Discord command

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Links your play.net account with the Official DragonRealms Discord server!

Troubleshooting? See the Discord page.



If your play.net account is not linked with Discord then you'll see the instructions.

> discord
Welcome to the Discord Authorization utility.  We'll ask a few questions to gather information that will be used to sync you with the OfficialDragonRealms Discord server.

First, join [invite link] (If the invite link is expired, check back later.)

After you've joined the server, enter your username to see the chat channels:

 DISCORD {Username}

* Don't include the braces {}, just DISCORD followed by your Discord username.
* We suggest you use your username (e.g. _Kertigen) from Discord.
* Your username must not have spaces, and is case sensitive.
* You might need to change your username in Discord to not have spaces.  It is okay to change your username back after you've gotten the roles.
* By completing this process, you agree that you have read, understand, accept and agree to abide by the rules posted in the #server-rules channel.

If your play.net account is linked with Discord then you'll see a confirmation.

> discord
You have completed the process.  Your stored preferences:
  Username: _Kertigen
   Display: Kertigen
- - - - -
You may review your Discord account/display settings with DISCORD.
You may review and toggle your privacy settings with DISCORD PRIVACY.
You may change your display to an alt character or your account with DISCORD UPDATE.

If you need to change your Discord username (not display), because you changed accounts or for some other reason, you may use DISCORD RESET.  It *will* boot your current account from the server if you do so.

Discord <username>

Link your play.net account with Discord.

> discord _Kertigen
Recorded _Kertigen as your Discord handle.  This cannot be changed at this time.
Your display name within the Discord server can either be the character name you're using to register or your account name.  Your account name is visible when posting on the forums and may be 
how others recognize you already.
[Please use DISCORD CHARACTER or DISCORD ACCOUNT to indicate your naming preference.]
[Vulgar or otherwise inappropriate names on the public DragonRealms server can lead to disciplinary action.  This applies to users from The Fallen as well.]

Next, choose either to use your character name or play.net account name as your display name on Discord.

> discord character
Noting your preference to display as this character.
Congratulations, Master Kertigen.  We have noted your Discord preferences:
  Username: _Kertigen
   Display: Kertigen
- - - - -
You may review your Discord account/display settings with DISCORD.
You may review and toggle your privacy settings with DISCORD PRIVACY.
You may change your display to an alt character or your account with DISCORD UPDATE.

If you need to change your Discord username (not display), because you changed accounts or for some other reason, you may use DISCORD RESET.  It *will* boot your current account from the server if you do so.

Discord Privacy

> discord privacy
Some systems in game will auto-message Discord when exciting things happen like finding special loot, leveling milestones (50/100/150/200), and more.  Some may wish to keep these accomplishments private, and these options will help facilitate how much (if anything) you want to reveal to fellow players.  Not all messages use all options.

 Enable special messages you may trigger: YES
    [^Note: If this is 'NO', the remaining choices have no impact since no messages are sent.]
  Show your name in generated messages: YES
  Show your guild in generated messages: YES
  Show your level in generated messages: YES

Each of these is a toggle.  To change, simply use DISCORD PRIVACY {TOTAL|NAME|GUILD|LEVEL}.
Do note that these privacy options are per-character, not account-wide.  If you play alts on this same account, you will need to set their privacy options as well.

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