Woodland Wonders

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Template:Woodland Wonders

Woodland Wonders
Event N/A
# of Rooms 3
Store Type Unknown
This store only accepts Kronars

[Woodland Wonders, The Thicket]
Towering papier-mâché ironwood trees painted in striking realness dominate the walls of this surprisingly spacious room. A liberal coating of fresh pine needles blankets the floor, giving off a strong woodsy scent. The faint twitter of birds can be heard from some hidden speaker. You also see a tree hollow, a knotty burl with some stuff on it, a scarred stump with some stuff on it, a supple sapling with some stuff on it, and some brawny mannequins with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: Out.

On the knotty burl
Item Price Done
blackened dragonwood carving case featuring a glittering bloodstone drake mosaic ?   No
warped gloomwood carving case painted in ghastly nightmare-black hues ?   No
macabre bloodwood carving case with knots painted to resemble pus-filled sacs ?   !!
shimmering goldwood carving case adorned with gold-dipped nightshade blossoms ?   No
On the scarred stump
Item Price Done
dragonwood forester’s axe with an undulating dragonscale pattern along the haft ?   No
diamondwood logging axe with shimmering prismatic veins running along the haft ?   No
gloomwood lumberjacking axe etched with menacing storm clouds on the blade ?   No
smokewood woodsman’s axe inset with a brilliant twilight sapphire wood wisp ?   No
ebonwood feller’s axe with a handle carved in the shape of a hooded reaper ?   No
bloodwood huntsman’s axe with a haft covered in oozing sanguine bloodwood sap ?   No
mistwood huntress axe engraved with playfully dancing wood nymphs ?   No
goldenwood woodcutter’s axe adorned with swirling veins of gold along the haft ?   No
On the supple sappling
Item Price Done
forester’s belt loop featuring an attached blade cover ?   No
logger’s belt loop featuring an attached blade cover ?   No
lumberjack’s belt loop featuring an attached blade cover ?   No
woodsman’s belt loop featuring an attached blade cover ?   No
feller’s belt loop featuring an attached blade cover ?   No
huntsman’s belt loop featuring an attached blade cover ?   No
huntress’ belt loop featuring an attached blade cover ?   No
woodcutter’s belt loop featuring an attached blade cover ?   No
On the burly mannequin
Item Price Done
colorful plaid shirt ?   No
rugged tartan shirt ?   No
shapely gingham shirt ?   No
baggy flannel shirt ?   No