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Sorry again about the categorization whatnot. I'll be sure to do that in the future.

One nitpick: I'm not sure that breaking people these down into [Category:BeforeLanival] and [Category:AfterLanival] or [Category:GMPC] and [Category:Historical] are a good idea. The first break would make it difficult to classify contemporaries of Lanival (does Arhat go before or after? He was both before and after) and very old characters (eg, Tezirah) that "come back". The second break seems both unnecessary (you're not going to have non-GMs playing, for example, Lanival) and also suffers from the same "Tezirah came back" problem.

My solution? I can't say that I have one that will solve all the problems, but I have some suggestions. One categorization for mythical and/or dead characters (eg, Mhalush, Prince Sirolarn) and another for characters that are still alive and have been "active" or could be expected to become so (eg, Prince Vorclaf, Falken the tanner). This way, anybody in the first category could be expected to stay there (barring extreme necromancry) while those in the second category would only occasionally need to be moved into the first (when they die, as in the case of Jeladric Theren IV). Other categorizations (eg, Theren family) could be done on an ad hoc basis or as determined useful by those wiser than I.
