War and Craft (1)

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War and Craft
Festival Name Jeolandu Festival 389
Owner unknown
# of Rooms 7
Store Type Festival
File:War and Craft.jpg
This store only accepts Kronars

Sitting Room

[War and Craft, Sitting Room]
This moderately large tent reeks of sulfur and incense. Heat from two large burning braziers creates a comfortably warm atmosphere, and a plush rug covers the scuffed dirt underfoot. Wooden boxes litter the ground, heaped with an assortment of crumpled papers and dusty trinkets. Set opposite the exit flap is a heavy damask curtain, partitioning the center of the tent. You also see a long oak bench with some stuff on it and some black leather armchairs.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest.

On the boxes
Item Price Done
[[source for::Item:a pair of worn leather traveler's boots stained with mud|a pair of worn leather traveler's boots stained with mud]] 1000   
[[source for::Item:a scorched platinum ring engraved with the image of a burning tower|a scorched platinum ring engraved with the image of a burning tower]] 81250   
[[source for::Item:a scorched steel ring engraved with the image of a fireball|a scorched steel ring engraved with the image of a fireball]] 937   
[[source for::Item:a scorched copper ring engraved with the crest of the Warrior Mage guild|a scorched copper ring engraved with the crest of the Warrior Mage guild]] 625   
[[source for::Item:a scorched brass ring engraved with the image of a swooping owl|a scorched brass ring engraved with the image of a swooping owl]] 875   
[[source for::Item:a scorched iron ring engraved with the image of a lightning bolt|a scorched iron ring engraved with the image of a lightning bolt]] 875   
[[source for::Item:a long serrated dagger with a damascened blade|a long serrated dagger with a damascened blade]] 6250   
[[source for::Item:a sheer black silk shirt adorned with onyx buttons|a sheer black silk shirt adorned with onyx buttons]] 18750   
[[source for::Item:a golden Warrior Mage statuette|a golden Warrior Mage statuette]] 97500   
On the oak bench
Item Price Done
[[source for::Item:a horribly warped bastard sword with a jagged chipped blade|a horribly warped bastard sword with a jagged chipped blade]] 125000   
[[source for::Item:a rusty bastard sword with a loose hilt|a rusty bastard sword with a loose hilt]] 125000   
[[source for::Item:a blackened bastard sword with a soot-covered hilt|a blackened bastard sword with a soot-covered hilt]] 187500   
a carefully inked notecard ?   No
A carefully inked notecard reads:
These are a few of my early experiments forging weapons with elemental magic. While they have no magical properties, despite appearances they are indeed functional. No refunds!"
Under the oak bench
Item Price Done
[[source for::Item:a bottle of Elothean aventena|a bottle of Elothean aventena]] free drink   


Warriors' Weaponry

[War and Craft, Warriors' Weaponry]
Squeezed tightly against the curved wall of the tent, this corner has been set aside for martial pursuits. The heat is oppressive and the air is redolent of well-oiled leather and steel, but a gaethzen globe hanging overhead ensures that wares are illuminated clearly for the convenience of patrons. A sturdy metal rack sags beneath the weight of the weapons on display. You also see a slender glass pedestal with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: north, southwest.

On the metal rack
Item Price Done
[[source for::Item:a curved steel scimitar with the mantra of the Warrior Mage guild etched into the silvered blade|a curved steel scimitar with the mantra of the Warrior Mage guild etched into the silvered blade]] 20000   
[[source for::Item:a steel-banded walnut staff with a fire-blackened finish|a steel-banded walnut staff with a fire-blackened finish]] 3750   
[[source for::Item:a heavy ash-handled maul with a fireball-shaped steel head|a heavy ash-handled maul with a fireball-shaped steel head]] 62500   
[[source for::Item:a polished steel mace with a gnarled ebonwood handle wrapped in crimson leather|a polished steel mace with a gnarled ebonwood handle wrapped in crimson leather]] 22250   
[[source for::Item:a polished steel bola with a knotted blue spidersilk cord|a polished steel bola with a knotted blue spidersilk cord]] 37500   
[[source for::Item:a blackened twisted-hilt claymore engraved along the blade with ruby-inlaid flames|a blackened twisted-hilt claymore engraved along the blade with ruby-inlaid flames]] 41000   
[[source for::Item:a slender rosewood longbow carved with a sinuous dragon above the leather-wrapped grip|a slender rosewood longbow carved with a sinuous dragon above the leather-wrapped grip]] 9375   
[[source for::Item:a midnight black crossbow engraved with the image of lightning bolts along the stock|a midnight black crossbow engraved with the image of lightning bolts along the stock]] 50000   
[[source for::Item:a broad curved falchion engraved with intricate elemental symbols|a broad curved falchion engraved with intricate elemental symbols]] 33875   
[[source for::Item:a steel warrior's broadsword with a leather-wrapped hilt embossed with the crest of the Warrior Mage guild|a steel warrior's broadsword with a leather-wrapped hilt embossed with the crest of the Warrior Mage guild]] 31875   
[[source for::Item:an exquisitely balanced rapier with a gold lacquered rosewood handle covered in triskele crests|an exquisitely balanced rapier with a gold lacquered rosewood handle covered in triskele crests]] 125000   
[[source for::Item:an iron-plated warhammer with a rosewood handle stained reddish-brown|an iron-plated warhammer with a rosewood handle stained reddish-brown]] 18750   
[[source for::Item:a narrow-bladed steel halberd with a carved applewood haft|a narrow-bladed steel halberd with a carved applewood haft]] 30625   
On the glass pedestal
Item Price Done
[[source for::Item:a short narrow-bladed halberd with a cambrinth-inlaid ironwood shaft|a short narrow-bladed halberd with a cambrinth-inlaid ironwood shaft]] 100000   
[[source for::Item:a steel-capped ironwood quarter staff carved with multiple cambrinth-inlaid symbols|a steel-capped ironwood quarter staff carved with multiple cambrinth-inlaid symbols]] 15000   
[[source for::Item:a double-headed warhammer with spiraling cambrinth inlay along the handle|a double-headed warhammer with spiraling cambrinth inlay along the handle]] 18750   
[[source for::Item:a black walnut gut-stringed crossbow with an engraved cambrinth-inlaid stock|a black walnut gut-stringed crossbow with an engraved cambrinth-inlaid stock]] 122918   
[[source for::Item:a triple-fullered steel broadsword with a cambrinth-inlaid hilt|a triple-fullered steel broadsword with a cambrinth-inlaid hilt]] 62500   
[[source for::Item:a gracefully curved scimitar with a pair of cambrinth wings set in the guard|a gracefully curved scimitar with a pair of cambrinth wings set in the guard]] 93750   
[[source for::Item:a smooth silver-trimmed ebonwood longbow with a cambrinth-studded grip|a smooth silver-trimmed ebonwood longbow with a cambrinth-studded grip]] 62500   
[[source for::Item:a soot-dusted jagged claymore with a cambrinth fireball pommel|a soot-dusted jagged claymore with a cambrinth fireball pommel]] 81250   
[[source for::Item:an engraved silverwillow-shafted maul with a cambrinth-studded steel head|an engraved silverwillow-shafted maul with a cambrinth-studded steel head]] 62500   
[[source for::Item:a ring-hilted sword rapier with a twisted bone and cambrinth grip|a ring-hilted sword rapier with a twisted bone and cambrinth grip]] 31250   
[[source for::Item:a heavy steel-shafted spiked mace with a leather-wrapped handle bordered with cambrinth|a heavy steel-shafted spiked mace with a leather-wrapped handle bordered with cambrinth]] 9375   
[[source for::Item:a gleaming steel-plated bola with cambrinth beads woven into the cord|a gleaming steel-plated bola with cambrinth beads woven into the cord]] 31250   
Through painstaking effort I have obtained a modest selection of cambrinth-enhanced weapons. They have been masterfully wrought to retain their original balance and heft. I do not know how much mana they may be charged with, so purchase at your own risk!


Adepts' Armor

[War and Craft, Adepts' Armor]
Neatly tucked away in a dark corner of the tent, this alcove is dedicated to protective gear with a distinctly arcane theme. A ring of tall armor stands, each painted a different color, provides a circular centerpiece. Shields of all sizes and shapes hang from straps secured to the tent wall.
Obvious exits: south, west, northwest.

Thick canvas has been overlaid with a crisscross pattern of leather straps, studded with hooks to display various shields. On the tent wall you see a small steel shield adorned around the rim with platinum filigree, a square iron shield adorned with acid-etched steel plates, a small pearl-studded ironwood shield with a leather-wrapped handle, a small polished steel shield engraved with a hunting wolf, an engraved iron shield with a studded steel rim, a reinforced small shield emblazoned with an owl in flight, a small reinforced ironwood shield riveted with polished silver studs, a reinforced bronze shield with iron rivets set around the rim, a silvery ironwood shield reinforced with thick iron strips and a gold-inlaid reinforced ironwood shield.

Similar in outline to a rough mannequin, the golden armor stand is solid enough to support several hundred stones of armor. A cascade of scintillating lightning bolts, each carved from a yellow diamond, flicker along the arms and base. On the golden armor stand you see some sturdy seordmaor-hide leathers embossed with a pattern of cascading lightning bolts, a suit of finely woven golden battle mesh, a suit of golden plate-reinforced mail engraved with forked lightning bolts, a golden suit of lamellar plate engraved with a figure hurling lightning from its hands and a shining golden suit of plate armor engraved with webwork patterns of lightning bolts.

Similar in outline to a rough mannequin, the white armor stand is solid enough to support several hundred stones of armor. Faint whirlwinds shine from the arms and base of the stand, each carved from a tiny opal. On the white armor stand you see some aged double leathers embossed across the back with white outstretched wings, a smoky grey suit of battle mesh adorned with outstretched bat wings, a suit of gleaming chain mail reinforced by emblazoned steel plates, a suit of mist-grey lamellar plate set with opals along the shoulders and a suit of grey plate armor accented with graceful white silk along the arms.

Similar in outline to a rough mannequin, the umber armor stand is solid enough to support several hundred stones of armor. Half-polished and barely faceted, small topaz spheres decorate the arms and base. On the umber armor stand you see some darkened double leathers with plates hand-painted to resemble a jumble of rocks, a suit of dulled battle mesh cleverly crafted to resemble a landslide of small stones, a suit of grey-brown mail with quartz-studded reinforcing steel plates, a suit of dusty grey lamellar plate with an engraved breastplate and a suit of oil-black plate armor fashioned to resemble a rock-strewn carapace.

Similar in outline to a rough mannequin, the armor stand is solid enough to support several hundred stones of armor. Glimmering sapphire waves, some crested with flecks of white impurities, shine from the arms and base. On the azure armor stand you see a suit of azure-trimmed plate armor encrusted with black pearls, a suit of blue-grey lamellar plate lacquered with images of a driving rainstorm, a blue-bordered suit of plate-reinforced mail etched with sapphire-encrusted raindrops, a suit of tinted battle mesh highlighted with a pearl-encrusted blue spidersilk belt and some azure-trimmed leathers adorned along the shoulders with clusters of seed pearls.

Similar in outline to a rough mannequin, the crimson armor stand is solid enough to support several hundred stones of armor. Tiny flames carved from perfect rubies seem to flicker in the soft light. On the crimson armor stand you see some sturdy firecat-skin leathers embossed with curling crimson flames, a suit of finely woven bronzed battle mesh with scorched links, a suit of crimson plate-reinforced mail engraved with fireballs, a crimson suit of lamellar plate engraved with leaping flames and a suit of crimson plate armor engraved with a swarm of fireballs.

The bloodwood armor stand doesn't appear even vaguely manlike, instead resembling a rather sparse tree with dozens of outflung branches. Hanging from the branches are various protectives for the head and hands. On the bloodwood armor stand you see a faceted great helm engraved with the image of a leaping rabbit, a pair of reinforced leather gauntlets adorned with tiny talisman-shaped charms, a black leather mask embossed along the temples with crouching panthers, a silvery chain balaclava crested with a figurine of a raven in flight, a pair of fur-lined mesh gauntlets with sleeping gerbils emblazoned on the palms, a fine mesh balaclava adorned with a sinuous serpent along the neckline, a pair of mesh gauntlets shaped to resemble an owl's talons, a pair of articulated plate gauntlets set with pearls, a silvered great helm crested with a long raven feather and a pair of finely crafted plate gauntlets with dangling onyx pig charms.


Mystical Magery

[War and Craft, Mystical Magery]
A faint, almost subliminal tingle awakens the senses to a hidden power coursing through this area. An odd assortment of crystals, focusing apparatus, and shimmering objects send brilliant refractions across the plush rug that covers the ground. A tall supporting pole, hung with wares suspended from chains, rises from the ground to lift the crest of the tent far above. You also see a wicker basket and a low table with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: north, east, west.

On the supporting pole you see a small notecard, a crimson cape cut from fine silk and embroidered with leaping red-gold flames, a square of fine blue-white gauze trimmed with tiny blue glass beads, a small iridescent glass bauble refracting a rainbow of colors, a spiny golden sphere decorated with silver wire, a silver-tipped gryphon feather decorated with intricate scrollwork and a pair of sturdy grey trollskin boots trimmed with a dark blue fringe.

A small notecard reads:
Each of these items produces a spell's effect when activated. Use at your own risk!

On the low table you see a streaked cambrinth armband inset with dozens of tiny sparkling gems, a delicate gold pendant in the shape of a winged serpent clutching a cambrinth egg in its talons, a delicate cambrinth-studded silver chain bracelet with an intricate platinum clasp, a coiled silver armlet shaped like a snake studded with cambrinth scales, a brushed platinum wristlet with a cambrinth-inlaid etching of the Warrior Mage guild crest, an articulated gold bracer studded with cambrinth lightning bolts, an elegantly penned sign and a deep velvet-lined tray.

An elegantly penned sign reads:
"These represent a small collection of precious items I have personally enhanced with decorative cambrinth stones."

In the velvet-lined tray you see a set of gem-encrusted platinum dragons set with sparkling cambrinth teardrops, a set of sapphire-studded cambrinth swords, a set of twisted ironwood wands tipped with pear-shaped cambrinth stones, a set of burnished gold spheres set with flame-shaped cambrinth stones, a set of polished silver lightning bolts tipped with cambrinth, a set of crimson-hued fireballs trailing carved cambrinth flames, a set of shapeless bronze talismans studded evenly with small cambrinth stones, a set of tiny pewter shields emblazoned with the cambrinth-studded crest of the Warrior Mage guild, a set of wide etched silver rings studded with cambrinth and a set of tiny silver tarts embedded with round cambrinth stones.

In the wicker basket you see a fist-sized cambrinth mountain with streams of ruby lava flowing down the sides, a realistic-looking heap of cambrinth dung, a folded notecard, a pile of cambrinth fingernail clippings that appear slightly chewed, a tiny dark green cambrinth inchworm with dozens of stubby legs, a calloused pewter foot with long cambrinth toenails, a crooked pewter hand with long cambrinth fingernails, a reclining cambrinth feline missing its tail and head and a tiny cambrinth bean polished to a brilliant shine.


Apprentices' Alcove

[War and Craft, Apprentices' Alcove]
Tucked away in the farthest corner of the tent, this area gives the impression of being unfinished. Even the musty smell that permeates every other part of the tent is notably missing. Placards are scattered around the walls, providing sage advice for warrior mages just starting their careers. You also see a small three-legged table with some stuff on it, a short glass dais with some stuff on it, and a small velvet-lined basket.
Obvious exits: southeast, south, southwest.

A golden placard reads:
The pointy end goes in your enemy.

A silver placard reads:
Prepare your spell BEFORE you cast it.

A bronze placard reads:
Do not target yourself with your own spell.

A platinum placard reads:
Armor protects you when it is worn on your body, not carried in your backpack.
On the three-legged table
Item Price Done
[[source for::Item:a grey gerbil-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings|a grey gerbil-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings]] 4000   
[[source for::Item:a black panther-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings|a black panther-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings]] 4000   
[[source for::Item:a brown bear-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings|a brown bear-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings]] 4000   
[[source for::Item:a striped cat-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings|a striped cat-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings]] 4000   
[[source for::Item:a green lizard-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings|a green lizard-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings]] 4000   
On the glass dais
Item Price Done
[[source for::Item:a wide-bladed carving knife with a polished cambrinth-studded bloodwood grip|a wide-bladed carving knife with a polished cambrinth-studded bloodwood grip]] 7500   
[[source for::Item:a serrated carving knife with a molded brass hilt capped by a pair of cambrinth bats|a serrated carving knife with a molded brass hilt capped by a pair of cambrinth bats]] 9375   
[[source for::Item:a polished carving knife with a cambrinth-inset rosewood hilt|a polished carving knife with a cambrinth-inset rosewood hilt]] 5625   
[[source for::Item:a bone-hilted carving knife with a tiny talisman-shaped cambrinth stone set into the pommel|a bone-hilted carving knife with a tiny talisman-shaped cambrinth stone set into the pommel]] 24375   
[[source for::Item:a slender carving knife with a reclining cambrinth cat set into the hilt|a slender carving knife with a reclining cambrinth cat set into the hilt]] 12500   
[[source for::Item:a darkened steel carving knife with a cambrinth-studded ironwood grip|a darkened steel carving knife with a cambrinth-studded ironwood grip]] 7500   
These knives have been enhanced with cambrinth and masterfully wrought to retain their original balance and heft.
In the velvet-lined basket
Item Price Done
[[source for::Item:a smooth silver-plated ring set with a cambrinth teardrop|a smooth silver-plated ring set with a cambrinth teardrop]] 1875   
[[source for::Item:a twisted brass ring set with a square-cut cambrinth stone|a twisted brass ring set with a square-cut cambrinth stone]] 1875   
[[source for::Item:a thin bronze ring set with a crescent cambrinth stone|a thin bronze ring set with a crescent cambrinth stone]] 1875   
[[source for::Item:a battered tin ring set with a rounded cambrinth stone|a battered tin ring set with a rounded cambrinth stone]] 1875   
[[source for::Item:a dented steel ring set with a star-shaped cambrinth stone|a dented steel ring set with a star-shaped cambrinth stone]] 1875   
[[source for::Item:a thick copper ring set with a tiny cambrinth sphere|a thick copper ring set with a tiny cambrinth sphere]] 1875   
[[source for::Item:a stained wooden ring set with an arrowhead-shaped cambrinth stone|a stained wooden ring set with an arrowhead-shaped cambrinth stone]] 1875   
[[source for::Item:a wide iron ring set with a talisman-shaped cambrinth stone|a wide iron ring set with a talisman-shaped cambrinth stone]] 1875   


Elemental Equipment

[War and Craft, Elemental Equipment]
The smell of oil and leather hangs heavy in the air. Several wooden poles hang from a lattice of ropes across the tent ceiling. Dozens of small dowels have been driven through each pole, serving as hooks for bags, sacks, and other equipment. You also see a wooden equipment stand with some stuff on it and some sturdy wooden shelves with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: northeast, east, south.

On the wooden poles you see a braided leather weapon harness fitted with cambrinth-inlaid steel rivets, a threadbare canvas backpack patched with etched steel plates, a dull blue leather combat pack fringed with embossed straps, a silver mesh traveler's pack decorated to look like a dragon's head and a faded battle-worn leather pack with frayed celpeze hide straps.

On the equipment stand you see a cambrinth-clasped leather backpack stitched with the crest of the Warrior Mage guild in silver thread, a segmented leather weapon harness studded with cambrinth-inlaid steel scales, an embossed leather talisman pouch clasped with a carved cambrinth stone, a brass-fitted leather backsheath studded with carved cambrinth discs and a sturdy leather thigh quiver wrapped with a fine platinum chain studded with cambrinth.

On the wooden shelves you see a bright golden duffel bag embroidered with a depiction of the elemental plane of Electricity, a smoky grey duffel bag embroidered with a depiction of the elemental plane of Air, a silver-edged black duffel bag embroidered with a depiction of the elemental plane of Aether, a striated slate-grey duffel bag embroidered with a depiction of the elemental plane of Earth, a streaked yellow and crimson duffel bag embroidered with a depiction of the elemental plane of Fire and an ocean blue duffel bag embroidered with a depiction of the elemental plane of Water.


Wizards' Wearables

[War and Craft, Wizards' Wearables]
A vented mesh flap in the side of the tent allows a fresh breeze to flow inside, although the primary source of light is a pair of hanging gaethzen globes. Pushed up against the tent wall is a sturdy oak wardrobe with one door slightly ajar, while beside it slumps an antique armoire. A curious hum, barely audible, fills the room with a sense of peaceful tranquility. You also see a polished platinum dais with some stuff on it, a polished gold dais with some stuff on it, a polished silver dais with some stuff on it, and an oak shoe stand with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: north, southeast.

In the oak wardrobe you see an orange-trimmed midnight black robe embroidered with roaring multicolored flames, a rainbow-trimmed amber robe embroidered with a cascade of multicolored gemstones, an ebon-trimmed storm grey robe embroidered with sweeping stylized images of whirlwinds, a silver-trimmed midnight blue robe embroidered with a shimmering storm of silver lightning bolts, a crimson-trimmed ebon robe embroidered with an elegant swirl of platinum snowflakes, a gold-trimmed snow white robe stitched with a circular pattern of six elemental symbols in shimmering purple thread and a carefully inked card.

A carefully inked card reads:
All of these robes can be turned inside-out to reveal a beautiful inner lining, and possess many other distinguishing features as well.

In the oak armoire you see a mink-lined night-black cloak beaded to resemble a dragon with outstretched wings, a red spidersilk cloak patterned to resemble leaping flames, an aquamarine watersilk cloak patterned to resemble cresting waves, a white silk robe shot through with ice blue threads, a billowing robe of heavy grey and scarlet silk and a crisp note.

On the platinum dais you see a gleaming platinum badge etched with the phrase "The power of water shall wash my enemies away!", a carefully inked sign, a gleaming platinum badge etched with the phrase "Mastery of the binding element is mine!", a gleaming platinum badge etched with the phrase "I call forth the lightning to vanquish my foes!", a gleaming platinum badge etched with the phrase "Feel the flames of my wrath!", a gleaming platinum badge etched with the phrase "I stand before the might of the air, unbowed!" and a gleaming platinum badge etched with the phrase "I shall cast the first stone!".

A carefully inked sign reads:
"These badges have been etched with four phrases each, pertaining to a specific element. You may TURN the badges to change the message that is displayed."

On the gold dais you see a gleaming gold badge etched with the phrase "The gateway to the realm of the elements is open before me!", a gleaming gold badge etched with the phrase "The wrath of the sky is a killing bolt!", a gleaming gold badge etched with the phrase "I stand before the might of the air, unbowed!", a gleaming gold badge etched with the phrase "I shall cast the first stone!", a gleaming gold badge etched with the phrase "Chilling ice shall freeze my enemies where they stand!" and a gleaming gold badge etched with the phrase "Tremble before the onslaught of blazing death!".

On the silver dais you see a polished silver badge etched with the phrase "Mastery of the binding element is mine!", a polished silver badge etched with the phrase "A terrible death awaits those who strike at a master of lightning!", a polished silver badge etched with the phrase "The earth shall open and swallow my enemies!", a polished silver badge etched with the phrase "Chilling ice shall freeze my enemies where they stand!", a polished silver badge etched with the phrase "The storms that blow fiercest are mine to command!" and a polished silver badge etched with the phrase "Feel the flames of my wrath!".

On the shoe stand you see some grey sharkskin boots burned with the symbol of the Warrior Mage Guild, some dark leather boots embossed with the symbol of the Warrior Mage Guild, a pair of ruby red silk slippers brocaded and beaded with elemental flames, a pair of sapphire blue silk slippers brocaded and beaded with elemental waves and a crisp note.

A crisp note reads(both armoire and stand):
These items were recently obtained from the collection of an old friend, Escogar.