Post:Commodities/Contracts Rewrite - 08/19/2011 - 18:43

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Re: Commodities/Contracts Rewrite · on 08/19/2011 06:43 PM CDT 1181
>>Any chance the commodity pits will give you something like vouchers for your goods, instead of loading them immediately? That way a patient Trader could buy vouchers for non-perishable property when it's surplus, then sell the vouchers somewhere else when there's a shortage?

Probably not - That basically eliminates travel time between pits. Warehouses will allow the patient trader to acquire a large number of units of a Good for later sale, perishable or no. There will be many more warehouses with a much different approach to storage, so an educated and patient trader will be able to take advantage of a glut or famine.

>>Older Traders wouldn't do the heavy lifting, they'd do the patient and more profitable commodity trading on paper.

That makes sense in a simulation sense but the problem is that if you combine that with moongates you're opening the doors to massive market manipulation. I'd be amenable to automatic deliveries to the nearest warehouse that take X minutes of in-game time, but storage caps will prevent you from being able to totally crash the market if you have a ridiculous amount of plat (which many people do).

This message was originally posted in The Traders \ General Discussions -- Traders, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.