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Player of Jerid, just another uptight paladin.

I spent years as a wiki junkie on wikipedia, was happy to have kicked that habit and have avoided as much as possible getting sucked into elanthipedia, but here I am.

I live on a boat in real life, I have no doubt that I hold the record for most countries a single player has connected to and played DR from and in the last 5 years, if you have seen me in DR, you saw me playing while floating somewhere (I have not once played DR on "land" in 5 years). Sailing and travel has been my full time life for the past 5 years. Before that I worked for AOL in third party development (where I discovered DR).

In game, Jerid is an uptight Paladin who I have a lot of fun playing, he is entirely ignorant of women and how men and women do what they do or where babies come from (even though as a human he is 64!), encourages joint prayer over holding hands or whatever couples do (even though I am a confirmed atheist in RL), prefers milk as a drink and will not touch booze (even though in real life I am a lush and likely pretty tipsy when playing DR, one of the fun things of RPing is playing characters unlike yourself).

Anyway, I love DR, been playing for about 12 years now, I love wiki but trying my best not to get hooked again.