Random stuff.
A soft refrain comes to your mind, a woman's voice singing, "When the day is new before you and the sun has just begun, I will take your hand and guide you into the great wide world." The tune lingers for a moment, then drifts away.
You find yourself observing a small child who is sitting alone in the middle of a desolate landscape. She can be seen playing with two dolls -- a Prydaen and a Rakash one. Holding them by their backs, she makes them walk around awkwardly, but soon indicates her displeasure with a petulant pursing of her lips. With a purposeful look and a magniloquent sweep of her arms, she smashes the dolls together forcefully, and your vision comes to an end with the explosion of lifelike flesh and blood that ensues. --Zamara 16:01, 12 April 2009 (UTC)
l guard Eyes unnaturally clear, a Y'Shai Guardian moves with a heavy grace, shifting position and stance with subtle movements now and again. Black cambrinth armor covers him from head to toe, its seams oddly invisible, as if it was more a part of him than anything else. At his side, he carries a permanent crimson and onyx moonblade.