Zoluren Team Joust

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Zoluren Team Joust Trials

The Zoluren Team Joust is the first quad-annual team joust competition hosted by the Order of the White Rose within Zoluren, which allows entrants of all races and guilds who are coming from all provinces within Elanthia to compete for prizes.

  • Upcoming Team Trials Date: February 11, 2023
  • Upcoming Team Finals Date: March 11, 2023
  • Location: Zoluren Royal Mews
  • Host: Order of the White Rose


  • Teams will consist of a minimum of 3 jousters, a maximum of 5 jousters, across at least 3 different divisions. The top 3 scores will count and the 2 alternates scores will not count unless there is a tie. No more than 5 jousters per team.
  • Teams will compete under a Team Name followed by the first name of the jouster (i.e. HHJC Fire Maidens-Zalinyar or White Rose-Argentocoxa). Teams must also name a Team Captain.
  • Position points (1st=5, 2nd=3, 3rd=2, 4th=1) will be awarded for each team jouster and the top 3 scores will be used as the team's total. Ties will be broken by adding in the 2 alternates' scores for the tied teams.
  • Prizes will be awarded to the team as a whole, as this is not an individual entry event. Prizes will be awarded to the Team Captain for distribution among their team, which includes enough prizes for each team member and any monetary awards in Platinum Kronars.
  • Contestants will verify their skill in Plate Armor, Polearms and Shield via the TELLEXP command. YOU MUST TELL YOUR TEAM NAME WHEN REGISTERING TELLEXP. See the Division Registration Reqs below for the formula details.
  • No spells of any kind are allowed to be in effect. (This is to avoid arguing or constantly checking Elanthipedia to determine which spells might affect the outcome.)
  • No stat or skill buffs are allowed. This means all spells and special abilities, which includes weight-reducing spells, Empathic links, constellation jewelry, or any other buff deemed unallowable because it changes stats or skills.
  • Cheating will be an automatic disqualification.
  • No mulligans. If a jouster jumps off of their horse because they are not properly equipped, then they will forfeit the match. Absolutely no do-overs will be allowed.

Division Registration Reqs:

  • Contestants will verify their skill in plate armor, polearms and shield usage via the TELLEXP command. They will be placed in the appropriate division based on a formula of these three skills. It is the sum of your plate, polearm and shield divided by three.

Bracket Winner 2nd Place 3rd Show 4th Place
Division 1 (0-199 ranks) 5 3 2 1
Division 2 (200-399 ranks) 5 3 2 1
Division 3 (400-699 ranks) 5 3 2 1
Division 4 (700-999 ranks) 5 3 2 1
Division 5 (1000-1299 ranks) 5 3 2 1
Division 6 (1300-1599 ranks) 5 3 2 1
Division 7 (1600-capped ranks) 5 3 2 1
Result Points
lance breaks on shield* 1 point
lance strikes torso 2 points
lance strikes head 3 points
opponent is unseated/unhorsed 5 (instant victory)

*Shield strikes do not count unless the lance breaks.
The contestants will joust until one of them has earned a total of five points.

TEAM ROSTER Team Captain Team Member Team Member Team Member Team Member
Team Name TBA None None None None
Team Name TBA None None None None
Team Name TBA None None None None
Team Name TBA None None None None
Team Name TBA None None None None
Team Name TBA None None None None
Team Name TBA None None None None

Upcoming Joust Prizes & Results:
Bracket Winner 2nd Place 3rd Show 4th Place
Division 1 (0-199 ranks) TBA None None None
Division 2 (200-399 ranks) TBA None None None
Division 3 (400-699 ranks) TBA None None None
Division 4 (700-999 ranks) TBA None None None
Division 5 (1000-1299 ranks) TBA None None None
Division 6 (1300-1599 ranks) TBA None None None
Division 7 (1600-capped ranks) TBA None None None

Team Name Total Score Team Member Team Member Team Member Team Member Team Member Prizes
Team Name 1st Place=?? TBA None None None None 1st - TBA
Team Name 2nd Place=?? TBA None None None None 2nd - TBA
Team Name 3rd Place=?? TBA None None None None 3rd - TBA
Team Name 4th Place=?? TBA None None None None 4th-Crafted (color) saddles
Team Name 5th Place=?? TBA None None None None 5th-Crafted (color) saddles
Team Name 6th Place=?? TBA None None None None 6th-Crafted (color) saddles
Team Name 7th Place=?? TBA None None None None 7th-Crafted (color) saddles