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Revision as of 16:13, 5 September 2022 by KATALYS (talk | contribs)
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Status Active
Race Prydaen
Gender Female
Guild undisclosed
Instance Prime
Relatives Xadon

Ansara.pngMusical Enthusiast Ansara, Ritualist of Therengia, a Prydaen.
She has an angular face, a half-opened black rose bud with a stem that curls around one of her pointed ears, sullenly glowing cat-slitted blood-hued eyes and a narrow nose. Her black mane is long and straight with deep blood-red dyed tips, and is worn in a tousled arrangement of upswept locks held in place by some tiny black horns. She has a whorled pattern of of tiny merlot rubies twinkling upon black fur with silvered black stripes, a broad animite tailband accented with sanguine lotusweave hugging a thick tail and a curvaceous figure.
She is tiny for a Prydaen.
Some gleaming crystalline ghouls float lazily around her right wrist, glowing with a lustrous sheen against her fur.
She has an elaborate arrangement of piercings in the flesh surrounding both of her eyes. Polished amber rings form an unbroken procession along the brow and cheekbones to create a dramatic effect that is enhanced with thin interwoven lengths of silver chain.
Her left palm has a tattoo of a delicate ghostflower slowly succumbing to decay at its very roots as a single translucent petal falls away from the rotting blossom.

She is wearing some fine blood-red ruby teardrop earrings, an ornate silver necklace set with a blushing ruby carved into the shape of a teardrop, a makeshift manacle choker, a slender silver bracelet set with dark red ruby teardrops, a ruby nose-stud carved to resemble a drop of blood, an ornate platinum ring detailed with ruby-dusted knotwork, a stark black devotional bag secured by a worn silken cord, a flowing silk robe dyed the color of fresh heart's blood, a cowl-necked crimson gown of layered zenganne, a simple wedding band formed from overlapping droplets of blood-red loveglass, some black prayer beads displaying eerie dragon's eye rubies and some winged ghoul-hide boots.


Slightly crazier than the average adventurer, this inept but enthusiastic musician made her debut in Crossing. Beginning her attempts at busking in the Empath guild, she found only mild appreciation for the insanity and melancholy that themed her songs.
Seeking more material for inspiration, she set out on the adventuring life, lute in hand.

Not long after she left the Crossing walls, Xadon spotted her and began their odd courtship. She slowly began to tolerate his presence since she couldn't seem to get rid of him and he called her pretty. Every musician needs a groupie right?