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(OOC NOTE: This page is a work in progress that will continue to be added to over time as I am able to work my way through a file of old logs. It is intended as a way to document some events from 2005-2006 as well as a means of just some fun reading, though some of the logs are of personal conversations that would not be public knowledge. For this reason, it is asked that the information on this page be treated as out of character for the sake of preserving the roleplay.)

Written from the viewpoint of Ayrell Evyntine.

Journal Introduction

I have never been much for writing journals, as the details within them can never be guaranteed to remain private. For that reason, I am not entirely sure where to begin. Perhaps with an introduction. My name is Ayrell Evyntine of the Mountain Elves. The year is 441 and I am preparing to present a lecture at the Shoan a Sidelkuloa theater in Shard as part of my History on the Rooftop series. This will not be the first lecture I have given there, though it will be the first time I have presented a lecture based on my own personal experiences rather than the notes and documentations written in the history books by others. For that reason, I am struggling somewhat with how to put my experiences into words. One does not see and endure the things an adventurer sees and endures without the mind stepping in at some point to try and dull the horrific memories for the sake of sanity and self-preservation. This coping mechanism, however, has a tendency to leave certain memories hazy. Somewhat garbled, in places. But there are those I recall with absolute clarity. Memories I am not certain I could ever truly forget. And it is those memories that I seek to put into writing now so that I may find a way to organize them in a manner that is at least... mostly cohesive. Once I have done that, I will perhaps find myself with an organized set of notes from which I can draw inspiration for my upcoming lecture.

Arrival to Shard and the Outcast War

But, where to begin? A bit of backstory about me, perhaps? Not too much, as the history of how I came to leave Elamiri and join the Warrior Mage Guild is not one I speak of lightly, nor would I dare place it into writing, in case this journal were to fall into curious hands. But there is a point in time of which I believe I can safely begin. That time being when I first ventured back to Ilithi after years as an initiate within my guild. The year was 375. I was 49 years old. Young, by Elven standards, yet I found myself recruited into the military of Ilithi in the months leading up to what is known to history as the Outcast War. I recall quite well how it happened. I was still a young mage, testing my combative abilities against the snowbeasts in the Dragon Spine Mountains when I suddenly found myself overwhelmed, taking hits, and suffering blows from which I struggled to recover. I was convinced I would meet my demise when a kind Elven gentleman by the name of Fierolan Vanyahin stepped in and rescued me, leading me to safety, as well as a healer south of the city, near the Whistling Woods at an area known to the locals as the Hollow. While there, we began to converse. I learned that Fierolan was a Commander with the Ilithi military, heading a unit known as the Ilithi Mountain Guard. Before the conversation was over, Fierolan convinced me that my combative abilities could be put to good use as a member of his unit and I pledged myself to the cause that same day. As the war went on, Fierolan and I came to be friends. Kin, in the sense that we discovered our shared heritage through the Mountain Clan that brought us closer together as loyal subjects of Her Majesty, Queen Morganae Sunderstone. I worked hard and eventually earned myself the honor to call myself lieutenant of the Ilithi Mountain Guard. I was granted my own unit, which I led proudly, alongside my fellow lieutenant, Xand Duchet. We were a force to be reckoned with - but not strong enough, it seemed, as inevitably we found ourselves on the losing end of the battle. The Outcasts arose victorious and Shard no longer felt like home. Many of us scattered in the aftermath. Personally, I spent some years hiding away at Chyolvea Tayeu'a, as did a few others of my acquaintance. Eventually, I travelled away, seeking refuge from the painful memories of the war. It was then that I received a missive from Fierolan advising that he had tendered his resignation as Commander of the Ilithi Mountain Guard. He went on to speak of his new position, as that of Consul for Her Majesty, Queen Morganae herself. He offered me to take his place as Commander, an honor of which I was more than happy to accept. I even went so far as to send word to him of my immediate return to Shard, only to then fall ill a few days later, leaving me unable to make the journey.

Post-War Return to Shard

It wasn't until around the year of 382 that I was again well enough to travel the road to Shard. My first order of business upon arriving was to seek Fierolan out and inform him of my return. We met at Milene's Rose, a place that had become like a second home to us during the war. It was where everything of importance to us took place back then. It was there that I accepted his offer to join the Ilithi Mountain Guard. It was there where I accepted his offer of promotion to lieutenant. And it was there that we reunited. Two old friends, returned to each other's lives, once again able to freely roam the streets of Shard without threat of Outcasts at every turn. While at Milene's, it seemed our thoughts had been overheard on the gwethdesuan, through which we had arranged our meeting. Our location was no secret, and we were soon joined by another fellow Mountain Elf by the name of Xelten Tyrsin. An associate of Fierolan's, who claimed that he had heard so many good things about me from the Consul that he simply could not pass up the opportunity to meet me himself. Flattery, surely, but the introduction was one that holds significance to the course of events that transpired after that night, therefore it feels an important detail to include at this point in the story.

Over the next few weeks, I began to settle back into my residency in Shard. Fierolan and I spoke often, conversations through which I learned that he had been tasked with a special mission by Her Majesty. Information gathering. Covert, of course. Whispers were rampant in the streets about necromancers, the city of Crossing suffering invasions of undead on a somewhat regular basis. My return was too recent, too new, to allow me to be of much assistance in his mission, but I offered to do what I could to help, in service to our queen.

And that is where this history truly begins.

Journal Entry One

Life in Shard was an adjustment after so long away. It was pure happenstance that another old friend of mine happened to have returned to the area as well... Hmm. Did I say friend? Perhaps acquaintance would be a better description of my association with the S'Kra Mur Moon Mage known as Smozh Zharhhtha. Our paths had crossed on several occasions, our identities known to one another. As our interactions had never been unfriendly, I viewed him as someone intelligent, capable of intriguing debate... and entirely lacking in ability to speak the Common tongue. Discourse with him required the use of lunar magic. Thoughtcasts. Telepathic links. Or, on a good day, a translator.

The reason Smozh is important, however, is that HE was the one who ultimately provided the opening I needed to truly aid Fierolan in his mission. For, as it turned out, Smozh had already formed a link with the very people in question from whom Fierolan sought to obtain information. And while I had no means of ingratiating myself, Smozh was the one who proposed a means of introduction and association. Purely for his own, perhaps selfish purposes, of course, but two can play at that game. I was young. Unfamiliar with the intricacies of politics and espionage, but I was aware enough to see Smozh's interest as an opportunity. So I seized it - fool, I may have been. Whether or not the rest was uphill or downhill from there, well... I think that depends on who you ask.

I still recall the night Smozh presented his plan. I was summoned to meet with Fierolan and his attache, Kitya, at Milene's. Someone had reached out to Fierolan to request a meeting, the subject of which started with discussions of a recent vision observed by the lunar mages. Throughout the evening, events then progressed into what would ultimately become one of the most monumental turning points of my entire life...

A Meeting of Fate (Log)

Your mind hears Smozh thinking, "Are any moon magi within the range of my thoughts?"

Your mind hears Utamael thinking, "Aye, Smozh, did you hear the whispers?"

Your mind hears Smozh thinking, "... I did."

Your mind hears Utamael thinking, "I'm studying the skies now to see what they reveal"

Your mind hears Smozh thinking, "I will try my eye as well. Please let me know if you discover the source."

Your mind hears Fierolan thinking, "<to you>" Can you meet at the Rose for a moment?

[Shard, Ruby Street]
The evidence of new Elven construction is readily apparent in the buildings that crouch closest to the Great Tower of Shard on Ruby Street. The domed Elothean architecture that can be seen dominating the skyline to the south is replaced by rising spires of flanged stone and crystal to the north. An arched gate of diamondique and steel separates the street to the south. You also see a crystal-roofed alabaster building.
Also here: Magess Kitya, Knight Magister Fierolan

Fierolan smiles.

You notice as a dappled-grey mountain lynx pads into the area.

You smile.

Kitya smiles at you.

Fierolan asks, "Join me?"

You smile at Kitya.

You join Fierolan's group.

Fierolan says, "Someone has requested our presence at the Rose. Kitya has agreed to accompany."

You nod.

Fierolan says, "Kitya, this is Ayrell Evyntine."

Fierolan says, "A former lieutenant of mine during the War."

You smile at Kitya.

Fierolan says, "Ayrell, this is Kitya Skydancing, my attache."

Kitya sinks down in a deep curtsy to you, her lashes lowered.

You say, "It is a pleasure."

Kitya smiles at you.

Fierolan says, "I have been meaning to do that for quite some time."

Fierolan grins crookedly.

Fierolan asks, "Shall we proceed?"

Kitya grins at Fierolan.

You say to Fierolan, "I was actually headed to the Rose as well."

Fierolan says, "Oh, excellent. I am not sure who has requested our presence, but we shall soon find out."

Fierolan says, "Be ready for anything, I suppose."

You nod in agreement.

Kitya laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Knight Magister Fierolan's group just went south.
[Shard, Ruby Street]
Ruby Street cuts through the heart of the only section of Shard that survived the wars with the Dragon Priests, a fact that is readily apparent in the antique appearance of most of the shops here. One inn built of seasoned wood seems to be the main attraction of this section of the lane, a cherrywood sign painted with a black rose hanging over the door. Young children of the streetrat persuasion scamper past as they run out of or into a side street that leads to the inn's stableyard.
Also here: Magess Kitya, Knight Magister Fierolan, and Doomsayer Smozh.

Knight Magister Fierolan's group entered an inn.

Knight Magister Fierolan's group just went west.
[Milene's Rose, Tavern]
Roomy and rectangular, the tavern for Milene's Rose is always busy, but strangely never so full that it becomes unbearably crowded. A booth in the corner allows for privacy, and a bar offers service for the thirsty and the hungry. There is little sign of disarray anywhere. You also see the publican.
Also in the room: Magess Kitya and Knight Magister Fierolan.

You notice as a dappled-grey mountain lynx pads into the room.

Fierolan asks, "Wait, wasn't that that fellow?"

Fierolan asks, "That S'kra fellow you know?"

You nod.

Fierolan raises an eyebrow in your direction.

You say, "It was, yes."

Knight Magister Fierolan's group just went east.

Knight Magister Fierolan's group just went out.
[Shard, Ruby Street]
Ruby Street cuts through the heart of the only section of Shard that survived the wars with the Dragon Priests, a fact that is readily apparent in the antique appearance of most of the shops here. One inn built of seasoned wood seems to be the main attraction of this section of the lane, a cherrywood sign painted with a black rose hanging over the door. Young children of the streetrat persuasion scamper past as they run out of or into a side street that leads to the inn's stableyard.
Also here: Magess Kitya, Knight Magister Fierolan, and Doomsayer Smozh.

Smozh just left.

Kitya casually observes the area.

You ponder.

Kitya turns her gaze to the sky for a few moments.

Kitya glances up at the sky.

You say to Kitya, "I'm sorry if I seem a bit non-talkative. I was a little confused by the invitation to come here. I'm normally not so short."

Kitya gestures.

Kitya glances up at the sky.

Fierolan says, "I am confused as well, to be honest."

Fierolan says, "The thoughts simply came to me. I assume it was a Thoughtcast."

Kitya ponders.

Fierolan says, "In any case, I did not recognize them."

You say, "I recognized his voice, although I am not used to hearing it in common."

You smile.

Kitya gazes intently at a dappled-grey mountain lynx.

You say, "I suppose though that it would be easier to communicate through thought in any language."

Fierolan nods in agreement.

Fierolan says, "He didn't mention your name. He referred to you as the female Elf who hunts trolls."

Fierolan flashes a quick grin at you.

Knight Magister Fierolan's group entered an inn.

Knight Magister Fierolan's group just went west.
[Milene's Rose, Tavern]
Roomy and rectangular, the tavern for Milene's Rose is always busy, but strangely never so full that it becomes unbearably crowded. A booth in the corner allows for privacy, and a bar offers service for the thirsty and the hungry. There is little sign of disarray anywhere. You also see the publican.
Also in the room: Magess Kitya and Knight Magister Fierolan.

You smile pleasantly

Fierolan says, "I thought it was time to be off the street. If he returns, he can find us here."

You say, "I supose that would be how he knows me."

You nod.

Kitya pulls down the hood of her baladrana.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "I hope you don't mind if I try some of these."

Fierolan sets about picking the wooden strongbox...

You say in Ilithic, "I don't mind at all."

Kitya says in Ilithic, "I learned how to summon Shadowlings today."

You smile at Kitya.

Kitya smiles, pleased with herself.

Kitya gestures.

Bright golden light flares for a moment. When it fades, it leaves behind the diminutive phantasmal form of a shadowling.

The tiny shadowling stretches and glances around, trying to get its bearings.

Kitya ponders.

The shadowling looks very much like a black-furred kitten, except for a pair of batlike wings protruding from its back, and tiny grasping six-fingered paws, complete with opposable thumbs. Its pale eyes dart about furtively, seeking out threats to its wellbeing as well as opportunities for mischief.

You say in Ilithic, "I saw something similar to that while I was hunting the other day..."

Kitya smiles and says to the tiny shadowling, "Welcome, little one."

As Fierolan reaches toward the shadowling, it squeals and runs for cover.

Kitya casually observes the area.

Kitya says in Ilithic, "Hmm."

Fierolan frowns slightly.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Shy little thing."

Kitya says in Ilithic, "I suppose she had somewhere to be."

Kitya nods.

Fierolan puts his lockpick in his thigh boots.

Fierolan puts his strongbox in his travel pack.

Kitya gestures.

Bright golden light flares for a moment. When it fades, it leaves behind the diminutive phantasmal form of a shadowling.

Kitya peers quizzically at a shadowling.

The shadowling makes a soft mewling noise in its sleep.

Fierolan smiles.

You say in Ilithic, "It's a cute little thing."

You smile.

Kitya smiles at you.

Fierolan asks you in Ilithic, "Have you been doing well?"

You say in Ilithic, "I have been doing all right, I suppose."

Kitya casually observes the area.

You say in Ilithic, "I've been trying to stay out of trouble."

You chortle softly at some secret joke.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "I was thinking that the two of you may be able to hunt together, if you wished."

Fierolan opens his spidersilk pouch.

You say in Ilithic, "That would be nice. Hunting alone can be terribly boring... and unsafe."

Kitya says in Ilithic, "That could be fun. I rarely see a soul when hunting."

Kitya nods.

Fierolan smiles.

Fierolan closes his spidersilk pouch.

Kitya says in Ilithic, "A stalker got me today."

You say in Ilithic, "I'm sorry to hear that. "

You frown.

Kitya says in Ilithic, "I was too focused on another opponent and I just missed him sneaking up behind me."

A pained expression crosses Kitya's face.

You say in Ilithic, "I am glad to see that you all doing all right now, then."

You smile at Kitya.

Kitya smiles at you.

Kitya says in Ilithic, "Thank you. I am feeling very much better."

Fierolan asks you in Ilithic, "Have you heard anything more from Xelten recently?"

You shake your head.

Kitya blinks.

You say in Ilithic, "I was a little disappointed by the lack of contact I have had with anyone lately, to be perfectly honest."

Kitya asks Fierolan in Ilithic, "Is she acquainted with Xelten?"

Fierolan says to Kitya in Ilithic, "Ayrell met Xelten by chance recently."

Kitya says in Ilithic, "Ahh, I see."

Kitya nods.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Shard has been quite vacant lately."

You nod.

The air shimmers for a moment as Smozh's spell ends and he becomes visible once more.

Kitya says in Ilithic, "Indeed."

You glance at Smozh, a male S'Kra Mur.

Smozh leans on his staff.

Kitya gazes at Smozh.

Smozh squints at Fierolan.

Smozh glances at Kitya.

The sleepy shadowling twitches slightly.

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Fierolan waves to Smozh.

Smozh gestures.

Sorrower Siharhh just arrived.

Siharhh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh hugs Smozh, who wraps his arms around Siharhh with a warm smile.

You say in Ilithic, "Ah... I was wondering how he was expecting to talk with us."

Siharhh smiles at Fierolan.

Fierolan asks in Ilithic, "Perhaps Siharhh will translate, then?"

Fierolan bows to Siharhh.

Fierolan smiles.

Siharhh hugs you, and you give her a smile in return.

You hug Siharhh who gives you a smile in return. A faint scent of dried blood clings to her scales.

With a graceful movement of her hands, Siharhh lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Kitya.

With a graceful movement of her hands, Kitya lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Siharhh.

You nod to Smozh.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan says, "Allow me to introduce Kitya Skydancing, my attache. Could you please pronounce your name again? My tongue is not well acquainted with the S'kra Mur language."

Kitya sinks into a deep curtsy.

Siharhh glances at Fierolan.

Siharhh points at herself.

Siharhh ponders.

Fierolan says, "I'm sorry, do you have no recollection of your name? I apologize if that is the case."

Siharhh quietly says, "I... wasn't sure who you were speaking to."

Siharhh smiles at Fierolan.

Fierolan says, "Ahh, my apologies."

Siharhh says, "My name is Siharhh Oloh'irhhnth."

Siharhh curtsies.

Siharhh says, "This..."

Fierolan smiles.

Siharhh gestures at Smozh.

Siharhh says, "Is Smozh Zharhhtha."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan bows.

Siharhh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh gestures at Fierolan.

Siharhh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh gestures at Kitya.

Smozh nods.

Kitya nods to Smozh.

Kitya curtsies to Smozh.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh nods to Smozh.

(Siharhh stands beside Smozh, preparing to speak as he does.)

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "A vision."

You say to Kitya in Ilithic, "I apologize in advance if he seems a little rude. It is hard to understand what he is thinking sometimes."

Kitya chuckles at you!

Fierolan gazes thoughtfully at Siharhh.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "Elves, and... a tower."

Fierolan furrows his brow.

Smozh asks Fierolan something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "A tall spire, made all of black marble with but one door. Do you know it?"

Fierolan says, "All of black marble... It is not immediately familiar."

Fierolan frowns.

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "Then what of three elves, one in robes of crimson, one charcoal, one azure?"

You ponder.

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Fierolan says, "Their robes suggest the moons of Elanthia, of course, but as to their identities..."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Siharhh says, "Yes, I thought as much of the colours."

Smozh gestures.

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

You ask Fierolan in Ilithic, "What are the races of the three up for the position of Ferdahl?"

Smozh gestures.

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Smozh gestures.

Fierolan says to you in Ilithic, "All Elotheans. I believe they must always be."

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "I suppose I should have figured as much."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan says, "Depending on the vision, they may be Children of Kalestraum."

Siharhh says, "We may have company soon. One of your kind, I believe."

Fierolan says, "The three Elves, I mean. But I am not much of a scholar of Moon Mage splinter groups."

You smile.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "That is a valid suggestion."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "What do you know of Necromancy?"

You shudder.

Fierolan says, "Aside from what little I know of its foul, perverted nature... I know that some practice it openly, and others seek it. In varying degrees of secrecy."

Fierolan says, "Linked strongly with such savory characters as Velmix and Sidhlot, the arch enemy of my people."

You say in Ilithic, "Now that you mention it though, during the war I did have a vision regarding it... and it involved a tower..."

You ponder.

Scryer Utamael just arrived.

Utamael cackles!

You say, "Sorry. I was talking to myself."

Utamael bows.

Fierolan smiles at you.

Utamael says, "Greetings"

You see Scryer Utamael Leafrider, Telepath of Ilithi, an Elf.

Utamael casually observes the area.

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "Velmix... if you must call him that... yes. What do you know of Velmix?"

Smozh nods to Utamael.

Lashes lowered, Kitya sinks down in a deep curtsy before Utamael.

You smile at Utamael.

Utamael ponders.

Fierolan nods politely to Utamael.

You say, "I know that he has taken my life once or twice...."

You glance at Siharhh, a female S'Kra Mur.

Smozh asks Utamael something in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan says, "I have heard little of him since the War. During that time, he used roving poisonous clouds and soul-stealing magics."

Siharhh asks, "Fierolan suggests Kalestraum's children may be who you see?"

Utamael says, "Well, there are two elves in the vision..."

Fierolan says, "Symbolized by the Raven, he has a certain... following."

Utamael says, "One holds the knife..."

Utamael says, "The other looks down in sadness, empty-handed..."

Siharhh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan asks, "Knife? Some sort of ritual?"

Fierolan raises an eyebrow.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Utamael says, "Well, it is used to stab me in the back... in the vision"

Utamael shudders.

Siharhh says something in S'Kra Mur.

You peer quizzically at Smozh.

Siharhh says, "And, did you see anything after you were... pulled into this 'tower?'"

Utamael says, "Not exactly. When I came out of the vision I felt cold, and the sound of some whispered voice echoed constantly in the back of my mind..."

Utamael says, "It was calling out to me but then faded."

Utamael ponders.

Smozh nods to Utamael.

Smozh asks Fierolan something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "Does the term 'feeder' seem familiar to you?"

Utamael shakes his head at Siharhh.

Utamael asks, "No, should it?"

Fierolan says, "Feeder? Without a context, it means little to me, I'm afraid."

You say, "I can't say that I know of it either."

Siharhh quietly says to Utamael, "I am translating for Smozh. It was his question, directed to Fierolan."

Smozh says something to Fierolan in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "Let me help give you context."

Fierolan nods to Smozh.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Utamael dusts himself off.

Utamael closes his nightsilk satchel allowing the complicated fastenings to snap into place, sealing it.

Siharhh says, "There are three 'feeders,' I have been told. One I have met, an Elothean. Another, S'kra Mur, and the last... I do not believe I was given a race."

Fierolan raises an eyebrow.

You ponder.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "I believe the term has Necromantic connotations."

Fierolan furrows his brow.

Fierolan asks, "Many Necromantic magics seem to require the souls of others, or even physical pieces of them. Perhaps these 'feeders' collect such atrocities?"

Utamael says, "There was something else... the two elves were nearly identical"

Siharhh says, "I am aware that the Elothean female I met with seems to have sway over some of the undead. 'Mine are garbed in crimson, she tells me.'"

Kitya gazes intently at a dappled-grey mountain lynx.

Utamael says, "It was hard to tell them apart except by subtle differences in the way they held their jaws, and the different patterns of age lines on their faces"

Smozh asks Utamael something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks Utamael, "As in, relatives? Or did they seem to be two halves of the same whole?"

Utamael says, "Aye, two halves of the same whole perhaps, or two identical twins..."

Fierolan asks, "The Elothean female... Was she extremely haughty? Did she ride a flying broom, by chance?"

You chuckle.

Fierolan smiles faintly.

Fierolan says, "Odd questions, but perhaps relevant."

Smozh asks Utamael something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks Utamael, "Or, the same person wading at two different places in the stream of time?"

Smozh says something to Fierolan in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says to Fierolan, "I cannot say that she rode a broom of any sort, no... But she did not move much while we spoke."

Fierolan nods.

Utamael says to Siharhh, "Well, it was strange... they began to swirl around me, floating through the air as by telekinesis..."

Utamael says to Siharhh, "Eventually they were moving so fast I couldn't keep track of which was which. That was when I felt the knife in my back."

Siharhh glances at Smozh.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "I admit, I am confused what two identicle mages clad in moonlike robes could mean..."

Fierolan says, "The concept of identical mages is tugging at something in my memory... However, it may be nothing."

You say, "Well, a good while ago when I had a vision it did involve necromancers being in the Moon Mage tower here in Shard...."

You say, "I'm wondering if all of this could be associated with that..."

You say, "That may be what all the moon like robes are referring to."

Siharhh stands near Smozh.

Smozh nods to you.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "Though Utamael did tell me that it was not the Great Tower he saw."

You say, "Well..."

Utamael says, "It certainly didn't look like it. It was a spire of solid black marble."

You say, "In my vision from long ago, it showed the tower falling, and another one rising up in its place."

You say, "And when I think back on it... it very well may have been black marble."

Utamael says, "Oh, that is interesting..."

Fierolan says, "I believe that referred to the rise of the Outcasts, though they have since fallen. Just a theory."

You say, "Don't hold me to it. This was a few years ago."

Utamael says, "In my vision, the black marble tower seemed to burst forth from the ground amid thunderous explosions..."

You shake your head.

You say to Fierolan, " I know that my vision wasn't dealing with the Outcasts."

Smozh asks Utamael something in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan nods to you.

Siharhh asks Utamael, "Can you recall your vision for us now? In as much detail as you are able?"

Utamael says, "Let me think... as soon as I fell into the vision I could hear the tunderous explosions all around me. A moment later the ground erupted upward..."

Utamael says, "er thunderous"

Utamael coughs.

You say, "I would probably need some time to think back on it... But I remember seeing the Moon Mage Guild Leader from here in Shard doing something in the tower. I can't remember exactly what but it caused some kind of explosion and the tower fell. Another one rose up in its place and he was still standing there amongst it all."

Utamael says, "It left a tall black spire of solid black marble climbing high into the sky. It's sharply pointed pinnacle seemed to block out the mid-day sun."

You say, "There are holes to my memory though. I wish I could recall it with more certainty."

You say, "That just sounds so familiar..."

You shake your head.

Utamael says, "Then a single door appeared before me, opening slowly with a screeching sound that put my nerves on edge."

Utamael says, "I stepped forward, glancing around in the darkness, and then some unseen force reached out and pulled me into the shadows."

Utamael says, "As I mentioned, when I came out of it I felt cold, and the sounds of a whispered voice echoed in the back of my mind, calling to me."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan quietly says, "I'm afraid Kitya and I have to leave for now, but I will think on this and let you know if I have any theories."

Kitya says to Fierolan, "As you wish."

Utamael says, "So perhaps this tower of black marble does not yet stand..."

Siharhh leans on Smozh.

Kitya curtsies to Fierolan.

You nod at Utamael, in complete agreement with his views.

You smile at Fierolan.

You smile at Kitya.

Smozh says something to Fierolan in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan smiles and bows, taking in the entire company with the gesture.

Siharhh says, "I will be awaiting your words."

Utamael bows to Fierolan.

Smozh nods to Fierolan.

Fierolan smiles.

Fierolan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Knight Magister Fierolan's group just went east.

The mountain lynx pads off.

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Smozh gestures.

Utamael says, "If the vision really does mean that the tower has yet to come about, perhaps the same event that brings the tower into existence will reveal the meaning of the identical ancient elves"

You nod.

Smozh says something to Utamael in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says to Utamael, "I prefer not to wait until after the fact to discover the meaning of these portents."

You smile.

Utamael chuckles.

You say, "I'm sure that we all feel the same way."

Utamael says, "Indeed"

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "Hmm... The Elothean I spoke with in River's Crossing is now standing with a fellow that I had seen hiding by the ferry..."

(Smozh interrupts Siharhh.)

Smozh exclaims something to Siharhh in S'Kra Mur.

Utamael glances at Smozh.

Smozh glances at Utamael.

Siharhh quietly says, "I am sorry. Apparently he did not wish that translated."

Siharhh bows her head, raising her arms with palms facing entreatingly upward and her tail curling humbly about her left ankle.

Utamael shifts his weight.

You glance at Smozh, a male S'Kra Mur.

You arch your eyebrow.

Siharhh asks, "I am uncertain if the question was posed after you arrived. What do you know of Necromancy, and the attacks on Crossing?"

Smozh fixes Utamael with a cold, reptilian stare.

Utamael says, "I know nothing of Necromancy save the magics I have seen wielded by Sidhlot long ago."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "And by Velmix, Jomay, Lasarhhtha. You did not know of them?"

Utamael says, "As for the attacks on Crossing, I was present at the observatory when the death spirits attacked. They were everywhere."

Utamael says, "I know of them, but I have never actually seen any of them."

Smozh ponders.

Smozh gazes at a twisted bronze ring etched with images of dancing S'Kra.

Siharhh glances at a black wool tailwarmer patterned with tiny white scorpions.

You say, "I don't believe that they were all using the same magic..."

You say, "Jomay and Velmix I have witnessed with my own eyes... although the last one mentioned I cannot say that I know much of."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "It is close enough. Lasarhhtha's magic perverts moon mana, Jomay's does the same to life mana. Velmix, I am uncertain, though I believe elemental mana is his preference."

You say, "With that in mind, I suppose I do see the connection."

You nod.

Utamael says, "Of course, I can't think of anything in the visions that particulary indicates necromancy at work."

Utamael ponders.

Utamael says, "But I suppose there is usually a necromancer behind these events"

Utamael chuckles.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "No, the visions seem innocent of it. Perhaps I am just preoccupied..."

You smile.

Utamael says, "Perhaps..."

Utamael says, "The black tower made me think of Sidhlot, but now I think perhaps this particular tower does not yet exist. That makes more sense."

You nod.

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "Was not Sidhlot absorbed by the Zaulfung?"

Utamael shakes his head.

Smozh gets an odd expression on his face.

You say, "Maybe the attacks of undead on Crossing are also signs that something is going to happen soon."

Utamael says, "It seems likely that there is a link between the attacks and the visions."

Utamael says, "But I can not see it... not yet."

You nod.

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "Perhaps we are thinking too locally. Did anything suggest that this vision was intended for Ilithi?"

Utamael shakes his head at Smozh.

Utamael says, "No, nothing"

You say, "I think that it was just assumed, what with the current... so-called political situation."

You shrug.

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "Then, would it not be prudent to discuss this with magi of other regions?"

Smozh glances at Utamael.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh holds hands with Siharhh.

Siharhh blinks.

Siharhh says, "Apparently we will be right back."

Utamael says, "Aye, actually I have tried to contact a few. I would especially like to speak with Kelvena."

Doomsayer Smozh's group just went east.

You ponder.

You say, "That was strange..."

Utamael asks in Ilithic, "How can you tell what's strange when dealing with s'kra mur?"

You smile at Utamael.

Utamael cackles!

You say in Ilithic, "You have a valid point."

You chuckle.

Utamael says in Ilithic, "I also tried to contact Collettea; I thought perhaps she may be able to think of some ancient elven moon mages."

Utamael says in Ilithic, "She was preoccupied however."

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "It seems everyone is a little preoccupied these days."

Utamael says, "Perhaps Caelumia... she seems to know much of history"

You ask in Ilithic, "Have you been experiencing frequent visions as of late, or is this the first one?"

Utamael says, "This is the first in some time"

You nod.

Utamael gestures.

With a raspy sigh, a shadowy mirror drifts up out of the ground.

Utamael rubs the shadowy mirror, and it clouds over and turns extremely murky.

Utamael gazes morosely into a shadowy mirror.

Utamael gestures.

Utamael rubs the shadowy mirror, and it clears up, losing its murkiness.

Doomsayer Smozh's group just arrived.

Smozh slowly empties his lungs.

Smozh puts his ring in his long coat.

Smozh gazes morosely into a shadowy mirror.

You glance at Smozh, a male S'Kra Mur.

Smozh glances at Utamael.

You gaze into the shadowy mirror to see...
[Middens, Crossbow Bend]
Before you stands the Observatory of the Southern Crossbow. It is a three-story edifice, its sixteen-sided walls capped with a crystal dome. The top floor is also the nerve center of the Moon Mages' Guild, a most powerful and revered arcane circle throughout Elanthia. All in all a rather quirky structure, it manages to inspire awe and curiosity at the same time. A carved ivory door leads inside. You also see some braided grass, a soft pink muslin shirt, and an ivory urn.
Also here: Fateweaver Caelumia, Nagrop who is sitting, Genune, Tzian, and Darkeno.

Darkeno shrugs.

Caelumia asks, "Have you come up with anything?"

Utamael gestures.

Caelumia says, "A few."

Utamael gestures.

Utamael gestures.

Caelumia frowns.

Utamael gestures.

Caelumia asks, "Did you get a good look at them?"

Utamael says, "I'm speaking with Caelumia to see if two ancient elves jogs anything in her memory..."

Utamael gestures.

Utamael mutters cryptically to himself.

Utamael gestures.

Utamael gestures.

Caelumia furrows her brow.

Caelumia says, "Where are you? Perhaps we can discuss this in person, and save you the trouble of Thoughtcasting."

Utamael chuckles.

Utamael gestures.

Caelumia gives a slight nod.

Caelumia says, "I can meet you halfway at the gondola if you like."

Smozh joins Utamael's group.

Siharhh joins Utamael's group.

You join Utamael's group.

Utamael says, "One moment, I need to contact another friend up north..."

Smozh gazes morosely into a shadowy mirror.

Utamael gazes morosely into a shadowy mirror.

You gaze into the shadowy mirror to see...
[The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road]
Majestic lunat trees line this byway, donated by the town's prosperous traders, a reminder of how their Guild delights in improving the quality of life for beings all over Elanthia. One such wealthy merchant, though not as ostentatious as most, is Berolt, the dry goods dealer. His venerable general store here outfits adventurers with all the basic necessities. The row of trees on the north side of the street also serves to shade the south half of Town Green.
Also here: Dolruval.

Utamael gestures.

Dolruval nods.

Dolruval says, "Sure thing"

Dolruval just went south.

Dolruval taps his foot impatiently.

Utamael asks, "Can we move this meeting to the atrium?"

Utamael grins.

Utamael says, "That would be a bit easier"

Siharhh glances at Smozh.

Smozh looks at Utamael and shrugs.

Utamael nods.

Scryer Utamael's group just went north.


Scryer Utamael's group just went northeast.
[Moon Mage Guild, Atrium]
The skylights curve down like a canopy over this small chamber, enclosing the northeastern hemisphere in a bubble of translucent, glittering crystal. A polished bronze telescope is here for students of the stars, but most visitors come just for the breathtaking view. From here, one can see for miles past the towers and streets of Shard, all the way to the walls of Leth Deriel in the far distance.
Also in the room: Ascendant Smozh, Sorrower Siharhh, and Scryer Utamael.

Utamael nods.

Utamael gestures.

With a raspy sigh, a shadowy mirror drifts up out of the ground.

Utamael gazes morosely into a shadowy mirror.

Smozh gazes morosely into a shadowy mirror.

In a blazing fountain of red-gold sparks, a red Moongate blazes into life.

Fateweaver Caelumia came through a red Moongate.

A red Moongate collapses in on itself.

Utamael gestures at a shadowy mirror.

A shadowy mirror shudders and splits into a thousand shards that quickly melt away.

Utamael bows to Caelumia.

Caelumia bows to Utamael.

Utamael says, "Thank you for coming"

You smile at Caelumia.

Caelumia says, "Good to be in the company of other Seers."

Utamael says, "I remembered you reciting some historical facts and thought perhaps something in the visions may jog your memory."

Utamael grins at Caelumia.

Caelumia says, "Well, I can think of several ancient Elves that use Lunar mana and that would be inclined to stab someone in the back...But no twins."

Utamael says, "Oh, where are my manners. Caelumia, this is Ayrell, Smozh, and Smozh's translator Siharhh."

You smile pleasantly

Caelumia bows to you.

Caelumia bows to Smozh.

Smozh nods.

Caelumia bows to Siharhh.

With a graceful flutter of her hands, Siharhh sinks down in a formal curtsy.

Utamael says, "I am thinking perhaps it symbolizes the duality of an individual rather than literal twins... since no one can think of any moon mage twins"

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "And so, then. What new light do you bring?"

Caelumia says, "Nice to meet you, dira'ela. And you as well, poho."

Siharhh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh raises an eyebrow in Caelumia's direction.

Smozh glares defiantly at Caelumia, setting his tail firmly behind him.

Smozh smiles at Caelumia.

You say, "Can you recall much about the elven Moon Mages that you referred to? Perhaps that might give us some kind of a start to think on."

You ponder.

Caelumia says, "I know that Sidhlot is a proficient Lunar mana user, and that he seems to have an inclination toward those of the guild from my observations."

You nod.

Utamael says, "Interesting, he was the first that came to mind for me as well."

Utamael says, "But he has been in hiding since just after the Sorrow War."

Caelumia says, "He has kept himself busy in one way or another, that much I am sure of."

Utamael ponders.

Caelumia says, "Do you have any idea how old Karosti may be? We know precious little about the Kalestraum line."

Utamael says, "Hmm..."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh nods to Smozh.

Siharhh asks, "Forgive my sudden tangent, but were I to reference 'a pompous fool who wears far too much silk and cologne,' who comes to mind?"

Caelumia laughs!

Caelumia asks, "Taramaine?"

Siharhh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Utamael frowns.

Smozh shakes his head at Siharhh.

Siharhh nods to Smozh.

Siharhh says, "Apparently he does not believe that was the intended reference."

Caelumia says, "I have a healthy dislike for the man, I'm afraid."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Caelumia tugs on her ear.

Siharhh asks, "You mentioned age lines in their descriptions. Did the twin magi seem old?"

Utamael says, "Ancient beyond description"

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "Perhaps they were not meant to be literal. They may have been an allusion to the guild, or a certain faction of it."

Utamael says, "Agreed; nothing else seems to fit. It must be symbolic..."

Caelumia says, "The Nomads come to mind. Or perhaps the Pethians."

Caelumia says, "The guild itself isn't very ancient after all."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "Tezirites."

You ask, "Was there anything similar to the Moon Mage guild that came before the Moon Mages?"

You shrug.

You say, "Just an idea."

Caelumia asks, "Mostly loosely associated Lunar mages. Even the Saesordian Cabal wasn't that long ago...a thousand years, perhaps?"

You nod.

Utamael says, "Two mages nearly identical... they whirl through the air until you can't tell them apart... then one stabs you in the back, and you can't tell which one did it."

Utamael ponders.

Caelumia says, "That does sound more like it."

Caelumia asks, "Still, how does it relate to now?"

You ask, "Are there any Elven Moon Mages in history that were known for being two-faced?"

You say, "To a great degree, I should add."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "What race was Tezirah?"

Caelumia says, "Human."

You ponder.

Caelumia says, "As is the Crowther line...Nothing else really comes to mind."

Caelumia asks, "Are you certain they are Moon Mages of the guild or merely Lunar mages?"

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Utamael says, "Perhaps some ancient faction which is now a part of the guild is about to betray the rest, and conceal its actions."

Utamael frowns.

Siharhh asks, "What notable difference is there?"

You nod in agreement.

Utamael says, "They are not wearing guild or sect symbols, just robes the colors of the moons."

Caelumia says, "The guild is young. Lunar magic and its users are very old though."

Caelumia says, "And not all Lunar mana users are of the guild. Like Sidhlot and his kin."

Utamael says, "That thought is comforting in a strange way. With the recent conflict between Taramaine's orders and Mortom's actions I'd rather not see things escalate from within the guild."

You ponder.

Utamael asks, "Well, what of the black marble tower then. No towers of solid black marble in the history books?"

Caelumia grins.

Caelumia says, "Ah...perhaps one."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "I recall something about a tower in the mountains..."

Utamael asks, "Eh?"

You ask, "You aren't referring to the Citadel, are you?"

You glance at Siharhh, a female S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh looks thoughtfully at Smozh.

Smozh grows quiet, an intense look of introspection overtaking his features as his tail lowers slightly and stretches into stillness.

Caelumia says, "The substance was most definitely black marble, then...Hm."

Utamael says, "Aye, solid black marble with a sharply pointed pinnacle."

Utamael nods to Caelumia.

Smozh looks thoughtfully at Caelumia.

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "What is your reference to, then?"

Utamael glances up at the sky.

Caelumia says, "I was thinking of Sithsia's tower. But it is made of black neitrice, not black marble."

Utamael nods.

Utamael says, "Then perhaps this tower does have yet to come into existence. In the vision it bursts forth from the ground."

You nod.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "I still sence the lingering touch of Necromancy."

You ask Caelumia, "Do you remember much about some of the visions that were seen around the time of the end of the war in Ilithi?"

Caelumia shakes her head.

Caelumia says to you, "I'm afraid I was out of touch with things for the duration of the war. I ignored the Web. An error on my part."

Smozh slings his staff over his shoulder.

You say, "I ask because I recall a specific vision that I received around that time that has a lot of similarities to the vision received recently. I was hoping someone else might remember it as well."

You say, "I tried to describe it earlier but I fear I am lacking all of the details."

You frown.

Caelumia furrows her brow.

Caelumia asks, "How did things progress in this vision? From the tower bursting forth to the twins?"

Utamael says, "The two were separate visions..."

Utamael says, "In the first, the two elves being to whirl about until I couldn't tell which was which, and then I was stabbed in the back."

Utamael says, "In the second, the tower burst forth amid thunderous explosions. A single door opened slowly with a screeching sound, and as I stepped inside looking around, something pulled me into the darkness."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "Perhaps they are more linked than you think..."

Siharhh says, "In the first, you die."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh says, "In the second, you are consumed by darkness."

Caelumia grins.

Caelumia says, "An interesting way of looking at it. You know, I wonder how these relate to the recent undead attacks."

Smozh nods to Caelumia.

Caelumia says, "An acquaintence of mine mentioned something concerning the wraiths and a great darkness."

Utamael peers quizzically at Caelumia.

Utamael asks, "Oh?"

Smozh glances outside a moment.

Caelumia says, "A prophecy that was supposedly delivered years ago."

You say, "I actually mentioned a connection between the two earlier as well."

Smozh glances up at the sky.

Smozh glances up at the sky.

After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

Smozh glances up at the sky.

After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

Caelumia asks, "You know of who I speak, then?"

Utamael asks, "What do you know of this prophecy?"

You say, "I don't know much about the prophecy, but I do see how the recent undead attacks could be linked to this vision."

Caelumia says, "That the coming of the plague wraiths signified the coming of a great darkness."

Caelumia says, "I also recall the wraiths being Maelshyvian in origin, so perhaps this isn't far off."

You glance at Smozh, a male S'Kra Mur.

Utamael asks, "Maelshyvian?"

Smozh taps his albredine ring with an old katar.

The albredine ring resonates with a clear bell-like tone as its color fades away completely.

Smozh puts his katar in his thigh quiver.

Caelumia says, "The demon that has set up her fortress in the wicked swamp near Riverhaven."

Utamael ponders.

Caelumia says, "She creates many such things. I recall hearing that the wraiths were also her creations."

Utamael says, "Interesting. I rarely venture out of Ilithi... I knew nothing of the demon in Riverhaven."

Caelumia says, "She rose here in Ilithi."

Caelumia shudders.

Caelumia says, "I was there. It was a nightmare."

Utamael asks, "Really? When was this?"

Caelumia says, "Years ago. She rose from the Abyss under the church past the Darkmist Moor."

You ask, "Here's kind of a strange question... Do any of you know much about the one known as Medmaev?"

Caelumia says, "Archrost walked that same night, likely as a result of the ritual."

You say, "I was there that night... I do remember that."

You nod.

Caelumia shakes her head at you.

Caelumia says, "I've never even heard that name."

You ponder.

You say, "He was known for having a twin..."

Caelumia asks, "Who was he?"

You say, "I'm trying to remember some important details, but during the war the name came up quite often in regards to concerns of Necromancy."

Utamael says, "He was a kobold necromancer, aye..."

You say, "If my memory serves me well, they were both Bards.... "

Caelumia asks, "Bardic necromancers?"

You shake your head.

You say, "No, they were originally Bards. If I remember correctly, Medmaev killed his brother..."

You say, "I don't think it was in cold blood, but he never recovered from it..."

You say, "Medmaev and Medmaep, I believe were their names..."

You say, "I don't know, it may have something to do with them, it may not. I'm just rambling due to the similarities I suppose."

Caelumia says, "I suppose I'll have to ask around about them."

Utamael says, "I need to shift a beam through to make sure I can get you home in a bit..."

Utamael gestures.

In a blazing fountain of red-gold sparks, a red Moongate blazes into life.

You notice Navak peering through the other side of the Moongate.

A red Moongate collapses in on itself.

Smozh fixes Utamael with a cold, reptilian stare.

You say, "I'll have to see what all I can remember as well. I haven't thought about them much since the war."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "What was that gate for?"

You say, "The memory of him having a twin though just made me think."

Utamael says, "Shifting my Katmaba beam through since Yavash is about to set."

Caelumia leans back.

Caelumia says, "Well, Elven twins are quite rare...I'm sure if we ask around someone will remember something. Assuming these fellows haven't kept a low profile, that is."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh fixes Utamael with a cold, reptilian stare.

Siharhh looks at Smozh and blanches.

Utamael glances at Smozh.

Siharhh says, "Smozh says that the one who looked through the gate was the same person that he believed to be following him."

Caelumia raises an eyebrow.

Caelumia asks, "Navak?"

Smozh asks Caelumia something in S'Kra Mur.

Utamael says, "That means Navak is standing outside the bank in Crossing, since that's where that gate went to."

Siharhh asks Caelumia, "Do you know him?"

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Caelumia wrinkles her nose.

Smozh gestures.

Utamael says, "Hm and he is still there."

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Smozh gestures.

Caelumia says, "I wouldn't say know in an endearing fashion. He was involved with a young Elven friend of mine a bit ago. I didn't exactly approve of the relationship."

Utamael says, "Ah, the sun has set"

You sigh.

Smozh glances outside a moment.

You say, "I just realized one flaw in my Medmaev memory... I don't think they were elven twins..."

Utamael says, "It seems the stars will only show me those two visions."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Caelumia frowns.

Smozh casually observes the area.

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes.

Siharhh asks, "Smozh was wondering if anyone knew a 'Meanne,' who lives in Crossing currently?"

Utamael says, "Ah Darkeno on the platform"

Caelumia nods.

A beam of ruby brilliance splits the sky.

Caelumia says, "Yes, I know of Meanne."

Siharhh nods to Smozh.

You say, "I know her, yes."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "Know of her, or know her?"

In a blazing fountain of red-gold sparks, a red Moongate blazes into life.

Darkeno came through a red Moongate.

A red Moongate collapses in on itself.

Utamael nods to Darkeno.

Darkeno says, "Okay, nevermind with the harnessing 50 mana, then."

You say, "Knew her better long ago."

Darkeno offers Caelumia a jagged black shard.

Darkeno says, "Thanks."

You see Darkeno Shadowsomber, Backstabbing Novice of the Gypsies, an Elf.

Caelumia accepts Darkeno's black shard.

Smozh grows still, fixing Caelumia with a cold, calculating look and lowering

You say to Smozh, "She used to have an acquaintance with one known as Gromnir..."

Smozh gazes at you.

Darkeno nods.

Darkeno just went southwest.

Utamael says, "It looks as if I will see nothing more this eve. It is probably time I went home to sleep on this a bit."

Smozh fixes Utamael with a cold, reptilian stare.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh says he heard something..."

Darkeno just arrived.

Utamael appears to be listening intently for something.

Darkeno just went southwest.

Caelumia cocks her head at Smozh.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Utamael peers quizzically at Smozh.

Siharhh says, "A male voice, clear and strong."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Caelumia gazes heavenwards expectantly, but lowers her eyes unfulfilled.

Siharhh says, "It says that we are given our names by a power greater than we..."

Smozh darkly says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "...and that name is Defiler."

Utamael frowns.

You ponder.

Smozh's eyes darken with thought, and his tail grows very still.

A swirling vortex of shadows draws itself from the ground and coalesces into a black Moongate, which yawns open like a hungry maw.

Darkeno steps out of the Moongate, which collapses immediately behind him.

Utamael asks, "I don't understand... who is given the name Defiler? All of us?"

Utamael ponders.

Caelumia furrows her brow.

Darkeno gives Utamael some coins.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Utamael blinks at Darkeno.

Siharhh says, "Smozh is going to try to remember it exactly."

Smozh grows quiet, an intense look of introspection overtaking his features as his tail lowers slightly and stretches into stillness.

Smozh darkly says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh recites:

"Names are a terrible thing."

Darkeno gazes solemnly at the sky.

Smozh darkly says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh recites:

"To name something is to impose your vision of meaning upon it."

Smozh darkly says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh recites:

"A thousand names will be given to the whole, each making the world yet more twisted and profane."

Caelumia says, "This sounds familiar.."

Smozh darkly says something in S'Kra Mur.

Darkeno gazes solemnly at the sky.

Siharhh recites:

"You, imperfect and near-sighted, do not have the right to name even yourself."

Smozh darkly says something in S'Kra Mur.

Utamael frowns.

Darkeno jots down some notes.

Darkeno gazes solemnly at the sky.

Siharhh recites:

"Greater powers have given you and your kind a name and that name is Defiler."

Smozh grows quiet, an intense look of introspection overtaking his features as his tail lowers slightly and stretches into stillness.

Siharhh grows still, fixing Smozh with a cold, calculating look and lowering her tail slightly.

Caelumia says, "This seems to be the same man we heard in a previous vision."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly asks, "And what was the content of that vision?"

Caelumia says, "I wish I could remember how it went exactly. He mentioned the name of the mage seeing the vision in it...Saying perhaps he would take another name and that ours would suit him."

Darkeno asks, "The one where he decides to use the predictee's name, yes?"

Caelumia nods to Darkeno.

Darkeno says, "Or the predictor's, I forget how that went."

Caelumia says, "The one doing the prediction."

Darkeno says, "Something about a chamber, and a man saying the name of the person who the predicter, and saying that name would suiit him."

Caelumia says, "He also mentioned a thousand names for a thousand pieces of the whole, or something to that effect."

Smozh taps his albredine rings together.

Utamael asks, "I'm afraid I really must get some rest. I still have a beam in Crossing if you wish to return before I go?"

Utamael glances at Caelumia.

Caelumia furrows her brow.

Caelumia says, "Darkeno's choice."

Smozh ponders.

Utamael peers quizzically at Darkeno.

Darkeno says, "Whatever you'd prefer."

Utamael laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Darkeno says, "Well, you came here to discuss."

Darkeno asks, "I can just gesture at the moongate to send a beam through, yes?"

Utamael nods to Darkeno.

Utamael says, "I'll open it"

Darkeno gestures.

Utamael gestures.

A swirling vortex of shadows draws itself from the ground and coalesces into a black Moongate, which yawns open like a hungry maw.

Darkeno nods.

A black Moongate collapses in on itself.

Darkeno says, "That'll work."

Caelumia bows to Utamael.

Smozh nods to Utamael.

Caelumia says, "Thank you. Have a nice evening."

You smile at Utamael.

Darkeno says, "Thanks again."

Utamael says, "Caelumia, thank you for making the long, hard journey down here to join us"

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Smozh gestures.

You say to Caelumia, "It was a pleasure meeting you."

Caelumia smiles at you.

Utamael says, "Darkeno, always a pleasure. Smozh, I'm sure we'll be discussing this further when I see around in the days to come"

Darkeno nods.

Utamael waves to you.

Utamael says, "Ayrell good to see you again"

Caelumia says to you, "Always good to meet new people...New threads."

Caelumia stretches her arms.

Scryer Utamael's group just went southwest.

Scryer Utamael's group just went northwest.

Utamael says, "Er"

Scryer Utamael's group just went southeast.

Smozh chuckles.

Utamael laughs!

You grin.

Utamael stops you from following him.

Utamael cackles!

Utamael waves.

Scryer Utamael just went southwest.

Darkeno gazes solemnly at the sky.

Darkeno blinks.

Caelumia lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Smozh asks Caelumia something in S'Kra Mur.

Darkeno gazes solemnly at the sky.

Siharhh asks Caelumia, "As I asked prior, how do you know the Elotean Meanne? Ayrell has answered, but you?"

Darkeno offers Caelumia a jagged red shard.

Caelumia says, "I know her and of her mainly through her connection to the one that calls himself the Viper."

Darkeno shrugs.

Caelumia accepts Darkeno's red shard.

Caelumia puts her shard in her velvet bag.

Darkeno says, "I do not know why the cat will not stick to it."

You ask, "The Viper?"

Caelumia says, "She recently stirred up some trouble here in Ilithi as well."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh asks, "The Viper? Does this one have another name?"

Caelumia says, "Well, not trouble, persay...Though quite a bit did follow her actions."

Caelumia says, "Yes."

Caelumia says, "Magmus Bloodston."

You ask, "Are you referring to her inquiry into becoming Ferdahl?"

Caelumia nods.

You ask Caelumia, "May I be so bold as to ask your opinion of that possibility?"

You smile at Caelumia.

Caelumia says, "I believe she was within her right to do so."

Caelumia says, "However, I am also convinced that such a thing would never happen."

You nod.

You say, "I feel the same way."

Caelumia nods.

Caelumia says, "So it is not worth getting worked up over in my opinion."

Caelumia says, "Many disagree."

Caelumia says, "It is interesting to watch in any case."

You say, "I have found many who do, that is why I choose now to ask one's opinion before voicing my own."

Caelumia says, "Wise."

Caelumia grins wryly at you.

You see Fateweaver Caelumia Y'laeth, Pickpocket of the Gypsies, an Elf.

Smozh gestures.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "We need to speak about the Elothean in Crossing."

You nod to Smozh.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head asking, "Would you like to remain in Ilithi, or would you prefer to see Meanne face to face?"

You cough.

You glance at Smozh, a male S'Kra Mur.

The tiny shadowling makes a show of ignoring Siharhh.

You ponder.

Siharhh smiles at a shadowling.

>whisper Smo Perhaps we can discuss her and then possible see her face to face?

You whisper to Smozh.

Smozh shakes his head.

Caelumia gazes heavenwards expectantly, but lowers her eyes unfulfilled.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh nods to you.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh says that he heard the voice again, and the message has not changed."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

You nod.

Caelumia frowns.

Caelumia furrows her brow.

Siharhh quietly says, "... And that it is time for us to leave."

Smozh gestures.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "The rose. Three roisaen."

Caelumia says, "Ah...May I ask why you were inquiring about Meanne? If it will not take more than a moment of your time."

Siharhh joins Smozh's group.

A beam of clear silvery-blue light descends from the heavens.

Smozh grows still, fixing Caelumia with a cold, calculating look and lowering

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "She and Smozh have had some sort of agreement. He says that you do not need to know more than that, and that you should not be concerned."

Caelumia nods.

Caelumia says, "Of course. I was merely curious."

Smozh slings a gnarled ironwood staff off from over his shoulder.

Smozh leans on his staff.

Smozh pushes his spectacles up the bridge of his nose.

Smozh bows.

With a graceful flutter of her hands, Siharhh sinks down in a formal curtsy.

You ponder.

Caelumia bows to Smozh.

Caelumia bows to Siharhh.

You say, "I suppose I should be on my way as well."

You smile at Caelumia.

Caelumia nods.

You say, "I'm sure I will be seeing you again at some point."

Caelumia says, "We should probably head back north...I have a few people to speak to about this."

Caelumia nods to you.

You ask, "If you hear anything, will you let us know?"

Caelumia says, "I look forward to it."

Caelumia says, "Of course."

You smile pleasantly

You say, "I appreciate it."

You say, "I will do the same with any news I may hear."

Darkeno says, "I can just shift us back South, if necessary."

Caelumia says, "Thank you."

Darkeno nods to Caelumia.

Caelumia clasps Darkeno's hand tenderly and draws him into her arms.

Darkeno says, "Uh."

Darkeno says, "If we're heading north, I can just open a gate from here."

Darkeno asks, "Ready?"

Caelumia says, "Yes."

[Milene's Rose, Tavern]
Roomy and rectangular, the tavern for Milene's Rose is always busy, but strangely never so full that it becomes unbearably crowded. A booth in the corner allows for privacy, and a bar offers service for the thirsty and the hungry. There is little sign of disarray anywhere. You also see the publican.

[Milene's Rose, Private Booth]
Circular and featuring just the right compliment of shadows to light, comfortable seats, padded with blue velvet upholstery that features the signature black rose motif of Milene's, await those who enter here. The soft perfume of flowers drifts through the air, and a crisp midnight blue cloth of thick linen covers the tabletop.

Siharhh's tail cautiously lifts into a kind of "U" shape.

You smile at Siharhh.

Siharhh smiles at you.

Siharhh whispers, "Smozh is waiting for us."

You nod.

>whisper Sih Here, or are we meeting him elsewhere?

You whisper to Siharhh.

Siharhh casually observes the area.

Siharhh whispers, "Follow me."

You join Siharhh's group.

Sorrower Siharhh's group just went east.


[Hangman's Noose, Private Table]
Big enough to seat ten or more, this wide round table offers a view of the tavern and its rowdy patrons. Antique instruments of torture have been mounted on the walls in this corner, part of the owner's grisly collection. You also see a menu.
Also in the room: Sorrower Siharhh.

Siharhh searches around for a moment.

Sorrower Siharhh's group just went out.
[Hangman's Noose, Common Room]
Crackling torches light this musty room, the air filled with the smells of smoke, roasted meat and strong ale. Tables have been pushed away from the center of the floor to form a makeshift stage for a small band, playing raucous and bawdy shanties on battered instruments. A long bar lines one wall to the west, and a broad table is pushed against the opposite corner. You also see a dim doorway leading into a back room.

[Hangman's Noose, Private Table]
Big enough to seat ten or more, this wide round table offers a view of the tavern and its rowdy patrons. Antique instruments of torture have been mounted on the walls in this corner, part of the owner's grisly collection. You also see a menu.

The air shimmers for a moment as Smozh's spell ends and he becomes visible once more.

Smozh takes a seat near a wide round table.

Siharhh takes a seat near a wide round table.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "What do you know of Meanne. Fierolan and yourself seemed... interested."

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Smozh gestures at you.

You feel oddly in sync with Smozh for a moment.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

You sit down near a wide round table.

Smozh gestures.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Speak directly to me. My link with you will translate the context. And... speak quietly."

You quietly say to Smozh, "Before I speak, I need to make sure that there are no prying eyes or ears around."

Smozh searches around for a moment.

You quietly say, "I want as few people to know as possible."

Smozh looks thoughtfully at you.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head asking, "How do you propose to be sure we are alone?"

You glance at Siharhh, a female S'Kra Mur.

Brother Blashyrkh just arrived.

Blashyrkh appears to be concentrating intently on something.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Smozh gestures at Blashyrkh.

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Smozh commands to Blashyrkh, "Sit!"

Brother Blashyrkh just went out.

You quietly say, "I have a feeling that this is not the best place to be for privacy."

Siharhh stands up.

Siharhh closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Siharhh says, "You are alone."

Sorrower Siharhh just went out.

You quietly say, "Hopefully that wandering gentleman will not keep coming through here."

Smozh nods to you.

You quietly ask, "What exactly would you like to know?"

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "This Elothean is up to something, and based on your reaction to the name, you know what she's up to."

You quietly say, "I know some, although I wish that I could say I knew more."

You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "She now has an alliance with the Dragon Priests, and seeks one with the Progeny of Tezirah."

You ponder.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head asking, "Why does she want such powerful, and outcasted, allies?"

You quietly say, "I assume that it is because she wishes to become powerful herself. One does not attempt to gain the position of Ferdahl without some kind of hope for power in mind."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head asking, "So, she wishes to be Ferdahl, does she?"

You nod.

You quietly say, "She was vying for the position at one point."

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Smozh gestures.

You suddenly hear a brief babble of nonsense inside your head.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Her attention seems now focused on Zoluren. She commands several undead, crimson clad legions."

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "That was my taking on it, that is."

You quietly ask, "That is very interesting... How is it that you came to know of this?"

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "I am the Dragon Priest that made the pact with her and her order. Though I believe she thinks..."

You peer quizzically at Smozh.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "... that I am a follower of the wretched Dzree. Though she is gravely mistaken."

You quietly ask, "What would have given her such an idea?"

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Necessary evil is a reduncancy to that woman."

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "She does not see two sides to the coin. She sees her side, and is content not to look further."

You nod.

Smozh opens his tail pouch.

You quietly say, "I would not assume her to be intelligent enough to see both sides, although she seems to have found a lot of details on her own side, if you know what I mean."

Smozh closes his tail pouch.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head asking, "What is your intention toward Meanne?"

You quietly say, "I don't believe that I really have an intention. More of a curiosity."

You quietly say, "Although there is importance I suppose to my curiosity."

Smozh looks thoughtfully at you.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Perhaps I can use that curiosity..."

You peer quizzically at Smozh.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "I suffer from this... language barrier."

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "It is a drain in my mana and makes social interaction diffifuclt."

You ponder.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "I may be able to solve that, however..."

Smozh gets a clouded blue albredine ring from inside his long coat.

Smozh slings his staff over his shoulder.

Smozh holds a clouded blue albredine ring in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Smozh ponders.

Smozh taps his albredine ring.

Smozh holds a clouded blue albredine ring in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Smozh offers you a clouded blue albredine ring. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You accept Smozh's offer and are now holding a clouded blue albredine ring.

Smozh gets a clouded blue albredine ring from inside his long coat.

Smozh slides a clouded blue albredine ring onto his finger.

You ponder.

You slide a clouded blue albredine ring onto your finger.

You will now hear the thoughts of those who wear albredine rings attuned to yours.

Smozh taps his albredine ring.

Your mind hears Smozh thinking, "{group}" "Hear me?"

You tap your albredine ring, preparing it to send your thoughts out only to those wearing a ring attuned to yours.

Your mind hears Ayrell thinking, "{group}" "Can you hear me now?"

Smozh nods to you.

You quietly ask, "So what do you propose?"

Smozh slides a clouded blue albredine ring off his finger.

Smozh puts his ring in his long coat.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Do not be seen with the ring on. If I need you to hear me, I will send you a message first."

You slide a clouded blue albredine ring off your finger.

You open your purple backpack.

You put your ring in your purple backpack.

You close your purple backpack.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "To more pertinent business... I will connect you to Meanne."

You quietly say, "How do you intend to do that"

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "You can understand her. I cannot. You will learn her motivations. I will learn them from you."

Smozh taps something inside his long coat.

You quietly ask, "I assume that you will be present with me when I am with her?"

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "At first, yes. After that, things may progess more naturally."

You quietly ask, "How do you propse getting her to trust me?"

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "I will present you as my protector. Meanne will understand. She has an elven protector as well."

You nod.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Smozh gestures at you.

You feel oddly in sync with Smozh for a moment.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Show loyalty and you will be trusted."

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Display a love of evil and she will never question you."

You quietly say, "Should I act as though I am something I am not? I find it hard to believe that she will trust me if she knew I were of the Mountain."

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Act as you see fit. If you are discovered, I will claim no knowledge of it."

You nod.

You quietly say, "It is risky buisness what we are about to do..."

Smozh nods to you.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "It is not the first time I have done such. And it will not be the last... I hope."

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "In return for this, however, I ask something."

You peer quizzically at Smozh.

You quietly ask, "And that would be?"

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Have your captain arrange a meeting for me. With his Queen."

You ponder.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "These 'three' are clearly not going to seize control of Ilithi."

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "I wish to speak with that which has true sway."

You quietly ask, "I hope you do not take offense by me asking this, but if you are so willing to help share information on the one you supposedly have an alliance with, how can I be sure that you will not pass along any information that you gain from us, or the Queen?"

You quietly say, "My Captain, as you call him, will not be so easy to trust one who is not an elf to be in the presence of our Queen."

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "You cannot. And you must deal with that, if you wish to get any closer to the Elothean."

You quietly say, "Though I believe I could convince him."

You sigh.

You quietly say, "It is frustrating."

You quietly ask, "I know that I cannot make you, but may I at least request that you keep our secrets as our secrets... for my safety?"

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "I may be subversive and underhanded, but I am not a fool. Your safety is my longevity."

You quietly say, "And keep in mind that if anything happens to the Queen and I discover that it is in any way your doing, I will no longer be inclined to assist you any further. "

Smozh nods.

You arch your eyebrow.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Understood, without a doubt."

You quietly say, "In that case... I make no promises, but I will speak with my "Captain" about your meeting."

Smozh nods to you.

You quietly say, "I will do my best to convince him that it is safe. He trusts me so therefore I hope he will take my word for it."

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "I am but one, near-sighted S'kra Mur, old and lame. He has nothing to fear of me."

You quietly say, "I do not know much of your species, but you do not look old to me. I have learned from past experiences to never judge a book by its cover. Everyone can be full of surprises."

You glance at Smozh, a male S'Kra Mur.

You quietly say, "But I will take your word on it."

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "I earned the trust of the late Ferdahl, and the Prince of Zoluren. The Queen will trust me."

You smile with amusement.

You quietly say, "If what we are attempting is successful, I can guarantee you of her trust."

Smozh nods to you.

You quietly ask, "I will have to speak with Fierolan alone first, in order to convince him to set up the meeting. After getting an answer, I will let you speak with him. May I ask one question of you though?"

Smozh raises an eyebrow in your direction.

You quietly ask, "If the meeting is arranged, would I be allowed to accompany you?"

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "If you wish, I see no reason why you should not."

You nod.

You quietly say, "Perhaps I could act in a manner to make the meeting easier for you... save your mana."

Smozh nods to you.

Smozh glances at something inside a long leather coat marred by burns and badly patched holes.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

You peer quizzically at Smozh.

Smozh stands up.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "I will alert you when we are to return to Zoluren to meet Meanne."

You nod to Smozh.

You quietly say, "I'm sure you will be able to find me..."

You smile.

Smozh nods to you.

Smozh gestures.

The air around Smozh begins to shimmer.

You search around for a moment.

You stand back up.

You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.

You sigh.

Journal Entry Two

And just like that, he was gone. As always. Goodness, though, it is strange to remember how different I was back then. Naïve, to many things, despite my... worldly experience... acquired through all that I witnessed, suffered, and learned while fighting to survive and protect the people of Ilithi during the war. Even my speech patterns were so changed, though I suppose I can explain that easier than I can most other differences about myself from the past. During my time in Zoluren, when I first approached Gauthus to join the Warrior Mage guild, I was... in hiding, so to say. In order to avoid making my identity, and therefore my link to my family in Elamiri known, I made myself set aside my mother's teachings about formal language and immersed myself in the speech patterns of those around me. Part of me cringes now to think what my mother would have said if she had seen me then... but that is neither here, nor there. How easy it is to digress when writing to oneself.

Smozh. Ah, yes. Back to the topic at hand. I left that meeting feeling somewhat uncertain. Excited, in many ways. Smozh's offer was exactly what I needed if I was going to be of any use or assistance to Fierolan in his mission. Serving as Smozh's bodyguard provided an opening to renew my acquaintance with the Elothean woman in whom I was aware Fierolan held an interest. There was just that nagging little detail of his request for Fierolan to arrange a meeting for him with our Queen. I knew Smozh. To most extents, I trusted him. His reputation was well-known for his friendly acquaintance with the late Ferdahl Kukalakai. She trusted him, which made me more inclined to trust him, but in matters involving my Queen, trust is not something I give lightly. I held my doubts about whether it was a good idea to arrange the meeting, though I had promised I would bring the matter to Fierolan because I knew it was what Smozh required me to say in order to move forward with our arrangement. So I feigned confidence in my ability to persuade Fierolan, knowing well enough that I would not push him if he disagreed with the request. The same as I knew I would respect his wishes if he asked me to extricate myself from the arrangement with Smozh. My loyalty was, is, and always has been to my queen, and as her Consul, Fierolan's wishes were the next thing to her wishes, therefore I found myself in a position of wanting to help, but knowing that I could only move forward if I could acquire Fierolan's blessing. So that was exactly what I set out to do a few days later.

To Obtain the Consul's Blessing (log)

You tap an albredine crystal ring that you are wearing.

[Shard, Ruby Street]
Ruby Street cuts through the heart of the only section of Shard that survived the wars with the Dragon Priests, a fact that is readily apparent in the antique appearance of most of the shops here. One inn built of seasoned wood seems to be the main attraction of this section of the lane, a cherrywood sign painted with a black rose hanging over the door. Young children of the streetrat persuasion scamper past as they run out of or into a side street that leads to the inn's stableyard.

You hold your talisman tightly and concentrate on summoning your goose.

With a loud honk, a russet goose flies in and lands ungracefully near you.

You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .

With a great leap, a russet goose launches into the air.

The russet goose flaps loudly off.

You sense that your familiar has caught up with Fierolan and you concentrate on its vision...
[Shard, Lapis Lazuli Road]
A tub filled with willow withies soaking in water sits beside a bench near the door of one home. Atop the bench, a half-finished basket displays a two-tone interlocking diamond pattern typical of the area. Linden trees shade the bench, making it a comfortable place to work even during the heat of the day. You also see a dappled-grey mountain lynx who is sitting, a silver grey horse, and an unremarkable cottage.
Also here: Knight Magister Fierolan.

You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The russet goose lands and squawks, "My mistress was wondering if you may be available to meet her at the Rose?"

Fierolan smiles.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Certainly. I shall be there directly."

You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The russet goose squawks, "She will be seated inside the booth."

Fierolan nods to a russet goose.

You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
You feel a sensation of loss and realize your familiar has wandered off.

[Milene's Rose, Private Booth]
Circular and featuring just the right compliment of shadows to light, comfortable seats, padded with blue velvet upholstery that features the signature black rose motif of Milene's, await those who enter here. The soft perfume of flowers drifts through the air, and a crisp midnight blue cloth of thick linen covers the tabletop.

You settle yourself on the comfortable seats.

Knight Magister Fierolan's group just arrived.

Fierolan sits down on the comfortable seats.

You notice as a dappled-grey mountain lynx pads into the room.

You smile at Kitya.

Kitya sinks down in a deep curtsy to you, her lashes lowered.

You smile at Fierolan.

You say in Ilithic, "Thank you for coming on such short notice."

Kitya says, "Good afternoon, Lady Ayrell."

The mountain lynx sits down.

Kitya sits down on the comfortable seats.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "You're quite welcome."

Kitya searches around for a moment.

You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.

[Milene's Rose, Private Booth]
Circular and featuring just the right compliment of shadows to light, comfortable seats, padded with blue velvet upholstery that features the signature black rose motif of Milene's, await those who enter here. The soft perfume of flowers drifts through the air, and a crisp midnight blue cloth of thick linen covers the tabletop. You also see a dappled-grey mountain lynx who is sitting.

You say in Ilithic, "I have some... strange news for you."

Fierolan gestures.
A glistening green light rises around his shoulders in a shimmering cascade, tumbling down his body towards the floor like a collapsing rockslide.

Fierolan asks in Ilithic, "Oh?"

Fierolan raises an eyebrow.

You ask in Ilithic, "Do you remember much about the meeting we had with my... acquaintance by the name of Smozh?"

(Kitya sits attentively.)

Fierolan nods to you.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "The translated meeting."

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "It went on for quite a long time. We ended up having a nice get together of Moon Mages inside the Atrium of their Guild... I was a little amused, though. I believe they may have mistaken me to be a Moon Mage myself."

You chortle softly at some secret joke.

Fierolan chuckles to himself.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "The Atrium is rather nice. Not quite as impressive as our Cloud Walk, but nice nonetheless."

You say in Ilithic, "I mention this simply because I had another meeting after leaving the Guild tower. I gathered some information that might be of interest to you. I hope, anyway."

You smile.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Excellent."

You say in Ilithic, "It would seem that Smozh has been brought into a very interesting situation."

You say in Ilithic, "The, Elothean, as I'll call her, apparently has sought him out."

Fierolan asks in Ilithic, "Were they acquainted before?"

You say in Ilithic, "I believe they knew each other only by reputation."

You say in Ilithic, "He has a very interesting history with the Ferdahl... and Jomay."

You cough.

Kitya ponders for a moment.

Fierolan frowns slightly.

You say in Ilithic, "Had, I should say."

Fierolan asks in Ilithic, "Where did his sympathies lie?"

You say in Ilithic, "With the Ferdahl. He was working with her to... uncover certain information."

Fierolan gives a slight nod.

You say in Ilithic, "I don't believe that the "Elothean" was aware of that part, however."

Fierolan nods.

You say in Ilithic, "Either way, he has been welcomed into her little group of followers."

You ponder.

Fierolan asks in Ilithic, "Very interesting indeed. What are his intentions?"

You say in Ilithic, "That is where it gets even more interesting..."

Fierolan gazes thoughtfully at you.

You say in Ilithic, "He has requested that I accompany him to the meetings to act as his "Bodyguard" as he put it. He explained a way that the two of us will be able to communicate with each other, despite the language barrior. He requested that I be his, translator."

You say in Ilithic, "And in so doing, allow us both to gather information as needed."

Fierolan leans back.

You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.

(Fierolan gazes at his steepled fingers, brow furrowed slightly.)

You say in Ilithic, "I asked him how he believed it would work and he simply responded that she herself has an elven bodyguard..."

You chuckle.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "She does? That is news to me. I knew of a Human."

Fierolan asks in Ilithic, "How will you be his translator, out of curiosity?"

You say in Ilithic, "He claimed that this particular Elf appeared a little annoyed that he was not allowed into the meeting with them."

You smile with amusement

Fierolan chuckles.

You say in Ilithic, "Well, it worked for the meeting between the two of us, so I believe that it will work. He will communicate with me via his thoughts. He was able to link us, somehow, and therefore allowing him to at least somewhat understand what I was saying to him. He also gave me something that would allow me to communicate back to him with thoughts as well."

You ask in Ilithic, "I am sure that you are aware of the colored albredine rings?"

Fierolan nods to you.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Yes, some militaries used them extensively during the War, though we favored the crystal ones."

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "There is only one thing that he requested of me that I am not sure if I can grant him."

You frown.

Fierolan raises an eyebrow.

You say in Ilithic, "He requested a possible audience with the Queen... And for our comfort, he said that we could be present if we so distrusted him."

You say in Ilithic, "I explained to him the difficulty of arranging such a thing."

You shake your head.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Perhaps the most difficult thing in the world to arrange, truth be told."

You nod in agreement.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Many have asked me for it, and none have been accommodated."

You say in Ilithic, "Which is why I was a bit bothered by the request."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "The best I can guarantee is to pass along messages. I make regular reports to Her Majesty."

You say in Ilithic, "Do you think it would be at all possible to let her know that he wishes to speak with her. If I can at least tell him that she is aware of his desire to speak with her, he should be content."

You say in Ilithic, "Whether it actually happens or not.."

You shrug.

You say in Ilithic, "I told him that it could be a lengthy wait."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "I can guarantee that. However, I must insist that I be told his purpose. I do not blindly make such requests."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "If a would-be assassin or spy passed through my hands, the blame would fall on me."

You say in Ilithic, "I told him you would say exactly that. He said that if that were the case, he would arrange to speak with you on it."

Fierolan nods to you.

You say in Ilithic, "He seemed quite understanding... and I do unfortunately admit to having threatened him myself on a few occasions over the possibility of anything bad befalling the Queen."

You say in Ilithic, "He understands that it would mean his life as well."

Fierolan smiles slightly.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Of course."

You say in Ilithic, "And he is full aware that I could take his easily. Though I don't usually like to speak in that fashion."

You frown.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "I rarely make the threat, as it's usually understood among our people."

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "I felt the need to inform him... just in case he wasn't aware."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "If he does not have something substantial to offer the Queen, I will not even pass the request along."

You nod.

You ask in Ilithic, "Would you like me to see if I can contact him?"

You say in Ilithic, "I don't imagine he is too far away."

Fierolan ponders a moment before finally nodding.

You say in Ilithic, "Judging by some thoughts that I heard a short while ago, I know that he can't be too far off."

You ask in Ilithic, "I should ask though... Would you be opposed to the idea of me getting involved in all of this?"

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "It seems to pose an interesting opportunity. However, it adds certain wrinkles. Specifically, in the form of your friend."

You nod.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Your trust in him seems less than certain."

You say in Ilithic, "I do trust him... very much in fact. I have known him for a long time and I am aware of where his loyalties have always been. I just know that I have no control of anyone's actions and in the case of the Queen's safety, I don't really trust anyone."

Fierolan nods to you.

You say in Ilithic, "Outside of a very select few, that is."

You smile.

(Fierolan takes a moment to adjust the clasp on his velvet riding cloak.)

You ask in Ilithic, "Would you like me to try and contact him, or should we wait for another time?"

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "You may contact him now."

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "One moment."

You stand back up.

You bow.

[Milene's Rose, Front Desk]
Gleaming dark wood compose the floor and walls here, and tiny roses have been carved into the satiny, varnished planks. Warm sunlight streams through the open doorway, alive with the dance of motes of dust. A black desk serviced by a young woman curves out of the east wall. Stairs lead up, a pattern of black roses woven into the blue carpeting that covers them. You also see a short flight of steps.

[Milene's Rose, Private Booth]
Circular and featuring just the right compliment of shadows to light, comfortable seats, padded with blue velvet upholstery that features the signature black rose motif of Milene's, await those who enter here. The soft perfume of flowers drifts through the air, and a crisp midnight blue cloth of thick linen covers the tabletop. You also see a dappled-grey mountain lynx who is sitting.
Also in the room: Magess Kitya who is sitting and Knight Magister Fierolan who is sitting. Obvious exits: out.

Kitya closes her travel pack.

You hear Smozh's loud thoughts in your head saying, "Meet Meanne and myself at the Atrium, in the Great Tower. Quickly."

Fierolan asks in Ilithic, "Did you succeed in contacting him?"

(Ayrell holds her head for a moment, a pained expression crossing over her face.)

Fierolan frowns.

Kitya gazes at you.

You say in Ilithic, "Oh no..."

You frown.

Fierolan asks in Ilithic, "Is something the matter?"

You say in Ilithic, "I may have to meet up with you in a little while."

You say in Ilithic, "My presence has been... requested..."

You sigh.

Kitya glances at Fierolan.

Fierolan nods to you.

You say in Ilithic, "I will hopefully be in touch with you in a short while. I apologize for the sudden change of plans."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "No worries."

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "I will speak with you shortly then."

You smile slightly.

Fierolan nods.

You bow.

Fierolan stands up.

Fierolan bows.

[Moon Mage Guild, Atrium]
The skylights curve down like a canopy over this small chamber, enclosing the northeastern hemisphere in a bubble of translucent, glittering crystal. A polished bronze telescope is here for students of the stars, but most visitors come just for the breathtaking view. From here, one can see for miles past the towers and streets of Shard, all the way to the walls of Leth Deriel in the far distance. You also see a scruffy leopard who is sitting.
Also in the room: Tantrum Meanne who is mounted on a polished ash-handled broom that is flying and Ascendant Smozh.

You nod to Smozh.

Meanne gazes thoughtfully at you.

You smile at Meanne.

Meanne nods politely.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Smozh gestures at you.

You feel a calm wash over you, but you think about blood and gore for a moment, and it goes away.

Meanne smiles at you.

Meanne says, "You have lovely taste in guards. There goes my flattery again."

Smozh nods to you.

You sit down.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

You see Tantrum Meanne DeIredescence, Storm Maiden of Elanthia, an Elothean Warrior Mage.
Meanne is mounted on a polished ash-handled broom.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Meanne gives Smozh a slight nod.

Meanne says, "Speak for yourself. I think most of Ilithi would be glad to see me dead"

Meanne laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Smozh slings a gnarled ironwood staff off from over his shoulder.

Smozh leans on his staff.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Smozh seems to be concentrating intently on something.

Smozh gestures at Meanne.

Meanne dusts herself off.

Smozh leans on his staff.

Smozh clasps your hand tenderly.

Meanne's snake charm coils up off her left arm and drapes its body across her back, from shoulder to shoulder.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Smozh sighs.

Meanne raises an eyebrow.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Smozh gestures.

Sorrower Siharhh just arrived.

Meanne's broom floats down to the ground then she dismounts off of it.

With a graceful movement of her hands, Meanne lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Siharhh.

Siharhh smiles.

Meanne pulls out her ash-handled broom's retractable strap then slings it over her shoulder.

Meanne mutters cryptically to herself.

Siharhh quietly says, "I am supposed to serve as Smozh's voice."

Siharhh joins Smozh's group.

Meanne says, "I am glad he has such a one."

Smozh nods to Siharhh.

Smozh nods to you.

You glance at Smozh, a male S'Kra Mur.

Meanne adjusts the folds of her kimono, causing the silk to fall in a rippling waterfall of fabric around her.

Meanne pulls her long bell sleeves up to her elbows with one elegant motion.

Meanne asks, "Now, where were we?"

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly asks, "Smozh wishes to know what the 'Lord General' wants from a gathering of intellectuals, and what threats will come out of it?"

Siharhh whispers, "Smozh has noticed your expression. What is the matter?"

Meanne says, "I imagine the ...Lord's first intention will to be assemble his old armies. So as to be prepared for an offensive strike."

Meanne says, "His second will be to find allies. Master Strawn tried to see to such... thus was an alliance with the Jomay creature forged."

>whisper sih My "Captain" as he calls him, was hoping to meet with us about the meeting that Smozh requested. He is currently waiting for word from us.

You whisper to Siharhh.

Meanne says, "The Goblaic armies and their minions proved to be...well. Those allies exist, but I prefer to grasp more tangible ones as well."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh wishes to know what came of Jomay while we were away at sea."

Meanne says, "Blast if I know. Grommykins was in charge of alliances with her. And he's wyrm-food."

Smozh ponders.

Meanne says, "Likely she perished, or fled with the outcasts. If she still lives, she will serve Master Strawn as she had before."

Meanne shrugs.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh mentions that he will attempt to contact her with the albredine ring she gifted him. He wishes to speak with her for his own reasons anyhow."

Meanne gives Siharhh a slight nod.

Smozh looks thoughtfully at you.

Meanne says, "I do not personally care much for the Jomay lady, other than that she served our purposes. She was also kind to Grommykins, and sheltered him from his enemies."

(Meanne allows her gaze to drift in the direction of the nearby mountains.)

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh glances at Smozh.

Siharhh glances at you.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh says that he has some... things to take care of..."

Meanne gives a slight nod.

Siharhh quietly asks, "Smozh would like to hear more about the 'feeders' you mentioned when next you meet. You did say one was S'kra, did you not?"

Meanne gives a slight nod.

Meanne says, "He was...to be. Yes. Save I ..."

Meanne says, "I believe he has gone on to the deserts."

Meanne says, "For his knowledge of the dark fire he was favored by the Outcasts."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Meanne says, "He would be in Muspar'i now, living as a mercenary and a hermit -- if he lives yet still."

Siharhh says, "/quiertly Smozh wonders if you are then the only feeder still active in this region."

Meanne nods to Siharhh.

Meanne says, "No."

Meanne says, "There is one other. A Human."

Meanne says, "And we are not..quite feeders..yet. The ritual was interrupted...."

Meanne mutters into the air something about meddlesome militia...

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Meanne says, "We may.. commune. But not control."

Meanne mumbles something unprintable.

Siharhh quietly says, "Wearing silk and smelling of perfume, Smozh recalls. He also wonders if he may be bold enough to request a name."

Meanne laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Meanne says, "That was a bit of an embellishment on my part. A barb for the ex-husband."

Meanne says, "Though he does try to dress prettier than a lady."

Meanne smirks.

Meanne says, "You will find Bloodston up Zoluren way. He err -- fancies himself the end all. He is arrogant in his advanced age."

Meanne ponders.

Meanne curtly says, "Magmus."

Meanne says, "He the first. Majebrad the second."

Meanne says, "I the third."

Meanne says, "If you seek him out..." She takes a long-suffering breath. "Call him the Viper Prince, and ask to meet someplace discreet."

Smozh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Meanne says, "If you call him by his...little nickname...he will entrust you have some sort of knowledge worth speaking to him about."

Meanne says, "Or so I hope."

Siharhh quietly asks, "Smozh asks if you, then, control the undead, or just, as you said, commune?"

Meanne calmly says, "I believe you will find speaking with me much more pleasureable..."

Smozh smiles at Meanne.

Meanne says, "Yes. Precisely. He is correct -- we cannot control them -- err."

Meanne says, "Though that is not entirely true."

Meanne ponders.

Meanne says, "It depends on the nature of the undead."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh says something to Siharhh in S'Kra Mur.

Meanne says, "The crimson ones are exceedingly rare -- but ours in total. The rest, we may speak to -- and sometimes summon at will.."

Meanne says, "We may ask..but we cannot make them do."

Smozh darkly says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh states that he would wish that control over 'his' Adan'f."

Meanne gives a slight nod.

Meanne says, "He had best figure out his batons, then."

Meanne ponders.

Siharhh glances at Smozh.

Meanne says, "If a meeting was arranged, and some affinity placed between Strawn and yourself...."

Smozh slowly opens his sack, as he watches those around him.

Smozh gets a long golden baton inlaid in black opal with the image of a scaled dragon from inside his reaver-hide sack.

Meanne grins wickedly at Smozh.

Smozh grows still, fixing Meanne with a cold, calculating look and lowering his tail slightly.

Meanne says, "Perhaps Master Strawn would be able to unlock its secrets."

Smozh darkly says something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh darkly says something to Siharhh in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh looks at Smozh and blanches.

Siharhh says, "Smozh wishes me to recite his words verbatum."

Meanne gives a slight nod.

Siharhh darkly says, "I wish to talk to him."

Meanne says, "As would I. Most dearly so."

Smozh looks thoughtfully at Meanne.

Meanne says, "At present, the Master is off frolicking in the ocean preparing for his transcension."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Meanne says, "We are not to communicate with him. We are to wait. There are...meddlers."

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh says that it is time to part ways."

Smozh says something to you in S'Kra Mur.

Meanne gives a slight nod.

(Siharhh gestures for Ayrell to stand up quickly.)

You stand back up.

Meanne furrows her brow.

Smozh nods to you.

Meanne says, "If I said something incorrect..I appologize. I look forward to our next conversation."

With a graceful flutter of her hands, Meanne sinks down in a formal curtsy.

Smozh bows to Meanne.

Siharhh curtsies.

With a graceful movement of her hands, Siharhh lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Meanne.

Hands moving gracefully, you lower your head and sink into a formal curtsy before Meanne.

Smozh says something to Meanne in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh winks at Meanne.

Meanne gazes thoughtfully at Smozh.

Meanne leans on her staff.

Siharhh says, "/'}meanne Smozh says that have been perfectly polite, as he would expect a future Ferdahl."

Meanne laughs with delight, her eyes full of merriment.

Meanne says, "Now he is the flatterer."

Meanne clucks her tongue and shakes her head.

Smozh nods to Meanne.

Smozh kneels down before Meanne.

Smozh bows to Meanne.

Smozh stands up.

Meanne grins wickedly at Smozh.

Smozh nods to Siharhh.

Smozh nods to you.

Ascendant Smozh's group just went northwest.

Ascendant Smozh's group went over to a private booth.
[Milene's Rose, Private Booth]
Circular and featuring just the right compliment of shadows to light, comfortable seats, padded with blue velvet upholstery that features the signature black rose motif of Milene's, await those who enter here. The soft perfume of flowers drifts through the air, and a crisp midnight blue cloth of thick linen covers the tabletop.
Also in the room: Sorrower Siharhh and Ascendant Smozh.

You settle yourself on the comfortable seats.

Siharhh sits down on the comfortable seats.

Smozh sits down on the comfortable seats.

Magess Kitya just arrived.

Smozh looks thoughtfully at Kitya.

Smozh's skin briefly withers and tightens, becoming unnaturally gaunt as he mutters some foul phrase.

Kitya smiles and nods to everyone.

Kitya says, "Lord Fierolan will be along direclty, I am sure."

You nod.

Kitya says, "Thank you."

Kitya sits down on the comfortable seats.

Knight Magister Fierolan just arrived.

(Ayrell makes a face like she is about to be sick.)

Fierolan takes a dark mail coif visored with a heavy silver mask off his head.

Fierolan puts his coif in his travel pack.

Fierolan sits down on the comfortable seats.

Fierolan nods politely.

You smile slightly at Fierolan.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan asks in Ilithic, "Shall we speak in Common or Ilithic?"

Siharhh quietly says, "So then, Smozh says, it seems he is suddenly asking a great deal."

You say in Ilithic, "I'm actually not sure. I'm thinking perhaps common, for her sake."

You point at Siharhh.

Fierolan says, "I am afraid so, it you refer to what Ayrell mentioned before."

Smozh puts his baton in his reaver-hide sack.

Smozh quickly closes his sack.

Fierolan says, "The request must meet a rather high standard before I even agree to pass it on. Even then, I am afraid the odds are extremely low."

You say to Smozh, "Now that we are away from there, I must say I am surprised by the amount of trust she seems to have in you..."

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh nods to you.

You ask Smozh, "Does she speak that openly to everyone?"

Smozh darkly says something to you in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh claims that the Queen would to well to learn what he knows, if she has any interest in Shard and it's government."

You ponder.

Siharhh quietly says to you, "Smozh claims he is persuasive... but I think she's just likes hearing herself speak."

Siharhh smiles at you.

You chuckle.

You say, "I won't argue that."

Fierolan says, "He may very well possess such useful knowledge. However, should I phrase the request vaguely, I can state with a good deal of certainty that his request will be ignored."

Fierolan says, "I can give a humorous exampe."

Fierolan clears his throat.

Fierolan says, "Example, rather."

Smozh grows still, fixing Fierolan with a cold, calculating look and lowering his tail slightly.

You ponder.

Fierolan says, "A certain malcontent promised me fully one third of Zoluren's army," he pauses, poorly attempting to conceal a smirk. "Now, I barely believed this."

Fierolan says, "However, even if a fraction of it were true, it may have been useful. The request was ignored."

You glance at Smozh, a male S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan says, "The Queen's judgment was impeccable, though. The malcontent was just that, as well as a self-important braggart."

Smozh fixes Fierolan with a cold, reptilian stare.

Fierolan says, "I felt compelled to convey such a request, though."

Smozh asks Fierolan something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh asks if you fear Velmix."

You cough.

Fierolan says, "Since then, the person in question has been exiled from Zoluren. So, you see."

Fierolan ponders a moment.

Fierolan says, "He is insidious. I fear him as I might fear a poisonous snake hidden beneath a rock."

You say in Ilithic, "I would elaborate on some of what he is asking but I have no way of knowing if you all ready have heard the information from someone else or not."

You glance at Fierolan, a male Elf.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Best to let him voice what he wishes to voice. I must judge from what he wishes to communicate."

You nod to Fierolan.

Fierolan says, "Also, no sane person should be comfortable with Necromancy."

Smozh asks Fierolan something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh asks if your Queen would like to know the necromancers current plans, and how his servant is amassing an army in his name."

Fierolan ponders a moment.

Fierolan says, "That would depend on the intended purpose of the army."

Fierolan says, "As you know, the Queen did not see fit to exercise her full might during the Outcast War, even though it might be said that Shard is her doorstep."

(Fierolan crosses his legs, assuming a casual posture.)

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh glances at Smozh.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh says, "If she wants a mad Elothean with vampiric, necromantic powers ruling her doorstep, then I suppose that is her business. Let it not be said that I did not offer counsil, and information from within."

Fierolan chortles softly at some secret joke.

Fierolan says, "What does he wish in return? Certainly he does not do this from the goodness of his heart."

Siharhh glances at Smozh.

Smozh smiles at Fierolan.

You peer quizzically at Smozh.

Smozh quietly says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh believes that discussion with her will help him solve a problem he has been unable to resolve as of yet."

Fierolan glances at something on top of a sturdy oak table.

On the oak table you see a carefully written menu, a bouquet of silver roses and a crisp midnight blue cloth.

Fierolan signals to a waiter, who nods and takes his order.

The waiter places a flute of silver wine on the table.

Fierolan gets a flute of silver wine from atop a sturdy oak table.

Fierolan says, "A problem, eh? It must be quite a problem."

Fierolan takes a sip of his wine.

You ponder.

Fierolan says, "I have a scenario for you."

Fierolan says, "It is very possible that Her Majesty will content Herself with allowing you to deal with me. You must know how rarely She deals in person."

Fierolan says, "As far as I know, no S'kra Mur have been allowed an audience with the Queen since the War of Tears. I am not even certain they occurred in those times."

You sigh faintly.

Fierolan says, "I simply wish to inform you of the realities of the situation. You may already be aware of them."

Smozh grows still, fixing Fierolan with a cold, calculating look and lowering his tail slightly.

Smozh curtly says something in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan takes a sip of his wine.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh has said, "If that is how it must be, very well. I may need to seek my answers elsewhere. Though, should she be interested in what I say, even if I say it through you, I may yet benefeit from my service."

Siharhh closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Fierolan says, "I can tell Smozh is a pragmatic individual. I must pose another question."

Siharhh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh glances at Siharhh.

Smozh smirks.

Fierolan asks, "What if it comes to pass that I accept whatever information Smozh is willing to give me, and I make his request to Her Majesty, but that request is either ignored or denied. What then?"

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Fierolan says, "It places me in a certain position, you understand."

Siharhh quietly says, "In the event that he is ignored, then your relationship may have to end. He will offer his services as ear and eye, but he cannot do so solely out of generosity."

You frown.

Fierolan says, "And what assurances do I have that the nature of our relationship, even if it ends, will not be revealed? It seems that Smozh stands to lose nothing in that case."

Fierolan says, "Of course, I could always take his word. But that can be so tedious sometimes..."

Fierolan smiles faintly.

Smozh ponders.

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh looks at Smozh and sighs.

Fierolan chuckles to himself.

Siharhh quietly says, "He says, I have been hunted, elf. By my kin, my guildsmen, and by creatures of air and shadow. I know what it is to be betrayed. And I will henceforth see that only those that deserve that fate receive it."

(Fierolan gazes at Smozh in silence for a long moment.)

You take in a great breath of air.

Fierolan calmly says, "So be it."

Fierolan says, "I shall pass along your request in my next report."

Smozh nods to Fierolan.

Smozh says something to Fierolan in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly says, "Smozh hopes that it is heard, for all our sakes. He believes that Shard may not remain as it is now if what he has learned comes to pass."

Siharhh closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Fierolan frowns slightly.

Fierolan takes a sip of his wine.

Smozh slings his staff over his shoulder.

Smozh slowly opens his sack, as he watches those around him.

Smozh gets a long golden baton inlaid in black opal with the image of a scaled dragon from inside his reaver-hide sack.

Smozh holds a long golden baton inlaid in black opal with the image of a scaled dragon in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Smozh taps a long golden baton inlaid in black opal with the image of a scaled dragon that he is holding.

Smozh smiles at Fierolan.

Smozh puts his baton in his reaver-hide sack.

Smozh quickly closes his sack.

Fierolan says, "Necromantic armies aren't to be taken lightly, it is true. Hopefully a new Ferdahl will be chosen soon, to consolidate Shard's power."

Smozh whispers softly as his words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Fierolan smiles.

Smozh gestures.

You say in Ilithic, "Hopefully certain people, who will remain nameless, will be no where near that position."

You shake your head.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "It would have to be by force of arms and occupation. However, every scenario must be addressed and planned for."

Fierolan nods to Smozh.

Siharhh closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Fierolan takes a sip of his wine.

You say to Fierolan in Ilithic, "I should ask, while I am thinking about it... Have you heard much information from the others involved? I don't ask that you tell me anything, only that I be aware of how much information you have already gathered so I know if anything I hear will be new news or not..."

You say in Ilithic, "I don't want to waste your time with repetition."

Fierolan says to you in Ilithic, "I don't mind repetition, actually. Differing perspectives are welcome."

You nod.

Smozh says something to Siharhh in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh chuckles.

Siharhh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh rests her hand on Smozh's arm with a soft smile.

You say in Ilithic, "It is just that I only know of one of the ones working for you. I know that you hinted that there were more and I can only imagine how time consuming it would be if everyone came to you with the same information."

Fierolan ponders a moment.

You say in Ilithic, "I suppose I will just keep note of anything of importance I may hear."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "The less said about any others for now, the better, I think."

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "I don't ask any information from you. It is probably best that I not know anyway."

You say in Ilithic, "It is easier to play ignorant of something if you truly are."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "The risk is that everyone endangers each other."

You nod in agreement.

You say in Ilithic, "That is why I don't wish to know anything more other than what I need to do."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "Things may become clear in the fullness of time. I apologize for the present secrecy."

You say in Ilithic, "No need for apologies."

You smile at Fierolan.

You say in Ilithic, "As I said, I understand completely."

You say in Ilithic, "I only wanted you to be aware of my situation currently so that if you heard any news of my being around the Elothean, you would understand why."

Fierolan nods to you.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "I appreciate that."

Fierolan smiles at you.

You smile pleasantly

Smozh says something in S'Kra Mur.

Siharhh quietly asks, "Ah. It seems I am no longer needed. Unless there is more business to discuss?"

Siharhh glances at Fierolan.

Fierolan asks Siharhh, "How does Smozh characterize his relationship with Ayrell?"

Fierolan says, "As he may know, she is a former lieutenant of mine."

Siharhh quietly says to Fierolan, "Or if you needed to be healed, that is."

Siharhh glances at Smozh.

You see Knight Magister Fierolan Vanyahin, Cavalier of Ilithi, an Elf.

Siharhh asks something in S'Kra Mur.

Smozh looks thoughtfully at you.

You chuckle.

Smozh matter-of-factly says something in S'Kra Mur.

You say in Ilithic, "Perhaps if the question arises, I can simply inform them that I was angered by Xand getting the title of Commander instead of myself, when you stepped down."

You smile at Fierolan.

You say in Ilithic, "Not true, obviously, but they really can't argue it."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "That may not be the best course. Xand could be contacted by them, and unwittingly give you away."

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "That is true."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "I believe he remembers that you were my first choice for succession, and he may simply wish to set the record straight."

Siharhh quietly says, "To Meanne, Ayrell is to be presented as Smozh's guardian, and he wishes to preserve the image that she is somehow under his will. To him, he sees her as a partner for hunting and a link to the Elvenkin."

Kitya snaps her silk fan open with a smooth motion.

Kitya waves her silk fan in front of her face with a gentle fluttering motion.

Fierolan nods to Siharhh.

Smozh adjusts his silk gamantang into place.

Fierolan says, "That seems to be a good state of affairs."

Fierolan nods to Smozh.

You say, "That has been working well so far... I just hope that he doesn't get too full of himself. I"

You cough.

Fierolan chortles softly at some secret joke.

You say, "I will only obey his commands when it is necessary."

Fierolan says, "To further the image. Of course."

You nod.

Siharhh quietly asks Fierolan, "Would you like your wounds removed before I retire?"

Fierolan says, "I would appreciate it."

Fierolan smiles at Siharhh.

Siharhh just touched Fierolan.

Siharhh smiles at Fierolan.

Fierolan's chest scars look better.

Siharhh trills at Fierolan, her tail undulating up and down.

Fierolan smiles at Siharhh.

Fierolan asks Siharhh, "Many thanks. Would you accept a token of my gratitude?"

Siharhh quietly says, "I never ask, but I rarely refuse."

Siharhh smiles.

Fierolan gets a small yellow sapphire from inside a dark spidersilk gem pouch adorned with forest green Elven ivy knotwork.

Fierolan offers Siharhh a small yellow sapphire.

Siharhh accepts Fierolan's yellow sapphire.

Siharhh beams at Fierolan!

Fierolan smiles at Siharhh.

Siharhh smiles softly at Fierolan, stepping close to give a brief hug.

Smozh stands up.

Fierolan stands up.

Kitya stands up.

Kitya snaps her silk fan shut with a smooth motion.

Smozh nods to Siharhh.

Siharhh stands up.

Kitya puts her fan in her black baladrana.

With a graceful flutter of her hands, Siharhh sinks down in a formal curtsy.

Smozh bows.

You stand back up.

Fierolan bows.

You smile at Kitya.

Doomsayer Smozh's group just went out.

You smile at Fierolan.

Kitya curtsies gracefully.

You say, "Sorry we kept you so long."

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "That's quite alright. These things can't be done in half measures."

Fierolan smiles.

You nod.

You smile.

You say in Ilithic, "But, either way, I believe I should be headed off as well."

Fierolan nods to you.

Fierolan says in Ilithic, "I wish you a good evening, then."

Kitya says in Ilithic, "Good night, Lady Ayrell."

Fierolan smiles at you.

You say in Ilithic, "And a pleasant evening to both of you as well."

Hands moving gracefully, you sink down in a formal curtsy.

Fierolan bows to you.

Journal Entry Three

And so I had my permission. There was something Fierolan said that night, however, that stands out to me now. When discussing the reason why it was important all of his "spies," for lack of a better term, would be better served to not know who the others in Fierolan's employ were. "The risk is that everyone endangers each other." I see the logic in that statement now, just as I saw the logic in it then. That being said, in the case of myself and one other of Fierolan's agents, the reality turned out to be the exact opposite. Because, you see... I knew the identity of one of the other agents. That detail had been revealed to me the night Fierolan introduced me to Xelten at Milene's Rose. At the time, it was never the intent for me to get so thoroughly wrapped up in the undercover business, so we thought little of it and Xelten trusted me with the information - because Fierolan trusted me with the information. But Fierolan's request that each agent's work remain unknown to the others made things somewhat difficult when I found my path suddenly crossing with Xelten's in the "field."

To maintain the integrity of Smozh's plan, Xelten was not permitted to know that the control Smozh was purported to have over me was all an act. He was not permitted to know that I was an ally, essentially working the same mission, simply from a different angle. This was perhaps one of the hardest things of all for me to adjust to in the line of work I suddenly found myself entrenched in. I am an honest person by nature, thereby making it difficult for me to carry on with so many lies heaped upon lies. Especially when Smozh's actions began to shift toward the extreme when it came to maintaining our story. When in his presence, he began to utilize his supposed "control" over me to make me do things I would not have otherwise done. Bowing and groveling simply for the sake of showing Meanne the "extent of his control" over my actions. Perhaps he believed it aided in supporting our act. Perhaps he did it because he truly enjoyed having an Elf bow at his feet like some lowly servant. Either way, I realized the act was not one I could maintain indefinitely. Information was important, but I had my dignity. I also, however, had my loyalty. And if the work I did was somehow of use to Her Majesty, then I could not, in good conscience, walk away too soon. I was torn. Conflicted over how to proceed. At one point, I became so frustrated, I attempted to walk away from Smozh, though duty forced me to return when he "commanded." It was at that point when Xelten and I crossed paths again, his curiosity piqued over the predicament in which I seemed incapable of escaping. He was a hardened personality, but harbored an unequaled loyalty to his kin. As a fellow Mountain Elf, he expressed discontent over what he viewed as my "captivity" under Smozh's thumb. This created a new problem that neither myself nor Fierolan could have predicted. To have one of our allies decide to step in and "help me escape" from the very cover I helped to concoct from the start in order to find my way into the enemy's circle.

The Plan Starts to Fall Apart (log)

Mage Xelten just arrived.

Roomy and rectangular, the tavern for Milene's Rose is always busy, but strangely never so full that it becomes unbearably crowded. A booth in the corner allows for privacy, and a bar offers service for the thirsty and the hungry. There is little sign of disarray anywhere. You also see the publican.
Also here: Mage Xelten

You nod to Xelten.

Xelten bows to you.

Xelten appears to be concentrating intently on something.

Xelten says in Ilithic, "Hello."

Xelten begins to carefully examine a misty grey spidersilk cloak clasped with a sapphire crafted to resemble a majestic swan.

You say in Ilithic, "Good evening."

Xelten mutters cryptically to himself.

Xelten says in Ilithic, "I am not sure whether these albredine rings are a blessing or a curse."

Xelten says in Ilithic, "Excuse me."

Mage Xelten just went east.

Mage Xelten just arrived.

Xelten searches around for a moment.

Xelten grumbles.

You ask in Ilithic, "Is everything all right?"

Xelten says in Ilithic, "We will know all is not well only after I have become rather unwell."

Xelten gives a slight nod.

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "In any event, how have you been?"

You say in Ilithic, "I suppose I have been well. "

Xelten searches around for a moment.

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "Do you often spend your time standing around in the tavern unaccompanied?"

You say in Ilithic, "It has become more of a frequent happening as of late. Occasionally I come across someone I know."

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes.

You ponder.

Xelten says in Ilithic, "I take it that is your... Smozh."

You say in Ilithic, "I'm not sure."

Xelten raises an eyebrow.

You say in Ilithic, "He normally would say something to me first."

Xelten says in Ilithic, "I had expected the two of you had a more permanent mental link."

You shake your head.

You say in Ilithic, "After some time apart, it fades."

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "I see, most interesting. So he cannot necessarily determine what you are thinking unless you will it?"

You say in Ilithic, "For the most part, although if he is in my presence and tries hard enough, he could determine my thoughts."

You say in Ilithic, "My thoughts are my own when I am away."

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "I see. Does that not ever become... bothersome?"

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "It does at times."

You say in Ilithic, "He can be difficult to tolerate at times."

Xelten gives a slight nod.

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "Perhaps I might ask... how it is that you came to be so involved with this S'Kra?"

You say in Ilithic, "He is an old acquaintance of mine from before the war. We just kind of... ended up crossing paths again, I guess one could say."

Xelten says in Ilithic, "I see."

You say in Ilithic, "He was interested in someone to help him and I thought I could be of assistance. I just didn't realize what all that help would involve."

Xelten says in Ilithic, "And yet you seem to have become rather devoted."

You say in Ilithic, "It was not entirely all by choice...."

You frown.

Xelten raises an eyebrow in your direction.

You say in Ilithic, "I do not believe you were present for the embarrassing display in Leth a short while back."

Xelten says in Ilithic, "No, I was not."

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "It was quite humiliating..."

You sigh.

Xelten says in Ilithic, "Then I would not ask you to relive it."

You say in Ilithic, "I appreciate it. I am, however, somewhat surprised that you did not hear of it."

Xelten ponders.

Xelten says in Ilithic, "I must admit I am rather curious now."

Xelten chuckles to himself.

You smile slightly.

You say in Ilithic, "Let us just say that it involved me grovelling at Smozh's feet."

Xelten frowns.

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "Grovelling at the feet of a serpent?"

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "As I said... It was quite humiliating."

You say in Ilithic, "Given the circumstances, my only defense was that it was not of my own free will."

Xelten says in Ilithic, "I would sooner exterminate their race than..."

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "How could you be unable to choose your actions?"

You say in Ilithic, "He has the ability to control minds... to an extent. "

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "Your Guild teaches no defense?"

You say in Ilithic, "If the defense is not actively being used prior, it is relatively useless, I am afraid."

You shake your head.

Xelten says in Ilithic, "I see."

You say in Ilithic, "But to have Meanne and her daughter there to witness it... of all people."

You frown.

You say in Ilithic, "Disgraceful."

Xelten ponders.

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "Do you not try to free yourself?"

You say in Ilithic, "This happened because I tried to flee. He called upon Meanne to help find me."

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "Have you not thought to simply... destroy him?"

You sigh.

You say in Ilithic, "I cannot bring myself to. I can't help but feel that it would not solve the entire problem."

Xelten says in Ilithic, "Perhaps there are other ways then."

You say in Ilithic, "Perhaps. I merely have not thought of them yet. "

Xelten says in Ilithic, "I am sure you will understand that I cannot allow one of my own kind to serve such a creature."

You nod.

Xelten says in Ilithic, "Were it your own choice to do so, I might have branded you a disgrace and sought to end you to avoid the humiliation."

You say in Ilithic, "I would never do it of my own free will."

Xelten says in Ilithic, "It would, however, not be very diplomatic of me to simply tear the creature's soul away."

You smile slightly.

Xelten says in Ilithic, "Thus... I shall see if I can make a bargain for your life."

Xelten asks in Ilithic, "Does this sound acceptable?"

You nod.

You say in Ilithic, "I do not know what will become of it, but anything is worth a try at this point."

Xelten says in Ilithic, "Very well."

Xelten says in Ilithic, "If I am successful, I ask only one thing."

Xelten searches around for a moment.

You ponder the meaning of Xelten's existence.

Xelten says in Ilithic, "Your loyalty to myself and to your Queen in the coming times."

You say in Ilithic, "That is hardly asking much in return for such a thing. I am forever loyal to the Queen."

Xelten gives a slight nod.

Xelten says in Ilithic, "I will leave you for now then. Be well, Ayrell."

You say in Ilithic, "And you as well, Xelten."

Mage Xelten just went east.

You sit down near a bar.

(Ayrell leans her elbows on the bar and buries her face in her hands.)

Journal Entry Four