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You see GameMaster Belladzia, a Kaldaran Paladin.
Belladzia has grey eyes. Her amber hair is long and straight, and is worn unkempt. She has fair skin. Belladzia has transcended time.
She has faint scuffing to the neck, some faint scars along the right arm, faint scuffing to the left arm, some faint scars along the left arm, tiny scratches to the right leg, some faint scars along the left leg, some faint scars along the right hand, some faint scars along the left hand, tiny scratches to the chest, faint scuffing to the abdomen, faint scuffing to the back, faint scuffing to the left eye. She is in good shape.
She is wearing a pumpkin-orange tote, an ethereal white sochi clasped by an a flawless moonstone globe, a garnet icesilk gown with a beaded halter neckline and a sturdy canvas bundle.