Post:Enchanting Ideas - 05/11/2014 - 21:32

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Re: Enchanting Ideas · on 05/11/2014 09:32 PM CDT 1706
Set 3.1 stuff down for a bit to make more progress on Enchanting. Enchantments have so many options its mind boggling.

For Sigils I have decided the attributes will be:

Quality - How accurately scribed was the sigil
Complexity - How hard it is to harvest
Amplitude - How much time it takes to harvest
Precision - How precise was the source you used to scribe the sigil from?

Unlike other substances, sigils don't really have a rarity. Guild-only sigils aside, everyone will be able to harvest all sigil types. You may have to go to a special room, or wait for a specific constellation to appear, but there won't be any super secret sigils in the initial release.

Instead, harvested sigils will have a precision attribute. Quality reflects how well you copied down the sigil. Precision refers to how good the source was. To this effect, it is somewhat random (though techniques and magical items can improve the chance of finding a better source).

Common sigils will have a precision of 10 and 20, and uncommon will be 30. Beyond that it gets into rare 40 and very rare 50 precision levels. This allows for a good assortment of auction/festival prizes. Every sigil will have its own rare counterparts, which unlock new features when used in enchanting!

Sigil books may hold up to 100 sigils, and so it won't be too hard to organize them all. I'll probably spend some time allowing for filters. Like, TURN SIGILBOOK to ABOLITION, to get all the abolition sigils to show. TURN SIGILBOOK TO PRECISE to sort them by precision. and TURN SIGIL BOOK TO ALL to show all of them.

What the enchantment ends up doing can be determined by a number of variables such as -

Mana Type Used
The Fount Used
Potency of the Imbue Spells
Which Sigils were chosen
The Precision of the Sigils
Material the item is made of

Hopefully this isn't seen as making things too complicated. There's no real math or critical-thinking involved. You can just slug stuff together and get a usable item. However, to get a specific effect you might need to experiment a bit and find the right combination.

For example with the glowing rod I'm working on:

The mana type determines the base types of fluff effects it can make. Elemental, Lunar, Holy, Life and Arcane all have different effects.

The fount determines how it is used (WAVE AT a Target), (WAVE for a self/general effect), (WAVE to Toggle a cyclic effect). And its durability (Charges, Uses/Day, Chance to Break on Use, etc)

The sigil determines what kind of effects. Take Elemental + Abolition = Aggressive effects, Elemental + Congruence = Calming Effects, Elemental + Induction = Wondrous effects.

The potency determines how durable the enchantment is and may add additional effects.

The enchantment precision is determined by the precision of sigils used, and unlocks new effects. With the glow rod you'd get 1 effect per precision level used.

Material is going to be a less common modifier. Some materials may unlock new or different effects when used in certain enchantments. And some might just result in the enchantment exploding in your face :)

There will most certainly be less enchantments per chapter compared to the other crafting Disciplines. But the hope is each enchantment does dozens and dozens of things, leaving you a whole bunch of fun stuff to experiment with!

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Enchanting Skill, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.