Post:Mirrors - 10/10/2012 - 00:48

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Mirros · on 10/10/2012 12:48 AM CDT 907
Are live in Test.

As are some other updates to the system -- details on the test forums. Just cross posting here to let people know how it's going and in case testers don't follow the test forums.

I will provide you guys with a teaser. Mirrors were... complex to redo. I basically scrapped everything except the fluff verbs and started from square one.

You turn your mirror about, carefully evaluating the craftsmanship.

The glass is exceptionally clear.
The surface of the mirror is flat and polished.
The mirror's frame has very good integrity.
The reflective coating is smoothly spread across the glass, resulting in a coruscating image.
The mirror is rather new.
It appears to have seen use.
The overall craftsmanship is poor and the mirror should prove rather susceptible to damage.

Recognizing the investiture as your own, you cautiously probe the mirror with your prophetic talent.

Your reflection is split into two near identical twins standing side by side.
They appear as you were upon reaching adulthood.
They sigh as they reluctantly meet your gaze.
They appears to be in good health.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

>align light chain
You focus internally and align yourself for a prediction on Chain Armor.

>gaze mirror
You gaze deeply into your mirror, opening yourself to the probability that trembles within it.
However, the reflections within remain unchanged and you feel you lack the proper prophetic insights for your current alignment.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

>align transm offen to def
You delve into your prophetic reserves, isolating those related to offense. You carefully review what you have observed, seeking a deeper understanding of the role within the weave for each possibility and how that relates to defense. Unfortunately this process has left your offense reserves exhausted.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

>gaze mirror
You gaze deeply into your mirror, opening yourself to the probability that trembles within it.
Fragments of the future ripple across the surface as time races forward. Slowly, they coalesce into a singular reflection.

You see yourself in surroundings very much like your own, however, only the primary colors are rendered vividly while the secondaries are lost in white and shadow.
You are locked in battle with a musk hog that swiftly guts you. You gaze down in sickly fascination at the shattered links of your chain hauberk as your bowels tumble out.
Judging by the heavens above this prophecy will come to pass by late Tamsine's Toil.
Roundtime: 10 sec.


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ The Heavens, Predictions, and Divination Tools, by DR-RAESH on the forums.