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POV: Nawain

Kethrai leans over and whispers, All right, if you still have a few roisaen, I wanted to ask some about this upcoming pilgrimage I'm hearing about...?
You nod to Kethrai.
You whisper to Kethrai, Of course! Here, or somewhere else?
Kethrai whispers, Perhaps we step inside out of the rain at least.
You grin at Kethrai.
You nod to Kethrai.
Kethrai is already following Anuril!
You join Anuril's group.
You wave to Anuril.
(Nawain steps under Kethrai's umbrella.)
Kethrai asks Anuril, We step inside out of the rain for a bit to discuss, maybe?
Anuril nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.
Anuril designates Kethrai as the new leader of the group.
Anuril grins at Kethrai.
Kethrai looks at Anuril and sighs.
Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.
You chuckle.
Heart Tender Kethrai's group entered a country inn.
Heart Tender Kethrai's group went through an open archway.
[Arthe Hollow Inn, Common Room]
The room is filled with jovial conversation, laughter, much toasting and a layer of smoky haze.  Guests of all races mingle at the long, low tables.  A Halfling holding a very large mug of beer jumps in front of the stone fireplace, lets out a whoop and bursts into a spontaneous song.  Daisy Burdock, the inn's waitress, maneuvers adeptly through the crowd carrying a tray of mugs and occasionally glancing out the window.  A menu is posted at the archway next to a prominent sign.
You also see a wooden menuboard, a polished wooden bar with several things on it, some wooden stairs and an open doorway.
Also here: Veteran Apprentice Anuril and Heart Tender Kethrai.
Obvious exits: out.
Kethrai slides a slick oilskin umbrella with an elaborately carved handle closed.
Kethrai puts his umbrella in his rose-colored haversack.
Shield of Starlight Betlind just arrived.
Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
You wave to Betlind.
You beam at Betlind!
Betlind waves to you.
Betlind hugs you.
Kethrai says, So! Thank you for staying to talk. I've heard rumors and bits and pieces about this pilgrimage you're talking about to the West, but want to know more.
You hug Betlind who gives you a smile in return.  A faint scent of forge fires clings to her skin.
You nod to Kethrai.
Kethrai hugs Betlind, who wraps her arms around Kethrai with a warm smile.
Anuril searches around for a moment.
Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.
Betlind says, Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Kethrai shakes his head at Anuril.
Anuril nods to Kethrai.
Anuril takes a bite of the hand-pie.
Betlind says, I saw y'all wander in here and just thought I'd join.
Betlind says, I saw y'all wander in here and just thought I'd join.
Betlind searches around for a moment.
Betlind blinks.
Anuril nods to Betlind.
Betlind searches around for a moment.
Kethrai says, It's just us.
You exclaim to Betlind, Not at all!
Anuril gets a parchment scroll from inside his damask cloak.
Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Anuril says to Kethrai, I got an invitation.
Anuril taps a parchment scroll that he is holding.
Kethrai blinks in amazement at Anuril.
Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Anuril offers Kethrai a parchment scroll.
Kethrai accepts Anuril's parchment scroll.
Kethrai squints at Anuril.
Anuril coughs.
Anuril whistles a merry tune.
Kethrai darkly says, Mine must've just gotten lost in the mail.
You say to Kethrai, My intention is to take as many pilgrims (and friends - not everyone need to consider themselves a pilgrim to come) will go to where the redivawzis was last seen.
Anuril nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.
Kethrai offers Anuril a parchment scroll.
You laugh!
Anuril accepts Kethrai's parchment scroll.
Kethrai giggles.
Betlind grins at Kethrai, her dimples flashing into view.
[08:08:18 PM] You say to Kethrai, We will attempt to destroy any undead or corrupted things we encounter along the way. We will make maps and lay markers, and clear road hazards if we can. We will take samples and cuttings of the old plants, to see if we can nurture them here.
Anuril asks, You're going to purchase information on the route from the mercenary?
Roughneck Rileos just arrived.
Anuril glances at Rileos.
Rileos glances at Anuril.
Anuril grins.
Kethrai asks, Or, it sounded like he was offering to introduce you to guides?
Betlind smiles at Rileos, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Rileos says, Lost track of time, didn't make it out early enough.
Rileos waves dismissively.
You say, That's my understanding, that he knows people who have guided others to a place on the western edge of the Steppes.
Anuril asks, You think him trustworthy?
You ponder.
Kethrai says, At the very least, once bought he seems to stay bought. That's not nothing, for a mercenary.
You ask, I think him... predictable?
You nod to Kethrai.
Anuril gives a slight nod.
You say, Until and unless he is paid to sabotage our pilgrimage, I don't think he will.
Anuril gets a carved meerschaum pipe from inside his silk backpack.
Anuril gets some Kertigen's spiced tobacco from inside his tobacco pouch.
Anuril puts his tobacco in his meerschaum pipe.
Anuril touches some Kertigen's spiced tobacco with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.
Anuril puffs away on his meerschaum pipe.
You say, And I'm hopeful that we won't need to follow him anywhere. He seems like man who knows know useful people.
You shrug.
Anuril ponders.
You say, But we'll see. I've mailed him, and asked about his story. I'm intruiged about this... no pack Rakash.
You shrug.
Kethrai says, So, you're going west from the Arid Steppe? That's farther south than I thought, I expected it would be from Siksraja.
Kethrai says, It means that it... might be closer to the Kather territory we were warned about.
Betlind cocks her head.
You say to Kethrai, The place the barrier was pierced most often when people were assisting the Claw of Tenemlor is down there. Perhaps this is the same place? Maybe there's still something making the other ways far more dangerous.
Rileos scratches distractedly at his stubble.
Kethrai says, Or they may just be impassable, there are lots of mountains in the way.
You nod to Kethrai.
Anuril puffs away on his meerschaum pipe.
Kethrai says, This might be why Kasizva knows so much about routes out there. It sounded like some groups in Forfedhdar were trying to make expeditions westward. He may have been hired for protection.
You ponder.
Anuril says, Speaking of, I hope everyone who's going knows how to handle themselves in a fight.
Kethrai nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.
You sharply ask, 'Dwarves? Or Prydean and Rakash?
You squint.
Anuril ponders.
You nod at Anuril, in complete agreement with his views.
Kethrai says to you, Dwarves. They weren't going to the western continent, I think they were just trying to expand into new mining areas.
You frown.
You ponder.
You rub your head.
Kethrai says, It's what led them into conflict with the Kather. And dragons, maybe.
Betlind blinks.
You say, Hmm.
Kethrai says, So we'll just need to be cautious. Ensure it's clear that we have no designs on their territory.
You ponder.
Kethrai scratches one ear, looking bemused.
You say, Certainly not. But I'd love to ensure that they have no designs on the homelands, either.
You ponder.
Kethrai says, This is all second-hand, the Grey Dragons would be able to tell you better. Or Anmuva, not that we can contact him easily.
Rileos looks at Betlind and shrugs.
You say, I'll reach out to the Dragons.
Betlind grins at Rileos, her dimples flashing into view.
Kethrai says, I doubt they do. Kather society is truly ancient. And they primarily live underground. Excavating takes generations.
Kethrai says, They don't seem like they'd be expansionist.
Betlind asks, And seem to like rangers, aye?
Betlind glances at Rileos.
You nod in agreement.
Rileos casually observes the area.
Anuril holds up his hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.
Kethrai says, Anmuva does, certainly.
Anuril says, Dislike them less.
Anuril winks.
Betlind says, Ah.
Kethrai says, But he's also of the scout caste that travels outside their cities.
Kethrai says, Um. Well, anyway. If it doesn't go without saying, I'm interested in what you're doing and want to join you.
Anuril grins.
You grin at Kethrai.
You shake Kethrai's hand.
Anuril says, Aye, same, of course.
You exclaim, I'm glad to hear it!
You shake Anuril's hand.
Kethrai says, Tekhelet's letter praised Anuril's linguistic skills, and well... I think I speak three or four more languages than he does, so hopefully that's helpful in addition to Empathic talents.
Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.
You laugh!
Rileos says to you, So I have no idea what's goin on, but don't die.  I'll get bored of the mountain if you're not screaming prayers at the top of your lungs.
You cackle!
You nod to Rileos.
You innocently say, One must be loud to reach Mrod's ears. He's very high up, you know.
Rileos says, So is the mountain.
Anuril asks, Have you sourced supplies for the trip? Arranged for caravans? Any moon mages going?
You laugh!
Anuril ponders.
Anuril says, Foraging might not be safe out there.
Kethrai asks, Also useful information, do you know when you're departing and from where?
You say to Anuril, I've made a few lists. Haven't spoke to many about it yet. Rangers, traders, moon mages, warrior mages....
Anuril nods.
Rileos says to Anuril, Out west?  It certainly ain't.
Anuril nods to Rileos.
You say to Kethrai, Late spring or early summer. Now to decide what year.
You wink at Kethrai.
Kethrai says, Good thinking on the season.
Anuril nods.
Kethrai says, Since it's already approaching late spring, I assume next year would be the earliest.
Anuril takes a long drag off of his meerschaum pipe.
You nod at Kethrai, in complete agreement with his views.
Anuril exhales some tobacco smoke.  The light smell of anise is captured by your senses until a thicker nutmeg scent suddenly overpowers it.
You say, Maybe even the one after, depending on how quickly I can get a group with enough people and support that there's any chance of success.
Kethrai says, Another angle to explore, and I'd be willing to do the legwork... Check with the local experts on Vela'tohr plants and see if we might take some seeds or saplings with us.
You nod to Kethrai.
Kethrai says, Even if they haven't unlocked a method for using the plants to cure necromantic corruption, we might still advance their research on the way.
You say, I hadn't thought of that! Good idea. Maybe Denizelva might have some.
Anuril gets some Kertigen's spiced tobacco from inside his tobacco pouch.
Anuril puts his tobacco in his meerschaum pipe.
You say, I should probably let her know, as well.
You ponder.
Anuril touches some Kertigen's spiced tobacco with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.
Anuril puffs away on his meerschaum pipe.
Kethrai says, I'll reach out to Nadigo and Salvur in my own guild. They know the most about the plants of us.
The leaves on Rileos's lirisan wristcuff briefly shimmer with a verdant light.
You nod at Kethrai, in complete agreement with his views.
You say to Kethrai, Thank you. That would be hugely helpful.
Kethrai says, You might also consider Eaadrich.
You say to Rileos, We're talking about a pilgrimage back to the Rakash and Prydean homelands. To a particular site where once was a stone that was said to be a gift from one of our Gods.
You ponder.
You nod in agreement.
Betlind ponders.
Rileos says to you, And good luck to ya.  I been out there and ain't lookin to go back.
Anuril raises an eyebrow.
Rileos says to Anuril, Years ago now.
Rileos waves dismissively.
Anuril nods.
You nod in agreement.
Kethrai says to Rileos, And Lyras's strength has had decades more to wane in the meantime.
Rileos says to Kethrai, Assumin it wanes.
You darkly say, And we can help the last little bits wane faster.
You make a grunting noise.
Rileos says, She weren't the waning kinda gal.
Kethrai distantly asks, We must, right?
Betlind says, Gotta try, anyway.
Rileos says, Oh, you do.
Rileos nods.
Anuril says to you, You should be careful of your expedition being infiltrated by those who would seek that power.
Rileos says, But I don't, so I ain't.
Kethrai nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.
You say to Rileos, She'd already faded some. What the Claw was fighting was an echo of what Lyras once was. A powerful, awful echo, but still... dimineshed.
You nod at Anuril, in complete agreement with his views.
Rileos says to Kethrai, You're charmin enough, though.  If you need dumb bodies I'm sure you could convince me.
Rileos says to you, I know, I was there.
Kethrai giggles at Rileos.
Rileos says, It weren't a good time.
Anuril frowns.
Anuril puffs away on his meerschaum pipe.
Kethrai gives Anuril a friendly nudge as he brushes his tail against his waist.
Anuril says, You may want to only include those who have the gods' favor.
You nod to Anuril.
Anuril nods.
You say, While I figured it might be self-evident, when a part of the pilgrimage is specifically to confront and destroy any undead or corruptive force we find, I'll try to be clearer. No necromancers. I will not be the one who leads more necromancers to Odcoru.
You shudder.
Kethrai says, Speaking of the topic we're tip-toeing around... There are at least some necromancers who might be useful to bring, the Redeemed. Those who have knowledge of the corruption we'd face but have turned away from it. I would vouch for Briaen certainly.
Anuril makes a grunting noise.
Kethrai asks, Unless that goes awry?
Betlind nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.
(Nawain grimaces just a little, obviously in conflict.)
Kethrai scratches one ear, looking bemused.
You say, I think the Inquistor is a very interesting man. And he inspires me a great deal.
Kethrai says, I can't tell you what the Great Pack would make of him. Or the Triquetra, for that matter. But I have personally witnessed the grace shown to him by Berengaria.
You quietly say, But those such as he have found Redmeption from the Eastern Pantheon.... Not from the Western Gods.
You shift your weight.
You say, I'll have to give it deep thought.
Kethrai gives you a slight nod.
Betlind gives a slight nod.
Rileos says, I know Briaen real good, he'd be fine dyin for the job if that helps.
Anuril ponders.
Kethrai asks, Well, let's call that plan B, eh?
Rileos says, I wish you wouldn't.  That'd make my day.
Rileos appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Betlind says, Aw, I thought I was Plan B.
You laugh!
You say to Betlind, I'd hoped you'd be a part of Plan A.
You elbow Betlind in the ribs in a playful sort of way.
Betlind exclaims, I can do both!
Betlind folds her arms across her chest.
Rileos nods in agreement.
You laugh!
Rileos says, She can.
Kethrai says, She can be part of plan A, but she IS plan B.
Betlind nods to Kethrai.
Kethrai leans on Betlind.
Betlind points at Kethrai.
Betlind says, That. Exactly that.
Betlind nods.
Betlind leans on Kethrai.
You chortle softly at some secret joke.
Anuril puffs away on his meerschaum pipe.
Rileos gets some mountain mineral water from atop a polished wooden bar.
Betlind blinks.
Betlind says, Ohhh.
Daisy places a Taffelberry fizz on the bar.
Betlind gets a Taffelberry fizz from atop a polished wooden bar.
You chuckle.
Kethrai says, NO.
Betlind nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.
Kethrai shakes his head at Betlind.
Betlind blinks at Kethrai.
Betlind asks, What?
Kethrai says, Pretty sure that isn't.
Betlind observes a Taffelberry fizz with fascination.
Betlind asks, Test?
Betlind offers Kethrai a Taffelberry fizz.
Kethrai accepts Betlind's Taffelberry fizz.
Kethrai takes a sip of his fizz.
Kethrai ponders.
Daisy places a Taffelberry fizz on the bar.
You observe Kethrai with fascination.
Kethrai takes a sip of his fizz.
Betlind gets a Taffelberry fizz from atop a polished wooden bar.
Kethrai says, ...very mild flavor.
Kethrai takes a sip of his fizz.
Anuril says, You may want to institute a protocol of checking everyone for the gods favor each morning. If someone were to die out there, even with the favor who knows where they may return to life. And in the meantime they could be replaced.
Rileos says, S'why I ain't rollin the dice.
Betlind cocks her head.
Anuril puffs away on his meerschaum pipe.
Rileos takes a sip of his water.
Kethrai says, Well, it's honestly too sweet to tell.
Betlind asks, Sounds like a good sign?
Anuril ponders.
You nod to Anuril.
Betlind offers Anuril a Taffelberry fizz.
Betlind says, Well I don't trust it now.
Anuril accepts Betlind's Taffelberry fizz.
Anuril grins at Betlind.
Daisy places some mountain mineral water on the bar.
Betlind gets some water from inside her gold sack.
Anuril takes a sip of his fizz.
Kethrai says, Unless it's one of those 'make it sweeter so you can get drunk faster' kind of drinks. But I dunno, I grew up down the road, not here.
Betlind looks at Kethrai and shrugs.
Betlind takes a drink of some water.
Kethrai says, Sorry! Hopefully I haven't spoiled a perfectly wholesome drink for you.
Rileos says, This might be the only bar in the world I ain't been scraped off the floor of, I got nothin.
You whisper to Anuril and Kethrai, OOC: You guys okay if a copy of this conversation ends up on the webpage?
Anuril whispers to your group, OOC: yep
Kethrai whispers to your group, OOC: Fine by me.
You whisper to Betlind, OOC: You okay if a copy of this conversation ends up on the webpage?
Kethrai takes a sip of his fizz.
You whisper to Rileos, OOC: You okay if a copy of this conversation ends up on the webpage?
Betlind whispers, OOC: Aye, of course.
Anuril says, ...probably have multiple people checking, in case one of them gets replaced.
Anuril asks, Have I ever told you about my doppelganger protection scheme?
Kethrai says, The other problem is that because of my metabolism it's next to impossible for me to get drunk any more. So I can't even tell by the effects.
You observe Anuril with fascination.
Anuril takes a sip of his fizz.
Betlind blinks at Anuril.
Rileos whispers, OOC: Not a single solitary fuck is given over that.  If I didn't want to be recorded permanently, I wouldn't say it
You say to Anuril, You know, you haven't.
Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.
You whisper to Rileos, OOC: Heheh! Good, just wanted to be sure!
Anuril says, It's easy. You get a bunch of envelopes...
Rileos whispers, OOC: Maybe that shouldn't go in, though
You arch your eyebrow.
Kethrai rolls his eyes.
Kethrai guzzles down some of his fizz and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
Anuril says, You write a phrase on parchment and place it in the envelope, then you seal it. You give the envelopes to your companions.
Rileos asks Kethrai, Wait, really?
Kethrai says to Rileos, Downside of being an Empath.
You nod to Anuril.
Anuril says, If anyone ever suspects someone is a doppleganger, they pull out one of the envelopes that person gave them earlier, and ask what the phrase is.
Rileos says to Kethrai, That's...awful.
Anuril says, If the person gets it right, not a doppelganger.
Anuril takes a sip of his fizz.
Anuril ponders.
You ask, That... are we expecting doppelgangers?
You squint.
Betlind asks, How do you know you didn't give the original envelope to a doppleganger?
Kethrai says, Idea is that it's impervious to mind-reading. Because the person checking doesn't know what the phrase is either, until it's opened.
Anuril says, I guess it might fail if multiple people get replaced at the same time.
Anuril nods to Betlind.
Rileos asks, Or they got replaced and just kept the envelope?
Kethrai says to Rileos, No no, YOU have the envelope.
Kethrai says, You just don't read it ahead of time.
Rileos says to Kethrai, Yeah, but what if YOU get snatched?  Then they have all the envelopes.
Anuril says, Right I would have a Rileos envelope, a Kethrai envelope, etcetera.
Anuril says, You wouldn't have your own envelopes.
Anuril says to you, I've seen risen of varying degrees of craftsmanship. Who's to say they couldn't make one that looked just like me.
Kethrai says to you, As far as your question, well... Gwenddolyn suspects there are Oculars in the Dark Hand.
Betlind takes a drink of some water.
Kethrai says, Although I'm very skeptical...
Rileos says to Kethrai, That ain't exactly a short list of what Gwen suspects.
Rileos takes a sip of his water.
Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.
(Nawain gazes at Anuril, then Kethrai, as if she expects either of them to break into laughter at any moment.)
You squint.
Betlind hums to herself.
Betlind takes a drink of some water.
You firmly say, Well. We'll be sure to bring paper and quills... and envelopes. Because doppelgangers.
Kethrai says to Anuril, More to the point... dark as it is to consider... If you were killed and then returned as a risen.
Anuril nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Anuril nods to Kethrai.
Rileos says, That's why you're checkin for favors every day.
Kethrai nods to Rileos.
Anuril nods to Rileos.
Kethrai says, Also a good plan.
You nod.
Anuril takes a sip of his fizz.
Rileos says to you, Hell, you can cast that Phelim spell y'all got?  Just toss that out from time to time.
You softly say, I also want to collect any of the unburied dead that remain every night, and put them to rest.
Kethrai says, Everybody involved should learn how Clerics, Empaths, and Moon Mages can detect necromancers and the undead.
Kethrai nods to you.
You nod at Kethrai, in complete agreement with his views.
Anuril nods to you.
Rileos says, I'm sure he won't mind ya buggin him for it, it's for a good cause.
Kethrai asks you, Would you be, um... putting them to rest in the traditional way, or the... faster way?
You say, Even if all we can do is carve a line through corrupt badlands, then that is what we will do. And each time we make this journey, we will make that line wider.
Betlind grins at Kethrai, her dimples flashing into view.
Rileos asks you, How you gettin through the barrier?
Rileos peers quizzically at you.
Betlind says, ...The 'justice' way.
Betlind nods to Kethrai.
Kethrai says to Betlind, Not what I meant, there are... funeral rites. That were abridged during the Migration.
You say to Kethrai, I hope not to spend an entire day. And... Well. Mrod has wept over those bones for innumerable days anyways. The Waters have Parted.
Betlind says, ...Oh.
Betlind coughs.
Betlind says, Sorry.
You say to Kethrai, But... Perhaps we will find some other way.
Kethrai quietly says, May just need... large supplies of naphtha.
Betlind says, Or one Anuril.
Anuril smirks.
Rileos says, Both.
Rileos nods.
Anuril gestures and a faint fiery glow surrounds his hands.  The glow quickly fades.
You chuckle.
Kethrai sighs.
Kethrai takes a sip of his fizz.
Anuril takes a sip of his fizz.
Betlind glances at Kethrai.
Betlind glances at Anuril.
Betlind frowns.
Daisy places some mountain mineral water on the bar.
Betlind gets some mountain mineral water from atop a polished wooden bar.
Betlind takes a sip of her water.
Kethrai says to Rileos, As for the Barrier, there... shouldn't be one any more, eh? Or at least, not much of one.
Rileos says to Kethrai, I ain't been that way in a spell, but last I saw it was still bein held up.
You say, I look forward to far more to sending bones of our grandparents to rest, rather than combating them, to be honest.
Kethrai says, It started fading the moment the Elders who constructed it died, and that was half a century ago.
Rileos says, And that weren't fifty years back.  Maybe twenty.
You say, The Barrier is down. There may be places where the land itself somehow absorpted the obstruction, and it is impossible for most people to push their way through.
Anuril ponders.
You say, But, as promised, the Barrier fell when the elders who cast it died.
Anuril says, I feel like we need some kind of motto.
Kethrai says to Rileos, That is strange, though.
Rileos says, I remember Lyras had some of her stragglers keeping it up once she passed.
Rileos says, And since she ain't exactly around to tell em to quit.
You say to Rileos, If the Barrier is still standing, I can get my hands on a dozen or so of those little talismans that let one pass through the field without harm.
Kethrai says to Rileos, Well, we'll have to tell them so instead.
You say, And if those don't work... We go carefully, securing a place for empaths to work on everyone who goes through quickly.
Rileos says, Don't think this is me tellin y'all not to, by the by, the west has been a long time comin.
Anuril exclaims, Reclaim the West! Or, Tomorrow Odcoru!
Anuril ponders.
Rileos says, I just remember it being standing and ain't no way through.
Anuril takes a sip of his fizz.
Betlind grins, revealing her dimples.
Rileos scratches distractedly at his stubble.
Rileos says, If she's still out there, though, I want a crack at her.
You ask Rileos, Good. Then you're coming?
You grin at Rileos.
Kethrai says, They said the Barrier was part magic, part god-wish. Maybe if enough of us are there, the Triquetra and the Great Pack whose power originally helped build it will see fit to finish it for all.
Rileos says to you, If she's out there.
You say to Rileos, Part of our  mission is to find out if she is.
Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.
You nod to Kethrai.
Anuril takes a sip of his fizz.
Kethrai asks you, I don't suppose by any miracle you know how we're actually going to FIND Odcoru?
You say to Kethrai, It's possible. It was put there to protect us. Perhaps we have learned enough, and made enough friends, that we don't need that protection anymore.
Kethrai grins wryly.
Kethrai says, Maps of the West are... pretty scarce.
You say to Kethrai, I know... Well. I know stories? I have journals, and some really old sketches of landmarks where one of the last caravans camped...
Rileos says, There's a hub through some woods not far from the barrier.  Just keep goin west.
Kethrai nods to Rileos.
You say, I'm going to need to talk to those who were old enough to make the trip as children.
Kethrai says, Sunfell Hub. One of the farthest east, Odcoru would be a lot deeper...
Rileos nods to Kethrai.
Rileos says, That's the one.
Kethrai says to you, My great-grandfather did.
You nod to Kethrai.
Rileos quietly asks Kethrai, Who?
Anuril ponders.
You ask Kethrai, Did he pass on stories?
Kethrai scratches one ear, looking bemused.
Anuril says, Were there any shards of grazhir in the west, I wonder.
Kethrai says, I mean, he's... still alive. Ahmir. I can put you in touch with him.
You exclaim, Oh!
You beam!
You nod to Kethrai.
You exclaim, Yes, please!
Anuril asks, If one could be located it would make roundtrips easier. Oh ahm, perhaps in preparation we could get some folk to create some of those... beacons?
Kethrai says, My great-grandpa Mrrar is older, but I haven't been in touch with him for a long time or even know if he's still with us.
You nod to Anuril.
You say, That's definitely a part of the plan. The trip to the redivawzis will need to be made the long way, but perhaps with horses and caravans. The way back might be significantly easier.
You say, I need to talk to Miskton about that.
You say, He's so good at explaining things so I understand.
You chuckle.
Betlind grins, revealing her dimples.
Anuril smirks.
You seriously say, I also don't quite have a good feel for how long the trip will be.
Anuril nods.
You ask, Even if we can cut down the return time, are we talking andu, or many months?
Kethrai says to you, Have you reached out directly to any of the Prydaen elders in Sunfall or Silverclaw Hub? If you haven't or don't already have a Prydaen emissary, I'd be happy to try.
Kethrai says, Months, at least, I'm sure. The whole of the Migration took a generation.
Kethrai says, That was trying to move an entire continent worth of people, of course, not a single expedition.
Rileos nods.
You ask Kethrai, I think Cote has mentioned it to some people, but she certainly hasn't approached the Elders yet. Do you know if there are planned to be any Prydean gatherings soon?
You nod at Kethrai, in complete agreement with his views.
Anuril takes a sip of his fizz.
Kethrai says, None coming up that I know of. But I can work with her on seeing what support we can get.
Rileos takes a sip of his water.
You nod in agreement.
Betlind takes a sip of her water.
Kethrai says, If we could get even one member of the Claw of Eu, they would be worth more than anyone else as a guide.
You say, I need to speak with Pfanston and see if he'd let me address his Rangers.
You nod at Kethrai, in complete agreement with his views.
You ponder.
Kethrai says, This all makes me both nervous and excited.
Anuril grins.
You grin at Kethrai.
You say to Kethrai, Right? It's like hearing a really good story for the first time. That's how I know we have a chance.
Kethrai leans back against Anuril with a loving smile.
Kethrai quietly says, Feels like making up for past mistakes, too. Well... Not really mistakes, but, regrets at least.
You nod in agreement.
You say, For generations, our peoples and the land were close. It feels like we let the land itself down when we had to flee. It wasn't just our kin we were defending while we stood our ground, it was the ground itself, but... But all we did was water it in blood. I'd like to think every drop of blood was a promise to return and set it right again. But I'm an optimist.
Kethrai wryly says, Yes... Optimistic rivers of blood soaking the soil...
You grin at Kethrai.
Anuril coughs.
Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.
You exclaim, It's a very strong promise!
You chuckle.
Anuril nods.
Kethrai says, If I hadn't left to join my guild when I did, I would probably be on Tref Bain right now, helping to build up the Prydaen Hubs there. When I made my choice, I didn't have a strong attachment to my heritage. Now that I've found one, I... well I don't regret the choice I made, because everything about my life is just as I'd want it to be. But.
Kethrai says, The missed opportunity makes me sad. And this feels like an opportunity to do something like that again.
Anuril nods.
Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
You nod to Kethrai.
You pat Kethrai on the back.
Kethrai slowly empties his lungs.
Kethrai asks, Well, I've got some letters to write and visits to pay, but for now, should we head back home, maite?
Kethrai utters a brief, inquiring mrrp? in Anuril's direction.
Anuril nods.
Betlind asks, Aw, no fightin'?
Anuril laughs!
Kethrai observes Betlind with fascination.
You whisper to Anuril, OOC: Can I add you to the pilgrimage webpage, either as a pilgrim or a supporter?
You whisper to Kethrai, OOC: Can I add you to the pilgrimage webpage, either as a pilgrim or a supporter?
Betlind casually observes the area.
Kethrai says, I guess we could do a detour to the cemetery on the way...
You whisper to Betlind, OOC: Can I add you to the pilgrimage webpage, either as a pilgrim or a supporter?
You whisper to Rileos, OOC: Can I add you to the pilgrimage webpage, either as a pilgrim or a supporter?
You giggle.
You exclaim to Betlind, So violent!
Betlind whispers, OOC: Of course. You know I'm more than happy to help out!
Kethrai whispers, OOC: Sure! Pilgrim I suppose, if I'm going?
Betlind flails her arms about.
Betlind points at Rileos.
Betlind exclaims, Not me, him!
Rileos whispers, OOC: Nah, I want y'all to keep that, I'm playing a dumb human like a pleb
Anuril whispers, OOC: Sure although I don't know what's appropriate. if pilgrim has a religious connotation probably just supporter?
Rileos rolls his eyes.
You whisper to Rileos, OOC: Heheheh!
Rileos guzzles down some of his water and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
Betlind takes a sip of her water.
Betlind sniffles at you.
Rileos screws his eyes shut and winces.
You grin.
Kethrai asks, All right, then, shall we four be off then?
Betlind beams!
Betlind joins Kethrai's group.
Rileos joins Kethrai's group.
Anuril nods.
You shift your weight.
You join Kethrai's group.
Anuril quickly salutes you by bringing two fingers to his brow.
Kethrai laughs!
Betlind looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!
You grin.
Anuril laughs!
You follow Kethrai out.