The Dichotomy of Time

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The Dichotomy of Time within the Microcosm
Presented on 4/8/2020 at 8pm eastern outside the Crossing Moon Mage Guild.
Research led by Lenaea and presentation held by Aaoskar
Thank you for gathering here today. In light of recent events, namely, the Time Distortion that brought the Gorbesh War to us in the here and now, we feel it necessary to present some research performed by lunar scholars on the nature of time. As we have discussed at previous meetings, we perform this research to gain a better understanding of our Magic and our role in the souring of relations between creatures of other planes and the Plane of Abiding.

Time is a fluid concept. It is neither fixed nor itinerant. It ebbs and flows sometimes in a predictable fashion, but sometimes in ways we do not understand. There are those who might attribute such fluctuations to sorcery, or to some otherworldly force like the gods, or the Fae. We do not come here today to posit any theory on who or what might be responsible for the nature of Time - - we merely present our observations and thoughts for your consideration. Our findings were rather surprising. I admit that while our research is based on observation, much of the conclusions are still only theoretical.

Now, to begin.

We have previously explained that the mana of Grazhir is not frozen in time within the Astral. Indeed, instead of an unmoving, timeless essence, the mana swings like a Cosmic Pendulum, cycling through six distinct phases before reversing course.

How Grazhir swings back and forth like a pendulum is a complicated question without a perfect answer. Perhaps it moves because the mana of an entire moon is difficult to hold in a perfect static moment. Alternatively, perhaps the mana of Grazhir is best understood as a process, and not as a physical thing, which is forced to repeat for all eternity. This is something that we plan on considering more in the future, but the undeniable fact is that the mana phases do swing in a predictable fashion.

But although the mana of Grazhir is in constant motion, there are elements of the Astral that are frozen in time - - but not the same time. The Ways is a mosaic of different times, none of which correspond to the moment when a Moon Mage enters the Astral from the Plane of Abiding. We draw this conclusion based upon observations made by our team of astral travelers. For example, within the Dor'na'torna Conduit, leading to the Arid Steppe of the Nomads, the light of Xibar always bathes the horizon regardless of whether Xibar is above the horizon in the Plane of Abiding.

Barren land always stretches out beneath the sun within the Tamigen Conduit leading to Raven's Point, but simultaneously, within the Ash'arsh'par'i Conduit, the night sky twinkles with thousands of static stars. This is so irrespective of the time of day here. And, most tellingly, we see a lattice of alien constellations embedded in the night sky of the Auilusi Conduit leading to Aesry - - constellations that are different and unrecognizable to our eyes, perhaps because they belong to the sky from a different era.

This research points us to an interesting and unanticipated theory. When we walk the Ways, we may be traveling through space and through time.

Let me address what, to some, will surely appear to be contradiction. We said before that the mana from Grazhir is not frozen in time within the Astral, but now we say that there are elements of the Astral that are frozen. The unchanging nature of the conduits and the pillars at the heart of the Microcosm and the fluctuating mana of Grazhir exist simultaneously. These phenomena are readily observable by any Astral Traveler. Time exists as a dichotomy within the Microcosm. The question is why this is so.

We have hypothesized that the Naming Ritual binds infinite probability into finitude. When a name is bestowed on something in the Ways, the thing is made to exist, irrespective of whether it would have, could have, or might have otherwise. The name adds certainty to a thing, which causes it to be separated from anything it might otherwise have been, or not been. The name removes the thing from Probability.

When this theory is applied to Grazhir shards, it could explain why a conduit appears static, stuck in one permanent state of being, and colored by one version of probability. But how is it that the mana of Grazhir still moves within the conduits when they are frozen? Picture the conduit as a rope bridge suspended over the Grey Expanse.

In this metaphor, the unchanging conduits serve as the ropes that anchor the named Grazhir shards to the pillars at the center of the microcosm, while the planks of the bridge are formed by the changing mana of Grazhir. When we are within a conduit, we must perceive to find what step to take next. One misstep will almost always result in falling through a gap in the bridge and into the Grey Expanse below.

And sometimes, despite careful navigation, we fall to our deaths in the Grey Expanse because Pelag pushes us there.

The possibilities and questions that stem from these observations are fascinating. If each conduit is a representation of the time in which it is frozen, can we learn more about specific times by visiting those conduits? Is it possible to learn how to exit from within a conduit and visit that time on Elanthia? If Moon Mages walk through time, can we alter history? Repair our relations with denizens from the Plane of Probability by preventing the events that led us down the road we now find ourselves? Or could we simply learn more of the past so that we may walk more wisely in the present?

At this time, I am not suggesting that we do any of these things or that any are even possible. I merely present the observations, thoughts, and curiosities of lunar researchers whose goals have been and will remain dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and not some other nefarious purpose, regardless of what others may say.

I hope that you have found this topic interesting. Thank you for coming.