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Starlight Aura Cost Estimates
I've been trying to quantify SLA cost for spells. From my testing, the lowest SLA-consuming spell is min-cast CRD. I'm defining the SLA used by a minimum mana CRD as 1 "SLA bit."
With 700 Lunar Magic, my SLA pool is approximately 1,700 bits (meaning I could cast 1,700 2 mana CRDs without residue indoors before running out of SLA).
Most spells seem to ramp up their SLA costs pretty close to 1:1 with mana. So a 100 mana BLUR is roughly 20x SLA as a 5 mana BLUR. (The main exception seems to be Regalia, which is always 15 SLA bits regardless of mana. FLU and AVA also have more generous SLA costs than expected at higher mana levels.)
When regenerating SLA, pulses come every 90 seconds. With ~700 Lunar Magic and 83 Wisdom, under hindered conditions with a maximum mana NOU, it takes me roughly 2 hours to regenerate SLA from 0 to 100% (20 bits per pulse). With optimal conditions, it is roughly twice as fast (40 bits per pulse).
Elison's SLA is per attack avoided, not per cast. Elanthipedia also says that amount of SLA depends on how thoroughly you win the contest. And while the creature I tested on did cause SLA drain every time, they were a tier below my normal hunting. So more difficult enemies probably have higher SLA costs.
Remember that these are just rough estimates. Measurements were made with different Lunar Magic levels (680-720), which isn't ideal. There's probably some user error lurking in the measurements and calculations somewhere along the line too!