Post:Invasions, etc... - 5/4/2011 - 20:02:00

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Re: Invasions, etc... · on 5/4/2011 8:02:00 PM 70161
I'm just going to put out a few things here...

Firstly, big war events (In particular) are always controversial both between staff and players, so they aren't something entered into lightly. And they do take a massive amount of staff support to pull off.

Secondly, as has been pointed out, we had a big war fairly recently -- the Lyras war. It wrapped up about a year ago, and from an IC sense, a massive amount of Elanthia's population was wiped out just a few IG years ago.

Thirdly, while in theory the people behind events and the people working on <blank> 3.0 are not the same people, in many cases people choose to pull double duty. Speaking as a GM who tends to dabble all over sometimes your time is consumed by different types of projects (I know I've been eyes deep in code recently as opposed to running events, but it will swing the other way in time.)

Finally, it would be disingenuous at best to say that events aren't going on, even big events. Not all events are for everyone, but there are events going on, even if they aren't wars.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players (1) \ General Discussions (3), by DR-RAESH on the forums.