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Revision as of 18:58, 14 November 2022 by J3R0 (talk | contribs)
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Status Active
Race Prydaen
Gender Male
Guild undisclosed
Instance Prime
Relatives Ansara

Xadon.pngBlood Warrior Xadon, Ritualist of Therengia, a Prydaen.
He has a lavish crimson moonsilver crown strung with black diamonds casting sinister shadows over an angular face, a half-opened black rose bud with a stem that curls around one of his pointed ears and bright cat-slitted red eyes. His silver-streaked black mane is short and thick, and is worn in a simple, pulled-back style held in place by a collection of ivory bones. He has black fur with silvered black marbling, a curving tail and a gnarled branch of wilted ghost orchids haphazardly scattered across an athletic build.
He is tall for a Prydaen.
He has an elaborate arrangement of several Syrin's heart rings piercing the flesh of hislower lip, that have been attached to each other with thin lengths of diacan chain.
He has a tattoo of a grinning skull with flame-filled eyesockets on his chest.

He is wearing a fang-tipped bone earring, a dark crimson glass spiral, a blighted gold amulet dangling a bloodmist garnet encased in rounded cobblestone, some arched leather bat wings with blackened steel claws affixed to each joint, a bone wyvern skull with a horde of foreboding blood-red glints in the sockets, a fine silken shirt splattered with gore, a high-collared black leather longcoat with tailored sleeves, a platinum and ruby ring, a simple wedding band formed from overlapping droplets of blood-red loveglass, a band centered with a cushion-cut Syrin's heart, a burlap sack for gathered souls, some tailored pants wiped with bloody smears, a grimwood kit set with a demon gaze agate cabochon and some sleek misty grey leather boots buckled with inky black riftstones.


a lavish crimson moonsilver crown strung with black diamonds and blood rubies
Designed to rest lightly against the temples, the broad band of crimson illuminates its owner's features in an unnatural light when worn. Black diamonds add blue and purple hues to the eerie glow of the silvery-red metal, dark blood rubies dangling between them like bloody tears.

a bone wyvern skull with a horde of foreboding blood-red glints in the sockets
The dragon-like skull is stained in waxy red and ichor substances that are often seen in ritualistic activities. The container's interior flaunts organizational pockets lined in inky black shadesatin. A multitude of blood-red rubies, mimicking hundreds of menacing gazes, surround the large central gem in each hollow eye. Two violet iolite stones have been inset into the wyvern skull's vacant eyesockets.

a blighted gold amulet dangling a bloodmist garnet encased in rounded cobblestone
The dark cobblestone is cored to make a perfectly circular gem setting. The metal holding the piece together, though once traditionally holy, now has a mottled appearance containing all of the hues of rotting flesh and does not hold a shine, no matter how often it is polished. The intricate twining of blighted gold enfolding the cobblestone only highlights the necromantic perversion that permeates the work of art. Set into the amulet is a bloodmist garnet.
A blighted gold amulet reads: "Stolen from the Theren Bridge for Xadon -- 30 Skullcleaver 442"

Title: Bridge Completionist

a gnarled branch of wilted ghost orchids
The haunting white petals have started to decay, resembling withering flesh. The reddish tinge turns to a bloodstained-red on the putrefying flowers.