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Astral Hops

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Revision as of 06:04, 8 October 2020 by ELWYNN (talk | contribs)
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Astral Hops are a method of travel for 100th circle Moon Mages or higher. An Astral Hop lets a Moon Mage cast teleport on an unanchored moonbeam, allowing them to teleport directly to the closest Grazhir shard without actually entering the Astral Plane. Alternatively, if a Moon Mage casts on Grazhir, they will be teleported to the closest Shard within the Astral Plane itself. Astral Hops are often used to teleport the caster to a different province or across barriers like rivers or ice roads.

Known List of Astral Hop

Crystal Hand -> Crossing
South of Segoltha River -> Crossing

Ain Ghazal -> The Spire, Hib
Horse Clan -> Hib

Wolf Clan -> Leth

Black Apes in Boar Clan -> Muspar'i
Haizen Cugis -> Muspar'i **Note Haizen Cugis and Hvaral are relatively close, but one takes you to Muspar'i and the other Theren

North Road Ferry -> Riverhaven

Leth side of gondola -> Shard (lets you bypass the gondola)
The Frozen Heavens, Unfathomable Grotto -> Shard

Promado Village -> Theren
Fornstead -> Theren
Hvaral -> Theren **Note Haizen Cugis and Hvaral are relatively close, but one takes you to Muspar'i and the other Theren
Rossman's -> Theren

Dirge -> Throne City
Promado Village -> Throne City