Item:Saffron camocas caban trimmed with gold embroidery

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Revision as of 01:55, 7 November 2024 by MILLERK131 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Item |noun=caban |look=Zigzag stitching in gold thread runs along the hemline and neckline. Vertical stripes the same shade as the embellishment are woven into the luxurious fabric. |ptype=clothing |verby=No |pcrystal=No |atmos=No |istone=No |wearloc=shoulders |weight=50 |appcost=62500 |rarity=festival |enchanted=No |feature-change=No |generator=No |sourcetype=- |fname=No }}")
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saffron camocas caban trimmed with gold embroidery
Look: Zigzag stitching in gold thread runs along the hemline and neckline. Vertical stripes the same shade as the embellishment are woven into the luxurious fabric.
Weight: 50 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 62500 Kronars50,000 Lirums <br />45,100 Dokoras <br />62.5 LTBpoints <br />62.5 Tickets <br />62.5 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an article of clothing.
  • This item is worn in the shoulders slot.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Knight at the Club (3)