Veiled Identity

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Incomplete Article
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  • Infobox entry on source description
Mm thumb.jpgMoon Mage Guild
Veiled Identity
Abbreviation: FACE
Requirements: Quest
Difficulty: None
Type / Skill: cantrip / -
Path: generic
Description: Unknown
Effect: , , , , Changes the appearance of your face. Varies by sect.
Messaging: You chant a small phrase, the power of your cantrip flowing from your lips!

Your vision shimmers as an illusion covers your face with <color> light.


Sect Illusion color LOOK description
Celestial Compact
Fortune's Path
Heritage House
Monks of the Crystal Hand
Nomads of the Arid Steppe
Progeny of Tezirah
Prophets of G'nar Peth dark mauve You have a purple blindfold across both eyes, a single dark ponytail hanging from an otherwise shaved head, and dark mauve skin.