Ponder command

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Emotive command to express a thoughful demeanor. Allows you to enter freeform thoughts.

You see: You ponder.
Others see: <Player> ponders.

PONDER <self>
You see: You ponder the meaning of life.
Others see: <Player> gets an odd expression on his/her face.

PONDER <player>
You see: You ponder the meaning of <Player>'s existence.
Target sees: <Player> > looks thoughtfully at you.
Others see: <Player> looks thoughfully at <Player>.

PONDER <item>
You see: You gaze thoughtfully at <item>.
Others see: <Player> gazes thoughtfully at <item>.

PONDER <message>
You see: You ponder <message><item>.
Others see: <Player> ponders <message>
Example 1: PONDER the meaning of life.
Example 2: PONDER whether there are any tarts left in the picnic basket.