Festive Elf

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a festive Elf
Status: Alive
Guild: Commoner
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Location: Town Green North (Ranik Map 1)
Type: merchant

For 1 silver, he will wrap any item you GIVE him into a randomly generated package.


ASK elf about GIFT: A festive Elf nods and says, "Ayup. Just GIVE me what you would like wrapped, and I'll see what I can do!"
ASK elf about CHRIS: A festive Elf smiles. "A wonderful time of the year, no? All the smiles as gifts are passed around are just so infectious!"
ASK elf about TASK: A festive Elf creases his brow. "Task, eh? I suppose I could send you to collect some lavender to decorate some shrine or another." He looks deadly serious... until his face breaks into a wide grin and he chuckles uncontrollably. "No no. No work from me. I'm here to serve you with all your wrapping and gifting needs!"