Item talk:Epistemic journal

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Examples of diary entries (with date information removed)

Skill Based

  • You wrote about practicing your [magic skill name] skills and gaining a slightly greater sense of control over the world around you.
  • You wrote about practicing your [lore skill name] skills. You reflect thoughtfully on the new concepts and techniques you'd explored.
  • You wrote about practicing your [survival skill name] skills. The experience left you feeling more confident and self-sufficient.

Event Based

  • You wrote about hurting your [body part]. There are a few drops of blood on the page.
  • You wrote about having your birthday. You turned [age].
  • You wrote about having recently died. It wasn't a great day.
  • You wrote about listening to a class on [skill]. The page contains various notes.
  • You wrote about your back and shoulders being sore from hauling around too much junk.
  • You wrote about being promoted within the [guild] to circle [number]. You feel a pang of pride at the remembrance.


  • You wrote a lackluster entry about the weather, noting it was fairly clear and sunny.
  • You wrote a lackluster entry about the weather, noting it was a rainy fall night.


  • You wrote in great detail about a weird dream you had. It doesn't ring any bells now, though.
  • You wrote a rambling paragraph about nothing in particular.