Calculate TDPs gained (script)

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Calculate TDPs gained (script)
Category information
Front-end Genie
Author Ozban


A simple genie script to figure out how many TDPs I'd get from ranking one skill to X. It will echo to the game window however many TDPs you'd gain, rounded down (not sure how the game actually does the rounding so assuming down).

If you don't want it to round down, delete/comment the line: evalmath tdps floor(%tdps).


#--Written by Ozban, March 3, 2016.--
#--Formula taken from user Dandin. (ranks(ranks+1)/400)
#-This is a command line script, just put: .tdp XXX to see how many total tdp's you'd get from ranking one skill to XXX.
#  -XXX is the numerical value of however many ranks you want to convert to TDPs.
var ranks1 %1
evalmath ranks2 (%ranks1+1)
evalmath ranks3 (%ranks1*%ranks2)
evalmath tdps (%ranks3/400)
evalmath tdps floor(%tdps)
echo *** %tdps TDPS GAINED FROM GAINING %ranks1 ***
echo                         (rounded down)