OOC: dear santa, in exchange for filling in some of the items in the fest in leth i would like a cambrinth backpack that is all
note: is a joke, i already bought one of the cheaper cambrinth backpacks, will delete this after fest is over with
You are Mana Sink Dethent, Battlecaster of Elanthia, a Kaldaran Warrior Mage.
You have mismatched eyes, one milky white and the other black. Your platinum hair is shoulder length and fine, and is worn in a simple, loose style. You have translucent skin.
You have a long shaggy beard.
You are wearing a blackened chain coif with a silvery steel eye-guard, a tarnished copper earring, an iridescent silver mage's robe embroidered with an angry black thundercloud, a polished oval shield emblazoned with the image of a wavering ethereal shield, an embossed greatsword sheath, a ebony longbow, a sturdy silver backpack, some gauntlets, a platinum ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild, a cambrinth ring, a gleaming silver ring set with a crude cambrinth lump and some white doeskin boots with tiny wolf-shaped onyx charms.