Read the Ripples

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{{Spell |abbrev=rtr |guild=Moon Mage |spellbook=Stellar Magic |prereqs=50th Circle, [[Seer |buffs=No buffs |debuffs=No debuffs |effect=Bypass astrological observation timers for random constellations, bypasses telescope checks. |messaging=On cast:
You gaze towards the heavens seeking their silent guidance.
The mental strain of this pattern is considerably eased by your ritual focus.
Your prophetic connection blooms a thousand-fold as your ritual concludes. You are alone. An infinitesimal speck in space and time adrift in an infinite sea of possibility. The course of your life, past, present and future, dictated by ceaseless currents beyond any mortal control.

But infinitesimal is not insignificant and control is not understanding. These are indisputable facts etched into the essence of every prophet.

Random constellation selection:
As your consciousness drifts amongst the currents of Fate you find yourself drawn towards the planet Ismenia.

Obersving the selected constellation:
You scan the skies for a few moments.
While invisible to the naked eye, your prophetic senses have little trouble resolving the planet Ismenia.
The planet Ismenia is unobscured by clouds.
Ismenia shines a bright, cheery yellow, almost seeming to smile as it beams its warm but distant light from above.
The insight gained from your prior observations floats gently through your subconsciousness. You intuitively draw the relevant details to the forefront of your mind, using them to nurture your current efforts.
You learned something useful from your observation.

Effect ending:
As your ritual ebbs away you find yourself returned to a world of immutable facts. Things that are, are, and things that are not, are not. This is indisputable and you are left with a lingering dissatisfaction for you are still alone, infinitesimal.
|sig=Yes |status=planned |source=quest |type=utility |ctype=ritual }}


  • Uses Perception spellbook mana levels to determine attunement costs, and requires a ritual focus capable of augmenting Perception spellbook spells.
  • It selects random objects in the sky. If you observe what it's pointing to the timer isn't enforced (It is for any other objects). Soon after that observation is finished it will cycle to a new target and the process repeats.
  • It bypasses the telescope checks to observe.
  • It's an extremely restrictive ritual - It doesn't like teleologic sorcery, you have to remain under an open sky and kneeling/sitting and you can only repeat the ritual every hour or so. It also works somewhat better at night. But it also lets you fill your prediction pools much faster than normal.


  • "Read the Ripples is about the most stellary spell possible." - GM-Raesh