Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09142024/Unaka Attends Visions Meeting

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Unaka Attends Visions Meeting
Event Date: 09/14/2024
Event Instance: Prime

[Moon Mage Guild, Seers' Study]
The skylights above curve down to form the exterior wall of this wedge-shaped chamber, offering a breathtaking view of the western half of the city and Wyvern Mountain beyond. One interior wall is lined with sturdy bookcases, while the other features a large cork board next to a desk stocked with paper and writing implements. A complicated web-patterned mosaic on the floor converges on a black marble lectern near the crystal wall. You also see a comfortable chair with Elothean silk upholstery.
Also here: Zekai, Valynn, Knight Errant Trajan, Reader Purn, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Holy Guardian Unaka, Mageling Aerilia, Forest Sprite Lileath who is accompanied by a pair of faintly glowing will-o-wisps, Knight of Meraud Tirost who is surrounded by seven circling blades of ice, Desert Dancer Zersha, Mage Slayer Golameth who is pestered by an incorporeal imp resting on their shoulder making nonsensical gestures, Sublime Mender Kerennya, Guard Elizzibiana who is shadowed by the spectral image of a grey-eyed viper formed of fire and smoke, Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers, Cateress Allye, Dawnsworn Briaen who is surrounded by a corona of fiery light, Heart Tender Kethrai and Vaerek.
Obvious exits: southwest.

Unaka nods to Tirost.

Kerennya nods to Zekai.

Kerennya smiles at you.

Vaerek says, "A lot of the time we don't know what to do with that information and we call upon others to help us decipher these riddles that invade our thoughts."

Tirost bows to Maraisel.

Aerilia focuses briefly before the icy spear is ripped violently asunder.

Sofina just arrived.

Zfora just arrived.

Vaerek says, "So, without further ado I would like to refresh our memories of some of the common visions lately. After that, if any other moon mages would like to share a vision I didn't mention you are more than welcome."

Zersha leans on Sofina.

Sofina gives Zersha a smooch.

Sofina smiles at Zersha.

Zersha nods to Sofina.

Illiya leans on Shaylynne.

Maraisel smiles.

Vaerek chants in a baritone voice:

   "A man feeds a short stove with a log, and using a pair of tongs, pushes at something inside a minute, and then steps back and closes the door.  Stretching his shoulders, he sits and waits.  Rain patters against the walls of his cabin, the midday sun casting rainbows.  The man whittles a knob of wood, carving a rough sphere.  Standing, he picks up the tongs and opens the stove door, and reaching in, pulls out a glowing star.  He turns the star, examining it from every angle, and taps it with a knuckle, listening to the hiss and crackle as it cools.  Stepping out into the clear night, he lifts the star into the sky and places it amidst several others.  The constellations shift gently, but the man does not stay to watch them settle.  The vision fades."

Shaylynne leans on Illiya.

Maraisel nods to Kerennya.

Illiya leans over and scratches Shaylynne's back.

Maraisel nods politely to Tirost.

Unaka fixes Vaerek with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Maraisel grins at Tirost.

Unaka slowly says, "Man making a star... that's something."

Tirost grins at Maraisel.

Vaerek asks, "Anyone have any thoughts about that one?"

Illiya nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Vaerek nods to Unaka.

Kerennya asks, "Did the Heralds make magic?"

Aerilia ponders.

Kerennya asks, "Or do they just steward it?"

Kethrai says, "Putting a new star into the sky, causing the constellations to settle... Could involve Fate and its machinery somehow."

Illiya says, "There have been multiple visions that seem to show a carpenter or woodworking."

Unaka says, "I dunno what the Heralds might have made. I was always taught that it was Truffenyi who made us, but there was the One and the Void and all that way in the beginning."

Vaerek nods to Unaka.

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Kerennya says, "When the man leaves the star alone, it makes me think of the way the Heralds turned away from the Mortals and Immortals."

Shaylynne hugs Ezerak, getting a smile in return.

Kethrai says, "I feel like magic must go as far back as the One and the Void. They caused things to exist, but those things, as we know them, require mana."

Ezerak hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Maraisel waves to Ezerak.

Soul Surgeon Zynell just arrived, leading her group.

Ezerak waves to Maraisel.

Crobin lets out a hearty cheer for Zynell!

Crobin chuckles.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Zynell flashes a grin at Crobin and strikes a heroic pose.

Eyst says, "Ah."

Tirost smiles at Crobin.

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Illiya beams at Leayne!

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Tirost hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Kethrai says, "Elements make up our matter, Life allows us to be born and die."

Illiya hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Leayne softly says, "We found it."

Leayne grins, revealing her dimples.

Illiya grins at Leayne, her dimples flashing into view.

Leayne shrugs.

Eyst says to Zynell, "I appreciate the assistance."

Zynell nods to Eyst.

Leayne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Esotericist Eyst plods southwest.

Zynell gets a night-black starlight velvet prayer tapestry stitched with loimic and fey-bone from inside her encompassing shadows.

Zynell reverently lays her prayer tapestry at her feet, smoothing out its corners.

Zynell sits down on the prayer tapestry.

Esotericist Eyst just arrived.

Illiya asks Vaerek, "Can I repeat a couple of the older visions involving carpentry?"

Kerennya begins to listen to Sothios teach the Alchemy skill.

Vaerek says, "I know Miskton would have some valuable words of wisdom to add but unfortunately I am almost no help for insight on these things."

Shaylynne looks thoughtfully at Illiya.

Illiya says, "I t hink they may refer to a common person or entity."

Unaka says to Vaerek, "You are doing well."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Vaerek says to Illiya, "If you think it might help us understand the vision we just saw."

Illiya recites:

   "After a moment, you smell pine and feel the need to wipe sawdust from your hands. A wooden box rests in your hands, as yet unpolished, but expertly assembled with precise dovetails. Opposing pine and oak make for a striking contrast, and the lid appears as a fractional gap interrupting the grain. Before your eyes, the box appears to shift, and is now a smoothly interlocked orb. As you blink, the vision fades, and the box disappears."

(Tirost's features betray a touch of sorrow at the mention of Miskton's name.)

Shaylynne nods to Illiya.

Kerennya gets a sympathetic look on her face.

Illiya recites:

   "The scent of cut pine pervades a tidy but well-used workshop. A carpenter stands at a workbench and takes several precise measurements, sketching a complex interlay of marks along several planed boards. After carefully carving and scraping, sawing and sanding, filing and inspecting, an odd pile of notched and shaped wood is neatly stacked. Satisfied with his work, the carpenter begins to meticulously slot each piece together. The vision fades."

Leayne grins at Zynell, her dimples flashing into view.

Tirost glances at Kethrai.

Illiya says, "I think the carpenter in these visions could be a common entity, and referring to a creator of some sort."

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Illiya.

Aerilia nods.

Illiya says, "A capital C Creator, rather."

Roughneck Rileos just arrived.

Vaerek says to Illiya, "Possibly."

Kethrai says, "I've heard people suggest the carpenter is referring to Liraxes, especially when he started building that machine."

Kerennya asks, "So someone like a Herald or Immortal?"

Aerilia says, "Perhaps carpentry is a convenient stand in for all acts of creation through the lens of fate."

Vaerek says, "Let's take a look at this next one."

Illiya nods.

Vaerek chants in a baritone voice:

   "A tall potted plant sits in the middle of a wide field, a thick mat of vines spilling over its ceramic edge.  The vines writhe and stretch, expanding across the field, and after a while have created a thick blanket of choking foliage.  A field mouse squeaks in agony and is cut short with a faint squelch.  A bird swoops low and is snatched from the sky by a quick as lightning whipping tendril, leaving behind nothing more than a tail feather drifting in the wind.  The sun continues along a cloudless sky, and the vision fades."

Unaka fixes Aerilia with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Unaka slowly says to Aerilia, "Reminds me a little of my vision, now that you mention it..."

Kerennya says, "Seems to be the encasements."

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Illiya gazes at Unaka.

Tirost frowns.

Vaerek peers quizzically at Unaka.

Illiya asks Unaka, "Can you explain more?"

Pyppa just arrived.

Unaka says, "I saw the potter wheel, that was also a windmill, that was also a waterwheel... kept changing into wheel-type stuff."

Valynn jots down some notes.

Leayne leans on Pyppa.

Unaka shrugs.

Vaerek ponders.

Tirost smiles at Pyppa.

Maraisel nods to Ezerak.

Illiya nods to Unaka.

Aerilia ponders.

Pyppa grins at Tirost.

Pyppa hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Pyppa with a warm smile.

Kethrai says, "Not just wheels, but... Wheels that exist to absorb some kind of energy and use it for useful work."

Unaka nods to Kethrai.

Leayne ponders.

Aerilia nods to Kethrai.

Unaka says, "Yeah, makes me wonder what that's about."

Illiya says, "Potter wheel is used in the act of creation too."

Kerennya asks Unaka, "Was it you who said the Font of Creation was sort of like a potter's wheel?"

Unaka says to Kerennya, "I said it sounded like clay to me."

Kerennya nods to Unaka.

Pyppa nods to Tirost.

Vaerek asks, "What do you thing the mouse, the bird and the lightening would represent?"

Unaka says, "Like, if Truffenyi was going to make us, makes me think of sculpting us out of clay."

Unaka says, "But I didn't have a vision about that or anything, just was thinking."

Kerennya nods to Unaka.

Kethrai says to Vaerek, "I don't think there was any lightning, from your notes? The vines were... quick as lightning."

Kerennya asks, "And didn't some of the early drakes use lightning attacks?"

Vaerek says, "Ah, the bird struck like llightening."

Vaerek says to Kethrai, "This is why we need help with these things."

Aerilia says, "The reminds me of our captive clans, most obviously."

Aerilia says, "Though.. I hope they did not share the animals' fate."

Trajan nods to Aerilia.

Aerilia frowns.

Tirost says to Vaerek, "The vines may represent a ravenous form of life that consumes all the other life around it."

Kethrai says, "It makes me think of invasive species, in general."

Illiya nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai says, "Plants not native to an area that are introduced, and wreak havoc on the local wildlife."

Illiya says, "The invasive species could even be us, depending on the perspective."

Valynn jots down some notes.

Trajan says, "We have definitely had some memorable experiences with vines, as of late."

Kerennya nods in agreement.

Crobin smiles at Leayne.

Kethrai says, "But in this case, it was a... potted plant. It was cultivated and then left there on purpose."

Trajan nods to Kethrai.

Trajan says, "Sounds familiar."

Leayne giggles.

Crobin chuckles.

Vaerek nods.

Kethrai says, "Could be a reference to the idea of a... cultivated garden within Primal Elanthia."

Kerennya asks, "Maybe the potted plant is our world when the Heralds left the lesser guardians in charge?"

Unaka runs one hand across her scalp, looking doubtful.

Kethrai says, "That then grew to encompass and swallow everything."

Unaka asks, "These visions are never easy to understand, are they?"

Kethrai nods to Kerennya.

Vaerek shakes his head at Unaka.

Kerennya shakes her head at Unaka.

Illiya smiles at Unaka, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zersha grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Allye grins wryly.

Shaylynne says, "Not until the answer is right in your face, usually."

Shaylynne nods to Unaka.

Vaerek says to Unaka, "Sometimes the meaning behind the vision is that it might not have any meaning."

Kethrai says to Unaka, "Remind us to tell you the story of Uryutis and the metaphor..."

Unaka nods to Vaerek.

Vaerek shrugs.

Aerilia nods to Shaylynne.

Illiya says to Unaka, "It seems Truffenyi's visions are more straightforward than these."

Vaerek says, "Let's disect another one."

Aerilia says to Shaylynne, "Or behind you, then hindsight makes it clearer."

Tirost grins at Kethrai.

Shaylynne nods to Aerilia.

Vaerek says, "If we're ready."

Unaka says to Kethrai, "I like stories that start with 'a person and a thing.'."

Unaka says to Illiya, "Uhh, they're different for sure."

Unaka grins at Illiya.

Illiya nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Vaerek chants in a baritone voice:

   "You find yourself sitting atop a tall tower in the midst of a sprawling mountain range, the cold, thin air whipping around you. The stars burn overhead, bright and clear, barely wavering. You hug yourself against the chill, and with a start realize you are not alone. Standing beside you, despite the harsh environment, a woman wrapped in a flowing cloak smoothly lights a cigarillo, the flick of her lighter and subsequent red glow of tobacco briefly illuminating the cataracts of her eyes. She inhales deeply, and without turning to you, simply points up with the lit cigarillo.  You look up and see an enormous figure looming in the cosmos, wide stretched hands tearing the sky in half.  The woman simply remarks, "Well, that's one way to do it," and the vision fades."

Zersha shakes her head at Sofina.

Unaka says, "At least there's a sense of... he's trying to make me understand. I get his meaning after enough time."

Aerilia frowns in thought.

Unaka says, "Except about that potter's wheel. Dunno what that means."

Tirost thoughtfully says, "The woman with the cataracts..."

Vaerek says, "This one has a vivid picture of something very powerful involved."

Illiya says, "So the cigarillo lady often appears in light of catastrophies."

Sofina leans on Zersha.

Zersha looks at Sofina, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Shaylynne raises an eyebrow in Illiya's direction.

Zersha gives Sofina a gentle poke in the ribs.

Kethrai says, "Tearing the sky in half. Miraena talked about similar visions. And it reminds me of what we saw on Basalt Isle, when Jeihrem did something similar..."

Sofina chortles softly at some secret joke.

Kerennya says, "She likes commenting on stuff."

Unaka frowns.

Valynn nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Tirost nods to Kerennya.

Sofina giggles.

Valynn nods to Kerennya.

Tirost says to Kerennya, "Had something to say about Liraxes as I recall."

Sofina looks at Zersha and shrugs.

Zersha leans on Sofina.

A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.
Lileath concentrates for several moments, a greedy expression on her face.
A fearsome mana surge is abruptly erased from existence!

Kerennya nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai asks, "The figure the size of the cosmos... I can't help but be reminded of, er... Sihmiauri?"

Unaka asks, "Uh, what?"

Vaerek asks Kethrai, "Sihmiauri?"

Valynn peers quizzically at Kethrai.

Sofina says, "The goddling."

Kerennya says to Unaka, "Nawain's godling."

Sofina smirks.

Illiya asks, "Was Sihmiauri really that big though?"

Aerilia says, "The enormity of the figure makes me think a god, or god-like being."

Unaka says, "Oh."

Sofina says, "The thing that escaped."

Vaerek says, "Interesting..."

Sofina nods to Illiya.

Aerilia ponders.

Sofina says, "It got massive."

Shaylynne nods to Illiya.

Shaylynne says, "Huge."

Sofina says, "Taller than buildings."

Kethrai says, "When it escaped, it grew... bigger than anything."

Shaylynne places her palms facing each other and slowly spreads them apart.

Vaerek gets a distressed leather astrologer's research notebook from inside his treasureweave cylinder.

Kerennya says to Aerilia, "Me too."

Illiya asks, "The size of the cosmos though?"

Crobin says, "Yes it grew to building and then some."

Sofina asks, "Who is to say its not growing still?"

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Mage Slayer Golameth skips southwest.

Vaerek sits down on the comfortable chair.

Trajan says, "I saw it fade away."

Sofina says, "None of us have ever seen one before, who knows what its capable of doing now thats its free."

Kethrai says, "It faded into the same invisibility it had before we could all see it."

Eyst says, "I regret not witnessing that, it sounds quite remarkable."

Unaka slowly asks, "It's... free?"

Trajan says, "Admittedly, I know little about godlings, but I took that to mean it had faded out of existence."

Shaylynne nods to Unaka.

Valynn furrows her brow.

Illiya asks, "What has it done so far though?"

Unaka softly says, "Whoa."

Shaylynne says, "Allegedly."

Sofina says, "She has no control over it right now."

Kerennya says to Eyst, "It was."

Valynn puts her notebook in her wool cloak.

Unaka shakes her head.

Vaerek blinks.

Valynn quietly says, "Please excuse me."

Eyst raises an eyebrow.

Valynn goes southwest.

Vaerek nods.

Kerennya puts her almanac in her mariner's rucksack.

Aerilia says to Illiya, "Nothing I've heard about."

Illiya nods to Aerilia.

Eyst glances at Sofina.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Sofina peers quizzically at Eyst.

Sofina asks, "What?"

Illiya says, "I guess I didn't get the impression that it was malicious, yet anyway."

Vaerek says, "I'm sure we're itching to get into the visions we have all experienced. There's just two more."

Vaerek says, "Let us ponder over this one."

Vaerek chants in a baritone voice:

   "You see a chemist working over a bench, twisting tubes of clear glass and nudging several glowing liquids in hot sand baths, ensuring an even boil. Isolating several distillates, the chemist carefully mixes them together in several combinations and pours them into exposed tubes in various odd approaches -- under hissing yellow gas, passing through crackling electricity, dripped along onto thinly sliced sections of pulpy wood, pressed into crystal dust -- and seals them. Placing the tubes on a rack, the chemist observes them for a moment, and is about to get back to work when an odd sound echoes in the distance. The chemist gets up and leaves the laboratory.  A solution begins to boil, its pure distillate dripping along several condensers onto the granite table. The pure liquid pools, and begins to glow with a brilliant intensity before exploding violently. The vision fades."

Kethrai says to Unaka, "For what it's worth, Nawain says that she felt the Immortals encouraging her on with it. They view it as a... tool to be used? I doubt they'd be in favor of the sky being rent."

Vaerek says, "This was my favorite."

Eyst whispers something to Sofina.

Shaylynne says to Illiya, "It had a kinda evil laugh I think."

Unaka shakes her head.

Sofina nods to Eyst.

Illiya grins at Shaylynne, her dimples flashing into view.

Tirost nods to Shaylynne.

Eyst nods.

Unaka says to Kethrai, "I find it hard to believe that They would approve. They don't like that sort of thing."

Zersha gazes off into the distance.

Kethrai says to Unaka, "Well, they're approving of all sorts of new things lately, aren't they."

Briaen says to Kethrai, "The Godling is the result of sorceries deemed unacceptable by the Immortals. It remains a mistake."

Kerennya says to Unaka, "I took it more like they didn't like it, but at the same time, they could see it was being useful. Sort of a grudging acceptance."

Unaka says to Kethrai, "They never minded sorcery. Kinda new for them to ask for it though."

Vaerek says, "Let's try to stay on track here for a few more moments."

Illiya says, "This one is very interesting, it seems at first glance to be a chemist experimenting with magic in tubes."

Tirost nods to Unaka.

Unaka nods to Kerennya.

Kethrai frowns.

Unaka says to Vaerek, "Sorry."

Briaen nods to Vaerek.

Vaerek says, "I'll open the floor up after the last vision."

Kethrai nods to Vaerek.

Zfora goes southwest.

Illiya says to Vaerek, "The description of the tubes sounds like the different mana types."

Vaerek nods to Illiya.

Aerilia nods.

Unaka says to Illiya, "Oh wow, I didn't think of that."

Kerennya nods in agreement.

Vaerek asks Illiya, "Why would someone leave a concoction like that?"

Vaerek says, "The distraction must have been very important."

Illiya says to Vaerek, "Not sure.. there were odd sounds in the distance."

Unaka says, "There was an odd sound. If you're going to protect your perimeter, gotta investigate sounds."

Kerennya nods to Unaka.

Illiya grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Aerilia asks, "A purposeful distraction, maybe? To keep the chemist from finishing his work?"

Vaerek says, "Or protect your experiment from something."

Kerennya says, "But that led to an accidental explosion."

Vaerek nods to Aerilia.

Sofina blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Zersha grins at Sofina, her dimples flashing into view.

Crobin ponders.

Illiya says, "I think the focus on this vision is usually on the explosion."

Sofina giggles.

Sofina leans on Zersha.

Sofina grins.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kethrai places his hands on his temples.

Illiya says to Vaerek, "It could be a commentary on sorcery, or specifically mixing all 4 mana types."

Zynell bows her head and mutters a short prayer in a hushed voice. Raising her head, she glances to the shadows with a knowing smile.

Vaerek says, "It seemed like it was going well until left unattended."

Aerilia ponders.

Maraisel sighs.

Shaylynne gets a generous snifter of Jackal's Reserve whiskey from inside her beverage holster.

Tendrils of ghostly flame trail errantly behind you, wavering like gossamer robes in the wind.

Shaylynne takes a sip of her whiskey.

Unaka says, "Seems like the lesson is, if you leave something cooking on its own, it'll boil over. Got to watch what you're making."

Illiya says, "The mana types were stable in their own tubes, and only exploded when combined."

Tirost nods to Unaka.

Trajan nods.

Shaylynne nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Vaerek nods to Unaka.

Illiya grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Kethrai nods to Illiya.

Illiya says to Unaka, "Stew."

Sofina says, "It is unstable obviously."

Sofina nods to Illiya.

Unaka nods to Illiya.

Tirost says, "It may be a warning against distraction."

Shaylynne says, "And that's a waste of perfectly good food, or mana juice, or whatever."

Eyst says, "Certainly it could be a cautionary lesson."

Unaka exclaims, "See, I get it if it's in the form of food!"

Vaerek says, "Ok, this last one is not for the feint of heart."

Shaylynne waves dismissively.

Sofina says, "I believe if it was watched the entire time, it could had been prevented."

Kethrai gazes at Vaerek.

Aerilia says, "The distillate was described as pure at the end, before it exploded? Well.. pure mana casting had disastrous results recently."

Vaerek says, "If blood and violence is not your thing I would have you briefly step outside."

Vaerek says, "I'll yell when it's safe."

Unaka asks, "Wait, were they mixed at all? Seems like they were kept pure?"

Desert Dancer Zersha goes southwest.

Sofina goes southwest.

Kethrai says to Aerilia, "But a mixture of those mana types wouldn't be... pure mana, as we were using it."

Vaerek peers quizzically at Unaka.

Unaka rubs her head.

Kethrai says, "It would be feral magic, which is known to be unpredictable."

Vaerek says, "Yeah, maybe they only mixed when they boiled over."

Leayne nods to Zynell.

Aerilia ponders.

Unaka says to Vaerek, "You said 'pure distillate' didn't you? Whatever that means."

Crobin chuckles.

Vaerek nods to Unaka.

Unaka shrugs.

Leayne nods to Zynell.

Vaerek says, "Ok, here we go. Again this one is graphic."

Vaerek chants in a baritone voice:

   "Everything goes blood red, and unbridled rage billows up your throat in a furious scream. You pummel the face before you, punch after meaty punch landing with satisfying thuds, and you feel bones breaking under your fists, grinding into the hardpacked ground as you continue to drive your fists down, down. Something wraps around your neck and shoulders, pulling you back, and you continue to scream, continue to push forward.  After an eternity, your heart slows a bit, and you take stock of the situation. A man lies in the mud, his head missing, and in its place nothing but a smear of bloody brains and splintered bone. Your fists are a mess of torn flesh and broken fingers, and you begin to shake uncontrollably. The crowd looks at you in abject horror, and the vision fades."

Vaerek yells, "Ok, it's safe."

Desert Dancer Zersha just arrived.

Kerennya smiles at Zersha.

Zersha gives Kerennya a half-hearted grin.

Leayne shudders.

Sofina just arrived.

Shaylynne says, "Ew."

Illiya asks, "I heard that this vision was male or female depending on the gender of the subject?"

Tirost lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Zersha leans on Sofina.

Vaerek nods to Shaylynne.

Aerilia nods to Illiya.

Sofina leans on Zersha.

Unaka says, "Pretty brutal."

Sofina grins at Zersha.

Shaylynne says to Illiya, "Hard to tell without a face."

Kethrai says to Illiya, "Yeah, but I think it was the... victim that changed based on the viewer."

Illiya grins at Shaylynne, her dimples flashing into view.

Vaerek says to Illiya, "I will confess some of these I did not see and was told by others."

Leayne gasps at Zynell!

Illiya asks Kethrai, "Do you mean the gender of the victim matched the Moon Mage who saw the vision?"

Kethrai nods to Illiya.

Illiya nods.

Unaka says, "Well, I think I've got to get going."

Vaerek nods to Unaka.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Tirost says to Vaerek, "It seems like a vision of rage - the complete loss of conscious thought to fury, and then a realization of what one has done."

Illiya gets a plate of fresh baked honey-glazed biscuits stuffed with ham and served with a creamy alfredo cheese sauce from inside her shopping bag.

Illiya offers Unaka a plate of fresh baked honey-glazed biscuits stuffed with ham and served with a creamy alfredo cheese sauce.

Kerennya waves to Unaka.

Zynell nods to Leayne.

Unaka says to Vaerek, "Thanks for letting me come along. Sorry I spoke too much that one time."

Illiya asks Unaka, "For the road?"

Unaka accepts Illiya's honey-glazed biscuits.

Unaka smiles at Illiya.

Aerilia says to Unaka, "Take care. Thanks for helping today."

Unaka exclaims, "Sure!"

Vaerek chuckles at Unaka.

Unaka messily gobbles down a plate of fresh baked honey-glazed biscuits stuffed with ham and served with a creamy alfredo cheese sauce.

Allye grins at Unaka.

Illiya begins chortling at Unaka.

Allye waves to Unaka.

Kethrai says, "It's... pretty similar to the effects of Calculated Rage when you let it take over..."

Unaka waves.

Vaerek says to Unaka, "Thank you for helping us."

Illiya waves to Unaka.

Unaka says, "Welcome."

Tirost says to Unaka, "Take care, and thanks again for joining us."

Holy Guardian Unaka strides southwest.

Trajan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Leayne softly says, "Terrible fate."

Forest Sprite Lileath goes southwest.

Leayne blushes a bright red color.

* Unaka returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Vaerek says, "Ok, that is all the visions I have. the floor is open."

Aerilia rubs her stone gwethdesuan.

Shaylynne lets out a long sigh of relief.

Shaylynne says, "Glad to see her appetite came back."

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Briaen studies the faces around him.

Illiya asks, "The gender fluidity of that vision I think makes it interesting. is that common with Moon Mage visions?"

Zynell says, "It is."

Kethrai nods to Illiya.

Vaerek nods to Zynell.

Zynell says, "Usually the gender of the visioner."

Vaerek says, "Yes, we see our visions from our perspective."

Sofina nods to Zersha.

Shaylynne takes a sip of her whiskey.

Kethrai nods to Zynell.

Vaerek says, "It's why we like to share them with others."

Zynell nods to Vaerek.

Illiya asks, "In that case, it's not a specific person who is the victim but sort of an every-person?"

Zersha sighs softly.

Kethrai says, "Does anyone have notes on the dragon and ox vision? It... I was reminded of it, at the pure magic gathering last andu."

Leayne rubs Crobin gently, massaging his muscles.

Zynell says, "Sometimes."

Zynell nods to Illiya.

Ezerak says to Vaerek, "Thank you for hosting this and sharing the visions."

Vaerek asks, "Has anyone anything to share about a vision or message they recieved that they don't completely understand?"

Shaylynne nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Eyst says, "I have to wonder at the difference in perspective of such visions. Why one experiences it as the actor at times and only the viewer at others."

Shaylynne glances at Illiya.

Vaerek nods to Ezerak.

Sofina falls to the ground laughing hysterically!

Zersha grins at Sofina, her dimples flashing into view.

Kerennya says, "I've got it here."

Sofina stands up.

Sofina shoves futilely at Zersha.

(Kerennya golden radiance washes over your field of view as a vision overtakes you. Before you stands a stalwart ox, its shoulders bunched with muscle and its noble head upraised to gaze at an enormous dragon looming overhead. The ox snorts and lowers its head, long horns pointed forward, poised to charge. The dragon rears up, wings outspread, its form blotting out the sun. Shade is cast across the ox. As you continue to watch, a battle ensues between ox and dragon. The ox, tiny as it is in comparison, is battered by the dragon's claws and sent sprawling to the ground. Over and over again the dragon attacks and the ox takes the blow. By the end, it is bleeding and broken, and it lies panting for a long minute. Its skin shivers slightly, then it stands again, shaking its head and readying another charge. Your vision returns to normal as the scene before you fades away.)

Zersha giggles.

Sofina just nudged Zersha.

Shaylynne frowns.

Tirost says to Vaerek, "Thanks for sharing the visions."

Kerennya mutters something into the air about annoying.

Vaerek nods to Tirost.

Maraisel nods to Ezerak.

Tirost says to Crobin, "Take care, Brother. I'm heading back to Hibarnhvidar."

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Crobin says, "Be safe."

Leayne hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Tirost hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Vaerek says to Tirost, "Thank you for coming. I know it hurts to be here."

Crobin puts his almanac in his kirmiko pocket.

Kethrai says, "That could... reasonably describe the fight between Asildu and Unaka."

Elizzibiana stops listening to Tirost.

Zersha glances at Sofina.

Illiya says to Tirost, "Good seeing you as always."

Illiya smiles at Tirost, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zynell grins at Kethrai.

(Left scene. Log ended.)