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Bask command

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The bask command is meant to convey a sense of enjoyment or awe of some sort of stimulus (e.g., the warmth of the sun on your skin.) S'kra Mur get special messaging.

You see: You tilt your head back in an attempt to imitate the languid movement of a S'Kra Mur, but your mouth accidentally falls open, rather ruining the effect.
Others see: <Person> tilts his head back in an attempt to imitate the languid movement of a S'Kra Mur, but <his/her> mouth accidentally falls open, rather ruining the effect.
S'kra Mur
You see: You tilt your head back and close your eyes, basking luxuriously.
Others see: <Person>'s eyes slowly slide shut as <he/she> tilts <his/her> head back and basks.

BASK <self> (S'kra Mur only)
You see: You stretch your neck and lift your head, standing regally in an invitation for all to bask in your glory.
Others see: <Person> stretches <his/her> neck and adopts a regal stance, tail swaying gracefully, inviting all to bask in <his/her> glory. What a maroon.

BASK <item in hand>
You see: You greedily admire the <item>.
Others see: <Person> greedily admires <his/her> <item>.
S'kra Mur
You see: You lift the <item> high and bask in its glory.
Others see: <Person> lifts <his/her> <item> high in the air and gazes at it with worshipful eyes.

BASK <item in environment>
You see: You gaze worshipfully at the <item>.
Others see: <Person> gazes worshipfully at the <item>.
S'kra Mur
You see: You bask in the glory of the <item>.
Others see: <Person> basks in the glory of the branch.

BASK <player>
You see: You try to bask in <Person>'s presence, but just wind up fawning on <him/her>.
Target sees: <Person> fawns on you with a simpering gaze.
Others see: <Person> fawns sickeningly over <Person2>.
S'kra Mur
You see: You lift your tail slightly, bending just a bit at the waist to bow and bask fondly in <Player>'s presence.
Target sees: <Person> lifts <his/her> tail and bows gracefully, making a great show of basking in your presence.
Others see: <Person> lifts <his/her> tail and bows gracefully, making a great show of basking in <Person2>'s presence.