Fists of Faenella

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Fists of Faenella Targeted Magic spell
Abbreviation: FF
Prerequisites: Bless
Signature: No
Spell Slots: 1
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: battle / targeted, multistrike
Difficulty: basic
Prep (min/max): 5 / 100
Skill Range (min/max): 0 / 600
Valid Spell Target: PC, Creature
Duration (min/max): Unknown minutes /
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: The Fists of Faenella spell creates globes of holy energy that are then hurled at a single foe. An ethereal candle burns within each globe, blessing it with the divine fire of the goddess.
Effect: +{{{buffs}}}, -{{{debuffs}}}, {{{dtype}}}, {{{htype}}}, Multi-shot, single-target attack. Impact, Fire, and Electricity damage.
Example Messaging: Several globes of ethereal white light surge outward from your hand in rapid succession, hurtling toward a grass eel.

A grass eel's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
The grass eel grunts in surprise as the white globe smacks into its slender body.
A grass eel's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
The grass eel grunts in surprise as the white globe smacks into its slender body.
A grass eel's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
The ethereal globe scrapes across the grass eel's slender body, raising thin purple welts.
Your globe misses!
A grass eel's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
The grass eel's tiny head is snapped back by a hard clout from the luminescent globe.
The grass eel is stunned!

Roundtime: 1 sec.

Devices/Tattoos: Ethereal white inkpot painted with a burning candle