Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 10022024/Hunting for the Truth

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[Wildflower Meadow, Before the Gods] Wildflowers circle a leafy bush and a large, flat boulder, the surface of which is rounded due to years of exposure to the wind and rain. Lush grass blankets the ground like a living carpet that softens footfalls. A faint path heads toward the tree line to the north, while the field drops off elsewhere in the other directions. You also see an ethereal vela'tohr thicket, a shadowy black wolf-hound puppy baring menacingly diminutive canine teeth, a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood, a lumpy bundle, a lumpy bundle, a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace with several things on it, a silk cloth of variegated sea blues edged to look like cresting waves with several things on it, a ghostly white banner and a lethargic Shadow Servant that appears rather calm.

Jundara recites:

   "If you would like to participate, please whisper to me and I will place your name on the list. For those who are not participating, I ask that you keep the reverence of the area, and keep the chatting to a whisper."

Allye accepts Xionara's birchwood raaho. Xionara gets a solid birchwood raaho inset with a faiyka from inside her gift bag. Allye says to Xionara, "Thank you." Xionara offers Vixonia a solid birchwood raaho inset with a faiyka. Xionara nods to Allye. Vixonia accepts Xionara's birchwood raaho. Xionara's ears perk up happily. Xionara perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Vixonia. Allye puts her raaho in her tapestry carpetbag. Xionara fidgets with her birchwood raaho for a moment. Jundara recites:

   "As a reminder, there is also a Vigil for Rutilor and the other gods. If you would like to attend that also, please whisper to me and I will make sure you take your turn sooner in the order."

Jundara grins ear-to-ear. Nevali puts her raaho in her silk pack. Xionara gets a solid birchwood raaho inset with a faiyka from inside her gift bag. Ears tilted forward, Nevali curls her tail around Jundara's waist loosely. The dark shape of a bird appears as a silhouette on the horizon, its wingspan impressive even from this distance. Xionara offers Istercal a solid birchwood raaho inset with a faiyka. Istercal accepts Xionara's birchwood raaho. Xionara perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Vixonia. Xionara smiles at Istercal. Istercal bows to Xionara. Vixonia puts her raaho in her leather carryall. Allye takes a sip of her bloodwine. Nevali says to Xionara, "If I'd known, we could have done the gift bags together..." Xionara softly says to Nevali, "Is okay! Great minds." Xionara pats Nevali on the back. Istercal puts his raaho in his dreamweave pack. Vixonia takes a bite of the doughnut. Zynell puts her raaho in her purple sack. Xionara perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Nevali. Nevali twitches an ear nervously. Vixonia takes a bite of the doughnut. Nevali exclaims to Cahtya, "Almost missed you!" Nevali gets a large purple sack from inside her silk backpack. Nevali offers Cahtya a large purple sack. Nevali studies the faces around her. Sozinho slides a solid birchwood raaho inset with a faiyka onto his finger. Cahtya accepts Nevali's purple sack. Sozinho gets a Sunfall Hub jelly doughnut sprinkled with salt and sugar from inside his purple sack. Cahtya curtsies. Xionara gets a solid birchwood raaho inset with a faiyka from inside her gift bag. Sozinho takes a bite of the doughnut. Kalyndara rummages about her person, looking for something. Kalyndara shakes her head at Xionara. Xionara offers Kalyndara a solid birchwood raaho inset with a faiyka. Kalyndara accepts Xionara's birchwood raaho. Kalyndara slides a solid birchwood raaho inset with a faiyka onto her finger. Kalyndara beams at Xionara! Nevali gets a large purple sack from inside her silk pack. Nevali offers Istercal a large purple sack. Istercal accepts Nevali's purple sack. Sozinho takes a bite of the doughnut. Vixonia gets a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne from inside her libations trunk. Vixonia takes a sip of her bloodwyne. Nawain scans the area briefly. Vixonia takes a bite of the doughnut. Nawain gets some black leather wraparound goggles with button-sized malachite lenses from inside her watersilk bag. Jundara nods to Briaen. Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still. Nevali angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Jundara. Jundara recites:

   "Before we begin, Briaen would like to address the group."

Jundara nods to Briaen. Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Briaen. Briaen nods graciously at Jundara, giving her a polite smile. Vixonia angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Briaen. Nawain gazes at Briaen. Xionara perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Briaen. Vixonia takes a sip of her bloodwyne. Kalyndara smiles at Briaen. Sozinho takes a bite of the doughnut. Briaen says, "Gathered faithful. Friends. Citizens of our lands. I wish to put aside something some of you might fear at the sight of an Inquisitor and his Initiate attending your gathering." Briaen says, "I will be as brief as I am able." Briaen smiles. Briaen says, "We are here to ensure that your worship is uninterupted." Sozinho takes a bite of the doughnut. Nawain gives a slight nod. Briaen says, "Nawain and I will stand guard against any and all who might threaten this gathering." Jundara trills softly at Nawain. Xionara perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Briaen. Nevali nods to Briaen. Jundara's ears perk up happily. Nawain smiles at Jundara. Jundara hugs Nevali, who wraps her arms around Jundara with a warm smile. Kethrai praises Briaen. Zynell rolls her eyes. Sozinho asks, "We expecting a fight?" Nevali says to Briaen, "Thank you..." Briaen says, "I recognize that there are formal doctrines to banter about and there are scholars who do such things. I am not one of them." Briaen says, "The Triquetra will be praised. And we will see to it. Together." Jundara recites:

   "Thank you, Briaen and Nawain."

Jundara curtsies. Jundara smiles at Briaen. Allye flashes a quick grin. Bookkeeper Parkons just arrived. Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still. Sozinho takes a bite of the doughnut. Allye takes a sip of her bloodwine. Jundara recites:

   "I will call upon you when it is your turn, please PRAY at the BOULDER, speak your questions and concerns to Eu-Demrris-Tenemlor, and then place your offering on the boulder. Once it changes to a symbol, please take your symbol.  I will then call upon the next Prydaen in oder."

Sozinho takes a huge mouthful of a Sunfall Hub jelly doughnut sprinkled with salt and sugar and gnaws heartily on it. Sozinho finishes off his jelly doughnut. Jundara recites:

   "If you have not yet done so, and wish to participate, please whisper to myself and I will add you to the list."

Jundara shakes her head at Nevali. Sozinho raises his hand. Jundara trills softly at Nevali. Jundara nods to Xionara. Xionara gets a solid birchwood raaho inset with a faiyka from inside her gift bag. Xionara offers Cahtya a solid birchwood raaho inset with a faiyka. Cahtya accepts Xionara's birchwood raaho. Xionara smiles at Cahtya. Cahtya smiles. Jundara nods to Sozinho. (Jundara slowly approaches the front of the boulder, takes a deep breath, and raises her hands to the sky) Jundara recites:

   "Eu-Demrris-Tenemlor, we gather in your name to ask for your guidance and wisdom. Please grant us your favor."

Jundara recites:

   "Nevali, would you please lead us off?"

Nevali inhales a great swallow of air. Allye smiles at Nevali. (Jundara takes a step back from the boulder) Nevali says, "As many of you may well know, mostly likely even better than I do, there has been a lot of new information about the Immortals. Whether true or not, believed or not, the theories that have plagued our minds in the last few months alone could fill several volumes. So, my thoughts have been taking into account the following ideas..." Jundara smiles at Nevali. Nevali says, "One, that Eu is not one of the Immortals. Eu is Nature. Not just water and earth, but the animals, the trees, the grass, the mushrooms... all of which dies. Constantly. And is reborn. Constantly. Whatever supernatural, spiritual influence Eu has over us, is by its own definition, natural. If that supernatural, spiritual influence was imbued in Eu from the same source as other Immortals, does not change the nature of Eu's cyclic existence. Eu is our planet. Eu is us." Nevali says, "Two, that by encompassing all of nature, Eu's domain is that of the Heralds, who quite possibly created Elanthia - or at least designed it while others created. I do not know if ownership of an object on the celestial scale belongs to the engineer who designed it, or the blacksmith who forged it... Is creation in the idea of a thing, or bringing it into existence? As a lunar wizard, I of course favor the creator of the idea, and there is one point in my thought process which may be flawed more than the rest..." Nevali shifts uncomfortably for a moment. Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity. Nevali asks, "Three, that the Immortals are not of this plane. They come from another realm of existence, and so comes the question of Demrris and Tenemlor. Why would two beings from this other realm entwine themselves so closely with Eu that they become known as a Triquetra, Eu-Demrris-Tenemlor? Did they see a niche and fill it? Were they first on the scene to claim the best of the best? Or were they accidental - were we as a people alone with Eu, and saw other people with their gods, and wished so fervently to have our own that we pulled them here ourselves and shaped them with our prayers?" (Jundara smiles up at the gentle rain) Nevali twitches an ear nervously. Nevali says, "Taking all this into account - that Eu is the planet, that the planet belongs to the Heralds (in theory), and that the other two gods therefore are part of the planet as well - we come to the question that haunts us... In this apparent war between the Immortals and the Heralds, where do these two stand? Where do we, as a people, stand? We who have suffered so much in the past, and yet struggle to find our place here in the east, our gods not yet accepted by the Temple, our ways frowned upon by other races..." Nevali asks, "Are we to side with our western cousins, the Rakash, and their Enelne, who cries for sorcery? Even if it's just the "little" sorcery, not the "big S" Sorcery, we've seen where such a path leads, the damage it can do to not just people, but nature... Are we to take those first steps towards it, ourselves?" Nevali gives a slight nod. Nevali leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

No reaction is immediately visible but before you give up, a nearby bush sprouts a new twig complete with leaves in a matter of seconds. Nevali carefully removes a blood wolf pelt from her bundle. Jundara smiles at Nevali. Nevali steps up and places a pelt on the boulder and it quickly changes form into a small stone disc. Anuril praises Nevali. Nevali gets an iladza symbol from atop a large boulder. Jundara nods to Nevali. Nevali nods to Jundara. Jundara recites:

   "Thanks you, Nevali. Vixonia is next."

Jundara smiles at Vixonia. Vixonia quirks one ear sideways in confusion. Vixonia slowly empties her lungs. Allye smiles at Vixonia. (Vixonia steps to the altar and pauses for a moment to compose her thoughts.) Kethrai gazes silently at Vixonia. Jundara smiles encouringly at Vixonia Jundara just kissed Nevali. Nevali emits a little "prprpr" noise. Vixonia recites:

   "I am but a simple bard who was lucky enough in the grace of Eu from birth with my family.  Much of what Nevali has spoken about is very new to me and it seems I have much to ponder."

Jundara grins at Nevali. Xionara perks up her ears, glancing around alertly. Nawain gives Briaen a slight nod. Vixonia recites:

   "I was brought up to believe that Eu was all around us.  Eu was nature but more than just nature.  The cycle of life and death was protected and guided by our trinity and we were beloved."

Jundara closes her eyes for a moment and grows still. Nawain smiles at Nevali. Nawain nods to Nevali. Vixonia recites:

   "I have always found solace in the glory of our gods, but I have always found sorcery to be a very uncomfortable subject.  I guess rather than try to fathom the purpose of Eu, my question is just as simple.  How can I best be of service?"

Vixonia kneels down. Vixonia prays fervently. Nevali trills softly at Vixonia. Vixonia stands up. Jundara nods to Vixonia. Vixonia leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

No reaction is immediately visible but before you give up, a nearby bush sprouts a new twig complete with leaves in a matter of seconds. Nawain smiles at Vixonia. Xionara nods at Vixonia, obviously agreeing with her views. Vixonia puts her doughnut in her leather carryall. Vixonia taps something inside a lumpy bundle. Kethrai quietly says, "We have Demrris's interest, at least." Nevali giggles a little oddly. Nawain scans the area briefly. Jundara recites:

   "Thank you, Vixonia. Xionara is next"

Vixonia carefully removes a blood wolf pelt from her bundle. Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still. Xionara clears her throat. Xionara stands near a large boulder. Vixonia laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Vixonia puts her pelt in her leather carryall. Vixonia gets a ghoul skin from inside a large purple sack. Vixonia steps up and places a skin on the boulder and it quickly changes form into a small stone disc. Vixonia gets a shariza symbol from atop a large boulder. Vixonia trills at the symbol. Jundara smiles at Vixonia. Vixonia stands near Allye. Istercal casually observes the area. Kethrai gazes silently at Xionara. Vixonia quietly says, "Thank you all for your patience while I composed my thoughts." Nawain's skin gleams with a fiery lustre, her eyes determined and ready. Xionara recites:

   "I always feel the eyes of the Triquetra upon me whatever I do. I have read about the trials of our people and know that in times of desperation even spells I would not venture to cast myself were used. "

Jundara pats Vixonia on the back. Jundara trills softly at Vixonia. Nawain gazes at Xionara. Xionara recites:

   "I can only hope that my choice to help temporarily stop the bad side effects related to the current state of magic are found acceptable and warranted in these dire moments."

Xionara leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

Vixonia raises her voice in a sharp rhythm that seems to thrum through the air. Vixonia briefly spreads her arms outward as her chanting intensifies. The skipping, sparkling rhythm entices the air to shed moisture and to warm as if under a summer sun. The air shifts as the persuasive melody of the enchante surrounds you, and suddenly the area seems hotter and drier. Xionara picks up a heartsblood trillium blossom. Xionara's ears perk up happily. Jundara smiles at Xionara. Vixonia trills softly at Xionara. Xionara examines a heartsblood trillium blossom. Nevali says, "We should have brought pillows..." Kethrai nods at Nevali, obviously agreeing with her views. Jundara grins at Nevali. Vixonia glances up at the sky. As Xionara places something upon the boulder you watch her stiffen up and fall over, unresponsive. Kethrai pats Xionara on the back. Nawain frowns. Jundara rests her hand on Xionara's arm with a soft smile. Vixonia says to Nevali, "They might get a bit wet though..." Nawain observes Xionara with fascination. Xionara looks healthier and Jundara appears to weaken. Vixonia chuckles. Nevali nods to Vixonia. Kethrai quietly says to Nawain, "That part's normal. Communing with Eu." Nawain nods in agreement. Vixonia nods to Kethrai.

Time slows and the air takes on a verdant green light.

Vixonia quirks her ears outward in surprise.

Your vision blurs a moment, and when you blink, you find yourself looking at a forest clearing redolent with tiny flowers, each with three rounded petals opening toward the sun. A river twists in the distance, and for a moment you think you see it turning back on itself in an endless loop. Time speeds, and you see the sun ride through the sky overhead, disappear into sunset, and then rise once more. You blink again and find the vision has faded.

Allye quirks her ears outward in surprise.

A palpable serenity fills the air, and the breeze appears to carry distinct words that seem to echo in song: "Take your rest, but don't stay long." The breeze picks up to a howling wind that comes from the west.

Nevali emits a rumbling noise of contentment. Nawain slowly empties her lungs. Briaen gazes up at the sky. Jundara sniffs the air around her. The rain stops, leaving only an overcast sky. Malorna raises an eyebrow. Kethrai gazes off to the west.

You are struck once more by a vision. This time, your view suddenly expands, and time speeds further than before -- you view the movements of tribes, and the rise and fall of Hubs. You see the endless cycle of hunting and the birth of new prey. Eventually, your view comes to rest on the crest of a great plateau, a Prydaen woman standing there. When she turns to look at you, you see that she is ancient, grey and silver shot through otherwise dark fur. She holds your gaze for a long moment, as if appraising, then gives you a nod, the faint hint of a smile on her face. Her tail floats tranquilly as she turns away again, and the vision ends. You are filled with a feeling of peace.

Cahtya gazes off into the distance. Allye slowly empties her lungs. Xionara's ears perk up happily. The white banner fades out of sight. Vixonia slowly empties her lungs. Nevali rubs Jundara's back. Jundara smiles. Allye quietly says, "Beautiful." Kethrai quietly says, "Well, that's something." Jundara nods to Kethrai. Jundara nods to Allye. Nawain nods in agreement. Nevali beams! Jundara says, "Thank you, Xionara. Sozinho, you are up next." Jundara smiles at Sozinho. Sozinho shifts uncomfortably for a moment. Vixonia quietly says, "I wonder who she was..." Nevali nibbles her lip thoughtfully. Sozinho says, "Not a big talker, myself, but I m glad to be here before Eu, and to hear what you all have to say." Sozinho nods. Xionara gets a faiyka symbol from atop a large boulder. Sozinho leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

No reaction is immediately visible but before you give up, a nearby bush sprouts a new twig complete with leaves in a matter of seconds. Xionara nods to Jundara. Sozinho carefully removes a blood wolf pelt from his bundle. Sozinho steps up and places a pelt on the boulder and it quickly changes form into a small stone disc. Jundara smiles at Sozinho. Sozinho gets an iladza symbol from atop a large boulder. Allye gazes off to the west. Jundara nods to Xionara. Xionara gazes off to the west. Xionara softly says to herself, "Time travel west again soon maybe." Sozinho puts his sack in his scavenger's pack. Nawain nods at Xionara, obviously agreeing with her views. Nawain firmly says, "Soon." Jundara says, "Thank you, Sozinho." Ears tilted forward, Nevali curls her tail around Jundara's waist loosely. Jundara asks, "Is there anyone else that would like to ask or offer?" Jundara casually observes the area. Jundara casually observes the area. Kethrai shakes his head at Jundara. Jundara nods to Allye. Jundara smiles at Kethrai. Jundara recites:

   "Ally will be next."

Allye puts her bloodwine in her tapestry carpetbag. Nevali puts her symbol in her silk pack. Jundara grins impishly. Vixonia gives a shariza symbol a hug! Vixonia puts her symbol in her leather carryall. Vixonia takes a sip of her bloodwyne. Allye says, "For the Triquetra... I mostly wish to offer a prayer of gratitude. In thanks for their presence ever all around us, their watchful eye, and their protection of our people." Vixonia trills softly at Allye. Allye leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

It takes a moment to notice, but one of the twigs on a nearby bush has begun to rapidly die before your eyes. What was a perfectly healthy portion of the plant a minute ago is now completely dead and brown. Allye gets a ghoul skin from inside her tapestry carpetbag. Allye steps up and places a skin on the boulder and it quickly changes form into a small stone disc. Allye gets a shariza symbol from atop a large boulder. Allye bows her head in acknowledgement. Kethrai trills softly at Allye. Nawain smiles at Allye. Vixonia beams at Allye! Jundara smiles at Allye. Jundara recites:

   "Thank you, Allye. Istercal is next."

Istercal clears his throat. (Istercal approaches the boulder) Vixonia angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Istercal. Allye smiles at Istercal. Nawain scans the area briefly. Istercal says, "Eu, I haven t felt your presence in a long time. I have even taken to following the 13. However, I have not forgotten my roots, the wheel, or that we are all bound." Istercal twitches an ear nervously. Kethrai tilts his head inquisitively. Nawain exhales involuntarily and shifts her stance, as if now under a heavy burden. Istercal says, "I worry for our kin, for our families, and for Elanthia." Istercal asks, "I join with my brothers and sisters in asking for your guidance in these troubling times.. Are we following a true course by using sorcery?" Istercal leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

No reaction is immediately visible but before you give up, a nearby bush sprouts a new twig complete with leaves in a matter of seconds. Istercal gets a blood wolf pelt from inside his purple sack. Istercal steps up and places a pelt on the boulder and it quickly changes form into a small stone disc. Istercal gets an iladza symbol from atop a large boulder. Istercal gives an iladza symbol a hug! Jundara nods to Istercal. Jundara recites:

   "Thank you, Istercal"

Jundara recites:

   "Eu-Demrris-Tenemlor, the wheel will continue to turn, and we are grateful for your presence here. Thank you for all you are."

Jundara kneels down and begins to pray. Jundara stands up. Jundara leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

No reaction is immediately visible but before you give up, a nearby bush sprouts a new twig complete with leaves in a matter of seconds. Jundara carefully removes a blood wolf pelt from her bundle. Jundara steps up and places a pelt on the boulder and it quickly changes form into a small stone disc. Nevali beams! Jundara gets an iladza symbol from atop a large boulder. Jundara trills at the symbol. Nevali asks, "If I may... offer an idea...?" Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Jundara. Jundara nods to Nevali. Vixonia angles her ears forward in curiosity. Nevali exclaims, "Everyone who has gotten a symbol so far... perhaps we should get more!" Nevali exclaims, "Three each!" Jundara smiles at Nevali. Mathematician Avrenka just arrived. Nevali leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

No reaction is immediately visible but before you give up, a nearby bush sprouts a new twig complete with leaves in a matter of seconds. Istercal waves to Avrenka. Nevali carefully removes a blood wolf pelt from her bundle. Nawain waves to Avrenka. Nevali steps up and places a pelt on the boulder and it quickly changes form into a small stone disc. Avrenka waves. Sozinho rummages about his person, looking for something. Nevali gets an iladza symbol from atop a large boulder. Nevali puts her symbol in her silk pack. Sozinho rummages about his person, looking for something. Nevali leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

You notice a plant quickly begin to sprout and extend upwards. When it has extended itself a little over a hand's span up, the tip rapidly blooms into a heartsblood trillium blossom which falls to the ground while the plant that it fell from withers as rapidly as it grew. Within seconds the blossom is the only proof that anything actually changed. Nevali picks up a heartsblood trillium blossom. Nevali pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Nevali inhales a great swallow of air. Jundara rests her hand on Nevali's arm with a soft smile. As Nevali places something upon the boulder you watch her stiffen up and fall over, unresponsive. Vixonia leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

You notice a plant quickly begin to sprout and extend upwards. When it has extended itself a little over a hand's span up, the tip rapidly blooms into a heartsblood trillium blossom which falls to the ground while the plant that it fell from withers as rapidly as it grew. Within seconds the blossom is the only proof that anything actually changed. Jundara exudes life and vitality, rutilant sparks dancing around her. Allye touches Vixonia with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Jundara assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something. Vixonia picks up a heartsblood trillium blossom. Kethrai quietly says, "Now Eu is listening." Nawain chuckles. Vixonia holds a heartsblood trillium blossom in her hand and closes her eyes in concentration. Jundara waves her hand. Nevali stands up. Nevali gets a faiyka symbol from atop a large boulder. Xionara's ears perk up happily. Nevali's ears relax for a moment in obvious enjoyment. Nevali puts her symbol in her silk pack. Nevali says, "There's no fear in it..." Allye nods. As Vixonia places something upon the boulder you watch her stiffen up and fall over, unresponsive. Allye puts her symbol in her tapestry carpetbag. Avrenka carefully examines his Nisha shortbow. Allye leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

It takes a moment to notice, but one of the twigs on a nearby bush has begun to rapidly die before your eyes. What was a perfectly healthy portion of the plant a minute ago is now completely dead and brown.

Vixonia appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken. Xionara puts her symbol in a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps. Nevali nods politely to Avrenka. Allye carefully removes a ghoul skin from her bundle. Allye steps up and places a skin on the boulder and it quickly changes form into a small stone disc.

Sozinho leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

You notice a plant quickly begin to sprout and extend upwards. When it has extended itself a little over a hand's span up, the tip rapidly blooms into a heartsblood trillium blossom which falls to the ground while the plant that it fell from withers as rapidly as it grew. Within seconds the blossom is the only proof that anything actually changed. Allye gets a shariza symbol from atop a large boulder. Sozinho picks up a heartsblood trillium blossom.

Vixonia appears stronger, while Allye seems to weaken. Xionara's ears perk up happily. Sozinho puts his symbol in his thigh bag. Vixonia looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. As Sozinho places something upon the boulder you watch him stiffen up and fall over, unresponsive. A light rain begins to patter down from above. Anuril gets a mug of hot chocolate from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace. Vixonia looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. Anuril takes a sip of his chocolate. Xionara kneels down and begins to pray. Vixonia looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. Xionara prays fervently. Vixonia sits up. Nawain gives Kethrai a slight nod. Vixonia hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Vixonia with a warm smile. Allye touches Sozinho with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Vixonia kneels down and begins to pray. Nevali says to Vixonia, "You asked who she was..." Sozinho looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. Allye hugs Vixonia, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile. Nevali asks Vixonia, "What did she look like, to you?" Sozinho springs to his feet in a sudden burst of vicious strength! Sozinho gets a faiyka symbol from atop a large boulder. Xionara's ears perk up happily. Nawain nods to Kethrai. Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Vixonia. Sozinho puts his symbol in his thigh bag. Anuril takes a sip of his chocolate. Jundara puts her sack in her dreamweave unicorn. Xionara softly says, "Think is avatar of Eu never before seen." Jundara puts her symbol in her dreamweave unicorn. Vixonia says, "She was ancient... grey and silver in her otherwise dark fur." Xionara's ears perk up happily. Allye nods at Vixonia, obviously agreeing with her views. Kethrai nods to Vixonia. Nawain smiles. Sozinho leans forward and touches the stone in a reverent manner.

No reaction is immediately visible but before you give up, a nearby bush sprouts a new twig complete with leaves in a matter of seconds. Nevali asks Kethrai, "And you saw?" Jundara recites:

   "Thank you to all who have participated. We will formally close our group prayer at this time, but please feel free to stay and pray on your own for more favor."

Vixonia gets a faiyka symbol from atop a large boulder. Nevali asks Kethrai, "And she was female, to you?" Jundara puts her statuette in her thigh bag. Jundara gets a large purple sack from inside her dreamweave unicorn. Jundara gets an iladza symbol from inside her dreamweave unicorn. Allye says, "Thank you for bringing us together for this, Jundara." Kethrai says to Nevali, "The same. A woman, on a plateau. Very old, dark fur gone grey and silver." Vixonia raises her faiyka symbol in a reverent manner. Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Jundara. Nevali pulls Jundara to her in a tight hug. Nevali nods to Kethrai. Vixonia puts her symbol in her shoulder bag. Nevali gets a thoughtful expression on her face. Sozinho grows healthier before your eyes! Anuril takes a sip of his chocolate. Nawain asks, "You all saw a female?" Vixonia briefly spreads her arms outward as her chanting intensifies. The skipping, sparkling rhythm entices the air to shed moisture and to warm as if under a summer sun. The air shifts as the persuasive melody of the enchante surrounds you, and suddenly the area seems hotter and drier. Allye nods to Nawain. Sozinho nods to Nawain. Kethrai nods to Nawain. Istercal says, "I believe we did." Vixonia nods to Nawain. Jundara smiles at Nawain. Nawain says, "Interesting. I saw something else." Nawain ponders. Kethrai says, "Could be one of the Claws, for sure." Vixonia angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Nawain. Vixonia asks, "What did you see?" Kethrai says, "Eu seems most likely." Nevali says, "I wish not to spoil this moment with further questions... my mind buzzes with new theories and wonders..." Anuril takes a sip of his chocolate. Malorna says, "Thank you for letting me listen in." Kethrai says, "She seemed to approve of what we're doing... unfortunately we're all doing different things..." Allye nods to Kethrai. Jundara giggles at Kethrai. Jundara nods. Nawain says, "I found myself looking at a forest clearing redolent with tiny flowers, each with three rounded petals opening toward the sun. A river twists in the distance, and for a moment I thought I saw it turning back on itself in an endless loop. Time speeds, and I saw the sun ride through the sky overhead, disappear into sunset, and then rise once more. And then I felt a palpable serenity fills the air, and the breeze appeared to carry distinct words that seem to echo in song: "Take your rest, but don't stay long." The breeze picks up to a howling wind that comes from the west." Kethrai nods to Nawain. Jundara smiles. Sozinho grows healthier before your eyes! Kethrai says, "We saw that too. Well... I did." Nevali nods in agreement. Vixonia nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views. Cahtya nods. Kethrai says, "The vision of the woman was after that." Nawain says, "Don't think I saw that." Nawain nods. Nevali softly says, "The light... was green. Not golden..." Vixonia recites:

   "You are struck once more by a vision.  This time, your view suddenly expands, and time speeds further than before -- you view the movements of tribes, and the rise and fall of Hubs.  You see the endless cycle of hunting and the birth of new prey.  Eventually, your view comes to rest on the crest of a great plateau, a Prydaen woman standing there.  When she turns to look at you, you see that she is ancient, grey and silver shot through otherwise dark fur.  She holds your gaze for a long moment, as if appraising, then gives you a nod, the faint hint of a smile on her face.  Her tail floats tranquilly as she turns away again, and the vision ends.  You are filled with a feeling of peace."

Xionara nods at Nevali, obviously agreeing with her views. Kethrai nods to Nevali. Nawain smiles. Vixonia says, "One benefit of bardic memory..." Kethrai says, "Interesting, that." Vixonia grins impishly. Anuril takes a sip of his chocolate. Avrenka smiles at Vixonia. Kethrai says, "The light when we saw Enelne was golden, seemed similar to the Thirteen." Nevali says, "Yeah..." Vixonia nods to Kethrai. Jundara says, "I believe the vision happened after Xionara spoke about using sorcery... and just before the vision of the munan, a voice on the wind saying to "stay here to rest, but not for long." Poshly hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return. Zynell hugs Poshly, getting a smile in return. Poshly goes north. Xionara nods. Nevali says to Jundara, "She was first to capture Eu's attention." Nevali's ears straighten up smartly as she gazes at Xionara, a look of pride on her face. Kethrai nods to Nevali. Xionara shifts uncomfortably for a moment. Xionara grins sheepishly. Jundara trills softly at Xionara. Sozinho grows healthier before your eyes! Nawain scans the area briefly. Malorna says, "If i may.. i was able to see those as well after." Vixonia stands up. Nevali says, "For those who aren't familiar..." Kethrai says, "For people who don't recognize it, 'Take your rest, but don't stay long' is a verse from the Wheel Song... It's said to someone who has died and is resting in Tenemlor's lands." Nevali nods to Kethrai. Xionara softly says, "Am just happy all were able to experience vision." Vixonia nods to Kethrai. Jundara nods to Kethrai. Anuril gazes at Kethrai. Anuril asks Kethrai in proficient Prydaenese, "So we're dead?" Kethrai giggles at Anuril. Anuril takes a sip of his chocolate. Anuril makes a grunting noise. Jundara says, "Perhaps Eu is telling us that the sorcery is a temporary, but necessary." Kethrai says to Anuril in Prydaenese, "Would make things easier." Avrenka asks, "Do you think you had a vision of Tenemlor's lands?" Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head. Vixonia asks Anuril, "Perhaps in the vision we were?" Xionara nods to Jundara. Nevali softly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Hear us, hear us, hurry along,
    Take your rest, but don't stay long.
    For leaves fall to ground and nourish the tree
    The leaves come back, and so shall we!"

Xionara softly says to Jundara, "That is how comes across to myself." Istercal says, "That certainly gives me some assurance." Anuril says in proficient Prydaenese, "Sorcery equals death. Got it." Anuril takes a sip of his chocolate. Nawain rolls her eyes. Xionara looks at Anuril and sighs. Xionara chuckles. Kethrai gives Anuril a friendly nudge as he brushes his tail against his waist. Nevali angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Anuril. Istercal says, "Though I wish it was a little more direct, like only cast "clear vision"." Istercal chuckles. Avrenka gives Istercal a wry grin. Briaen glances up at the sky. Kethrai says to Istercal, "Deities as a rule seem allergic to directness." Vixonia asks, "Since when are any of the immortals so direct?" Nawain chuckles. Vixonia nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views. Nawain wryly says, "Enelne was very direct." Allye chortles softly at some secret joke. Nawain shifts her weight. Istercal smiles at Vixonia. Istercal chuckles at Kethrai. Nawain rubs her neck. Vixonia says to Nawain, "Well, she did kidnap you temporarily..." Nawain chuckles. Avrenka says, "Perhaps she was able to speak directly in her own plane." Nevali says, "I think... in the one vision, we saw the lands of the Wheel. Where we rest, between lives. And when we saw the old woman... that was Elanthia." Nawain says, "She had a message. It wasn't very vague." Nawain shrugs. Jundara nods to Nevali. Avrenka says, "They must act indirectly in this plane or risk disruptions perhaps." Nawain nods at Avrenka, obviously agreeing with his views. Jundara hugs Nevali, who wraps her arms around Jundara with a warm smile. Jundara ponders. Sozinho glances up at the sky. Kethrai says, "The woman on the plateau... We're supposed to find her, is the sense I get." Nevali softly says, "I am not convinced nor swayed to change my thoughts by either vision..." Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Kethrai. Kethrai says, "Not necessarily related to the questions at hand." Kethrai waves his hand distractedly. Nawain gazes at Kethrai. Kethrai says to Nawain, "Just. For the pilgrimage." Nevali says, "There are three ways to interpret it in my mind." Nawain nods in agreement. Nevali says, "...alright, four..." Jundara nods to Kethrai. Vixonia asks Kethrai, "But she didn't seem to be in a great hurry or need. More that she was assessing to see if we were worthy?" Jundara giggles at Nevali. Nevali says, "One, she is an ancestor to us all... someone watching us... someone alive even now, possibly..." Kethrai casually observes the area. Nevali says, "Two, she is the embodiement of Eu, who is more than just Nature... as Nawain just recently told me, the same can be true of Enelne..." Allye says, "Assessing, yes." Kethrai says, "I know all my still-living ancestors and I don't think any of you are my cousins, so." Vixonia says, "At first I wondered if it was myself, older..." Vixonia says, "But not if we all saw the same person." Istercal quietly says, "Distant cousin, twice removed." Nevali says, "Three... She shows up the long journey that we should strive to lead, ourselves. To see as much of this land as we can, to grow as old as her..." Istercal chuckles at Kethrai. Nevali says, "Four, she's a real living person not here right now and we have to go find her, as Kethrai said." Jundara says, "I think I have heard stories of the three visiting hubs in the form of an elder." Jundara angles her ears forward in curiosity. Avrenka gazes thoughtfully at Jundara.

(Connection to game dropped. Log ended.)