Cruise (script)
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Cruise (script) | |
Category | quest |
Front-end | StormFront |
Author | Echen, Hwesta, Anuril |
This script solves the Taisidon Mystery (439) Cruise.
# Start this script while standing next to the cruise coordinator with a pass or passes in your possession. # Will STOW your pass(es) and coupon after the mystery is solved. setvariable suspect NotFound setvariable weapon NotFound setvariable murderRoom NotFound setvariable passName pass put get %passName put redeem %passName put redeem %passName put ask coordinator about access Morgue: match Corkscrew oddly curved puncture match Comb odd perforations of the skin match Baton soft tissue damage and internal bleeding match Zills clean edges match Cleaver chop marks that reveal flesh and bone match Knife outlined by ragged edges match Bottle severe lacerations match Paintbrush deep and lethal puncture match Logbook gashes and severe blunt trauma put study corpse matchwait Foredeck: pause 1 setvariable currentRoom foredeck setvariable nextRoom promenade put up goto investigate Promenade: setvariable nextRoom Buffet put aft goto investigate Buffet: setvariable nextRoom quarterdeck put port goto investigate Quarterdeck: setvariable nextRoom Lounge put starboard put up goto investigate Lounge: setvariable nextRoom bar put down put starboard goto investigate Bar: setvariable nextRoom end put aft goto investigate Investigate: match FoundRoom damp stickiness match IdentifyPerson fails to turn up put search matchwait FoundRoom: setvariable murderRoom %currentRoom setvariable 1 Found IdentifyPerson: echo Identify Person match Director director. match Artist artist. match Beautician beautician. match Entertainer entertainer. match Steward steward. match Bartender bartender. match Chef chef. match Boatswain boatswain. match Deckhand deckhand. put look matchwait Interrogate: echo Interrogate match Guilty shifty match Guilty blinking match Guilty awkwardly match Guilty tugging match Guilty nervous tic match Guilty fingers tapping match Guilty pacing back and forth match Guilty trembling hands match Guilty flushed face match NotGuilty says pause put ask %person about alibi matchwait Guilty: setvariable suspect %person setvariable 2 Found NotGuilty: setvariable currentRoom %nextRoom pause 1 goto %currentRoom #Weapons Corkscrew: setvariable weapon corkscrew goto Foredeck Comb: setvariable weapon comb goto Foredeck Baton: setvariable weapon baton goto Foredeck Zills: setvariable weapon zills goto Foredeck Cleaver: setvariable weapon cleaver goto Foredeck Knife: setvariable weapon knife goto Foredeck Bottle: setvariable weapon bottle goto Foredeck Paintbrush: setvariable weapon paintbrush goto Foredeck Logbook: setvariable weapon logbook goto Foredeck #People Artist: setvariable person artist goto interrogate Bartender: setvariable person bartender goto interrogate Beautician: setvariable person beautician goto interrogate Boatswain: setvariable person boatswain goto interrogate Chef: setvariable person chef goto interrogate Director: setvariable person director goto interrogate Entertainer: setvariable person entertainer goto interrogate Steward: setvariable person steward goto interrogate Deckhand: setvariable person deckhand goto interrogate End: put accuse %suspect with %weapon in %murderRoom put stow coupon put stow %passName