Morph Pet

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Revision as of 00:50, 10 November 2015 by LOREALI6 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*{{com|study}}: The blob is currently linked to you. You may BREAK blob to unlink it. You believe you can do the following with the blob: TURN, RUB, HUG, WEAR, REMOVE. [The ...")
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  • STUDY: The blob is currently linked to you. You may BREAK blob to unlink it. You believe you can do the following with the blob: TURN, RUB, HUG, WEAR, REMOVE. [The blob is currently TURNed to configure its description. You may RUB it to randomly change it.]
  • WEAR: The grey blob oozes onto your ankle making a wet *SQUORLP* noise. (NOTE: worn shows item description + that is stuck to the [body part])
  • REMOVE: With a wet *SQUORLP* noise, you remove a <description> <color> blob comprised of shifting shadows.
  • HUG (held): You give your <color> blob a hug, squishing it out of shape. The blob shifts rapidly, reforming itself back into a <description> <color> blob.
  • HUG (worn): You squish your <color> blob between your fingers, pinching it slightly out of shape. The blob retracts easily, reforming itself into a <description> <color> blob comprised of shifting shadows that is stuck to the ankle.
  • TURN: You adjust the blob, preparing to shift [its shape/its description/its color/where its worn].

Note about Tiers

  • Tiers unlock more colors|descriptions|shapes. SimuCon 2015 Goodie Bags were released at Tier 4.

  • Tier 1 Raffle/Treasure
  • Tier 2 (+ T1) Shops
  • Tier 3 (+ T2 + T1) Auction
  • Tier 4 (+ T3 + T2 + T1) SimuCon
  • Tier 5 (+ T4 + T3 + T2 + T1) Upgrade