Cobra Dance

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Revision as of 05:59, 28 May 2013 by CARAAMON (talk | contribs)
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Slot Cost:
Difficulty: Unknown
Type / Skill: dance /
Use Cost: -
Contest: /
Description: Melcorek gives you a measuring look. "So, you wish to dance?" He pauses, then begins a series of intricate movements. "You must practice until your body moves without needing thought."
Effect: Boost to melee weapons, small boost to magic resistance. Boost to engagement speed.
Messaging: Starting: Muscles taut, you crouch forward as you focus on the unpredictable Cobra, coiled and ready to strike.

Pulsing: Visions of the Cobra's deadly strike continue to guide your mind and hand.
Weapon Swap: Your hands quickly move to grip your sword as a two-handed edged weapon.

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