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Elec Drister
Status Active
Race Elf
Gender Male
Guild undisclosed
Instance Prime
Relatives Ruea


You see Monster Elec Drister, Favored of Phelim, an Elf.
Dark, shoulder-length hair is tucked behind pointed ears to frame a ruggedly handsome face. His defiantly piercing glacial blue eyes glower coldly above a nose broken too many times to bother setting. A roguish smirk accentuates a squared jaw, and cleft chin. Carrying a graceful swagger for his size, his broad shoulders and a powerful, well-muscled build bear the chiseled looks of a hardened warrior. A series of deep, jagged scars cross his back and arms as a constant reminder of a life of combat.
Towering over most in height, he is monstrous for an Elf.
He is an adult.
He has a tattoo of a slim black dagger on his right forearm.
He has a carefully groomed mustache that connects to a short, tidy beard.
His chest is marred with an old and deeply scarred brand shaped roughly into the silhouette of the Dragon Spine Mountains.

He is wearing a black pantherskin with onyx eyes, a mangy leathery-winged imp shackled to a bent ironwood shoulder perch, a polished skull hung on a piece of sinew adorned with razored talons, a rough-cut chakrel amulet, a beastly spiked steel armguard set with a skull shoulder pauldron, a silver wedding ring, a black leather belt fastened with a silver skull, a dark leather weapon harness fitted to cross the back and chest, a simple leather pouch, a low-slung black leather loincloth that laces up the side and some dark leather boots with a wide cuff.

Formal Description

You see Monster Elec Drister, Favored of Phelim, an Elf.
Dark, shoulder-length hair is tucked behind pointed ears to frame a ruggedly handsome face. His defiantly piercing glacial blue eyes glower coldly above a nose broken too many times to bother setting. A roguish smirk accentuates a squared jaw, and cleft chin. Carrying a graceful swagger for his size, his broad shoulders and a powerful, well-muscled build bear the chiseled looks of a hardened warrior. A series of deep, jagged scars cross his back and arms as a constant reminder of a life of combat.
Towering over most in height, he is monstrous for an Elf.
He is an adult.
He has a tattoo of a slim black dagger on his right forearm.
He has a carefully groomed mustache that connects to a short, tidy beard.
His chest is marred with an old and deeply scarred brand shaped roughly into the silhouette of the Dragon Spine Mountains.

He is wearing a tailored slate-grey steelsilk longcoat lined with black lotusweave, a mangy leathery-winged imp shackled to a bent ironwood shoulder perch, an open-throated Elven silk shirt with cire laces, a beastly spiked steel armguard set with a skull shoulder pauldron, a silver ring bearing the crest of the Barbarians' Guild, a silver wedding ring, a wide silver thumb ring with a faded crest, some unadorned raven black shadesatin trousers and some dark leather boots with a wide cuff.


Elec is brash, snarky and cold. He dislikes most people, and keeps few close friends. He is however fiercely loyal to those he holds close. He believes in the honor of your actions, and the strength of deed. He's always one to let you prove yourself instead of taking anything at face value. He is loyal to a fault, but quick to cut someone out of his life once they prove their true intention. He holds his own peculiar set of beliefs due to his history. He loves his guild, and works hard to see it's success. He holds his guild brothers and sisters in close regard, and has worked to guide a great many of them... sometimes with a well placed thwack to the head, but always with good intention.


Elec's past is dark and full of violence. From a young age he was taken advantage of for his size. Coming from a poor family his fate was bleak. From anything he's been told his parents died when he was very young. Elec was forced to work hard labor in the Mountain, and later to fight to help pay his way. Being raised as a Mountain Elf, but treated as an outcast among his own, he grew to distrust more and more of his own kind who would just take advantage of him. After some years he fell in with a few Bone Elves finding solace among other outcasts. Not especially known for their sense of community, it wasn't long before he found himself mistreated and being taken advantage of all over again. Finally learning his lesson, he left on his own and began doing odd jobs, most of which still lead to hard labor or being a hired tough. But he was content that he was his own man. Violence and intimidation was easy for him due to his size, so he settled into the life of a fighter. He spent years on the seas working as a deck hand and sometimes a pirate/smuggler before finally settling down to find his calling as an adventurer. He's been involved in a great many events in the world, but prefers to keep a low profile. He enjoys playing to peoples preconceived notions due to his size of his being a big dumb brute.

He's wandered this realm first as a Paladin but grew tired of melting soulstones and not being able to truly support a dark god. He then tried his hand at the Clerics guild, but found the rituals far too boring. So he tried a Traders life trying to turn a coin, but that didn't last at all. He became a Rogue, and then a Fighter. Always one to make a quick deal and turn a profit, his inner Trader still shows, but life comes easier now. His other past guilds show through a bit here and there as well. He's worked as a blade for hire for years, restlessly living to see the completion of each contract. He's lived a full life of adventure and intrigue in his short 100ish years roaming the realms.

Recent Happenings

After a year of adventures, denial, and ridiculous courting, Elec married his perfect match and the flip side of his coin, Ruea. She is the light to his dark and is his true partner. Never did he think he could find one so oddly well fitted for him, as never was there a more perfect match.

They affirmed their vows before the gods in the 10th month of Nissa the Maiden in the year of the Iron Toad, 424

He looks forward to the future with an odd excitement. His recent marriage has certainly changed his outlook on things. Optimism not being his forte, he's in uncharted waters, but there is no better partner for his journey through life than Ruea.

Home Description

[Elec's Home]
An ebony and silver silk rug adorns the black marble floor of this room. A towering riverstone fireplace with a carved heartwood mantel, with a sheet of parchment paper hanging above it, rests between an overstuffed dark sana'ati four-poster bed with silk sheets and an elegant dark sana'ati desk with blackened moonsilver filigree pushed up against the black-veined white marble walls. The room holds a mild scent of violets. You also see a sturdy black hunting dog, a cathedral stained glass window, a door, an elegant wrought iron chair, a stately traveler's trunk with thick brass bands with several things on it and a dark steel weapon rack studded with sharp metal hooks with a couple of things on it.

Favorite Weapons

Yes there's a theme, no I don't care.

a massive bearded war axe with a darkened silver skull head
-Look:A twisted ironwood haft wrapped in oiled leather supports the massive head of this weapon. The head of the axe is crafted to form the grim visage of a fleshless skull, its fanged mouth agape as the wicked blade bursts forth from its silently screaming maw. Two large rubies sit in sunken sockets giving a tormented stare to the weapons latest victim. The back of the skull forms into a long and dangerous spike lending even more menace to the already vicious weapon.

a marauder's hand axe with a twisted ironwood haft
-Look:Darkened by time and design, the head of this axe bears scars and notches from use and abuse. A thick, twisted ironwood haft wrapped in oiled leather provides both grip and balance to the weapon. Hanging from the handle, a braided lanyard is strung with beads of polished bone.

a double-bladed berserker's axe with a massive screaming skull head
-Look:A thick, twisted ironwood haft wrapped in oiled leather supports the monstrous head of this weapon. Darkened silver in appearance, the metal is tooled to produce the grim visage of twin fleshless skulls, their fanged mouths agape as the wicked blades protrude from each screaming maw. Four large rubies sit in sunken eye sockets, giving a fiery, tormented stare to any unfortunate enough to find themselves the weapon's latest victim.

a mirror-finished dueling blade with a fanged skull pommel on a darkened silver hilt
-Look:The fanged screaming skull sits atop the pommel of the blade, its mouth agape in a silent scream of horror. Oiled leather tightly wraps the handle, leading to the menacing spikes jutting out at angles towards the tip of the blade. The blade is polished to a mirrored finish, it's razor edge glinting with menace.

Cleophus the Imp

There are a great many people that ask about Cleophus (Or Gordon, as Ruea refuses to call him by his name), Elec's imp. He was caught years ago when attempting to pick Elec's pocket at a ferry landing. You've seen the disgusting creatures on top of the schedule boards and whatnot. They sit there belching, picking their noses, and assaulting the populace at large. Cleophus has become a creature of habit now, content with his life on Elec's shoulder... usually. At least Elec has gotten him to quit picking his nose. They've become inseparable. Mainly because he's literally chained to his perch.

Elec's imp suddenly reaches up and rubs his belly, letting loose with a thunderous belch before giving a snicker and settling back on its perch.

Elec pats a mangy leathery-winged imp shackled to a bent ironwood shoulder perch.

The imp on Elec's shoulder suddenly starts flapping its wings about wildly, thrashing restlessly on its perch. Seemingly annoyed, Elec looks at it with an aggressive growl. The imp flails its arms about wildly and you swear you hear it snicker to itself as it points at you and whispers something in Elec's ear.

Elec gestures at you.

Elec nods to a mangy leathery-winged imp shackled to a bent ironwood shoulder perch.

Elec's imp suddenly reaches towards the shackle binding it to its shoulder perch, screaming furiously as it struggles against its bonds.

Elec looks at a mangy leathery-winged imp shackled to a bent ironwood shoulder perch and shakes his head.

Elec squints at a mangy leathery-winged imp shackled to a bent ironwood shoulder perch.

Elec thumps a mangy leathery-winged imp shackled to a bent ironwood shoulder perch with the back of his hand.

Elec's imp starts hooting and hops around as it leans towards a passerby. In a hilarious spectacle, it digs both hands into the passerby's pocket and pulls out a coin in one hand and some lint in the other. After a careful appraisal, he gives a gleeful shriek as he drops the coin in Elec's pocket and then snuggles and drools over his (now gooey) pocket lint before stuffing it away in his belt pouch.

Elec sighs

Elec's imp catches him looking away for a second. You notice the imp start to lean over and reach towards your coinpurse! Elec looks back just in time to cuff the sneaky imp upside the head in reprimand while giving a disapproving growl. Whew! That was close! Pesky imp!