Khri Calm

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Thief thumb.jpgThief Guild
Requirements: Unknown
Slot Cost: 1
Difficulty: Unknown
Type / Skill: khri, khri, khri / Unknown
Use Cost: 25 Concentration
Contest: Unknown vs. Unknown
Path: Unknown
Description: Varsyth lectures, "A calm mind is the key to victory in many situations. While brawn or speed can get you out of trouble, discipline helps you avoid getting into it in the first place. This meditation also aids against things that would disturb your composure. You must have advanced to the thirtieth circle before I will teach it to you."
Effect: , , , , Those who are under the influence of the Calm meditation are shielded from the effects of fear, intimidation, or mental assault. Most report that they feel better able to concentrate even beyond that, as well.
Messaging: Placing all of your thoughts and emotions aside, you attempt to mentally expel any foreign influences.

  • Self dispel.
  • Uses the Utility skill.