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Waydren Amlir Shadow Tracker
Status Active
Race Human
Gender Male
Guild Ranger
Instance Prime

Current Status


You see Dragon's Shadow Waydren Amlir, a Human.
Waydren has a square-jawed face, silver-flecked steely grey eyes and a straight nose. His dark brown hair is short and wavy. He has tanned skin and a deeply cowled cloak of dark jadeleaf cloth partially obscuring an athletic build.
He is a bit over average height for a Human.
He appears to be in his prime.
He has a thick mustache on his upper lip and a well groomed beard.
He has a tattoo of a vibrant portrait of Lanival the Redeemer on his forearm.

He is wearing an azurelle battle longbow sporting seventeen forged ka'hurst raven feathers, a deeply cowled cloak of dark jadeleaf cloth inked with a shadowy gloomwood tree, a densely forged ka'hurst mail hauberk richly padded with electroweave, an eddy of muted sylvan light trapped in a cage of barbed dragonwood arrows, a rugged yeehar-hide herb pouch, a waterproof oilcloth gamebag fastened with riftstone arrows, an elaborate scorpion-shaped quiver bound in void-black shadowleaf and a pair of black spidersilk pants.

Of Note

  • Brother of the famed Cleric Rakkor Targonian
  • Credited with rediscovering the practical application of Syamelyo Kuniyo in combat
  • Secondary Instructor of the Battle Praxium
  • Known to collect bird feathers, trophies of downed adversaries
    • Feathers collected: 17 of 26


Coming soon


  • 400 - Born in The Crossing
  • 414 - Joined the Ranger guild under guildleader Kalika
  • 438 - Achieved 200th Circle within the Ranger guild
  • 442 - Helped launch the Battle Praxium alongside Rakkor Solari and Leustyin


Ravensbane (longbow)

look longbow
Crafted with exceptional care, the wispy grain of the azurelle wood flows along the length of the longbow. Braided steelsilk is stretched taut between kertig tips which bear the likeness of roaring dragon heads, capping each end of the balanced weapon. The initials 'R.D.' are impressed above seventeen intricately shaped raven feathers, forged from ka'hurst, which are affixed to the laminated risers alongside a flowing script. There appears to be something written on it.
>tap long
You tap an azurelle battle longbow sporting seventeen forged ka'hurst raven feathers that you are holding.
>read long
An azurelle longbow reads:
"The Dragon's Shadow."


tap eddy
You tap an eddy of muted sylvan light trapped in a cage of barbed dragonwood arrows that you are wearing.
>look edd
Sculpted from shafts of dark scale-like wood, the viciously barbed cage traps a softly smothered illumination. Slender green shoots sprout from each arrow and gingerly wind between each piercing point, the scions gently cradling the entire enclosure together. Within the enclosed green foliage is a small pocket barely distinguishable among muted motes of light


title pre list custom
The following titles of the Custom category are available to you:

Dragon's Shadow

In the News

Waydren is not tagged in any in-game publications.