Cleric Spells 3.0

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NameAbbrevTypeSkillsSlotsMin PrepMax PrepDifficultyAvailabilityDescription
Protection from EvilpfeNon-Battle Single-TargetWarding15100BasicLiveThe Protection from Evil spell defends the faithful against the unholy touch of the Undead. It will also attempt to repel Necromancy, as well as any magic employed by otherwise cursed or Undead beings.
Minor Physical ProtectionmppNon-Battle Single-TargetWarding11100IntroductoryLiveMinor Physical Protection is the first in a suite of potent spells designed to preserve those who walk upon the path of the gods. This introductory Warding spell will decrease the power of incoming strikes against the target.
Shield of LightsolNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility\Augmentation315100AdvancedLiveThe Shield of Light spell creates a blessed shield, keeping it in existence as long as the pattern holds. This divine shield is very light, can be shaped somewhat, and will also allow the cleric to block attacks with greater accuracy than they would otherwise with mundane shields.
BenedictionbenedictionNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation310100AdvancedLiveThe Benediction spell allows a Cleric to manifest their faith and devotion into a blessing of enhanced physical prowess. Under the effects of this blessing the caster may find that their body moves with greater ease, their blows fall with greater force than before, or even that their strikes land home with far greater accuracy. Be warned, however, that this is certainly not a spell for the weak of mind, spirit, or faith.
Major Physical ProtectionmappNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation25100BasicLiveThe Major Physical Protection spell will impart the caster with a temporarily enhanced ability to avoid attacks. Scholars of the Holy arts have surmised that the spell also instills a calm that may be a boon in any defensive battle.
Ghost ShroudghsBattle Single-TargetWarding11030BasicLiveThe Ghost Shroud spell conjures a pall of spectral fog that obscures one from enemies. Projectile attacks -- targeted magic, thrown weapons, and bows -- will find it more difficult to strike any employing it. The amount of mana sustaining the spell will affect the pattern's strength, and thus the thickness of the barrier.
HalohaloBattle Single-TargetWarding\Debilitation430100EsotericLiveMuch as the Divine Radiance and Shield of Light spells solidify lucent energy into solid matter, the Halo spell forms a powerful wall of light that echoes away from the caster. If successful, this force will push foes at close range back, and may even knock them into a daze or send them sprawling. The Undead are especially susceptible to these magics, often suffering wounds at the brunt of the holy energy crashing into them. The Halo pattern will lie dormant until you are within pole or melee range of an opponent, at which time it will activate. If woven into an Osrel Meraud orb, however, the power held within will not be unleashed until such a time as you are in serious peril, such as being severely wounded or incapacitated.
Soul ShieldsosNon-Battle Single-TargetWarding15100BasicLiveThe Soul Shield spell enfolds one in a barrier of holy energy which will protect against most kinds of spiritual attacks.
Sanyu LybaslBattle Single-TargetWarding220100EsotericLiveFor thousands of years, priests of different stripes have been summoning entities from the Starry Road, where existence is defined by spirit and consciousness. In the cycle of spiritual matter, constantly replenished from mortal souls and the gods themselves, there are willful beings capable of manifesting in our plane. Whether by divine authority or whatever afterlife motives they might have, the spirits answer Holy magic and come to our aid. In particular, those of the 'genus' called by the Sanyu Lyba spell have an affinity for magical guardianship, besetting any spellcaster who would imperil their ward.
RejuvenationrejuvenationNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility15100BasicLiveThe Rejuvenation spell reverses the decline of a dead person's memories, so that when they are resurrected by the will of the gods or the intervention of a Cleric, they lose less, possibly even none, of their skills. It has been documented that diffuse energy burned in the process of erecting the spell pattern will manifest as a colored light that will give some indication of how far the target's memories have declined. The silver nimbus in particular is of great importance, as it testifies to the full rejuvenation of a mind -- until it fades, that is. Multiple applications of the spell pattern once the silver nimbus has been achieved are also quite beneficial, as they will prolong the time until the target's memories will begin to decline again.
VigilvigilNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility15100BasicLiveThrough discipline and focus, the Cleric learns to manipulate the ebb and flow of an energy foreign to all but fellow clergy: the spirit. The Vigil spell will form a conduit of Holy essence between yourself and the target which will foster the passage of this spiritual energy. Whichever party lacks spirit while the other's cup overflows shall be the benefactor of this osmosis. This is especially useful to preserve the spirit of a fallen friend while ministering the rites of death.
Soul BondingsbBattle Single-TargetDebilitation15100BasicLiveThe Soul Bonding spell is a matrix of two possible patterns.

If you know Vigil, this spell can rejoin a dead spirit back to its body, preparing it for Resurrection and keeping it from being separated.

If you know Soul Sickness, this spell can lock a living target's presence to an area, prohibiting their ability to move any significant distance. If they do manage to move, bits and pieces of their spirit will be left behind with the anchored spell pattern and cause great distress.
AuspiceauspiceNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation26100BasicLiveAuspice is considered by many the sister-spell of Vigil. It will form a conduit of magical essence between yourself and the spiritual plane -- commonly referred to as the Starry Road -- to bolster your spirit's strength and the rate at which it recovers from harm.
CenteringcenteringNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation12100IntroductoryLiveThe Centering spell channels one's steadiness of faith and spirit into a force which aids the body when it falters.
Soul AttritionsaTargeted Single-TargetTargeted Magic1740BasicLiveThe Soul Attrition spell is an ominous invocation that may pose threat to caster and target alike. As long as you sustain it with mana, the spell's matrix will cause your spirit energy and that of your victim to clash and collide, abrading one another until the matrix fails or one of the two falls deceased. Never, ever cast this spell upon the Undead -- you will quickly feed it with your own life force! Great care must be taken with this power.
Chill SpiritchsTargeted Single-TargetTargeted Magic210100BasicLiveChill Spirit is a spell pattern which, if successful, will drain the spiritual essence of its target. The very first spell that weaponizes the mysticism of Spirit Manipulation, Chill Spirit serves great purpose even to the elders -- as a portion of the aural energy torn away from the target may be transferred back to the caster.
Soul SicknesssickBattle Single-TargetDebilitation25100BasicLiveSoul Sickness is the most elementary spell available to aspiring spiritual warriors. Rather than directly blast at the health of the soul, it creates a spiritual 'weight' to crush down on the victim.
Eylhaar's FeastefBattle Single-TargetTargeted Magic210100BasicLiveEylhaar's Feast grants its caster unique control over his soul. A Holy Mage with this spell can transmute a portion of his spiritual energy into any other form of bodily energy: be it vigor, magical attunement or raw life force. The sensation of using Eylhaar's Feast is surprisingly euphoric. Repeated short-term use may addict the caster to the sensations the spell provides. In the thrall of addiction it is dangerously easy to steal away too much of the soul at once, granting the caster the pleasant death of the spell's namesake.
Bitter FeastbfMetaspellShield Usage100IntroductoryScrollA modified version of the Eylhaar's Feast matrix, Bitter Feast removes the elements of the spell responsible for euphoria. There is no risk of addiction when using Bitter Feast, but the true sensation of having a portion of the soul forcibly ripped apart to fuel this transmutation is unpleasant, to say the least.
BlessblessNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility13100IntroductoryLiveThe Bless spell renders a profane object sacred. It is used in the production of holy water and oil, and prepares weapons and shields for use against the Undead. It may also be cast upon others, whom will gain the benefits of the blessing whether they are armed or not.
Harm EvilheTargeted Single-TargetTargeted Magic210100BasicLiveThe Harm Evil spell disrupts the physical manifestations of undead, demonic and cursed beings. The spell has also been known to have ill effects upon the minions of the Dark Gods, although they are neither evil nor undead.
Phelim's SanctionpsBattle AreaDebilitation110100BasicLiveAmong his many deeds, Phelim is renowned for putting the mighty World Dragon to sleep with a handful of silvery sand. Drawing on this example, the Phelim's Sanction spell can stun throngs of accursed abominations with a deluge of divine light.
Divine RadiancedrNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility25100BasicLiveThe Divine Radiance spell is a matrix of two possible patterns.

The first will yield a glowing aura which enwreathes the caster, lighting the way in the darkness and eliminating the need for a torch or lantern.

The second pattern will conjure an intense beam of holy light which will streak forth from the caster's palm to strike a specified foe. The physical force manifested by the blessed ray may cause enemies to stumble, and will briefly render them vulnerable to holy attacks.
Harm HordehhTargeted AreaTargeted Magic320100EsotericLiveThe Harm Horde spell disrupts the physical manifestations of undead, demonic and cursed beings. The spell has also been known to have ill effects upon the minions of the Dark Gods, although they are neither evil nor undead. While in most respects similar to Harm Evil, the Harm Horde spell will create an expanding storm of holy energy, inflicting damage to all such beings it strikes until its power wanes.
Hand of TenemlorhotTargeted Single-TargetTargeted Magic215100AdvancedScrollAt the Hub of Windhowl there was an ancient mosaic of Tenemlor as Guardian of the Blessed: a tall white-furred lady, regal and beautiful but for one burned, withered paw. This is the hand with which She blasts anyone who dares disturb the peaceful rest of the dead.
MaledictionmaledictionBattle Single-TargetDebilitation210100BasicLiveThe Malediction spell is a curse that will enfold the target in a pall of dark energy, constricting its movement and making it less effective in combat. Be careful with this power, however, lest Harawep lay waste to your plans and turn the curse back upon you. Through deep study, it has been determined that the Malediction curse is very versatile. You may focus its energies upon your target's defense or offense abilities specifically, or weave the cast generally to affect both. An unfocused cast will be less effective than a focused one.
Horn of the Black UnicornhornTargeted Single-TargetTargeted Magic15100BasicLiveThis spell shapes holy energy into a dreamlike, ephemeral manifestation of the fabled black unicorn and unleashes it toward an enemy. Although only the horn of the ethereal beast is tangible enough, it is quite lethal.
Ring of BlessingsrobMetaspellShield Usage300IntroductoryScrollThe Ring of Blessings knowledge allows one to cast certain benevolent spells in an umbrella matrix, affecting multiple people. Those who receive the benefit of the magic surrounding the Cleric must take care not to stray too far from the source, lest the effect fade prematurely. Currently, this spell will work in conjunction with the Minor Physical Protection, Major Physical Protection, Protection from Evil, Soul Shield, Rejuvenation, and Bless spells.
Fists of FaenellaffTargeted Single-TargetTargeted Magic15100BasicLiveThe Fists of Faenella spell creates globes of holy energy that are then hurled at a single foe. An ethereal candle burns within each globe, blessing it with the divine fire of the goddess.
Hydra HexhyhBattle AreaDebilitation2525BasicLiveLike its namesake, one of Harawep's progeny, this spell asserts a tenacious and many-headed presence. By itself, it is nothing more than a barren blueprint of an incredibly complex matrix. When threaded with the right spell, however, its power will spread upon all those around the Cleric. Currently, Hydra Hex will work in conjunction with the Uncurse, Malediction and Curse of Zachriedek spells.
Aesrela EverildaeTargeted Single-TargetTargeted Magic315100AdvancedLiveThe Aesrela Everild spell will transmute a portion of your spirit energy into a physical force, manifesting as deadly bolts of flame that will rain destruction upon your intended foe. Take great care with this spell pattern -- the more mana you feed it with, the more bolts it spawns, and the more spirit energy it will expend!
Heavenly FireshfMetaspellShield Usage100IntroductoryLiveQuaintly, the knowledge of Heavenly Fires allows you to spontaneously redirect the bolts generated by the Aesrela Everild spell to a new target, when they would otherwise strike a corpse.
ResurrectionresurrectionNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility1550AdvancedLiveThe Resurrection spell is but one of the greatest gifts the Immortals may grant a Cleric. Once a soul is bonded to its body, this spell will return the body to life.
Glythtide's GiftggNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation15100BasicScrollThe Glythtide's Gift spell provides refreshment for the parched, a bit of liquid courage to the cowardly, a drop of sunshine to warm chilly bones, a most efficacious draught to wet the whistles of Bards and Barbarians, chieftains and cutpurses, lords and layabouts, Gnomes and Gor'Togs.
Murrula's FlamesmfRitualUtility2300600EsotericLiveThe Murrula's Flames spell is a powerful enchantment that will invoke the favor of all the Immortals in order to rebirth a devout Cleric in a blazing pyre of phoenix's fire. Great care must be taken, as those with wavering faith may find their state of death worsened.
Fire of UshnishfouTargeted AreaTargeted Magic335100EsotericLiveIt is well perilous -- and foolish -- to willingly evoke Ushnish's boundless anger in such a manner and hope to be spared. This spell used to be taught at the Temple of Serpents, before the volcano put an end to it. The few priests who possessed its knowledge spoke of an oracular ritual involving blood.
Sanctify PatternsapNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation24100BasicLiveThe sacred pursuit of Metamagic was born from experiments into blessing increasingly abstract subjects, such as vocations or times of day. While magic is at its heart neither divine nor "of the soul," its subtle physics have proven more amendable than most subjects to holy manipulation. Sanctify Pattern was an early fruit from that endeavor. By blessing the subject's capacity for magic, their spell patterns are in turn sanctified and express in their design a fleeting element of the Immortals' wisdom and glory. In practice, this serves to artificially bolster the subject's skill at Warding, Augmentation, Debilitation or Utility.
UncurseuncurseBattle Single-TargetUtility15100BasicLiveThe Uncurse spell can temporarily lift or permanently break a curse on an object, person or creature.
Huldah's PallhulpBattle Single-TargetDebilitation15100BasicLiveHuldah's Pall is a trickster's spell. It sets up a lattice of magic around its hapless target that drains any attempt to channel mana into a spell pattern! This means that whomever is afflicted by Huldah's Pall will be unable to cast spells for a time, including those already prepared when you cast." "Calling upon this spell's namesake is risky business, so make sure your target really is a spellcaster, or you will be the one afflicted with the curse! One can remove Huldah's Pall from its victim with Uncurse, so remember this if you forget the nature of Huldah!
Persistence of ManapomRitualAugmentation2150600AdvancedLiveThrough intense study and concentration, the Holy Mage learns to build upon what they have learned from Meraud's Gift. The Persistence of Mana spell will allow him to rend apart the normal boundaries of his magical prowess, extending those horizons to new heights. The process is painful and taxing upon his concentration, but the rewards are quite bountiful -- as long as the spell remains in effect, his capacity to harness mana will be bolstered.
Osrel MeraudomNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility220100EsotericLiveThe Osrel Meraud spell is a powerful enchantment that imbues a glass orb bearing the favor of the spell's namesake deity or one of his aspects with holy mana, transforming it into a magical reservoir. If skilled enough, the caster will be able to weave the pattern of other beneficial spells into the orb. These spells will affect the caster, but feed off of the orb as long as it has energy.
Meraud's CrymcBattle AreaDebilitation330100EsotericLiveIf your will is strong, Meraud's Cry will strip away the magic of all those around you, both man and beast. Be careful, priest, that you do not attempt to affect too many with this spell. Meraud demands a high price for His aid: the health of your soul.
Idon's TheftitBattle Single-TargetUtility\Debilitation330100EsotericLiveThe Idon's Theft spell charges its caster with latent energy sensitive to other spells. This energy may then be discharged, possibly more than once, to STEAL an adversary's spell before it is cast. Only the skeleton pattern of a stolen spell will be transferred, at minimum power, and casting it will be up to the Cleric's own skills. Although this spell has occasionally been alleged of being a sorcerous "evil eye", our Elders assure us that it is clean of any untoward magic.
Spite of DergatispitBattle AreaWarding\Debilitation320100EsotericScrollMany scholars and clergy insist that Dergati is the most venomous and spiteful of all the gods or their aspects. Hers is a method more direct and more twisted by hatred than the games of trickster Huldah or the torturing caress of Aldauth. The spell known as Spite of Dergati is an ancient magic, long thought destroyed by the righteous in the hopes it never saw the light of day again." "Spite of Dergati is powerful and dangerous in the wrong hands, for it forces all mana out of an area, effectively warding that zone and preventing any and all magic from occuring within its bubble of effect. This bubble will collapse if the caster leaves the area, so the Spite is aptly named -- none but the most spiteful would cast it without just cause.