Primp My Ride (2)

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Primp My Ride
Event Guildfest 409
# of Rooms 4
Store Type Trader shops
This store only accepts Lirums

Front Room

[Primp My Ride, Front Room]
Divans line the walls around a large woven rug centered on the floor. Crowds easily flow through three arches to other areas of the showroom. A miniature caravan on a circle of tracks sits in one corner. You also see a set of double doors and a hallway leading north.
Obvious exits: east, west.

East Room

[Primp My Ride, East Room]
Stanchions with silver chains provide the guide for a walkway around the thickly carpeted room. The walls are covered with various forms of artwork, showcasing many styles. A caravan wheel, with a hub of brass and fitted with candles, hangs in the center of the room creating a chandelier that provides enough light to allow appreciation of the merchandise's workmanship. You also see a north wall with several things on it, a south wall with several things on it and a large billboard with some writing on it.
Obvious exits: west.

A large billboard reads:
You can view our work by EXAMining the artwork mounted on the walls.  
Traders are welcome to ORDER the design that is desired and we will complete it as soon as possible.
On the south wall
Item Price Done
cherry-framed depiction - You tap the depiction and you see a bright yellow beribboned caravan pulled by mules. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Ribbons and cheerful-sounding bells adorn the long-suffering beasts and caravan. The driver atop his seat stares straight ahead, seemingly embarrassed at the matching ribbons on his hat and wrists.
painted canvas - You tap the canvas and you see a scorched and battered caravan pulled by shaggy yaks. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Claw marks gouged in the side panels and arrows lodged in the wheel hubs indicate that this caravan has been down some rough roads.
black ink sketch - You tap the sketch and you see a compact and well-made caravan with a bright white canvas top. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Though plain to the view, the workmanship of the caravan and care of the canvas are a testament to the diligence of the owner.
mahogany woodburning - You tap the woodburning and you see a silverwood caravan pulled by bay horses. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Detailed carvings of Elven ivy climb and twist up the sides of the caravan as if reaching for the sun. The reins and harness are similarly tooled, appearing to grasp the team of horses.
charcoal drawing - You tap the drawing and you see a decrepit caravan constructed of old rotted wood. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
A chaotic assortment of lumber types and lengths has been used to repeatedly repair the caravan. However, instead of replacing worn and rotted boards, repairs have been layered over the old woodwork.
On the north wall
Item Price Done
maple-framed watercolor - You tap the watercolor and you see a cherry-red caravan licked with black and purple painted flames. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Curling from just above the caravan's front wheels and extending towards the back, the odd-colored flames give an impression of speed.
large picture - You tap the picture and you see a compact and well-made caravan with a bright white canvas top. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Though plain to the view, the workmanship of the caravan and care of the canvas are a testament to the diligence of the owner.
oak-framed mural - You tap the mural and you see a bright yellow beribboned caravan pulled by mules. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Ribbons and cheerful-sounding bells adorn the long-suffering beasts and caravan. The driver atop his seat stares straight ahead, seemingly embarrassed at the matching ribbons on his hat and wrists.
pine painting - You tap the painting and you see a war-torn battered caravan harnessed to nervous horses. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Scores of arrows and spears sprout from the caravan, causing it to resemble a giant spiny dyrachis. That anyone might have survived such an attack would be a miracle. The horses dance about with wild eyes and flick their ears, obviously still suffering from the harrowing experience.
small etching - You tap the etching and you see a deep purple caravan painted with a bright floral mural. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Intricately painted on either side is a heart-shaped floral wreath, encircled in laurel vines. Bright colors detail each petal of the many different flowers that comprise the wreath, along with the deep green veining along each of the vine's leaves.

West Room

[Primp My Ride, West Room]
Oak stanchions with braided rope provide the guide for a walkway around the room. The walls are covered with various forms of artwork, showcasing many styles. Brass-fitted lanterns hang from the ceiling in strategic places to provide proper lighting to appreciate the artistry. You also see a south wall with several things on it, a west wall with several things on it and a large billboard with some writing on it.
Obvious exits: east.

On the west wall
Item Price Done
large picture - You see a small metal plate that could be attached to the back of a caravan. It reads "Trading: It's not just a job, it's an adventure!". 100,000   
small etching - You see a small metal plate that could be attached to the back of a caravan. It reads "Eat My Dust!". 100,000   
maple-framed sketch - You see a small metal plate that could be attached to the back of a caravan. It reads "Slow down and enjoy the view!". 100,000   
oak-framed mural - You see a small metal plate that could be attached to the back of a caravan. It reads "Join the Traders' Guild and see the world!". 100,000   
pine painting - You see a small metal plate that could be attached to the back of a caravan. It reads "If you can read this, you're standing up!". 100,000   
On the south wall
Item Price Done
bright watercolor - You see a small metal plate that could be attached to the back of a caravan. It reads "Can't feed 'em? Don't Breed 'em!". 100,000   
mahogany woodburning - You see a small metal plate that could be attached to the back of a caravan. It reads "WWKD? What Would Kertigen Do?". 100,000   
charcoal drawing - You see a small metal plate that could be attached to the back of a caravan. It reads "Don't follow me, I'm lost!". 100,000   
cherry-framed depiction - You see a small metal plate that could be attached to the back of a caravan. It reads "I beat up four paladins, and all I got was this caravan!". 100,000   
painted canvas - You see a small metal plate that could be attached to the back of a caravan. It reads "Swift runs the yak!". 100,000   

North Room (go hallway)

[Primp My Ride, North Room]
Gold-plated stanchions with red velvet ropes provide the guide for a walkway around the thickly carpeted rooms. The walls are covered with various forms of artwork, showcasing many styles. A crystal chandelier that is tended to by a maid hangs in the center of the room to provide proper lighting to appreciate the artistry. You also see a heavy curtain and a hallway leading south.
Obvious exits: none.

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