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Tinkeritem (script)

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Tinkeritem (script)
Category crafting,Engineering
Front-end StormFront,Wizard,Genie
Author Pfanston


Updated the script 3/2/2018 to add in assembling mechanisms if more than 3 are required. Updated the script 8/7/2018 to change the last 4 steps as when it was first done the string assembly came before pulling with the pliers.

This script assumes you have some processed lumber in the left hand or in front of you, tools and ingredients in the container1, and tinkering book and maybe a stamp in the container2 and yes they can both be the same container. The Tinkering book must be turned to the right page. The script is currently set up to not stamp your items if you have a stamp. If you want to stamp your item, find the five goto's as follows:

goto tinkerend1

and remove the numbersign from in front of it. Then you will stamp each crossbow.

Note this script is set up for stormfront, and genie. To make this script work in the wizard front end you need to do the following:

(Select All)
setvariable mechs 1
# counter set 1

to the following:

(Select All)
#  setvariable mechs 1
counter set 1

There are three of these for mechs 1, mechs 2, mechs 3. So 3 changes here. Then you have to change the following:

(Select All)
goto my%mechs
#goto my%c

to the following:

(Select All)
#goto my%mechs
goto my%c

so thats 4 total changes and you will be running in the wizard front end if you use it.

I have run it in all 3 front ends. I have performed all the crossbow types and accessories (crossbows, arbalest and stonebow as well as accessories). I have done every single type of crossbow in each category and the only accessory I have no tried is the clockwork telescope, which I can't do yet. It has worked with the 8 light crossbows, 4 heavy crossbows, 4 arbalests, 7 stonebows and 7 accessory items I have created. But its possible one will crop up that does not work.

Items Needed

First you need Tinkering book, clamps, tinkers tools, glue, carving knife, drawknife, shaper, stain, mechanisms and lenses. To try an make this script easier to use, I read the Tinkering book first so make sure its on the right page. It is read to get the number of mechanism's used for the item you are about to make. It puts that number into a variable that is then used when you have to assemble the mechanisms. Then you study the book and your off and running. Make sure you have enough mechanisms for what your going to make, and they can all be combined into one. The script will handle that.

Other Shaping and Tinkering Scripts

This script tinkeritem.cmd is a subset of shaping and tinkering scripts. The others are as follows:



Make sure tinkering book is turned to the correct page for what you plan to do.

parameters are .tinkeritem <container1> <container2> <item>

example .tinkeritem bag pack crossbow
or .tinkeritem bag bag slurbow
or .tinkeritem pack pack stonebow
or .tinkeritem bag rucksack telescope
or .tinkeritem bag pack arbalest

where <item> = what is being made, crossbow, slurbow, arbalest, stonebow, slingbow, pelletbow, box, soldier, telescope.
<container1> = bag, backpack, rucksack, etc.
<container2> = bag, backpack, rucksack, etc.


(Select All)
# Make sure tinkering book is turned to the correct page for what you plan
# to do.
# parameters are .tinkeritem <container1> <container2> <item>
# example .tinkeritem bag pack crossbow
#     or  .tinkeritem bag bag slurbow
#     or  .tinkeritem pack pack stonebow
#     or  .tinkeritem bag rucksack telescope
#     or  .tinkeritem bag pack arbalest
# where <item> = what is being made, crossbow, slurbow, arbalest, stonebow,
#                slingbow, pelletbow, box, soldier, telescope.
#       <container1> = bag, backpack, rucksack, etc.
#       <container2> = bag, backpack, rucksack, etc.
# This script assumes you have some processed lumber in the left hand or in front of you, tools
# and ingredients in the container1, and tinkering book and maybe a stamp in the container2 and yes
# they can both be the same container.  The Tinkering book must be turned to the right page.
# The script is currently set up to not stamp your items if you have a stamp.  If you want to stamp
# your item, find the five goto's as follows:
# goto tinkerend1
# and remove the numbersign from in front of it.  Then you will stamp all your items.
# This script is currently set to run in stormfront and Genie.  if you want to run it in the
# wizard front end you must make a couple changes.  First you must remove the number change the
# following:
#   setvariable mechs 1
# #  counter set 1
# to the following:
# #  setvariable mechs 1
#   counter set 1
# There are three of these for mechs 1, mechs 2, mechs 3. So 3 changes here.
# then you have to change the following:
#  goto my%mechs
#  #goto my%c
# to the following:
#  #goto my%mechs
#  goto my%c
# so thats 4 total changes and you will be running in the wizard front end if you use it.
# In the script I tend to put items in containers.  But you can easily use stow left and 
# stow right if your store help variables are set up.  In Fact if you do set up store and 
# stow properly, you can remove large sections of this script and use a simple stow right, 
# then get the item needed out and continue on.  For those that don't understand store and
# stow this will work just fine.
# To try an make this script easier to use, I read the Tinkering book first so make sure its on the
# right page.  It is read to get the number of mechanism's used for the item you are about to make.
# It puts that number into a variable that is then used when you have to assemble the mechanisms.  Then
# you study the book and your off and running.  Make sure you have enough mechanisms for what your going
# to make, and they can all be combined into one.  The script will handle that.

  pause 1
  put get tinkering book from my %2
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put read my book
  match mechnum1 (1) finished mechanism
  match mechnum2 (2) finished mechanism
  match mechnum3 (3) finished mechanism
  match mechnum4 (4) finished mechanism

  setvariable mechs 1
#  counter set 1
goto starttitem1
  setvariable mechs 2
#  counter set 2
goto starttitem1
  setvariable mechs 3
#  counter set 3
goto starttitem1
  setvariable mechs 4
#  counter set 4
goto starttitem1

  pause 1
  put study my book
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my tinkering book in my %2
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get drawknife from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put scrape lumber with my drawknife
  match tcarve is ready to have more fine detail carved with a carving knife
  match tshaper Shaping with a wood shaper

# Shaper starts all assessories and is only used for assessories
  pause 1
  put put my drawknife in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my shaper from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tshaperfin

  pause 1
  put put my knife in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my shaper from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tshaperfin

  pause 1
  put put my tools in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my shaper from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tshaperfin

  pause 1
  put shape my %3 with my shaper
  match tshaperfin Shaping with a wood shaper
  match tshaperfin shaping with a wood shaper
  match tcarves is ready to have more fine detail carved with a carving knife
  match tcarves grain looks solid and ready for continued knife carving.
  match tcarves further carving with a knife
  match ttoolss Additional adjusting with some tinker's tools
  match ttoolss ready to be adjusted with a set of tinker's tools
  match tmechans You need another finished mechanism to continue
  match tlensess You need another lenses to continue crafting
  match tinkerends You cannot figure out how to do that.  Perhaps finding suitable ingredients
  match tinkerends Applying the final touches, you complete working on

# Carve starts all crossbow items and used in assessories
  pause 1
  put put my drawknife in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my knife from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tcarvefin

  pause 1
  put put my shaper in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my knife from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tcarvefin

  pause 1
  put put my tools in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my knife from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tcarvefin

  pause 1
  put put my clamps in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my knife from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tcarvefin

  pause 1
  put carve my %3 with my knife
  match tshaperc Shaping with a wood shaper
  match tshaperc shaping with a wood shaper
  match tcarvefin is ready to have more fine detail carved with a carving knife
  match tcarvefin grain looks solid and ready for continued knife carving.
  match tcarvefin further carving with a knife
  match ttoolsc Additional adjusting with some tinker's tools
  match ttoolsc A set of tinker's tools will allow for
  match ttoolsc ready to be adjusted with a set of tinker's tools
  match tclampsc now must be pushed with clamps or a vise to hold it
  match tmechanc You need another finished mechanism to continue
  match tlensesc You need another lenses to continue crafting
  match tinkerendc You cannot figure out how to do that.  Perhaps finding suitable ingredients
  match tinkerendc Applying the final touches, you complete working on

  pause 1
  put get my tools from my %1
waitfor You get
goto ttoolsfin

  pause 1
  put put my shaper in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my tools from my %1
waitfor You get
goto ttoolsfin

  pause 1
  put put my knife in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my tools from my %1
waitfor You get
goto ttoolsfin

  pause 1
  put adjust my %3 with my tools
  match tshapert Shaping with a wood shaper
  match tshapert shaping with a wood shaper
  match tcarvet is ready to have more fine detail carved with a carving knife
  match tcarvet grain looks solid and ready for continued knife carving.
  match tcarvet further carving with a knife
  match ttoolsfin Additional adjusting with some tinker's tools
  match ttoolsfin A set of tinker's tools will allow for
  match ttoolsfin ready to be adjusted with a set of tinker's tools
  match tclampst now must be pushed with clamps or a vise to hold it
  match tmechant You need another finished mechanism to continue
  match tlensest You need another lenses to continue crafting
  match tinkerendt You cannot figure out how to do that.  Perhaps finding suitable ingredients
  match tinkerendt Applying the final touches, you complete working on

  pause 1
  put put my knife in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my clamps from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tclampsfin

  pause 1
  put put my tools in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my clamps from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tclampsfin

  pause 1
  put push my %3 with my clamps
  match tmechancl You need another finished mechanism to continue
  match tclampsfin1 Roundtime

  pause 1
  put put my clamps in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get pliers from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put pull my %3 with my pliers
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my pliers in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get tools from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put adjust my %3 with my tools
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my tools in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get clamps from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put push my %3 with my clamps
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my clamps in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get string from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put assemble my string with my %3
  pause 1
  put get my pliers from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put pull my %3 with my pliers
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my pliers in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my stain from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put apply my stain to my %3
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my stain in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause .5
goto tinkerendb

  pause 1
  put get my clamps from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tclampsfin2

  pause 1
  put push my %3 with my clamps
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my clamps in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get pliers from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put pull my %3 with my pliers
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my pliers in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get tools from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put adjust my %3 with my tools
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my tools in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get clamps from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put push my %3 with my clamps
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my clamps in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get string from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put assemble my string with my %3
  pause 1
  put get my pliers from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put pull my %3 with my pliers
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my pliers in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my stain from my %1
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put apply my stain to my %3
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my stain in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause .5
goto tinkerendb

  pause 1
  put put my shaper in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my lenses from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tlensesfin

  pause 1
  put put my tools in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my lenses from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tlensesfin

  pause 1
  put put my knife in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my lenses from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tlensesfin

  pause 1
  put assemble my lenses with my %3
waitfor You place your lenses with your
  pause 1
  put analyze my %3
  match tshapern Shaping with a wood shaper
  match tshapern shaping with a wood shaper
  match tcarven is ready to have more fine detail carved with a carving knife
  match tcarven grain looks solid and ready for continued knife carving.
  match tcarven further carving with a knife
  match ttools Additional adjusting with some tinker's tools
  match ttools ready to be adjusted with a set of tinker's tools
  match ttools A set of tinker's tools will allow for

  pause 1
  put put my shaper in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my mechanis from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tmechanfin

  pause 1
  put put my tools in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my mechanis from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tmechanfin

  pause 1
  put put my knife in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my mechanis from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tmechanfin

  pause 1
  put put my clamps in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put get my mechanis from my %1
waitfor You get
goto tmechanfin

goto my%mechs
#goto my%c
  pause 1
  put assemble my mechanis with my %3
goto tmechana

  pause 1
  put assemble my mechanis with my %3
  pause 1
  put assemble my mechanis with my %3
goto tmechana

  pause 1
  put assemble my mechanis with my %3
  pause 1
  put assemble my mechanis with my %3
  pause 1
  put assemble my mechanis with my %3
goto tmechana

  pause 1
  put assemble my mechanis with my %3
  pause 1
  put assemble my mechanis with my %3
  pause 1
  put assemble my mechanis with my %3
  pause 1
  put assemble my mechanis with my %3
goto tmechana

  pause 1
  put put my mechanis in my %1
  pause 1
  put analyze my %3
  match tshapern Shaping with a wood shaper
  match tshapern shaping with a wood shaper
  match tcarven is ready to have more fine detail carved with a carving knife
  match tcarven grain looks solid and ready for continued knife carving.
  match tcarven further carving with a knife
  match ttools Additional adjusting with some tinker's tools
  match ttools A set of tinker's tools will allow for
  match ttools ready to be adjusted with a set of tinker's tools
  match tclamps is ready to be held in place by pushing it with clamps or a vise

  pause .5
# goto tinkerend1
echo *** One %3 is completed. ***

  pause 1
  put put my shaper in my %1
waitfor You put
# goto tinkerend1
  pause 1
echo *** One %3 is completed. ***

  pause 1
  put put my knife in my %1
waitfor You put
# goto tinkerend1
  pause 1
echo *** One %3 is completed. ***

  pause 1
  put put my tools in my %1
waitfor You put
# goto tinkerend1
  pause 1
echo *** One %3 is completed. ***

  pause 1
  put get my stamp from my %2
waitfor You get
  pause 1
  put mark my %3 with my stamp
waitfor Roundtime
  pause 1
  put put my stamp in my %2
  pause 1
echo *** One %3 is completed and stamped. ***