Post:Innocence Not Working Properly - 12/01/2012 - 04:56

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Re: Innocence Not Working Properly · on 12/01/2012 04:56 AM CST 105
>>Against other players, it seems to only trigger on engagement.

Follow up on this. I had confused myself a bit because the innocence spell as it exists in our documentation and how it was discussed between myself and The Powers That Be are different. That's my bad. Here's what the release notes actually say about Innocence:


Basic Utility. Prevents general engagement, forces engaged enemies to disengage.
Note: This will have a new mechanism that will actually, really, prevent an Empath from being engaged by non-undead creatures so long as the Empath does not take any aggressive actions.

Innocence is meant to prevent engagement, and that's pretty much it. I think adding the 'critters think the player is a friend' effect is not game-breaking, but preventing all players from attacking the Empath is just out of the scope of this spell.

I like the idea of such a spell, and maybe it will exist someday, but for now I think Innocence will have to stop with preventing engagement, at least versus players. Do let me know if there are workarounds to that, though.

Again, a spell that prevents people from attacking the empath altogether (with stat contests, etc.) isn't off the table, just that innocence isn't that spell.


This message was originally posted in DragonRealms 3.0 \ Empaths, by DR-MELETE on the forums.