Guildfest 409

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  • Start Date: evening of Friday, May 31, 2013 (13 Ka'len 409)
  • End Date: Sunday, June 16, 2013 (Lirisa 409)


  • Start Date: evening of Friday, May 24, 2013
  • End Date: Sunday, June 16, 2013


  • Start Date: evening of Friday, May 31, 2013
  • End Date: Sunday, June 16, 2013


Therenborough Fairegrounds


Prime: Saturday, June 15, at 9 p.m. Eastern
Plat: Friday, June 14, at 9 p.m. Eastern


GuildFestMap 2.gif


Please see instructions below before editing this table.

Room Entrance Shop Name Inventory Restrictions Shop
C colorful wagon painted a myriad of cheerful colors Nytingale's Instruments
C a sooty tarp-covered shop Pyromaniacs' Corner
D blue silk pavilion Elven Accoutrements
D large canvas tent Sebastien's Fine Print Trader
D sturdy grey canvas tent As the Caravan Turns
E large cake-shaped tent with pink canvas awnings Fromage's Delights
E red and blue striped tent Reversibles
E umber tent draped with mammoth hides Sound the Hunt Barbarian/Trader
E opulent velvet tent trimmed with golden tassels Goods for Life
F elegant mahogany caravan draped with purple tapestries Visions in Crystal
G brick shop with a large caravan painted on a wooden sign [[ ]]
G charred ruins [[ ]]
G brightly painted wagon [[ ]]
H tattered tent [[ ]]
H massive oak caravan with a green-and-white striped awning [[ ]]
H vivid silvery tent [[ ]]
I massive azure tent capped with fluttering gold pennants [[ ]]
I huge wagon [[ ]]
J gaudily clothed barker Ring Toss Game
K deep crimson yurt [[ ]]
K pine wagon with rough plank sides [[ ]]
L rough wooden wagon covered in hides [[ ]]
L polished leather tent with russet silk pennants [[ ]]
L dilapidated stall [[ ]]
M gaudily clothed barker Three Frog Monte
N well-oiled hide tent [[ ]]
N large caravan decorated with festive banners [[ ]]
N gold and purple striped tent [[ ]]
N reinforced ironwood wagon with a heavy steel roof [[ ]]
O orange tent with purple stripes [[ ]]
O mahogany-colored tapestry tent [[ ]]
O ramshackle booth set away from the main path [[ ]]
P tattered purple tent [[ ]]
P beige canvas tent [[ ]]
Q driftwood wagon [[ ]]
R colorful wagon strewn with ribbons and large bows [[ ]]
R airy white pavilion [[ ]]
R flame-colored tent [[ ]]
S smooth-sided wagon [[ ]]
S large paint-splattered hide tent [[ ]]
S small brown tent [[ ]]
T simple oak caravan [[ ]]
T rustic log wagon [[ ]]
U large desert-hued caravan [[ ]]
U large semicircular caravan [[ ]]
U colorful canvas tent [[ ]]
V azure painted wagon with a silk green banner [[ ]]
W web-covered black canvas tent [[ ]]
X black tent lavishly trimmed with colorful silk scarves [[ ]]
Y purple wagon painted with wispy clouds [[ ]]
Z straw-thatch hut flanked by pots of celosia [[ ]]
Z crowned alpaca-felt yurt painted with pizazzy tridecagons [[ ]]
1 long caravan pulled by black and white bears [[ ]]
1 run-down wagon [[ ]]
1 small sky blue tent [[ ]]
2 bright red tent Gerkin's Apple Show

*Some rooms in the shop are open to everyone.

Instructions for Editing Shop Tables

Please do not check these columns unless you have personally verified the information.

"Shop Done" means:

  • All of the inventory and prices are listed
  • Inventory and prices are for the current version (some shops have more than one version with different inventory or prices)
  • Store At A Glance has been completely filled out (including the item types)
  • R: This shop has rotating stock that may be missing.

"Items Done" means:

  • Every item in the shop has been blue-linked. Ideally, this would mean that there is complete information for every item (look, appraisal, etc.), but it's OK to check this as long as there are no red-linked items. Posts

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