Designed after the legendary mirror used by Tezirah, this mirror is a scrying tool used by Moon Mages. Detractors claim that all such mirrors should be destroyed, some because they worry that Tezirah went mad while scrying, others simply to remove the Guild's association with the magess. Others are quick to disagree, pointing out that the mirrors themselves hold the same properties as other divination tools, while some, most notably the mages who call themselves the Progeny of Tezirah, consider their use to be a show of respect for a mage who, despite her legendary actions, was by all accounts a most skilled and powerful seer.
While their readings can be very precise, it's often very hard to see exactly what skill is effected, and they have the highest curse rate of all divination tools (which can be good in its own way). They have been described as tricky to read.
To use a mirror, you will want to make your observations, ALIGN for your prediction (and curse, if you so choose), and then GAZE MIRROR. To make a prediction for someone other than yourself, SHOW the mirror to them, and once it has caught their reflection, GAZE into it to make your prediction.
When Used
You gaze into the mirror looking for insight into the future. From the colors swirling across the surface of the glass an image appears of a sickly yellow-tinged sky filled with ominous clouds over some snow-capped mountains rising up in the distance. Kneeling next to a miniscule fire is a worried looking Elothean man staring ahead blankly.
- The state of the sky regards the magnitude of the prediction; the brighter the sky, the better.
- The cloud cover and stance indicate skill set. This is largely useless due to the way ALIGN works, however it can be exploited due to a bug/feature for useful information discussed later.
- The terrain is meaningless.
- The size of the item is the duration of the prediction, the item itself is meaningless.
- The emotion of the figure describes whether it's a blessing or a curse. "Angelic" or "estatic" (sic) indicate the blessing has been changed from a curse.
- The race and gender of the figure is a reflection of the target.
- The object of the figure's gaze is the skill, if seen.
- RP verbs that can be used with mirrors: peer, observe, stare, wave, turn, raise and clean and kiss (different with turn).
- These can be bought from the Despondant Elothean near the Crossing Moon Mage Guild for 5000 kronars.
Sky | Min. skill | Max skill | Min. bonus | Max bonus |
Forbidding | 0 | 29 | 0 | 8 |
Yellow | 0 | 52 | 0 | 14 |
Sullen | 52 | 149 | 14 | 42 |
Brooding | 84 | 218 | 24 | 62 |
Murky | 149 | 262 | 42 | 74 |
Lowering | 161 | 264 | 46 | 75 |
Darkened | 218 | 429 | 62 | 122 |
Gloaming | 255 | 469 | 72 | 134 |
Steely | 262 | 428 | 74 | 122 |
Twilight | 270 | 466 | 77 | 133 |
Sunset | 367 | 471 | 104 | 134 |
Rosy | 375 | 469 | 107 | 134 |
Bright Blue | 402 | 461 | 114 | 131 |
Sun-filled | 423 | 473 | 120 | 135 |
Message | Range | avg | pts
Tiny | 5:59-18:01 |(8:27) |5
Miniscule | 4:56-20:16 |(10:55) |11
Wee | 14:51-33:55 |(24:19) |26
Diminutive | 14:34-35:58 |(26:45) |29
Modest-Sized | 30:54-1:03:32 |(42:27) |9
Small | 33:58-59:57 |(45:44) |12
Big | 47:58-1:08:00 |(58:59) |4
Large | 55:59-1:18:58 |(1:08:37) |3
Enormous | 1:16:56 |(1:16:56) |1
Immense | 1:11:57-1:26:40 |(1:19:19) |2
Monstrous | 1:11:42-1:26:59 |(1:19:21) |2
Towering | 1:14:59-1:26:18 |(1:22:28) |3
Physical Qualities:
(bold indicate a possible starting value)
Very clear
Slightly cloudy
Age: Slightly younger Tad older Slightly older Bit older
Reflection: Little weaker Little less healthy
Frame: Tight Well (26th prediction, 26th prediction - Seems odd that this isn't 25th, but I've seen it on 26th twice now) Slightly loose (50th prediction, 51st prediction) Bit loose (100th prediction, 89th prediction) Loose (200th prediction, 190?? prediction) Somewhat Flimsy (389th)
Glass: Unscratched Slightly pitted
Weather: with a few puffy clouds//Laying (Defense) streaked with clouds//Stool (Magic) (Evasion, Perc, climbing) with ominous clouds//Kneeling (Survival, FA, Stalk, escaping, swimming, hiding, disarm, stealing, foraging, skinning) with a few drifting clouds//Ground (Offense) punctuated by streaks of lightning//Standing (Lore) Scouting? Backstab? Locks?
Landscape: Mountains Field Quarry Dunes Hills Valley
Stance: Laying Stool Kneeling Standing Ground
Size: Tiny Miniscule Diminutive Wee Small Modest-sized Big Large Towering Enormous Immense Monstrous
Item: (Meaningless to my knowledge) Rock Light Fire Steam Statue Energy Waterway Fog Smoke Waterfall Tree Lake
Mood: Cheerful Calm Smiling Serene Peaceful
Cheerless Worried Unhappy Sorrowful Frowning
Angelic Estatic (sic)
Skill: No need to collect these
Special: The image flashes, and quickly goes translucent. The mirror's surface ripples a moment, as if it was liquid. It snaps back solid looking murkier than before. The mirror's surface ripples a moment as if it was liquid. It snaps back solid looking clearer than before. Suddenly the glass cracks and shatters!