Category talk:Critter

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Revision as of 21:17, 12 April 2006 by HRODBERACHT (talk | contribs)
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Comments/Questions regarding the Critter category.

Idea about the category

Hey, had an idea. What about doing a few sub-categories in the critter category. You could further divide them by skinnable (which there is a category for that, it's just by it's lonesome though) box dropping, magic casting, undead, and any other traits that we could think of... Just an idea. If anyone agrees, maybe we should start workin on it. If ya don't, maybe I'm just nuts :)


As I'm sure you have probably seen, this has been done with the 'critter at-a-glance' template. There are a few that are made into subcategories that I'm not sure are necessary, such as the negative categories (ie. does not drop boxes) and the special attacks. I am going to probably be working on in-depth templates for general loot, box specifics, and difficulty range, though I'm not entirely sure how this should best be done yet. I have also added the critter category marker to the at-a-glance template so that any article that has that will appear in the critter category without adding the category list at the end.

Also, I'm not sure the skin type category is working out for me. It makes sense for pelt, skin, hide, etc. but what do we do with all the other random parts (ie. ears, eyes, horns, shells, claws, etc) and why is this information useful? Perhaps we can create new articles from the specific skinnables where the creation system information on that item would be listed. For example, 'blood wolf pelt' would link to the prices again, general stats of blood wolf pelt tanned armor, etc. and something like 'a hog hoof' would link to information on carving them, skill required, whatever else. Does this make sense?
