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This list is designed to aid budding Thieves on their path. It is not all inclusive, encompassing or compatible with all RP styles. Just things I wish I had been told.

1. Don't out a fellow Thief. It's a personal choice to carve lockpicks or teach stealing out in the open, don't make that choice for someone else.

2. Don't interrupt a scam in progress, even if you disagree with it. I don't personally hold with protection schemes or smash n'grabs but it don't mean they ent profitable. I shut my mouth about it n'let th'scam go cause at the end of the day, we're about cold hard coin. Don't go warning people there's a'Thief in the area just cause you happen t'like them.

3. Steal, lie, cheat and kill each other all you want. Th'Sly could care less n'personally...well I enjoy less competition. I tend towards camaraderie in th'Guild but that ent for everyone. Dog eat dog out there. Just keep it off th'gweths which leads t'my next point.

4. Don't draw undue attention to the Guild. This requires some brains, something we're known for. It might be temptin' to fleece th'Empaths n'I wont say yay or nay onnit, bearin' in mind you'll make a'few enemies in n'out of th'Guild for it, but for Damaris' sake, don't do it while they're healin' or while they're piddlin' away in their own guildhall.

There's nothing that gets th'sheep riled up like someone stealin' from a 'helpless' Empath...nevermind two out a'three of them could feed you your own teeth.

Graverobbin's th'same. I don't particularly care for it but a platinum is a platinum. It just draws a lot of attention. Somefin we don't tend t'thrive wif. You may enjoy bein' th'center of a lynchin' but you can bet th'Sly knows what you had fer breakfast, let alone if you're pissin' in 'is pond."

Coulin claps you on the shoulder amiably. "Now don't get me wrong, there's plenty what don't follow even a'semblance of these guidelines n'do just fine. Th'Sly tolerates em n'that's good enough for me but if'n you're lookin' for a good startin' point that's it."