Prospect command

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The PROSPECT verb surveys the surrounding area for metal and stone to mine.


PROSPECT - Survey the area for metal and stone resources
PROSPECT CAREFUL - Attempt to locate additional resources in an area
PROSPECT DANGER - Attempt to reduce the danger present in a geologically unstable area.
What can be detected via PROSPECT is determined by a combined score of Outdoorsmanship, Perception, and Appraisal skills (average of all 3 around 250). Wisdom plays a big part as well per Kodius (on forums, lore>suggestions-mining>mining requirements) it counts as about 3x what the 3 skills do. Workability of the metal affects how hard it will be to see as well.

Prospect Careful

Typically it is only possible to find additional resources in a single room one time. Successive attempts to locate more resources are seldom if ever successful.

Prospect Danger

It is possible to trigger a prospecting danger before it becomes visible with room messaging. It appears that the dangerous condition appears in the room, and a short time later the messaging appears. Thus, its possible to try and mine in a dangerous room and trigger a dangerous event, even though none of the typical danger messages appeared in the room.

See Also