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Color Tiny Small Medium Large Huge
Base Modifer Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Amaranth 305 305
Amaranth Faceted 326 326
Amaranth Smoky 7,155 7,155
Azure 846 846
Azure Faceted 305 305
Bistre 376 376 470 4 236
Blue 8,280 8,280
Blue-green 328 328
Blue-purple 870 870
Brass-colored 235 235 517 517
Brass-colored Banded 846 846
Bronze-colored 235 235 507 507
Brown Banded 4,707 4,707
Cerulean 1,976 1,976
Chartreuse 422 422
Chestnut 0 0 563 563 17322 17322
Cinnamon 823 823
Clear 878 878 987 987 1142 1142
Clear Banded 279 279
Cobalt 893 893 12 238 12 238
Cobalt Smokey 517 517
Copper-colored 422 422
Cream-colored 328 328
Crimson 563 2,116 3200 3200
Flax-colored 234 846
Green 259 1,011
Green-yellow 776 776
Grey 800 800 5271 5271
Grey Banded 517 517
Indigo 352 446 1,553 1,553
Indigo Smokey 517 517
Maroon 563 1,293
Mint Green Faceted
Mint Green Smokey 1,693 1,693
Moss-green 328 328
Olive 1,082 1,082
Orange-red 1,458 1,458
Peach 517 517
Pear-colored 470 893
Periwinkle 2,023 2,023
Pink 257 352 4 091 4 091 6 397 6 397
Purple 1,035 1,035
Purple-blue 4,047 4,047
Red Banded 1,363 1,363
Red-orange 517 517
Rose 562 562
Russet 1,835 1,835
Rust-colored 234 259
Saffron 1,032 1,032 1,175 1,175
Saffron Swirled 305 305
Scarlet 305 353
Scarlet Smokey 1,506 1,506
Sea-green 376 541 941 941 5,648 5,648
Sepia 328 328
Sky blue Banded 258 1,316
Taupe 846 846
Teal 540 540
Yellow 375 375 1,788 1,788
Yellow-green 258 258
Yellow-orange 7 437 7 437 5460 5460
Yellow-orange Banded 5366 5366

Pages in category "Topazes"

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