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The Darkbox is constructed of oak oiled to a rich brown color and is roughly a Human's armspan in length on each side. An ornate sign hangs on one side of the Darkbox.

Inside the box there is darkness; it's a strange, almost palpable blackness, like a cloud of night. Within this darkness living things writhe. And there are, though you can't see them, many trinkets within the Darkbox.

The Darkbox reads:
"Dare the dangers? Play the Darkbox and tempt fate for just 100 dokoras."


You count out 100 Dokoras and drop the coins into a slot in the side of the Darkbox where they vanish without a sound.

Peering into the Darkbox to spot a shiny bauble to grab or a writhing creature to avoid, you see neither. So you plunge your hand into the darkness and hope for the best....

You fish around in the unseen depths of the Darkbox but you find nothing and remove your hand in disappointment.

403 Hollow Eve Prizes

Tickets - 250 per grab
a kirmhiro draught
a sapphire-eyed cambrinth pirate (32 mana)
a spiraling cambrinth armband (32 mana)
a twisted cambrinth ring (4 mana)
a wavy cambrinth earcuff (4 mana)
some heavy steel hoops (juggling)
some small sacks of flower (juggling)
some small sacks of flour (fixed from above)(juggling)
some glass jars (juggling)
a jade/amethyst/etc brooch
a moonstone/aquamarine/etc wristcuff
a garnet/emerald/etc tiara

random 3-5g appraisal gems (an emerald-cut tourmaline, a cabochon star sapphire, etc.)
various junk items (a dirty fingernail, a grimy toenail, a severed hand, a wooden disk, etc.)