexes.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's chest!

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Illiya lays her hand on Ezerak's arm.

Closing his eyes, Tirost grunts briefly in effort as a small aqueous ethereal fissure opens in front of him. Thrusting his hand through, Tirost draws out an icy lance. As Tirost opens his eyes, the fissure closes.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his neck shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his neck!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left arm!

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Asildu!
The slurry splatters against his subdermal keratosis.
The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!

Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas flares red, striking out with an angry flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Eskerith tries to stand and fails.

Tirost takes a step back and angles his lance behind him.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost unleashes his lance to impale Asildu!

Tirost's icy lance lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg!

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Asildu is enraged by Imroth's attack!
The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left hand shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left hand.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Ezerak looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Imroth's back!

Illiya lays her hand on Casari's arm.

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Anino!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Anino's right arm!

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the head, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's back!

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his head shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's head.

Vashner assesses his combat situation. Madigan sheathes his hurling axe. Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's back!

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Moza appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his left arm and rattles the walls!

Tirost's hand suddenly burns to a crisp!
Tirost gestures at Asildu with his withered claw for a hand.
The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
Asildu is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his back shatter!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.

Asildu's subdermal keratosis deflects something.
Asildu reels backwards as an invisible blow strikes his back.

Eskerith stands up.

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Dantia begins to advance on Asildu.

Zyros begins to advance on Asildu.

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Madigan thumbs his nose a few times in Asildu's direction.
Asildu is enraged by Madigan's challenge, his attention focusing on Madigan.

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's chest!

Ezerak looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Not having any room, Dantia stops advancing on Asildu.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's chest!

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy lance he is holding is replaced with an icy marauder blade.

Illiya lays her hand on Moza's arm.

Madigan grabs hold of Asildu in a tight grip.

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's right arm!

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas flares red, striking out with an angry flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

You hear someone grumble.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his chest!

Ezerak looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's abdomen!

Tirost lowers his shoulders and steadies his weapon.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost makes an agile leap towards Asildu, attacking him with a mighty cleave!

Tirost's marauder blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left hand!

Illiya lays her hand on Imroth's arm.

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Dantia touches Ezerak with a confident grace.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's chest!

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

You catch sight of Anino as he approaches Asildu from behind with a determined expression. After getting into position, he suddenly strikes, catching Asildu by surprise and landing a solid blow to the back of his skull.

Ezerak looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

Not having any room, Zyros stops advancing on Asildu.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Eskila joins Madigan's group.

Zyros begins to advance on Asildu.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's right arm!

Moza appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to Eskila's right leg!
Eskila is lightly stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Riverlynn, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Maraisel’s right eye!
Maraisel is stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Melwasul's right arm!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Moza, but he is unharmed.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's neck!

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy marauder blade he is holding is replaced with an icy maul.

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, moderately stunning Asildu!

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Lileath assesses her combat situation.

Crobin comes out of hiding.

Crobin puts his parazonium in his battle-scarred carryall.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas ignites red, striking out with a blinding maelstrom of fire and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Tirost takes a step back and hefts his maul behind him.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost swiftly launches an assault with wide swipes of his maul!

Tirost's icy maul lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm!

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's head.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's back!

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Crobin gets a tarnished razaksel throwing hammer embellished with niello from inside his battle-scarred carryall.

Eskila works carefully at tending her wounded right leg.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Imroth's right leg!

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

The throwing hammer hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Crobin!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Crobin's left eye!

Not having any room, Zyros stops advancing on Asildu.

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Zyros begins to advance on Asildu.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's neck!

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A Heraldic commander issues forth a fierce war cry! Within moments, every soldier of the the heraldic unit echoes him. The unsettling cry lingers in the air.

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.
You hear the voice of Sofina say, "So why did everyone just start attacking him? I was enjoying his speech."

Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and the wounds disappear.

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy maul he is holding is replaced with an icy quarterstaff.

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's neck!

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost lowers his shoulders and begins to twirl his quarterstaff.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost angles his twirling quarterstaff down upon Asildu.

Tirost's icy quarterstaff lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm!

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's abdomen!

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's neck.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The floor ripples and flows like water! You lose your footing!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Imroth bows his head and chants a prayer.

Shaylynne rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Tirost stands up.

Ezerak stands up.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's head!

Sothios stands up.

Gragnel stands up.

Baelor stands up.

Kerennya stands up.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his chest leaving the flesh reddened and raw.

Zyros leaps to his feet!

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the neck, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.

Avrenka stands up.

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy quarterstaff he is holding is replaced with an icy broadsword.

Illiya stands up.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas flashes red, striking out with an angry flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Crobin stands up.

Allye stands up.

Eskila stands up.

Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left leg!

Anino slips out of hiding.

The prayer tome hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Zynell stands up.

Casari stands up.

Madigan stands up.

Anino bounds from his hiding place and stands looking about blankly.

Riverlynn leaps to her feet!

Movement from Heartsfyre causes the smell of vanilla to waft into the air.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Gragnel!

Asildu's flame wave lands a sizzling hit to Gragnel's left arm!

Closing his eyes, Tirost grunts briefly in effort as a small earthen ethereal fissure opens in front of him. Thrusting his hand through, Tirost draws out an icy broadsword. As Tirost opens his eyes, the fissure closes.

Dantia stands up.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Melwasul stands up.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's right leg!

Ruea stands up.

Valynn rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Asildu stands up.

Moza comes out of hiding.

Moza stands up.

Crobin begins to advance on Asildu.

Katriwen stands up.

Tirost crouches down and draws his weapons close
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost rushes at Asildu, lashing out with his broadsword!

Tirost's icy broadsword lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost's attack momentum continues with a second strike from his broadsword!

Tirost's icy broadsword lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm!

The prayer tome hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Casari touches a fiery rhodonite runestone marked with a symbol for Fire Shards and closes her eyes in concentration.

Eskila wearily says, "I'm hurt."

Melwasul went through a downward staircase.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Lileath rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Casari puts her runestone in her black longcoat.

Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Gragnel!

Asildu's flame wave lands a sizzling strike to Gragnel's left leg!

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Baelor's back!
Valynn's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Valynn, but she is unharmed.
Lileath's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Lileath, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Shaylynne's chest!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Tirost, but he is unharmed.
Moza is revealed!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Moza, but he is unharmed.

The cracked rock rapidly decays away.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's right arm!

Harsh stands up.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Crobin puts his hammer in his battle-scarred carryall.

Zyros gestures at Asildu.
Zyros's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at Asildu!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his right leg, singeing it a little.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his back, singeing it a little.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his back, singeing it a little.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his right arm, singeing it a little.
A fire shard misses him!

Not having any room, Crobin stops advancing on Asildu.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Imroth glowers darkly at Asildu.
Flickering shadows tear away from Imroth's fingertips, shuddering through the air toward Asildu!
The shadows rapidly dissipate as they draw near Asildu.

Allye touches Eskila with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Illiya lays her hand on Casari's arm.

Baelor takes a sip of his martini.

Crobin gets a telothian serrated parazonium from inside his battle-scarred carryall.

Shaylynne gestures at Asildu.
Shaylynne seems to stare past Asildu as her swipes a hand downward in Asildu's direction!
A bluish green aura leaches out from Asildu, which pulses brightly for a moment before fading away.

Moza gets a bottle of naphtha from his naphtha holder.

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost gestures at Asildu.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Asildu!
Asildu slips and falls backward, slamming his head on the ice.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Shaylynne appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken.

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Anino's attack against him.
Anino's dao lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Anino!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Anino's abdomen!

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left arm!

Tirost sheathes his icy broadsword.

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor went through a downward staircase.

Tirost sheathes his icy broadsword.

Asildu is enraged by Ezerak's attack!
The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

Tirost loosens the straps securing his small shield and removes it.

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Anino's attack against him.
Anino's dao lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's right hand!

Tirost inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Some of the fiery breath breaks against his subdermal keratosis.
The incendiary spittle singes his right arm.

Illiya lays her hand on Shaylynne's arm.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

Moza slips out of the shadows behind Asildu! One hand extends toward a bottle of naphtha as it shatters against Asildu's chest. With a precise sweep upwards, Moza swings a dragonwood-hafted throwing axe featuring a crescent indurium blade just short of hitting Asildu, sounding out a curious "clink" as the axe passes. A resounding "WHOOMPH" follows the adept movements as the naphtha soaking Asildu's chest suddenly ignites.

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

Zyros puts his greataxe in his weapon harness.

Tirost draws forth a Damaris rapier.

You catch sight of Ezerak as he approaches Asildu from behind with a determined expression. After getting into position, he suddenly strikes, catching Asildu by surprise and landing a solid blow to the back of his skull.

Shaylynne looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Vashner leaps to his feet!

Zyros gets a haralun allarh with a tempered blade from inside his weapon harness.

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Imroth's left arm!

Moza gets a bottle of naphtha from his naphtha holder.

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Zyros!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting strike to Zyros's left arm!

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Dark golden light shoots from Imroth to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

Asildu stands up.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's chest!

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!

Illiya begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Tirost slides his left arm through the straps on his small shield and flexes.

Shadow Priest Gragnel went through a downward staircase.

Tirost sheathes his Damaris rapier.

Casari gestures at Asildu.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at Asildu!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his left leg, singeing it a little.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his left leg, singeing it a little.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his chest, singeing it a little.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his back, singeing it a little.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his back, singeing it a little.

Moza slips out of the shadows behind Asildu! One hand extends toward a bottle of naphtha as it shatters against Asildu's chest. With a massive *WHOOOMPH*, the naphtha bursts into flames!

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Valynn reveals herself.
Valynn gestures at Asildu.
A thousand tiny spiders crawl out of their hiding places and begin crawling toward Asildu, but he manages to stay away from them until they lose interest.

Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left arm!

Dantia touches Imroth with a confident grace.

Closing his eyes, Tirost grunts briefly in effort as a small earthen ethereal fissure opens in front of him. Thrusting his hand through, Tirost draws out an icy marauder blade. As Tirost opens his eyes, the fissure closes.

Imroth stands up.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Deep, resonant tones enter Asildu's voice as he raises it in the chorus of his chant, his voice steady and disciplined.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Heartsfyre's back!
Heartsfyre is lightly stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Illiya, but she is unharmed.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Moza, but he is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands an awesome strike (12/23) to Kerennya's left leg!
Kerennya barely seems to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Kerennya is stunned!
Kerennya screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his right arm!

Maraisel stands back up.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's right hand!

Eskerith stands up.

Zyros gestures at Asildu.
Zyros's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at Asildu!

A fire shard misses him!
A fire shard misses him!
A fire shard misses him!
A fire shard misses him!
The fire shard impacts harmlessly with his shield.

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's head.

Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left leg!

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the neck, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Master Healer Eskerith went through a downward staircase.

Zynell sprinkles some holy water on herself.

Moza gets a bottle of naphtha from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

Casari drops her voice to a frosty whisper as she reprises the last tones of the chorus once more.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right leg!

Illiya lays her hand on Imroth's arm.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his chest and kicks up clouds of dust!

Tirost gestures at Asildu.
With a burst of reddish light, a fiery swirl appears in the air beside Tirost. A glowing lion that appears to be crafted from dancing crimson flames slinks out of the flaming portal and glances around the area, assessing the situation. With a roar reminiscent of a raging forest fire, the lion suddenly leaps at Asildu!

The lion slashes at Asildu with its blazing claws, leaving a trail of jagged orange lines branded upon him!
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Ezerak takes a step back and readies his pasabas behind him.
The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with a mighty cleave!

Ezerak's glaes pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest!

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Illiya gestures at Asildu.
A stream of translucent, golden energy shoots from the palm of Illiya's hand towards Asildu!
The stream of energy snakes around Asildu for a moment before suddenly constricting, splashing into him!
Asildu becomes enraged by Illiya's spell!

With a wave of Dantia's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier.

Moza slips out of the shadows behind Asildu! One hand extends toward a bottle of naphtha as it shatters against Asildu's right hand. With a precise sweep upwards, Moza swings a dragonwood-hafted throwing axe featuring a crescent indurium blade just short of hitting Asildu, sounding out a curious "clink" as the axe passes. A resounding "WHOOMPH" follows the adept movements as the naphtha soaking Asildu's right hand suddenly ignites.

Casari gets a fiery rhodonite runestone marked with a symbol for Fire Shards from inside her black longcoat.

Casari touches a fiery rhodonite runestone marked with a symbol for Fire Shards and closes her eyes in concentration.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Casari puts her runestone in her black longcoat.

Eskila looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken.

Katriwen gets a Damaris rapier from inside her demonscale scabbard.

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's left arm!

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Tirost loosens the straps securing his small shield and removes it.

Heartsfyre leaps to her feet!

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Zyros!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Zyros's abdomen!

Moza gets a bottle of naphtha from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Tirost slides his left arm through the straps on his small shield and flexes.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his left eye!

Tirost is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right leg shatter!
The sphere surrounding Tirost thrums with energy and he seems somehow empowered.
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Tirost!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Tirost's right leg!

Eskila looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken.

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Kerennya stands up.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and the wounds disappear.

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his right hand!

Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's neck!

Harsh closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Asildu as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.

Moza slips out of the shadows behind Asildu! One hand extends toward a bottle of naphtha as it shatters against Asildu's chest. With a massive *WHOOOMPH*, the naphtha bursts into flames!

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Imroth's left arm!

Eskila looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken.

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Anino!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Anino's back!

The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Anino's back!
Anino is lightly stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Vashner's chest!
Sofina is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Sofina's left arm!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Harsh, but he is unharmed.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Madigan, but he is unharmed.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Asildu. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Tirost gestures at Asildu.
Asildu pales for a brief moment.

Asildu gets a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head from inside his scholar's satchel.

Eskila looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Moza gets a bottle of naphtha from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Illiya lays her hand on Imroth's arm.

Suddenly, a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage leaps from Asildu's body and flies toward Madigan! The axe slides to Madigan's right hand, reuniting him with his lost belonging.

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Zyros!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Zyros's right arm!

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A soft silver glow briefly envelops Madigan's hurling axe.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's right arm!

Streamers of glistening silver light trail in the air as bolts of flame begin to fall from above like miniature comets!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his neck, lightly singeing his flesh.

Moza slips out of the shadows behind Asildu! One hand extends toward a bottle of naphtha as it shatters against Asildu's right hand. With a massive *WHOOOMPH*, the naphtha bursts into flames!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Tirost loosens the straps securing his small shield and removes it.

Asildu stands up.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's chest!

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Tirost slides his left arm through the straps on his small shield and flexes.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his back and echoes in its confines!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his back, lightly singeing his flesh.

Dark golden light shoots from Imroth to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left leg!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left leg, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Tirost is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left leg shatter!
The sphere surrounding Tirost thrums with energy and he seems somehow empowered.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Tirost!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Tirost's left leg!

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Crobin comes out of hiding.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his abdomen, lightly singeing his flesh.
Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's right arm!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas ignites red, striking out with an angry flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Illiya lays her hand on Ezerak's arm.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe flares sunny-yellow, lacerating with several short jagged splinters and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left leg!

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Anino's attack against him.
Anino's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right hand.

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Casari gestures at Asildu.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at Asildu!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his back, singeing it a little.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his left leg, singeing it a little.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his abdomen, singeing it a little.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his right leg, singeing it a little.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his back, singeing it a little.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Dantia touches Harsh with a confident grace.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his abdomen, lightly singeing his flesh.

The saline lattice around Tirost's right leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's chest!

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Water drips out of Tirost's hip pouch.

Sofina reveals herself.

Avrenka assesses his combat situation.

Asildu is enraged by Ezerak's attack!
The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost gestures at Asildu.
Asildu pales for a brief moment.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Ezerak's right arm!

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his right hand!

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Asildu stands up.

Echosong leaps to her feet!

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Zyros!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Zyros's left eye!

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

Zynell waves some burnt incense over herself.
A wisp of smoke settles around Zynell, surrounding her with the scent of smoke.

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Anino's attack against him.
Anino's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost loosens the straps securing his small shield and removes it.

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's head.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Illiya lays her hand on Eskila's arm.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Casari puts her runestone in her black longcoat.

Dantia touches Crobin with a confident grace.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Imroth's left leg!

Dantia touches Ruea with a confident grace.

The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Avrenka's right arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Riverlynn's left arm!
Lileath's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Lileath, but she is unharmed.
Zfora is revealed!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Zfora, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Anino's right arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Heartsfyre's chest!

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost slides his left arm through the straps on his small shield and flexes.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the neck, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his left arm!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.

Tirost is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his left arm shatter!
Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Tirost!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Tirost's left arm!

Zyros gestures at Asildu.
Zyros's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at Asildu!

The fire shard impacts harmlessly with his shield.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard explodes just short of his left eye.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his abdomen, singeing it a little.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
His nose is singed a bit by the fire shard.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard singes his neck.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Kerennya touches Tirost with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!

The saline lattice around Tirost's left leg rebuilds and reinforces itself.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Eskila moves into position to cover Allye from harm.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left hand.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Illiya exclaims, "Anyone need healing, call out!"

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left leg!

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's left hand!

Dantia touches Casari with a confident grace.

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his right hand!

Tirost gestures.
A vague mist begins seeping slowly from his body, chilling the air.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's footwrap lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left leg!

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Riverlynn works carefully at tending her wounded left arm.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.

Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's right leg!

Anino leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Anino's attack against him.
Anino's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.

Avrenka says, "I could use some healing."

Dantia touches Casari with a confident grace.

Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Anino!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Anino's left leg!

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left hand.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Tirost begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Dantia touches Maraisel with a confident grace.

Crobin begins to advance on Asildu.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's head!

He suddenly looks rather passive.

The vapor surrounding Tirost coalesces into three icy blades that begin twirling about him in a graceful yet deadly dance.

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy marauder blade he is holding is replaced with an icy lance.

Asildu is enraged by Ezerak's attack!
A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his chest!

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's back!

Dark golden light shoots from Imroth to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

Casari gestures at Asildu.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at Asildu!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his left leg, singeing it a little.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his chest, singeing it a little.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his back, singeing it a little.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his right leg, singeing it a little.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his left leg, singeing it a little.

Dantia touches Zyros with a confident grace.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Tirost takes a step back and angles his lance behind him.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost swiftly launches an assault with wide swipes of his lance!
Tirost's icy lance lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's abdomen!

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Shadow Priest Gragnel came through a downward staircase.

Illiya lays her hand on Ezerak's arm.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's right arm!

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Allye touches Eskila with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor came through a downward staircase.

Dantia touches Imroth with a confident grace.

Imroth assesses his combat situation.

Illiya lays her hand on Avrenka's arm.

The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to Katriwen's right arm!
Katriwen's Damaris rapier falls to her feet.
The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to Gragnel's head!

* Gragnel is slain before your eyes!

The elemental maelstrom crashes over Heartsfyre, but she is unharmed.
An ephemeral light glows about Eskila.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Eskila's chest!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Shaylynne, but she is unharmed.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Imroth, but he is unharmed.

Dark golden light shoots from Eskila to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Dantia touches Eskila with a confident grace.

Streaks of liquid silver-grey light arc outward from a cloud of silver-grey mist, diffusing into a mercurial luminance that anoints the dead.
A thin silver nimbus surrounds Gragnel.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his left leg and kicks up clouds of dust!
The faint roar emanating from Tirost's forearms suddenly ceases.

Ezerak looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's chest!

Tirost's hand suddenly burns to a crisp!
Tirost gestures at Asildu with his withered claw for a hand.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.

Asildu's subdermal keratosis deflects something.
Asildu reels backwards as an invisible blow strikes his chest.

Asildu's movements come down from their fluid and somewhat manic tempo.

Avrenka looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's neck.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's right leg!

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his right hand!

The allarh hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Imroth gestures at Asildu.
Imroth and Asildu stare at each other intently for a few moments.

Harsh closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Asildu as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.

Ezerak looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Zyros!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting strike to Zyros's back!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg!

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe flares sunny-yellow, erupting with several short jagged splinters and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Illiya lays her hand on Moza's arm.

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy lance he is holding is replaced with an icy marauder blade.

Vashner draws forth a steel rapier.

Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's abdomen!

Avrenka looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Valynn reveals herself.
Valynn gestures at Asildu.
Small globes of blue and orange light appear and dart upward like fireflies.
Creating an ominous shadow, a large cracked rock falls from above!

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's head!

Tirost takes a step back and readies his blade behind him.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with a mighty cleave!
Tirost's marauder blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest!

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light! A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Dantia touches Riverlynn with a confident grace.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Asildu. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Dantia touches Shaylynne with a confident grace.

Zyros gestures at Asildu.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at Asildu!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard explodes just short of his left eye.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his left leg, singeing it a little.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard explodes just short of his left eye.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
His nose is singed a bit by the fire shard.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his left arm, singeing it a little.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas blazes red, striking out with a lethal fiery eruption and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's right arm!

Moza looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Avrenka looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Kerennya touches Gragnel with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's neck.

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's right arm!

Moza appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

Streamers of glistening silver light trail in the air as bolts of flame begin to fall from above like miniature comets!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his left leg, lightly singeing his flesh.

Avrenka looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Eskila appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken.

Lileath springs towards Asildu, with the strength of a lion. Lileath angles herself to knock him to the ground!
Asildu steps out of the way, remaining on his feet!

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the right leg, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.

Heartsfyre rests her hand on Gragnel's arm with a soft smile.

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Master Healer Eskerith came through a downward staircase.

Asildu stands up.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas ignites red, striking out with a deadly flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's neck!

Asildu runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!

Moza gets some westanuryn oil from inside his kirmiko pocket.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg!

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Illiya lays her hand on Valynn's arm.

Tirost inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Some of the fiery breath breaks against his subdermal keratosis.
The incendiary spittle singes his neck.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his abdomen, lightly singeing his flesh.

Avrenka looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting strike to Imroth's abdomen!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his back!

Casari gestures at Asildu.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at Asildu!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard explodes just short of his right eye.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his left arm, singeing it a little.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his left arm, singeing it a little.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his abdomen, singeing it a little.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his left leg, singeing it a little.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas flares red, striking out with a deadly flame and lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's abdomen!

The vapor surrounding Tirost coalesces into three icy blades that join the deadly weapon already twirling about him.

Avrenka says, "Thanks."

A shower of blazing silver fire pounds down from above!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his neck, lightly singeing his flesh.

Asildu runs around in circles as the flames consume his right hand!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy marauder blade he is holding is replaced with an icy maul.

Eskerith just went through a downward staircase, dragging Gragnel's body with him.

Lileath's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.
Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Lileath's chest!

With extreme care and concentration, Moza applies some westanuryn oil to his throwing axe.

Asildu drops his voice to a frosty whisper as he reprises the last tones of the chorus once more.
Valynn's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Valynn, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Baelor's left arm!
Anino is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to Anino's chest!
Anino is lightly stunned!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his left leg, lightly singeing his flesh.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a light hit (1/23) to his back and causes random objects nearby to go flying!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Tirost takes a step back and hefts his maul behind him.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost unleashes his maul to crash upon Asildu
Tirost's icy maul lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Lileath's chest!

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

A helix of blue and white light swirls around Asildu!

The blue and white helix continues to swirl around Asildu. Wounds and minute imperfections along his body begin to fade in a brilliant supernatural display!

The blue and white light surrounding Asildu fades, leaving him healthy and refreshed.

Lileath retreats from combat.

The cloud of mist is suddenly consumed in a conflagration of flashing silver-grey lightning.

Illiya lays her hand on Zyros's arm.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's abdomen!

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she looks much better.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Ezerak's left leg!

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his right arm!

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost gestures at Asildu with his withered claw for a hand.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.

Asildu's subdermal keratosis deflects something.
Asildu winces as a band of bright red welts appear on his neck.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left arm!

Zyros looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Casari grows flushed as she segues to the new verse of her song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about her.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right leg!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his left arm!

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Anino puts his branch in his bitterweave pack.

Harsh closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Asildu as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's back!

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The floor ripples and flows like water! You lose your footing!

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's abdomen!

Madigan begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's right hand!

Crobin comes out of hiding.

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Moza puts his oil in his kirmiko pocket.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Imroth's left arm!

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his right hand!

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Asildu. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Lileath assesses her combat situation.

Allye stands up.

Madigan stands up.

Riverlynn leaps to her feet!

Baelor stands up.

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy maul he is holding is replaced with an icy quarterstaff.

Crobin stands up.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Dark golden light shoots from Imroth to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Avrenka stands up.

Vashner stands up.

Heartsfyre leaps to her feet!

Ezerak stands up.

Zynell stands up.

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's boot lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Kerennya stands up.

Lileath rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Harsh stands up.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Zyros gestures at Asildu.
Zyros's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at Asildu!

The fire shard impacts harmlessly with his shield.
The fire shard impacts harmlessly with his shield.
A fire shard misses him!
A fire shard misses him!
A fire shard misses him!

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his abdomen and rattles the walls!

Streamers of glistening silver light trail in the air as bolts of flame begin to fall from above like miniature comets!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his left arm, lightly singeing his flesh.

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

Illiya stands up.

Moza comes out of hiding.

Moza stands up.

Katriwen stands up.

Ezerak slides his left arm through the straps on his small shield and flexes.

Riverlynn gets a triangular wrist blade with a serrated copper edge from inside her silverweave lootsack.

Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor went through a downward staircase.

Tirost stands up.

Shaylynne rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Moza touches his stone.

Moza's eyes focus intently!

Zyros leaps to his feet!

Dantia stands up.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the chest, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his right hand, lightly singeing his flesh.

The vapor surrounding Tirost coalesces into three icy blades that join the pair of deadly weapons already twirling about him.
Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.

Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it. Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his neck!

An ephemeral light glows about Eskila.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Eskila's neck!
Eskila is lightly stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Maraisel’s neck!
Maraisel is lightly stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Kerennya's left arm!
Valynn is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Valynn's back!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to Katriwen's abdomen!

* Katriwen is slain before your eyes!

The air around Katriwen shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses.
Katriwen exhales involuntarily and shifts her stance, as if now under a heavy burden.
As Katriwen's enchante winds down to a close, she lets each note linger on the air.

Madigan looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!

Casari stands up.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's neck.

Riverlynn puts her blade in her silverweave lootsack.

Tirost gestures at Asildu with his withered claw for a hand.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.

Asildu's subdermal keratosis deflects something.
Asildu flexes his right arm in surprise as something smacks into it.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Sothios stands up.

Dark golden light shoots from Eskila to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

A torrent of luminous silver flame rains down from above!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his chest, lightly singeing his flesh.

Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's left arm!

Imroth says, "I believe he started it."

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Anino leaps to his feet!

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his chest, lightly singeing his flesh.

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his right hand!

Moza appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's right arm!

Crobin begins to advance on Asildu.

Eskila stands up.

Asildu stands up.

The Imperial spear hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Madigan thumbs his nose a few times in Asildu's direction.
Asildu is enraged by Madigan's challenge, his focus remaining on Madigan.

Illiya lays her hand on Shaylynne's arm.

Illiya lays her hand on Imroth's arm.

Eskila appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's left eye!

Anino comes out of hiding.

Anino works carefully at tending his wounded chest.

Ruea stands up.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc flickers cerulean, freezing over with a deadly sleet and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Riverlynn gets an acicular thrusting blade with a chaotic silversteel guard from inside her duffel bag.

Not having any room, Crobin stops advancing on Asildu.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's chest!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right leg!

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Dantia touches Crobin with a confident grace.

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Crobin begins to advance on Asildu.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left hand!

Dantia touches Eskila with a confident grace.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Anino drinks an ithor potion.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left leg, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

[General] Your mind hears Riktus thinking, "where did all you folks from the town meeting run to? i tried to join by got caught flat footed and missed your exit. Found my way to Kaerna and saw a drake, burst inta flames, fell over - but am somehow unharmed. I am so bleedin' confused right now. "

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's right leg!

Not having any room, Crobin stops advancing on Asildu.

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

Avrenka just went through a downward staircase, dragging Katriwen's body with him.

Madigan rebukes Asildu with his pavise shield.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Waves of dull golden light emit from the shield which crash over Asildu.
Asildu manages to deflect some of the first wave with his subdermal keratosis.
The first wave inflicts a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's right leg.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Asildu manages to deflect some of the second wave with his subdermal keratosis.
The second wave inflicts a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left leg.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Asildu manages to deflect some of the third wave with his subdermal keratosis.
The third wave inflicts a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left leg.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Asildu manages to deflect some of the fourth wave with his subdermal keratosis.
The fourth wave inflicts a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's chest.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Asildu manages to deflect some of the final wave with his subdermal keratosis.
The final wave inflicts a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's chest.

Crobin puts his parazonium in his battle-scarred carryall.

Valynn rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Riverlynn begins to advance on Asildu.

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.

Illiya lays her hand on Ezerak's arm.

Crobin gets a serrated Imperial spear with a diamondwood haft from inside his battle-scarred carryall.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's right leg!

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Shaylynne springs towards Asildu, with the cunning of a cougar. Shaylynne angles herself to knock him to the ground!
Asildu steps out of the way, remaining on his feet!

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Illiya lays her hand on Casari's arm.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.

Moza gets some westanuryn oil from inside his kirmiko pocket.

Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's left hand!

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his right hand!

Zyros gestures at Asildu.
Zyros's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at Asildu!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his back, singeing it a little.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard singes the fingers of his right hand.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his chest, singeing it a little.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his back, singeing it a little.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
The fire shard glances off his shield.
The fire shard glances off his back, singeing it a little.

Tirost begins to focus intently on Asildu.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's boot lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his right leg!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's right leg!

Tirost sidesteps and adjusts his footing while twirling his quarterstaff.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost angles his twirling quarterstaff down upon Asildu.
Tirost's icy quarterstaff lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg!

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the right arm, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

Not having any room, Riverlynn stops advancing on Asildu.

Kerennya touches Imroth with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Asildu begins to focus intently on Imroth.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Madigan breaks away from Asildu.

The elemental maelstrom crashes over Allye, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Sothios's chest!
Sothios is lightly stunned!
Sofina is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Sofina's chest!
Sofina is lightly stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Moza, but he is unharmed.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Zynell, but she is unharmed.
Lileath's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Lileath's left arm!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his abdomen!

With extreme care and concentration, Moza applies some westanuryn oil to his throwing axe.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's right arm!

The vapor surrounding Tirost coalesces into three icy blades that join the three deadly weapons already twirling about him.

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his back and echoes in its confines!

Tirost's hand suddenly burns to a crisp!
Tirost gestures at Asildu with his withered claw for a hand.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.

Asildu's subdermal keratosis deflects something.
Asildu hisses in sudden pain as a red welt appears on his face.

Wrath's Herald Zynell went through a downward staircase.

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting strike to Lileath's right arm!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

Asildu stands up.

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's chest!

Sofina stands up.

The Imperial spear hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Casari drops a fiery rhodonite runestone marked with a symbol for Fire Shards.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Imroth's left leg!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm!

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy quarterstaff he is holding is replaced with an icy broadsword.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Dark golden light shoots from Imroth to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's left hand!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's boot lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

Closing his eyes, Tirost grunts briefly in effort as a small earthen ethereal fissure opens in front of him. Thrusting his hand through, Tirost draws out an icy broadsword. As Tirost opens his eyes, the fissure closes.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's right arm!

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

Zyros's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
Zyros fixes Asildu with an intent stare.
The piercing screech of tortured air assaults your ears, punctuated by a sharp **CRACK!**!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
Asildu's shield arm is thrown out to side, an unseen force striking him!
Asildu grunts as a deep black bruise appears on his abdomen.

Tirost sheathes his icy broadsword.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg!

Tirost sheathes his icy broadsword.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's left arm!

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Tirost loosens the straps securing his small shield and removes it.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

The cracked rock rapidly decays away.

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left leg!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest, lightly stunning him.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting strike to Lileath's right arm!

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas blazes red, striking out with a deadly flame and lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas ignites red, shooting forth an angry flame and lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and the wounds disappear.

Illiya lays her hand on Lileath's arm.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's right arm!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left hand.

You notice Valynn loading her battle longbow while remaining hidden.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Lileath's left arm!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas flashes red, striking out with a deadly flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

With extreme care and concentration, Moza applies some westanuryn oil to his throwing axe.

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his right hand!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left arm!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the back, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his abdomen leaving the flesh reddened and raw.

Lileath looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's right arm!

[General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "Need a healer to Kaerna south gate please"

Dantia touches Eskila with a confident grace.

Asildu stands up.

An ephemeral light glows about Eskila.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Eskila's abdomen!
Riverlynn is revealed!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Riverlynn's left leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to Kerennya's chest!
Kerennya is stunned!
Zfora is revealed!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Zfora, but she is unharmed.

Dark golden light shoots from Eskila to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

Eskila looks grim, but her wounds seem better.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's chest!

Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Imroth!
Imroth's gais lotus is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his left eye forcing him to blink away frozen tears as the surrounding flesh is left reddened and raw.
Imroth is severely stunned!

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Lileath looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm!

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Zyros's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
Zyros fixes Asildu with an intent stare.
The piercing screech of tortured air assaults your ears, punctuated by a sharp **CRACK!**!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
Asildu's shield arm is thrown out to side, an unseen force striking him!
Asildu clutches his right arm and curses as an unseen force strikes him.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.

Dantia says, "Imroth, stand."

The vapor surrounding Tirost coalesces into three icy blades that join the four deadly weapons already twirling about him.

Dantia touches Imroth with a confident grace.

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left hand!

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

Tirost begins to focus intently on Asildu.

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost slides his left arm through the straps on his small shield and flexes.

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Lileath looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's right leg!

Closing his eyes, Tirost grunts briefly in effort as a small earthen ethereal fissure opens in front of him. Thrusting his hand through, Tirost draws out an icy broadsword. As Tirost opens his eyes, the fissure closes.

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color! A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him. Ezerak's pasabas flashes red, striking out with an angry flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Closing his eyes, Tirost grunts briefly in effort as a small earthen ethereal fissure opens in front of him. Thrusting his hand through, Tirost draws out an icy broadsword. As Tirost opens his eyes, the fissure closes.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right hand!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's neck!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

Crobin begins to advance on Asildu.

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his right hand!

Imroth appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's left leg!

Casari gets a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures from inside her black longcoat.

Squire Eskila went through a downward staircase.

Echosong briefly spreads her arms outward as her singing intensifies. The somber introduction quickly cascades upward into a jarring tumble of haunting sound.
An eerie keening chorus of howls surrounds Asildu, but it trails off into silence.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his back!

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Tirost crouches down and draws his weapons close
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost rushes at Asildu, lashing out with his broadsword!

Tirost's icy broadsword lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right hand!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost's attack momentum continues with a second strike from his broadsword!
Tirost's icy broadsword lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest!

Asildu is enraged by Lileath's attack!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.

Crobin puts his spear in his battle-scarred carryall.

Not having any room, Crobin stops advancing on Asildu.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's right leg!

Casari points a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures at Asildu.
Bands of opaque iridescence appear around Asildu in a concentric hexad. Each begins to revolve along a different axis, soon collectively fading into a colored blur that obscures him for several moments.

Allye touches Imroth with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Crobin gets a telothian serrated parazonium from inside his battle-scarred carryall.

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Valynn appears to be aiming at Asildu with her battle longbow.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Illiya lays her hand on Imroth's arm.

Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left hand!

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Imroth stands up.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's boot lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu stands up.

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's left leg!

Dantia touches Imroth with a confident grace.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his abdomen!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Moza puts his oil in his kirmiko pocket.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his right eye!

Lileath's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.
Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Lileath's right leg!

Tirost's hand suddenly burns to a crisp!
Tirost gestures at Asildu with his withered claw for a hand.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis deflects something.
Asildu flexes his right leg in surprise as something smacks into it.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's claw radiates lightning-white, crashing with a searing illumination and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's neck.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Shaylynne's left arm!

Zyros's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
Zyros fixes Asildu with an intent stare.
The piercing screech of tortured air assaults your ears, punctuated by a sharp **CRACK!**!
Asildu's shield jerks suddenly.

Imroth says, "Thanks."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas flashes red, striking out and exploding into a ball of flames and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Asildu begins to focus intently on Casari.

Anino comes out of hiding.

Moza gets a large flask of naphtha from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's neck.

Asildu runs around in circles as the flames consume his right hand!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's left arm!

Imroth looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's boot lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Casari puts her paperweight in her black longcoat.

Harsh closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Asildu as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his back leaving the flesh reddened and raw.

Moza slips out of the shadows behind Asildu! One hand extends toward a large flask of naphtha as it shatters against Asildu's left hand. With a precise sweep upwards, Moza swings a dragonwood-hafted throwing axe featuring a crescent indurium blade just short of hitting Asildu, sounding out a curious "clink" as the axe passes. A resounding "WHOOMPH" follows the adept movements as the naphtha soaking Asildu's left hand suddenly ignites.

Asildu grows flushed as he segues to the new verse of his song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a powerful strike (10/23) to Anino's right arm!
Anino is stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to Sothios's back!
Sothios is stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Illiya, but she is unharmed.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Madigan, but he is unharmed.

You notice a soft silver glow fade from a sungold-inlaid Imperial spear with a gleaming split-blade tip that Imroth is carrying.

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance! A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Illiya lays her hand on Casari's arm.

Tirost begins to focus intently on Asildu.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's spike lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

Shaylynne appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken.

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Echosong assesses her combat situation.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a light hit (1/23) to his abdomen!

Dantia holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
Asildu wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Moza gets a large flask of naphtha from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's left arm!

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Asildu. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Tirost inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Some of the fiery breath breaks against his subdermal keratosis.
The incendiary spittle lightly licks at his right hand.

Illiya waves her hand.

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!

Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Madigan looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his left eye!

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's boot lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Tirost sheathes his icy broadsword.

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his right hand!

Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

The vapor surrounding Tirost coalesces into a pair of icy blades that join the five deadly weapons already twirling about him.

Moza slips out of the shadows behind Asildu! One hand extends toward a large flask of naphtha as it shatters against Asildu's back. With a precise sweep upwards, Moza swings a dragonwood-hafted throwing axe featuring a crescent indurium blade just short of hitting Asildu, sounding out a curious "clink" as the axe passes. A resounding "WHOOMPH" follows the adept movements as the naphtha soaking Asildu's back suddenly ignites.

Tirost sheathes his icy broadsword.

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his left hand!

Deep, resonant tones enter Casari's voice as she raises it in the chorus of her chant, her voice steady and disciplined.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg!

Streamers of glistening silver light trail in the air as bolts of flame begin to fall from above like miniature comets!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his abdomen, lightly singeing his flesh.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's right leg!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's claw lands a light hit (1/23) that temporarily knocks away Asildu's breath with a scorching blow to the chest.

Asildu stands up.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

Dantia touches Imroth with a confident grace.

Moza gets a large flask of naphtha from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's left leg!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his back, lightly singeing his flesh.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Tirost gestures at Asildu with his withered claw for a hand.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis deflects something.
Asildu flexes his left leg in surprise as something smacks into it.

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's abdomen!

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Asildu is enraged by Shaylynne's attack!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that temporarily knocks away Asildu's breath with a scorching blow to the chest.

Moza slips out of the shadows behind Asildu! One hand extends toward a large flask of naphtha as it shatters against Asildu's left arm. With a precise sweep upwards, Moza swings a dragonwood-hafted throwing axe featuring a crescent indurium blade just short of hitting Asildu, sounding out a curious "clink" as the axe passes. A resounding "WHOOMPH" follows the adept movements as the naphtha soaking Asildu's left arm suddenly ignites.

Asildu stands up.

Ezerak gets a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures from inside his rucksack.

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Dark golden light shoots from Imroth to Asildu, but he endures its aggressive brilliance.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's back!

Shaylynne appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's left leg!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his abdomen, lightly singeing his flesh.

Ezerak points a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures at himself.

Dantia touches Shaylynne with a confident grace.

You notice Zyros attempting to conceal his spell preparations.

Zyros traces a careful sigil in the air.

Zyros begins to focus intently on Asildu.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Shaylynne's right arm!

Asildu runs around in circles as the flames consume his right hand!

Tirost gets a kirmhiro draught from inside his sling bag.

Madigan thumbs his nose a few times in Asildu's direction.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Tirost takes a sip of his draught.

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and the wounds disappear.

A soft silver glow briefly envelops Imroth's Imperial spear.

A torrent of luminous silver flame rains down from above!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Harsh's attack against him.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Asildu's subdermal keratosis and slams into his right hand, lightly singeing his flesh.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his abdomen leaving the flesh reddened and raw.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost puts his draught in his sling bag.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left arm!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's right eye!

The holy golden radiance around Imroth subsides, retreating into his body.

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The drake-fang arrow hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

The elemental maelstrom crashes over Dantia, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Heartsfyre's right arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a massive strike (11/23) to Kerennya's left leg!
Kerennya is lightly stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Illiya, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands an awesome strike (12/23) to Sothios's abdomen!
Moza is revealed!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Moza, but he is unharmed.

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's abdomen!

Tirost begins to focus intently on Asildu.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Casari!
The slurry splatters against her triangular sipar.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Closing his eyes, Tirost grunts briefly in effort as a small aqueous ethereal fissure opens in front of him. Thrusting his hand through, Tirost draws out an icy lance. As Tirost opens his eyes, the fissure closes.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Water drips out of Tirost's hip pouch.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his right hand!

Dantia touches Ezerak with a confident grace.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the right leg, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his left leg!

Valynn puts her arrow in her thigh quiver.

Zyros's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
Zyros fixes Asildu with an intent stare.
The piercing screech of tortured air assaults your ears, punctuated by a sharp **CRACK!**!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Zyros's attack against him.
Asildu's shield arm is thrown out to side, an unseen force striking him!
Asildu clutches his right leg and curses as an unseen force strikes him.

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left hand!

Shaylynne appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken.

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost dashes quickly at Asildu, attacking him with blows meant to impale!
Tirost's icy lance lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen!

Dantia touches Casari with a confident grace.

Anino eats a jadice flower.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's neck.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's back!

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Madigan's left hand!

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Kerennya touches Tirost with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Valynn loads her battle longbow with a drake-fang arrow.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left leg!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's boot lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Sothios went through a downward staircase.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his back!

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!

The vapor surrounding Tirost coalesces into a pair of icy blades that join the five deadly weapons already twirling about him.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's left leg!

Ezerak waves a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures at Asildu.
Bands of opaque iridescence appear around Asildu in a concentric hexad. Each begins to revolve along a different axis, soon collectively fading into a colored blur that obscures him for several moments.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his head!

Asildu stands up.

Tirost's hand suddenly burns to a crisp!
Tirost gestures at Asildu with his withered claw for a hand.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis deflects something.
Asildu reels backwards as an invisible blow strikes his abdomen.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

Illiya says, "He is getting healed too.."

Dantia touches Zyros with a confident grace.

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his right hand!

The light about Asildu explodes into a cascading shower of brilliant sparks!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Ezerak puts his paperweight in his rucksack.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

You notice a soft silver glow fade from a sungold-inlaid Imperial spear with a gleaming split-blade tip that Asildu is carrying.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Madigan's right hand!

Ezerak gets a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures from inside his rucksack.

Illiya holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
Asildu wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Dantia touches Ezerak with a confident grace.

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Ezerak points a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures at himself.

Tirost begins to focus intently on Asildu.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Dantia touches Echosong with a confident grace.

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Asildu is enraged by Madigan's attack!
Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and the wounds disappear.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's head.

Asildu stands up.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas flashes red, striking out with an angry flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy lance he is holding is replaced with an icy marauder blade.

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his left arm!

Shaylynne appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken.

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Madigan's left hand!

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left leg, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's right leg!

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his left eye forcing him to blink away frozen tears.

Ezerak puts his paperweight in his rucksack.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Asildu is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his right arm!

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Asildu seems not to notice as the flames consume his right hand!

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Tirost takes a step back and readies his blade behind him.
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
Tirost attempts to cleave through Asildu with his blade!

Tirost's marauder blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right eye!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right eye!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm!

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

A soft silver glow briefly envelops Imroth's Imperial spear.

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his left hand!

Asildu stands up.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas blazes red, striking out with an angry flame and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's head.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left arm, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

The elemental maelstrom crashes over Ezerak, but he is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to Vashner's right leg!
Vashner is lightly stunned!
Zyros's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Zyros's right arm!
Zfora is revealed!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Zfora, but she is unharmed.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Dantia, but she is unharmed.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Madigan's left hand!

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Madigan looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Tirost gestures at Asildu.
The wind glances off his subdermal keratosis.
A blast of wind slams into Asildu. The gust of wind doesn't seem to affect Asildu much.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his back!

The wounds afflicting Madigan gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Dantia's flesh.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Valynn appears to be aiming at Asildu with her battle longbow.

Illiya lays her hand on Imroth's arm.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's boot lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's abdomen.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his right hand!

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's left leg!

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy marauder blade he is holding is replaced with an icy maul.

Zyros works carefully at tending his wounded right arm.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

Mathematician Avrenka came through a downward staircase.

Shaylynne appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's abdomen!

Imroth lifts his a sungold-inlaid Imperial spear with a gleaming split-blade tip toward the heavens and with a mighty shout displays his righteous wrath.

Dantia touches Zyros with a confident grace.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

Valynn suddenly appears!
The drake-fang arrow hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Asildu's left arm!

Heartsfyre holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Dantia touches Avrenka with a confident grace.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's chest.

Madigan looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!

Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Illiya lays her hand on Lileath's arm.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's boot lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left arm.

Zyros begins to advance on Asildu.

Asildu begins to focus intently on Madigan.

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.

Ezerak gets a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures from inside his rucksack.

The branded lines of fire on Asildu burn with a bright orange color!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!
Asildu is lightly stunned!

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's right leg!

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Valynn loads her battle longbow with a drake-fang arrow.

Tirost loosens the straps securing his small shield and removes it.

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his left arm!

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his right hand!

The vapor surrounding Tirost coalesces into a pair of icy blades that join the five deadly weapons already twirling about him.

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.

The fiery marks branding Asildu slowly fade away.

Lileath looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's back.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his right arm leaving the flesh reddened and raw.

Dantia touches Shaylynne with a confident grace.

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Moza!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Moza's right eye!

Dantia touches Moza with a confident grace.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left eye, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his left hand!

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's boot lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left leg.

Ezerak waves a cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures at Asildu.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Imroth's attack against him.
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's left eye.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!

Moza appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that drives the fingers deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.

Valynn appears to be aiming at Asildu with her battle longbow.

Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Not having any room, Zyros stops advancing on Asildu.

Asildu is enraged by Lileath's attack!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc flashes cerulean, blasting forth a horrific fury of ice and lands a light hit (1/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.

Asildu stands up.

Lileath's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.
Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Lileath's chest!

Shaylynne appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that drives the fingers deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.

Moza leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Moza's attack against him.
Moza's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's neck.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that drives the fingers deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.

Crobin comes out of hiding.

Crobin waves a battered orichalcum trinket with a bone ghost at Asildu.

With a loud hiss, a fractured bone wasp swirling within a dense fog projects a stream of clear, liquid venom at Asildu
The spit splashes onto Asildu's chest!

Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Madigan!
He manages to get out of the way!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that drives the fingers deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.

Madigan looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

Riverlynn comes out of hiding.

Riverlynn puts her blade in her duffel bag.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Lileath's attack against him.
Lileath's estoc lands a light hit (1/23) to Asildu's right leg.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that drives the fingers deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.

Valynn's body abruptly ripples and changes form, causing Asildu's attack to miss outright.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Valynn, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Riverlynn's right arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Lileath's head!
Lileath is stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to Kerennya's abdomen!
Kerennya is stunned!

Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's left hand!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Tirost's attack against him.
An icy blade circling Tirost glances off Asildu's shield and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Dark golden light glares forth from Madigan, lightly stunning Asildu!

Madigan looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Asildu is momentarily wrapped in a shroud of burning light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.

Dantia touches Imroth with a confident grace.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the left eye, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Asildu screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume his chest!

Asildu is momentarily engulfed in a blossom of crackling light!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that pierces straight through the breastbone to lodge the fingers in the heart.

Dantia touches Crobin with a confident grace.

Ezerak puts his paperweight in his rucksack.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that collapses the ribcage and bursts the diaphragm in a messy splattering of bloody pink froth.

Tirost sheathes his icy maul.

Madigan looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that encompasses the chest in a corruscating wave of sparks and electric tendrils.

Asildu frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his right hand!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's right leg!

The light about Asildu flares outward into a corona of searing brilliance!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Ezerak's attack against him.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that pierces straight through the breastbone to lodge the glaes pasabas in the heart.

Dantia touches Kerennya with a confident grace.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his left arm!

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Ezerak!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Ezerak's chest!

A violent halo of white light contracts around Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that pierces straight through the breastbone to lodge the fingers in the heart.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that pierces straight through the breastbone to lodge the fingers in the heart.

Valynn suddenly appears!
The drake-fang arrow hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Asildu!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Casari's attack against him.
Asildu's subdermal keratosis is knocked aside by the frozen slurry!
The slurry splatters about his chest coating it in soft rime leaving him shivering and severely frostbitten.

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's abdomen!

The light about Asildu blooms into a radiant flare!
A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
Madigan's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that collapses the ribcage and bursts the diaphragm in a messy splattering of bloody pink froth.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Shaylynne's attack against him.
Shaylynne's fingers lands a light hit (1/23) that the fingers trails sparks as the blow vaporizes Asildu's chest into a rain of blood and bone.

* Asildu is slain before your eyes!

Asildu builds the final notes of his chant with an upward scale that rises into a steep crescendo, and ends with an abrupt silence.

Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Shaylynne!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Shaylynne's head!

A helix of blue and white light swirls around Asildu!

The blue and white helix continues to swirl around Asildu. Wounds and minute imperfections along his body begin to fade in a brilliant supernatural display!

The blue and white light surrounding Asildu fades, leaving him healthy and refreshed.

Allye touches Tirost with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Shaylynne appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken.

Valynn loads her battle longbow with a drake-fang arrow.

Kerennya looks healthier and Dantia appears to weaken.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.
Asildu staggers and falls backward.

Kerennya looks healthier and Dantia appears to weaken.

The vapor surrounding Tirost coalesces into an icy blade that joins the six deadly weapons already twirling about him.

Valynn puts her arrow in her thigh quiver.

Dantia touches Kerennya with a confident grace.

Lileath's estoc lands a brushing (0/23) hit to Asildu's right arm.

Anino comes out of hiding.

Anino works carefully at tending his wounded right arm.

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting strike to Lileath's left leg!

Valynn appears to be aiming at Asildu with her battle longbow.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Harsh begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and the wounds disappear.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's right hand!

Madigan begins to advance on Asildu.

Squire Eskila came through a downward staircase.

Anino begins to advance on Asildu.

Dantia touches Kerennya with a confident grace.

A shaft of brilliant white light erupts violently from within Asildu!
Madigan's axe lands a powerful strike (10/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into Asildu!

The wind begins to shift until it blows gently from behind Imroth's back.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Madigan closes to melee range on Asildu.

Casari begins to focus intently on Asildu.

Madigan looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.

A bright flash engulfs Harsh's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Asildu!
Asildu's subdermal keratosis blocks some of the light.
The ray strikes Asildu in the abdomen, blossoming into an impressive display of flashing lights that cling to him.

The light about Asildu explodes in an eruption of roiling white light!
Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a vicious strike (13/23) that pierces the bones of the upper arm and gets temporarily stuck (Wipe the marrow off!), stunning him.
The Imperial spear lodges itself deeply into Asildu!

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Asildu!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a spine-rattling strike (16/23) that cleaves the right arm from the shoulder.

Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Imroth!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Imroth's abdomen!

The drake-fang arrow hits a wall and falls to the floor!

Allye frowns.

Shaylynne begins to advance on Asildu.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Valynn!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Valynn's back!

Lileath's estoc lands a heavy strike (7/23) that drives the icesteel estoc under the sternum to pierce the heart.

* Asildu is slain before your eyes!

Dantia touches Lileath with a confident grace.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Lileath!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Lileath's right arm!

Dantia touches Casari with a confident grace.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Casari drops her voice to a frosty whisper as she reprises the last tones of the chorus once more.

Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor came through a downward staircase.

Illiya lays her hand on Ezerak's arm.

Valynn loads her battle longbow with a drake-fang arrow.

Shaylynne stops advancing since Asildu is dead.

Suddenly, a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage leaps from Asildu's body and flies toward Madigan! The axe slides to Madigan's right hand, reuniting him with his lost belonging.

Heartsfyre nods.

Allye touches Valynn with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Ezerak assesses his combat situation.

Tirost bends slightly and slaps Asildu!

Ezerak looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

You hear someone snickering.

Imroth says, "Oh."

Tirost slides his left arm through the straps on his small shield and flexes.

Zfora reveals herself.

Zfora gestures.

Massive streams of viridian and copper leap from Zfora's outstretched hand, coalescing around Asildu's corpse and forming a pulsing link between them. The streams flare a sanguine red, devouring Asildu's corpse.

Zfora's skin flushes slightly.

Zyros searches around for a moment.

Kerennya waves her hand.

Illiya lays her hand on Lileath's arm.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken.

Madigan says, "Nice."

You notice Valynn unloading her battle longbow while attempting to remaining hidden.

Lileath looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Imroth puts his handbook in his cosmic abyss.

Moza comes out of hiding.

Illiya waves her hand.

Dantia touches Kerennya with a confident grace.

Lileath looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Harsh makes a grunting noise.

Anino comes out of hiding.

Anino gazes appraisingly at Asildu's corpse.

Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.

Lileath looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Moza says to Madigan, "He got to experience the naphtha."

Moza winks at Madigan.

Tirost says, "Great fighting, everyone."

Lileath looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

You hear someone chortling.

Lileath looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Madigan grins at Moza.

Illiya lays her hand on Vashner's arm.

Ezerak says to Asildu, "Tell them they are next."

Kerennya touches Anino with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Imroth kicks Asildu!

Harsh grabs Asildu's lifeless arm and highfives him, as if to say, "Great job!"

Tirost nods to Ezerak.

Kerennya touches Anino with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Vashner looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Kerennya touches Anino with a confident grace and familiar smile.

(Crobin makes a rude gesture at the Herald's)

Asildu's body disappears into a pile of ash!

Imroth says, "Hope your Heralds give favors."

Asildu steps into a shadow and is simply gone!

Casari frowns.

Dantia makes a grunting noise.

Anino looks healthier and Kerennya appears to weaken.

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.

You hear the voice of Sofina say, "Well."

Anino praises Kerennya.

Anino looks healthier and Kerennya appears to weaken.

Dantia touches Harsh with a confident grace.

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

Echosong ponders.

Kerennya grins at Anino.

Dantia touches Ruea with a confident grace.

Ezerak acts puzzled.

Dantia touches Shaylynne with a confident grace.

Dantia touches Moza with a confident grace.

Harsh searches around for a moment.

Echosong gasps and chokes as her face takes on a bright reddish hue!

Dantia touches Crobin with a confident grace.

Dantia touches Imroth with a confident grace.

The three Heralds above roar in fury!

Dantia touches Zyros with a confident grace.

Crobin glances outside a moment.

Sothios came through a downward staircase.

Casari gazes upward.

Allye gazes upward.

Harsh gazes upward.

Dantia touches Maraisel with a confident grace.

Baelor says, "Oh they dont look happy."

Illiya lays her hand on Crobin's arm.

Zyros asks, "Think I sprung a leak, can I get a touchy?"

Dantia touches Casari with a confident grace.

Maraisel stands up.

Drakes swoop low across the spire, exhaling a line of flame that scorches everything in their path before circling away.

Sothios bursts into flames!
Baelor bursts into flames!
Eskila bursts into flames!
Avrenka bursts into flames!
Riverlynn bursts into flames!
Shaylynne bursts into flames!
Moza bursts into flames!
Kerennya bursts into flames!
Crobin bursts into flames!
Imroth bursts into flames!
Dantia bursts into flames!
Ruea bursts into flames!
Tirost bursts into flames!
Harsh bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Zyros bursts into flames!
Maraisel bursts into flames!
Ezerak bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Lileath bursts into flames!
Vashner bursts into flames!
Echosong bursts into flames!
Heartsfyre bursts into flames!
Illiya bursts into flames!
Allye bursts into flames!
Anino bursts into flames!
Sothios is stunned!
Baelor is stunned!
Eskila is stunned!
Avrenka is stunned!
Riverlynn is stunned!
Shaylynne is stunned!
Moza is stunned!
Kerennya is stunned!
Crobin is stunned!
Imroth is stunned!
Dantia is stunned!
Ruea is stunned!
Tirost is stunned!
Harsh is stunned!
Madigan is stunned!
Zyros is stunned!
Maraisel is stunned!
Ezerak is stunned!
Casari is stunned!
Lileath is stunned!
Vashner is stunned!
Echosong is stunned!
Heartsfyre is stunned!
Illiya is stunned!
Allye is stunned!
Anino is stunned!

Suddenly, a company of drakes slams into the ground, and roaring in fury, begins to attack!

The heraldic company marches into view, their ranks in perfect formation.

Drakes Attack